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@rainingimperialsanon​  sought  :  you walk through the gardens of fenestala manor, taking in the blue sea of sylleblossoms. it’s a quiet moment of reprieve that could almost be mistaken for peace. deciding to find lunafreya and remind the oracle of tea time, you turn back towards the main building. a clinking sound of metal catches your astute senses and when you turn around you find a magitek infantryman holding out a lily. it looks like it has a crush on you! what do you do?
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𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊  𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  𝐈𝐒  𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐏𝐓  𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒  of  motion  as  swivels  on  her  heel  to  collect  the  oracle,  who  is  inundated  with  a  rather  extensive  schedule.    she  is  but  a  black  blot,  cutting  through  a  stone  pathway,  past  the  sweet-smelling  𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙻𝙳  𝙾𝙵  𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁𝚂  like  an  arrow.    the  air  becomes  rife  with  something  truly  nefarious,  overpowering  that  of  nectar.    it  is  ugly,  pungent  &  waterlogged.    
once  reaching  the  manor  proper,  the  messenger  diverges  from  the  path.    actively  seeks  out  the  disturbance  &  is  thus  not  ambushed.    𝒊𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕,  𝒊𝒕  𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔  𝒕𝒐  𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅  𝒉𝒆𝒓.    such  a  wonder  how  she  is  able  to  appear  unannounced  &  appear  unnoticed.    stranger  yet,  a  mechanical  being  (born  from  technological  alchemy  &  hubris  )  seemingly  acting  of  its  own  accord,  bearing  a  gift  betwixt  its  jointed  fingers:  a  brightly-colored,  bell-shaped  lily  with  GOSSAMER  petals.    her  haunting  presence  forms  a  shadow  over  the  𝙼𝚃.    those  eyes…those  watery,  dreamlike  eyes  of  hers  are  open,  with  a  mysterious  smile  tugging  at  her  lips.
 how  darling…
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 an  arm  extends  outward.      slowly.    delicately.    skeletal-thin  fingers  reach  for  the  petals.    the  moment  in  which  her  index  touches  its  𝚅𝙴𝙻𝚅𝙴𝚃𝚈  surface,  a  layer  of  frost  begins  to  cobweb  around  it.    &  fast  crawling  up  the  length  of  limb  that  which  holds  the  gift,  until  completely  engulfed  in  ice  &  𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒛𝒆𝒏  𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆  𝒊𝒕  𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔.    all  warmth  is  being  devoured  from  the  superheated  core  buried  within  its  chasis.    the  last  thing  the  MAGITEK  INFANTRYMAN  will  ever  perceive  is  a  hazy  image  of  the  cosmos,  a  great  black  abyss  staring  back.      embrace  oblivion.
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It's a beautiful day now watch some bastard mess it up! You're just riding your chocobo all day! As you run through the plains in Cleigne the sound of multiple stomping feet resound behind you. Suddenly, two MT appear at your side each on their own armored chocobo. They both look at you. You look at them. They're challenging you to a race. Do you accept?
Imperials behind u-
... huh? 
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These guys have emotions for sure. 
“If you guys don’t kill me, we can totally play all day! I won’t tell! Okay... On your mark, get set... GO!”
Challenge? ACCEPTED
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You're walking aboard an Imperial airship today, headed to Lucis. As you near the hanger you hear the loud thumping. Using your keycard you open the doors to find a rave party of MTs and daemons. They're really jamming out and dropping the bass! Do you join the party?
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...I slowly back away and leave them to it under the assumption that I’ve lost what’s left of my mind.
A word will be had with Verstael.
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You have your trusty rod ready for some high-gear fishing action! As you come on the Crestholm Reservoir you notice that there are a group of Magitek Snipers catching frogs. What do you do?
Noctis just stares in disbelief. These were robots, right? What would Niflheim want with frogs?
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A crack blog for Choose Your Own Adventure shenanigans starring your favorite Magitek Imperials!  
Rules here!
Remember, there’s no party like an Imperial party!
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5 Magitek attacks and 1 parry because fuck that one
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It's a great day for taking pictures of the scenic Galdin Quay beachfront. The sun's out and there's a great spot right by the docks! As you near the beach you notice a merry band of Magitek Axemen with Moogle and Chocobo flotation devices around their waists. They look like they're having a blast floating in the water! What do you do?
