rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
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Rainbow Soul pages 14-17
Guess this isn't quite a hospital...
This AU is actually called Alterplates. A mix of Altertale by (friisans) and Handplates (by zarla). Zarla has touched a bit on the concept of this AU, but I don't believe she's has made it into an official thing. Still I don't wanna be hold accountable for its "creation", I guess...?
Anyway, I'm sorry this update took so long! And I'm heading into exams so I'll probably have to leave it for a while...
I'm pretty proud actually. I've been doing one page every week (that is shading and backgrounds since this one batch is already colored)
I might start an ask somewhere to compensate for the absence, because I always have a lot of fun doing those.
Go check my Deviantart in case you wanna see my pages as soon as they come out!
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
Like me better (animation meme/ OC animatic!)
Ayyy! It's done!
Does it meet my standards yet? Nope, but I'm getting there.
Editing really is everything huh? Anyways, I hope you like it!
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
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My bean! It's alive!!!
This is just a part of an animatic I'm making, but I was so proud I just had to show it!!
It got weirdly pixelated and I dunno why. Maybe bc flash works with vectors?
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
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Rainbow Soul: Prologue (Pages 8-13)
*sibling vibes intensify*
I can't help it. I love these dorks...
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
Out of context Rainbow Soul Spoilers #2
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
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Out of context spoilers.
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
My babies pt.2 owo
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Age: 11
Species: Human
Soul: White (it doesn't have a trait)
His trait was determination, but all of it went inside his body to keep him alive when his AU was being destroyed. So now he doesn't have a trait, leaving his soul with a pure white color.
Frisk used to live in a zombie apocalyptic AU were LV consuming beasts, called Loved Ones, would try to infect as many creatures as they could and grind as many HP as possible.
After Frisk's AU was destroyed he was dumped in one of the Gardens.
He didn't understand how he could have survived the horrors he had just witnessed and he couldn't bear to live in a room that was determined to trap him inside with the images of his dying family still lingering in his mind.
He reached for two buttercups, which he knew were poisonous, and ate them.
But instead of abandoning life, he had created life.
Their names were Faye and Faas.
And so the F trio I love so much was born!!!
Frisk has become a very planning obcessed person since he got to live with Faye and Faas he has a very personal Bullet Journal (don't dare call it a planner in front of him!).
Faye sometimes draws a cover for it for the beggining of each month.
Because Frisk is the only survivor of his AU he is the user that has the last L.U.C.K. device (aka LOVE Universal Converter Kit), which used to be used for self-defense in his own AU, but has now become a very dangerous object in very dangerous hands (Nightmare's hands to be exact...).
Frisk used to be very rude and only care about his old family, but now I think he's finally understanding that life gave him a second chance and that's what he has to focus on right now.
He likes to collect rare flowers when they travel through different Gardens. (More on that later...). Frisk also used to aware a lot in his AU, but now he tries to watch his language ever since he met Faye.
He has a crush on Faye btw (They're my OTP...), but he's in the friendzone.
Back to the trio, when Frisk ate the flowers what actually happened is that they created two new beings to share his soul with, completely at random.
No one has a part of the soul in particular.
Because of this only one of them can take control of their physical form at once.
Sometimes there could be a arm of one of them showing and the other one controlling the other parts of the body. What I mean by this is just that they cannot exist fully, the three at the same time.
For some reason, the garden is the only exception to this rule. And the 3 phisical forms appear at the same time.
The trio doesn't age.
They don't have a trait since the original soul (Frisk's soul) didn't have one.
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Age: 12
Species: Human
Trait: Same as Frisk (since the soul is shared)
Faye is the cutest cinnamon roll you'll ever meet!
She's my favorite and if something bad happens to her I will kill everyone in this whole website and then myself! (After you politely give me your addresses of course UwU).
Faye is a huge hopeless romantic! (#I_relate)
Whenever a Sans passes by she instantly blushes and thinks she has found the love of her life.
I won't be the one to stop if you want to call her a Sans Fangirl, but... She's just so much more than that.
Faye is also a really innocent person.
