rainbatches · 2 years
don't MAKE me turn this hero's journey around!
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
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~ Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?
~ You could find out.
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rainbatches · 2 years
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Star KO
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rainbatches · 2 years
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The hairdresser was banished
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rainbatches · 2 years
No, kids should not have unsupervised acess to the internet.   Yes, I got that and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.    Its a paradox.
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
Stress having physical effects is so stupid your body's just like "you've been having a real shit time and I'm about to make it worse" I hope you die I hope we both die
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rainbatches · 2 years
whats it with people calling japanese characters from japanese anime who live in japan and speak japanese and have japanese names white
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
I looooove going the speed limit. the people behind me sure don't tho
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rainbatches · 2 years
You wind up in hell. You are confused at first until you see a row of people in front of you, crying profusely. You weren’t sent to hell to be punished, you were sent as the punishment.
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
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rainbatches · 2 years
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Enzo and Hopper cooldown sketches from last night ⛏⛏⛏
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rainbatches · 2 years
Ozai is so pathetic, like that “take his bending away haha he’s harmless now” trick would never have worked on Zuko, if you took his bending away he’d just grab his swords and come at you twice as hard, Azula doesn’t have swords or anything but she’s pretty good at hand to hand and amazing at talking her way out of problems, Iroh bust himself out of prison with no bending at all, meanwhile Ozai? Gets his bending taken away and then just collapses, doesn’t even try anymore, then just sits in prison and tries to get into Zuko’s head some more, he could have trained up and tried to break out too! But no! Bet he can’t break steel bars with his bare hands. Bet he can’t kick a steel lever in two. Bet he can’t even do a flip.
Also we never really see him do any really impressive firebending apart from when he has magic comet power, I guesss he shoots some lightning at Zuko, but that’s it and Azula is still better at the lightning thing. Azula has blue flames. Zuko can do firebreakdancing and bend with his swords. Does Ozai, who is not 14 years old, have blue flames? No he doesn’t.
He didn’t even do his coup himself, Ursa had to kill Azulon for him! Could have just challenged Iroh to an Agni Kai for the throne but he didn’t bc he knew he’d lose.
And then he only ruled for like 6 years! He lost a war that had been going on for 100 years bc of a bunch of kids.
Loserlord indeed
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