Prompto’s gone out to snap some pictures. That’s what he does, it’s his hobby and he’s damn good at it. Besides, being this close to Gladin Quay usually keeps MTs away. A beachfront a day keeps the MTs away! 

Or that’s what was supposed to happen. 

And yet here he was standing at the far end of the beach watching MTs playing in the water with floaties and other things considered ‘fun’. Walking over and standing just close enough to the water that the waves lick the front of his boots, the blond shifts… then holds up his camera. Surely this can’t be real, right? He had some sort of status on him! So snap with the device and… Well he’ll be damned. There’s the MTs playing in the water. Well if they could have fun, maybe they weren’t so bad.
The gunman waves for attention, all smiles as he watches the band of axemen enjoying the ocean. “What’s up guys! How’s the water?!”

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You're driving the Regalia at night. It's been a long, albeit peaceful evening on the road; not a Daemon in sight! You're counting yourself lucky and the next Outpost should be nearby enough to stop for the night. You momentarily take your eyes off the road to turn and inform you companions, only to find that they've been replaced with Imperial Troops wearing crudely drawn and cut out masks of your friends' faces. What do you do?
Ignis’ first response is to jump back, blades drawing forward. His mind attempting to work in overtime trying to figure out how the troops were there. However, the artless drawings were even more off-putting than anything. He begins to question if perhaps he fell asleep with the events that had transpired. 
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A fine day to walk the vast marketplace of Lestallum. The aroma of spices and coffee fill the air as the hustle and bustle of the morning crowd surrounds you. You're looking to replenish your spice rack for the road but as you go to grab the last container of cinnamon, a metallic hand reaches it first! You look and find an Imperial Sniper staring you down. It plans on leaving here with the cinnamon. What do you do?
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It wasn’t very often Ignis made sweets while he and others traveled around Eos doing whatever it was Noct had in his sights that day. But the fancy to make something delectable had settled in his mind, and so Ignis decided to indulge the craving. 
It was after much deliberation that he decided to make a pie. They were all out of cinnamon though! But there was a vendor in the market place that sold cinnamon along with the other spices Ignis needed. He’d found the other spices easily enough, even the cardamom without trouble, but not cinnamon. A nice old lady had pointed Ignis towards a new vendor who had some in stock.
Ignis is about to reach out for this container of cinnamon, blessing the Six that there was at least one left, when a metal hand reached out and grabbed it. Ignis stared in disbelief at the Imperial Sniper with his ever so precious cinnamon in its mitts.
“Excuse me,” Ignis began, keeping his tone light and neutral. “Would you mind parting with that cinnamon? I’ll pay you double what you paid the vendor here.”
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Today's a great day, now watch someone come fuck it up. You're riding your chocobo all day long, the wind is in your hair and it's a blast! Suddenly, the dust kicks up around you and now there is an Imperial Trooper riding alongside you on its black chocobo. It looks like it's challenging you to a race. What do you do?
♜ —– Oh, how joyous the stampede of a chocobo flourished upon gravel, unleashing its limitations outside of its habitat. The adorable sounds that resonated from a beak, the scamper of claws in its journey. Sure, the wondrous gale through perfected strands was endearing in nature, and relieving to an otherwise overwrought adventure trifled with dangers among hunted beasts. And in the eve; daemons. But, heedless to the interference was the gunslinger caught unaware of lingering properties. Until a curious persuasion of the head regarded Magitek, and a mount diverged of regular tone, but holding rare genetics discerning to the eye. Such impacting display was, to say in the very least… terrifying. 
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Reigns near reared backwards in astonishment of the feat, loud exclaim torturing the bird’s hearing as a result. “UH– A-Am I seriously seeing this right now?!” Obviously; but proper discernment of reality had steadily begun to ravage and decline after departing Insomnia. This… was among piqued confusion, and a source for absolute hysteria. Yet no violence came forth with its appearance, only… repetition for speed, whilst on Chocobos? What in the God’s names was happening, not only to have MT’s distributed around land, but on… those feathery angels too?
 “Uh, g-game on?”
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You're riding on your motorbike through Leide. Sun's out, guns out. Wind's in your hair and it's a great day! As you slow down to turn the bend a roaring engine catches your attention. You turn to your right and see a Magitek Sniper on a motorbike as well! It stares at you and nods; it's challenging you to a race. What do you do?