She is immensely shy with new people (everyone that isn't Frisk or Faas really...) and because of this every time a Sans goes by it actually looks like Frisk and Faas are blushing since the face swaps are happening so fast you can't even see it.
Since she's the one carrying the strongest emotion she should be the one assuming control, but Faye fights it, and manages to give that effect.
(This is awesome for Ink, because he seems to never get tired of pranking the three by flirting with Faye.)
Despite her shy nature, she's extremely extroverted, bubbly and energetic with Frisk and Faas. She can even become a little annoying sometimes.
She is a writer and has quickly become the creator with the most number of AUs, even if he's only been alive for less than a year.
She promised Frisk to never delete an AU even if she doesn't like it.
She also writes about other stuff too, that are not Undertale related.
Because she's a creator she can't visit her own AUs unfortunately.
But she sure can watch Game of Thrones with the Underfell bros. (They cover her eyes and ears. Don't worry!)
Faye has a parasite flower on her back (though in the reference is on the wrong side).
Yeah... The flowers in the Garden can eat you in your sleep... Faye woke up with one of them glued to her back, but she actually likes her a lot.
She likes to say, and I quote:
"I really like her. Sometimes she talks to me, though you cannot hear. That makes me feel safe since, well... I'm the only girl and the group and sometimes that can be a hard thing. But I definitely don't want any more of these anywhere near me. One is enough, I don't plan to share my nutrients with anyone else in the future. I'm not that crazy."
(I could about this character for hours as you can see...)
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Soul: Same as Faye
Faas is a mystery. No one knows what species he is (he claims he's not monster) and no one knows how old he is.
Don't worry though, behind all of that there is actually some ancient wise advice.
What we know for sure is that he acts like an absolutely egocentric jerk.
Be sure to get all the salt off first.
I made this character because at times my writing becomes very sarcastic and salty. That way I can dump all of it in here (95% here and 5% on Melissa if you read the other wiki).
Faas barely moves at all.
He floats lazily in the air and only uses his fire powers he has on his tail to slightly readjust his position in the air.
He is always hungry and asking for food and when he does get it, he's so fast you can't see him moving.
The only evidence you have is now a clean plate and possibly an empty storage where you keep all your food.
He has the record in the Multiverse for being banned from most Grillby's and its variations across AUs.
He has fire powers, however aren't very powerful however so he can't fight with them, or...
So he says. It's more likely he has never tried.
Faas has tried to escape the soul several times, but he always fails.
He says he wants to see the world, but feels trapped inside the soul the universe chose for him.
Faas doesn't trust Frisk and is always in the look out for him, to see if he doesn't hurt Faye (no matter how much he says he doesn't care).
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
My babies pt. 1 uwu
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Age: 8/16
Species: Human
Original soul: Kindness
She lies a lot but at the same time she is a very kind and caring person.
Melissa does a lot of jokes, but unlike a certain skeleton she is a very hard working person.
She doesn't stop until she gets what she wants but at the same time is always looking forward to cheer everyone up and put a smile of their faces. This can sometimes lead to a conflict of interests inside her head about the simplest thing just because someone else is involved.
Basically everyone's caring big sister (I wonder why...🤔🤔🤔)
She blames herself a lot for not being able to save her brother. Melissa has always been able to give advice that is able to fix everything, of course, with some ups and downs, but she's really good at it and never EVER quits, except with her brother, where nothing ever really seemed to work.
She makes self deprecating jokes, but she usually hides them well. The last thing she wants is someone worried about her own well being (*cough* likeeverysingoeprotagonist *cough* godihateprotagonistssomuch *cough*).
Melissa actually has lots of friends but God forbid actually bodder them about her personal life!
She's so good at lying that she got a job as a scientist and is somehow the person responsible for an investigation to get Flowey a soul. (Yeah, it's that bad...)
Melissa is secretly a big coward and a worried little cinnamon roll in desperate need of love instead of the strong independent woman she pretends to be, but obviously she'll deny this immediately if you ask her.
Any character as a part of them that slips out of control, at least for me, and in Melissa that comes in the form of there being a 5% chance that she gets really salty with other people. But I guess this would be normal since she spends so much time pretending and putting up a smile.
She still loves all her friends, but every smile needs a break...
