rainbowhemlock-blog · 8 years
Such is life...
Been a little behind, well, on absolutely everything. Been in a slump, but not anymore! Going to be working on a lot of exciting things here in the near future! Just sit tight! <3 
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rainbowhemlock-blog · 9 years
Unfiltered awesomeness for you. ;] 
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rainbowhemlock-blog · 9 years
This, that and the other...
Been in one of those all too familiar slumps that I get into. Always so weird when this happens. I’m usually an easily motivated person, but I just can’t seem to get my skinny ass in gear. It makes me feel so stagnant. Hopeless! Baha! Nah, not quite that bad, but it is a reminder that things must always be changing to not become that way. 
My life has been in a total uproar lately. This happens about every four to five years. I’m juuuuust getting comfortable with where I’m at in life and then BAM! Every little bit of it changes. At 27, it’s something I kind of expect and almost welcome at this point. I mean, who stays in one spot forever? And if they do, do they have any fucking fun? I doubt it! 
I did purchase some awesome things within the past week and they have been slowly arriving to my apartment!!! Getting ready for the warmer weather to come. This has resulted in me completely going through my closet, which has exploded all over my place. Must find what I will keep for the next year and what I’ll be donating. I look forward to getting rid of a lot of old, useless to me clothes. 
Speaking of warmer weather, it’s about that time for some Spring cleaning!!! I love when it begins to warm up and I can open every door and window in my place and breathe in all the fresh air. So uplifting! Soon, soon, soon! 
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Back when my hair was shorter & dyed and I was cooler. Baha! As if... Two years ago?
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rainbowhemlock-blog · 9 years
Before bed assessment...
So what did I get done from the list today? Absolutely nothing. 
Did I have an awesome day? Fuck yes I did! 
Moral of the story? Do what makes you feel good. 
Goodnight! <3
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rainbowhemlock-blog · 9 years
You are worse than nicotine...
You know, some days, don’t I know it!? >;P 
Mind has been a little bit of everywhere today. First off, let me say how excited I am that I finally have decided to start writing again. Even if it is for a smut related blog. I know, I know. Where’s the smut? It’ll fucking come, CHILL OUT! <3
My goals today were...
Organize Online
Organize Apartment
Get Some Laundry Done
Do A Little Shopping
What have I done from that list? Nothing! I know, I am such a responsible adult. 
What have I done today?
Made Some Coffee
Answered Some Messages
Thought About What I Should Eat
Posted An Ad On Reddit
Thought About Food Some More
Talked With Some Subs
Thought About Food Even More
Typed In This Blog...
Yeah, still thinking about that food. Coffee curbs my appetite so much, no matter how much green I smoke, so some days I take so long to eat. Never been a big breakfast person either. I also don’t really eat meals. I graze and just eat what I want when I want. Seems to be working. 
Life is pretty awesome at the moment, besides my lack of motivation and a somewhat complex personal issue currently sprouting. Still can’t complain! Even with the things that make me want to pull my hair out, I’m extremely blessed. Can’t let the petty nonsense get to me. Not worth it! 
Sales on IWantClips have been pretty good! I need to work on my presence and things a bit, but so far so good! I’m excited to get more naughty things in my shop and see what happens! Received my first tribute there the other night. Made me smile nice and big.
I shall be off for now. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! ;D
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rainbowhemlock-blog · 9 years
Okay, so I have one of these things now...
I really hope you’re prepared for, well... Me. 
I’m a bit rakish and eccentric.
I use a lot of exclamation points! 
I’ll say some extremely rude and off the wall things on the regular.
This blog will be somewhat NSFW, sooooo yeah. Boobs with stickers; fuck the world! 
I will shamelessly self-promote seeing how this is mine and I’ll do whatever I want with it. If you don’t like me, then why the fuck are you here!?
I like nature stuff. I’d rather be outside then indoors. Even when it’s raining. 
Cofffffeeeeeeee... <3
I’m just as nice as I am an asshole, so don’t be afraid. 
If you’re easily offended, get the fuck out. There’s absolutely nothing for you here. 
Well, that’s enough for now. There will be plenty of time for everything else later. ;]
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