rain-storm-witch · 11 days
Part 2
I can't remember the last time I didn't have a little shadow with pigtails
It's unnerving being alone with your own thoughts.
Looking around my surroundings it's as if all the plants died but are somehow still living, but who knows it's all magical bullshit anyways.
"57" following the harsh voice "58" it belongs to a man? Maybe? " hello " you call out trying to make yourself known "oh! Who.. oh it's you"
" Do you know me?" He looks me up and down as if he was trying to find a place where he had seen me before " Do I know who" " Sir do you know me?"
Facing me he takes a moment "Sir? No I ain't no sir I'm hoggle" he points a broken finger nail at me " Who are you" pointing back at him you take a moment to think if you should really be giving your name out.
But you give it anyways, slapping your hand away from his. He turns back to spraying something flying by "That's what I thought" looking forward at the labyrinth walls that seemed to have no way to get in "Do you know how I can get into the labyrinth?" I ask quietly
He looks over his shoulder at you " You gets in there" And just like that the wall I was looking at was suddenly a large door into the very labyrinth. "You really going in there? " He looked as if he was almost scared of the place himself "Yea I need to" with that I walked right into the labyrinth.
" dozy ain't it.. now which way would you go" not thinking he followed me in I jumped slightly at his voice "Right…right? That's what I always thought" he looked puzzled at that as if no one had ever given an actual answer " Well I wouldn't go either way"
"Thank you for helping me in hogwash" " It's hoggle!" He stomped out and the doors closed behind him really setting my fate in "Alright let's go "
Walking past branches and rumble it seems as if I haven't gone anywhere. Running doesn't work either, it's like I'm stuck in the same place no matter how far I run "This goes on forever.. how are there no turns" sliding down against the wall with my head in my hands. It's so stupid that I can't find a single turn
" ello" looking to my right there's a little guy who sits with his little scarf "Did you just say hello to me?" A blue worm? Really? "No I said ello but that's close enough" so adorable with his little scarf "Little worm you wouldn't happen to know where the turns are would ya?"
It felt silly to ask a worm, but hoggle had helped me so why couldn't this little guy " There's one right in front of ya" there was? "Come inside meet the missus?" " Oh no I can't but thank you truly "
Standing up as I put my hands out just in case I fall through something. And sure enough there was a hidden turn " Thank you so much little fella " I nod my head going towards the left "Hey hang on don't go that way" oh yea that's right always go right " Truly thank you again" giving him a half smile i head to the next part
Honestly everything about this place is just strange
And even stranger things were happening in the castle that lived at the center of the goblin city's
Jareth sat upon his curved throne deep in thought while the goblins around him tried their best to calm the sobbing young girl sat in the middle of the throne room.
Looking towards the poor girls red face as she tired wiping them as fast as the ran down her face. And finally taking pity on the child he stands and takes steps till he is at arms length with her "What has you so troubled little one?"
He asks crouching down brushing away the stray tears that fall faster, as Evie tries to get any words out she just breaks down even harder. Hiccups follow with mixed words that not even the goblins can understand.
Jareth not sure of what to do picks the small child up and holds her close to his chest "Things will be alright you're with your brother and sisters now petal" but his words did in fact not help in the slightest they actually made the sobs worse
Tiny hands clenching his shirt with a tight grip her wails grow louder. Sighing Jareth looks to any of his subjects for help, he hasn't had to deal with a child that could talk in ages usually it's small babes. Even the children the same age as the one in his arm didn't cry this much.
"Little one you are safe here I promise you" turning back towards his throne Jareth sets the girl down "You know what ? You remind me of someone" looking at him witn sad doe eyes waiting for him to speak while she tries to catch her breath
The goblins around start rushing to set something up as Jareth walks back to the center of the room pointing back at the girl "You remind of the babe" gaining the curiosity " The babe?" Evie asks through shaky breath and sniffles.
Jareth rushes to girl grabbing her hands in his as he dances her to a set of goblins who grab the girl and bounce around with her. Her sobs turning into giggles as goblin after goblin take turns dancing around the room with her singing with the king who also dances with them.
Back to a poor mother worried sick about her small child
Hearing Evie's cries I head towards the castle as fast as I can, but everything looks the exact same. Looking through my pockets I pull out kid lipstick from Evie's play makeup set "This is just going to have to work thank you Evie for sneaking things into my pockets" putting an X in the direction I was going next. Wait I've already gone this way? Didn't I? Turning around was another dead end "Wait wasn't this clear just a second ago? "
"No that was always a dead end " turning back the dead end I had just been at now showed two doors with dog like things? But there were four. One on the top and one upside down " how am I supposed to find Evie if everything in this damned labyrinth keeps changing " as the two dogs look at each other and back at me as if it was stupid to ask them
"Well there's only one way out of here and it's through one of these doors" " But one them leads straight to the castle at the center of the labyrinth and the other leads to… Certain death" the one below him added some noise for drama which was silly but not fun "So can you tell me which is which"
" uh we don't know" looking at them dumbfounded. That really had worked for me so far " But they do" the pair on the bottom say to the top " So can you tell me?" Shaking their heads "No you can't ask us, you can only ask one of us" nodding along the blue one quickly jumped in" yes, it's in the rules….but i should warn you, one of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies that's a rule too, he always lies" I'm sorry? As they argued I try thinking of how to loophole all of this.