Later, when she gets her brother's power, Melissa will have them removed and locked somewhere in Hotland.
Not just because she isn't the most creative person, but because she manages to be fine without the extra help anyway and James wields it way better, so...
Why bother.
(Or should I say... Brother? Sorrynotsorry).
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Species: Human
Original soul: Integrity
James is a maladaptive daydreamer , meaning he spends most of his time daydreaming about made up stories he has, due to abuse he suffered as a kid.
Not to be confused with casually daydreaming once in a while and absolutely loving it (I'm guilty of that)!
Everyone can daydream in car rides, listening to music, etc, but maladaptive daydreaming is an actual condition in which you go out of your way in life (talking to people, eating, sometimes even sleeping, ...) because you don't want to stop daydreaming.
Also daydreaming does not by any means means that he has alucinations.
He doesn't speak much, paces a lot and sometimes makes weird faces when daydreaming.
His sister gets seriously annoyed when he forgets to sleep.
That makes James wish for a way to disappear so that Melissa didn't have to care about him all the time and be constantly disappointed.
He gets distracted very easily and he is a bit of a nerd. He has a hard time showing his emotions, except if someone needs to fangirl with him.
That being said he's probably the best user for the rainbow soul since he's really creative. :3
Species: Giant Bunny
Feathers is a giant bunny James has created with Ink's brush.
He can fly and open portals to other AUs.
Faas (other dude from pt. 2) may or may not have tried to eat him several times.
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
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Rainbow Soul: Prologue pages 1-7
MY GOD! I can't believe this is finally happening! After so many days of work, I finally started this... Thing I'm probably gonna hate a lot but... BOI DOES THIS LOOK GOOD!
I am so proud of this trash that... Well I just can't believe it's finally happening!
Here we go, buckle up mah peeps! Ready your tears and your hate comments!
It's time!
Alright, emotional Fi function out of the way, let's set up some context.
I have the whole 1st part of this prologue fully lined, but it's still missing the colouring and the shading. I ask you to be patient with me, please.
I wanted to have everything finished by the end of January but... Yeah I don't set realistic goals at all. I have 20 pages left and I have school 😅
Ok, bye. Enjoy~ :3
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rainbowsoulofficial · 4 years
An intro and an explanation
Hello lovely person stepping upon this blog for the first time! Welcome to the Rainbow Soul Comic Blog!
Before you start reading my comic (non-existant so far) I wanna explain some stuff so there's gonna be a little bit of reading coming up.
First of all, this is an Undertale fan comic, aka this belongs to the toxic fandom some people tend to stay away from, just if you were wondering was this whole thing was about!
If that didn't spoop you, then let's move one, brave one!
This comic is really not to be taken that seriously. What I mean by this is that, some parts of it are really bad and I don't intend to change them. Of course, it'll still be decent (I hope) and you're more then welcome to leave criticism!
It's just that some of the writing and concepts are really old and I really hate the fact that it HAS to be a rainbow soul... Ugh... BUT I still really really want to make this story happen!
I'm interested in the ending, in (some of) the characters and even though this is like 9th grade writing (which roughly translates to 5th grade writing because I'm a noob), bare with me here (or not and go watch Underverse ^^)
Anyway, I hope we can all have fun in here and have a good time (pun intended?) and if someone ends up actually liking this then... tell me so I can hug you! <3
I know I still don't have anything posted in here, but I'm prepping everything before I actually start posting this comic here on Tumblr.
I wanted to have everything finished up until the end of January, but now I'm starting to think it might be a little tight. We'll see.
Until then I'll post some stuff about my characters and some mechanics and world building facts.
As you can see I have a very unstable love-hate relationship with this comic and I'm hoping to overcome that, so I'm sorry if this all just feels a little odd or if it feels like I'm making this post so I won't get da HaTErS!!1!1! Because that's not what I mean at all. It's quite the opposite actually, I'm kinda just giving you a free pass to make a joke out of it. I know I do, or I try...
(Making a comic and posting it online is very intimidating man...)
Anyway, if you wanna check my normal "actually good" stuff my art blog is @doodleshrooms (alright! shameless self promo!) and until next time cause that was all I had to say.
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