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Please Check out my new blog
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Little-known downsides of immortality:
Tearing your favourite article of clothing and discovering that it’s irreplaceable because the technique of its manufacture has been lost
Realising you’ve thought of the perfect comeback to someone who’s been dead for three hundred years
Not being able to eat your favourite dish anymore because the source of some critical ingredient has gone extinct
Having strong opinions about sports that are no longer played
Getting a song from the 13th Century stuck in your head and being unable to get it out because you don’t remember how it ends and you’re the only person on Earth who knows it
Having that perfect pun you’ve been waiting forever for a chance to use stop working due to linguistic drift
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I have this, what’s worse is when people only respond with being pissed off cause I didn’t understand and they have to repeat.  It sounds like actual garble to me, like your speaking a foreign language...
...through a pillow.  
Auditory Processing Problems
• *someone says something* “what?” *repeats themselves* “sorry?” *repeats themselves again* “pardon?”
•"hey, y'see the red thing at the top of the shelf, will you get it?“ “Sorry, what?” “On the sh-” “oh yeah sure, I’ll get it.”
•*doesn’t hear teacher because someone’s pen is making a scratchy sound at the back of the room*
•*replays video 10 ten times to figure out what they’re saying*
•teachers asking, “why do you always stop writing in the middle of a sentence, just write down whatever I’m saying,” followed by the response, “I’m just processing it,” rebuked by, “we’ll stop processing it and just write.”
•*gets really focused on staring out the window and goes through four songs without hearing a single on*
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Coloured version
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i couldn’t help but think this.. forgive me. 
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Hellboy (2004) dir. Guillermo Del Toro
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Jumping into Hell
Hellboy looked down in to the crevasse, he looked down at his communicator and it signal was going crazy.  There was a extra hole going down into hell itself... it had just opened and was spewing all sorts of un-heavenly creatures every full moon..
On the crest of another full moon hellboy stood there, waiting to see how this would go about. The sun was setting and the truck behind his turned it’s engine off... his partner was there. (that’s you)
“I wonder how all this shit is going down.. it just looks like a shitty crack in the earth.. how could this be a leak to hell?” 
He lit his cigar and took in a deep breath and held it all in..
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So I Tried...
Ahaha SO i wanted to upload some funny art but then my hdmi cable didn’t want to work for my tablet today. 
So I gotta go find another one at like walmart or something...
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Hellboy here
-lights up a cig-
Looking for more blogs to follow! Like or reblog if you post any of these:
-Voltron -Bojack Horseman -The Get Down -Mass Effect (mostly into the 2nd one) -the X Files / anything alien or conspiracy related -The Flash -Hellboy -Star Trek -Captain Marvel -Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) -Black Panther -RWBY -Rick and Morty
Thanks! I’ll be sure to check out your blogs!
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//Yesss! I found a Hellboy RP'er.
Still around?
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He leans against the pile of toys that nestled not so gently in the tombstones. 
He pulls a cigar out of his pocket and lights it up and smiles a little, “So kids...Hell is real and it really is frozen over, and all I got was this cruddy jacket. Something about tricking billions of kids in believing he gives them presents all on the same night?”
He takes another drag from his cigar and the cold air around him seems to make the plume bigger...” Yeah... that’s gotta be a crime somewhere” He chuckled. 
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Enter the Cirque De Necro if you dare~
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ragna-rok-right-hand · 10 years
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Reblog if you will answer LITERALLY ANY anon questions.
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ragna-rok-right-hand · 10 years
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ragna-rok-right-hand · 10 years
I'm still here!
I've just been busy with work and holiday stuffs!
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ragna-rok-right-hand · 10 years
please reblog if you are a role player and are still active on tumblr
I’ve decided to make a master list of all rp’ers since I can’t barely find anyone that’s active and since that I don’t want other to have search religiously to find that one role player that rp’s as that one character we can never find alone.
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ragna-rok-right-hand · 10 years
That's a scary grin the monkey's wearing right now. "Disciple! I've splendid news for you. I've been thinking it over and I believe I've finally found a suitable name for you!"
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 "oh? and what would that be?" Hellboy's tail seemed to have straightened uncomfortably...
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