Maybe I could tell the hot goblin king I liked his unique hair? "Oh! Would the blue one tell me that this door leads to the castle?" Looking at each other then back at me " Um yes?" Ok I think I can figure this out "So that means this door leads to death and his leads to the castle? No? "
"How do ya know that? He could be telling the truth" " Yes but then you would be lying and the doors would still be the same" walking towards the blue door getting ready to push it " See it works no matter what, you always go to the right" pushing it felt really good knowing I would soon be at the castle but really I should have known that nothing in the place makes any sense
Falling down the dark hole with a bunch of rough hands grabbing at you. Only to hold on with a rough grip just to let go. Pleading calling for anyone to help you from falling
" Who are you calling for" anyone really "I just don't want to fall down" it's like the stuff of nightmares, bathed in darkness with only the dim light from where I fell through " We are helping" it's grip hurting my wrist and my ankles "We're helping hands" there's laughing all around me again. Shivers are sent up my spine at the creepy way the hands keep forming faces "You're hurting me" the hands lessen their grip just slightly "Would you like us to let go"
Then before I can say no I'm falling again "No No Please" then I'm still once again "Which way would you like to go" looking around it's either up or down "Like going down?" Before I can think of what I've said there's laughing again "You chose down" more of that god awful laughing "Wait what do you mean" I say in a panic "She chose down?" As I go to grab any of the hands to stop myself from falling
falling down twice as fast as before. The nails of the hands digging into my skin cutting me before letting go and just as fast as the panic comes and swarms my mind I hit the ground with a dull thud.
And with that the second part to this story is done. This one has been done for a long time but I really wanted to make sure that I felt like this part worked well enough as the last chapter that really followed the og script.
And yes sorry this chapter is small I kinda wanted to get out of the per set stuff and into the angst and stress of the other ones.
The next one will have theme's of claustrophobia and overs but that one is hopefully going to be out way sooner than this one.
And there will hopefully be more Jareth and his pov.
But really this story will now mostly be it's own timeline and have its own kinda world building with characters. But it will keep to the og world that the labyrinth takes place in.
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rain-storm-witch · 23 days
Alright the time has come
This will be a test post of a small bit of the story because I haven't written fanfic in almost 7ish years so please be kind and keep that in mind
But if you do have any tips please feel free to comment them <3
A journey into the labyrinth
Life was unfair to most, it was injustices and cruel to those who lived everyday. Children would play as adults while the adults would pretend they were kids again. Life was agonizing and painful at times but she was also beautiful and kind.
She was a wonder that none had figured out, she was kinda enough to offer me a second chance when I had all but used her and abused her gifts for the worst and lived selfishly. A beauty she was and I was cruel to her, even now I am cruel and unfair.
A gift was given me in my darkest moments, someone to live But I didn't know how to live for another human, I barely lived for myself at times. She was the best gift I could have asked for, and I have tried to give her the best I can but I was still a child myself when she was born. Barely an adult and I already had a kid of my own.
Not even old enough to drink or smoke and I was given another person to look after. I was alone with just a small flame keeping me from being swallowed by total darkness once again.
She was just a kid who believed that every bedtime story was real. That there were really prices who were turned into frogs and princesses locked away in towers. So of course she believed that if the king of the goblins was asked he would come and take unwanted children.
"Y'know the goblins would love to have a new sister" her eyes widen " no they wouldn't" "Oh? Why is that ? " I knew she was going to say something silly about how goblins didn't take good children with pink bows and how she wasn't scared of them, which was a lie most definitely "Because you can't remember the words mama"
That too.." How do you know I don't remember Evie?" Sitting down with her on the plush carpet of the small studio apartment.Looking so sure that her mother, who would read her a chapter of that worn down book every night, didn't know some silly words "You never say the right ones " she replied to me while standing, tear stained face frowned "You always say goblins are going to take me away not that you wish they would "
" hmm yea those are the words hun?" Of course I didn't remember some silly words that had no real meaning, my mother would say the same thing when I was being overly dramatic " Mama you know that's not it" huffing as she walked away, still angry with me "Evie come back here you still need to get ready for bed" standing to follow my child as she walked to her room tossing her pillows and whatever was in her way of sulking on her bed. "Evie you know it's not nice to walk away when someone is talking to you" her eyes start to well up with tears as if I had just told her the tooth fairy wasn't real
" I hate when you talk to me "
" I hate when you do anything "
Tears running down her tear stained face "I wish you weren't my mama"
It was hard to tell people how you're feeling sometimes, I know the feeling all too well for years I tired talking people how I felt but I could never say the right words" Yea? Sometimes I wish the goblins would come and take you away" turning off the lights while making my way to the door
" Right now " closing the door sighing against it. Her cries had stopped it wasn't unusual for her to need time to cry things out. I'm the same way, sometimes crying is the only thing that helps to get rid of the aching in your heart and the thumping in your head.