       An unimpressed look is given through her rear view mirror when the other bike pulls up beside her own. Can’t even enjoy a ride on her day off, can she? She was so not in the mood for this right now.The familiar hum of magic pumps through her veins, smell of ozone and smoke rises in the air as a crackle of sparks dances along her gloved fingertips. In a bright blue flash, Crowe’s hand shoots out and a bolt of lightning from her palm punches its way right between the sniper’s beady red eyes just as she guns the engine and leaves it to speed off road and topple over into the dirt.
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       “Nice try, bucket head.”
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Oh, there's a procurement point of delicious Leiden sweet potatoes! As you bend down to pick some, you hear your comrades shout about an incoming Imperial ship! You turn, battle ready, at the incoming airship. As the hatch opens up 'We Will Rock You' starts playing loudly. The Imperial Troops land on the ground with a large thump, instruments in hand, they rock out like true stars. Do you jam?
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“The hell…”
Ignis just wanted some potatoes. Now this?
Noctis definitely does not jam. He does stick around long enough to get those potatoes and to let Prompto take a few pictures before they are all out of there.
Because what happens when the song ends?
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It's a beautiful night. The moon's out and the stars glimmer above! You're enjoying the view from your airship when suddenly, you hear the rumbling of another craft! You look and find another Imperial ship sidling up next to yours. The Imperial Trooper revs the ship's engine. They're challenging you to a race. Do you accept?
Alas, for that would be abuse and misuse of Imperial Aircraft.
And Loqi absolutely does not have a reprimand for airship racing on file.
He would n e v  e r.
It is with regret that he uses the lights to signal his declination of the challenge.
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You're walking the gardens of Tenebrae, enjoying the quiet morning. As you turn towards the field of Sylleblossoms, you see a Magitek Trooper standing there. With a rose (?) taped to where its mouth would be. A nearby Magitek Bannerman tunes the radio to a slow song. The Trooper bows and invites you to a dance. Do you accept?
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What in the world…
Well this was certainly new – though would she have put it past Ardyn at all to teach them something like this? Absolutely not.
Hesitant, and very obviously confused, Luna decided to humor the MT and accept the dance.
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You're just getting back from towing the Prince's car. What a long day! If only the Prince would remember to fill his gas, right? As you return to Hammerhead, you find your grandfather playing poker with some Magitek Infantrymen. What do you do?
 Well.., this was definitely… something. Who would’ve thought she’d end up towing the Regalia back to Hammerhead, only to waltz in on her Paw-Paw playing poker with a Niff ‘tek? It seemed to be something out of a fever dream. Besides, how the heck had he managed to pull the dang thing, unharmed and undetected, away from an entire group?! Had he sent some hunters on an absurd errand to fetch it? Maybe the Prince? 
There were so many questions that needed answering… but, as Cindy watched the Magitek sit there playing and not seeking to harm either of them, she decided to leave it be. For now, she’d just observe and maybe see how it worked. Besides.. it might be fun to watch her Paw-Paw lose a game of Poker for once.
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You're making your rounds through the Keep and all is well! As you near the hanger, you hear music playing and the bass is slammin'. You use your master keycard to open the doors, revealing a Magitek and Daemon dance party! It's totally out of this world! Do you join?
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…Life in the Keep just gets stranger and stranger.And while Ardyn Izunia does not join, he does lure the party right into Verstael’s laboratories. Verstael always looks as though he could use a good time, after all. He would lead it into the throne room, but the last time he did that, Aldercapt broke a hip, a wrist, and three ribs trying to breakdance.
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You're making your rounds through Gralea. It's a lovely night and the moon is high in the sky. You turn the corner down the street and catch a Magitek Bannerman practicing its flag drills. Up goes the flag, high into the sky! It catches it and twirls the pole. The Bannerman looks at you and throws you a flag. It's challenging you. What do you do?
Well, this wasn’t in the MT’s programming. Catching onto the flag pole, Ardyn simply tosses it up into the sky, charged with his daemonic power, it must go for about fifty feet; spinning around before finally coming back down, although it did not come down without going on fire, and then when it did land, it took out a wandering goblin in the area.
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“Oops— It would seem I don’t know my own strength!” He walked over to the goblin and took the flag pole out of the poor creature, impaled; it disappeared into the ground. Walking over to the MT, Ardyn handed it back its flag pole with a smile, “Keep it up, and someday you might be able to do that.”
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