But there was nothing, not a sniffle.. not a sob....nothing. Just silence, unnerving silence " Evie ?" Nothing "Evie are you ok? " Not a breath "Mama's really sorry Evie " truly silent, but giggles? Opening the door " Evie ?" Nothing no pink bows or red cheeks, but there was still the sound of giggling and as I turned to the slightest sound there was nothing just the darkness of the room and its shadows " Evie please this isn't funny " looking around for any sign of my daughter I noticed the soft white curtains looked as if they had been torn right off the wall
Picking up the curtains from the floor when a loud noise scared me. Almost tripping over the torn up fabric
Meeting eyes with a white owl as it pushed itself into the window repeatedly until finally the two glass panels were forced apart. Throwing myself down to avoid the bird flying right for my face with it's claws sharp and ready. More giggling and things falling off the shelves around the room, looking up at the shadow that shields me from the moon light.
The man in front of me looks ethereal, it was honestly like seeing a long lost first love. His eyes looked as if he had loved far too many and yet he has never known what true love was like all at the same time " Um, who are you?"He looked down at me " I think you know" as I stood up brushing the dust and glitter? Off my legs
" I really don't but either I'm dreaming or some pretty man just broke into my home" looking at him fully. A hazy feel pounds it's way into my head, he did look like someone I knew. A childhood friend? Or crush? No maybe he was from a different world. Honestly he looked like an elf really? " I would really appreciate it if you could tell me who you are"
A fox-like smile took over his face as he stared at me "Truly a pity you seem to have forgotten who I am" he looked so uninterested so unbothered by all of this. "God what are you some sort of fairy?" Raising a brow at me "You seem so confident in yourself yet your still confused?" Seeing him fully it was easy to see how people in stories fell for Fay tricks, if that is what he was
"Did you take her" Resting his hands on his hips "Ah caught up are we?" Oh gods what have I done I thought it was just a stupid story. My older siblings would tell the goblins to take me away all the time Pleading with him "Please I didn't know I didn't mean it" like he was waiting for me to say something like that he raised a brow at me "Oh? You didn't "meeting his gaze with tears in my eyes I beg again "Please where is she "Stepping towards me " I think you know " leaning down almost face to face with me.
Trapping me in his gaze, my brain felt foggy and my limbs heavy "Please bring her back to me" I would beg a thousand times if it meant I could take back what I said."Go back to your life as if the girl had never been a part of it at all" his words hit as if I could just live my life like it didn't revolved around her. It was almost as if he could see the disbelief on my face, he reached into his cloak and within his hand was a crystal, so perfectly round and clear "I brought you a gift " "what is that"
As it moved around his hands like it was floating through the air my eyes couldn't help but follow it "A crystal nothing more" stuck in a trance I couldn't look away from his hands as he waved the crystal ball through them
" But if you turn it this way, a life of a someone who never has to worry about raising some emotional little girl" "Forget the girl and it is yours" tearing my eyes from the crystal "No I need my daughter back" The perfect crystal slowly turns into a black snake as his face turns sour as he throws the snake and it wraps around my neck
"Do not defy me" he growls as the snake chokes until I finally get my hands under it, as I try to step on it the snake turns into a piece of the curtain wrapped around a small furry creature. " You are no match for me" there's laughing behind me but when I look for it there's nothing again "Where is my daughter"
Stepping behind me he points, as my eyes follow I see an amber..airy almost feeling around my body "She is there in my castle, if that is you still wish to look for her" a crisp breeze sets around us as I look towards the castle
"So is this just like the story?" Questioning him It seems like everything else had been just like the book " 13 hours to complete the labyrinth and make it to the castle before your dear daughter becomes one of us forever" it's almost as if he whispers to me "Such a pity" turning my head slightly to look at him but it's as if he disappeared with his last breath. "Can't be too hard" _________________________________________
This is the first chapter done but I might go back and change things up as I write more into this story
I really wanna dive into the anxiety and loneliness that a lot of people deal with and how an adult would go through the labyrinth. But really I wanna explore the love between a teen mom and their child. And how a mother would do anything for their child but also how parenthood is not easy and how you can still make so many mistakes even as a parent.
I also wanna explore the draw that Jareth has towards the reader and how none of us could realistically not fold for him. <3 I hope you guys enjoy this as it slowly comes out cuz I wanna make sure labyrinth fans get a unique take.
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