rajaseyehosptial · 3 years
What is LASIK Eye Surgery and How does it Help?
One of the most difficult decisions for a lot of youngsters today who are wearing glasses is :
"Should I get my surgery done should I get my power fixed "
Should I go for the surgery is a question you need to keep asking yourself is this something which is driven by your need not to wear glasses. Cosmetically you don't want to look with glasses your friends have asked you to not to wear glasses or parents are putting pressure whatever it is, these questions always bother.
So today through this medium will discuss with you the 10 points which you need to know before you undergo a laser surgery.
* The first point is should I Go Ahead with refractive surgery? Let's assume that you have overcome this fear and come to one of us and decide to evaluate yourself for this procedure. * The second question is How good I am for this procedure? Is my eyes healthy ? Will I get to know through this about the health of my eye, about the structure of my eye and the strength of my eyes through basic evaluation? The answer is yes. So when you go to the Best eye hospital in indore for lasik they go through multiple tests on your eyes from every layer. They test you it takes close to two and a half hours, it takes time because they look at every layer of your cornea which undergoes this procedure of lasik and then with all that reports you come to a surgeon. And the best surgeon looks at all this, an experienced surgeon uses his experience and his human intelligence and also uses the artificial intelligence which is given by the machines to make a judgment whether you're suitable or not that is the most important and crucial point. In deciding about the safety of your procedure after the surgeon looks at this. A good LASIK centre and Best LASIK Surgeon will have multiple options for you. * The third question which comes to your mind is what kind of procedure are surgeon going to Do for me this is a very tricky question!! Because many times a lot of these technologies have been advertised through social media, through advertising media or through friends or families. So somebody comes to me and says that well this procedure looks like it's very costly. And it looks like the most important technology available in this world or the most costliest in this world both are wrong. The costly is not always right or the most advanced format may not always suit for you so what's important is that trust your surgeon if you come to a place that is best  LASIK centre and LASIK Surgeon?
Trust your surgeon to choose what's right for you because give him that right and please trust it, if you do it he or she as a good surgeon will choose the right procedure for you and that's the most important thing. *And how does a surgeon choose the right procedure that's the fourth point he looks at all that scans in front of you and your Surgeon also looks at all the parameters he looks at your strength, he looks at your corneal weakness, he looks at predictability, he looks at your age, he looks at imperfection in the system and he looks at how a lens inside is balancing, he looks at all that factors, he looks at your retina and looks at sometimes even looks at your family members do they have any problems with the eye and then he makes a decision.
So this decision if you trust the Center you were gone for a testing please allow this to allow your surgeons to take right decision for you and that would be the best way you can take it. Forward the other question is after you've done with all the testing you explain everything to the surgeon about your needs your demands sometimes you know you may want a Reading is your laptop not your book if you're 40 45 years a surgeon has to understand that your most of your work is your laptop so that means it's intermediate vision if it's a near vision then it's this and laptop comes here and if you feel that you're a photographer and you want to see something beautifully to capture you need to tell your surgeons.
Please be very clear about your needs sometimes you know you can be expressive saying that I want this because I'm going for this surgery because I want to go for scuba diving I'm going for this because I want to do a bungee jumping I want to do this, I want to do that it's because you're getting a surgery done because it's a complete change of lifestyle a complete change. In how you see the world so be very clear and your surgeon can help you to make a plan accordingly. * After we done with all this what is the fifth point is you should be transparent with all your problems and your surgeons should be transparent with all the problems which can happen post surgery so what we call it as a consent form we take pride at Rajas Eye Hospital (Best Eye Hospital In Indore For Lasik) that we try to be as transparent as possible.
With the people we meet surgeons are human beings machines are built by human beings so human beings also are imperfect machines are also perfect imperfect so sometimes what you want or what you want to aspire in your perfect quality of vision sometimes may not happen so we have to be very transparent that there's no magic here.
99 of the time everything goes well that's the beauty of this procedure but there's one time one person there may be some delayed healing sometimes delay in recovery all that has to be explained all complications whatever happened in the world it may be one in a million or one in 10 million but we have to write down you have to know you as a patient have every right to know. You select a procedure you select a surgeon you select the pros the kind of technology you're given all your needs to the surgeon and then you decide that well I want to go for the procedure. *The sixth point now is that you go for the procedure and when you go for the procedure the whole protocol of putting drops explaining to you what happens on the machines what kind of a machine we are going to do all that will be explained beautifully so make sure that you are aware of all this both on the table when you're with the surgeon if you're feeling that well I'm still not sure what is happening the surgeon can explain to you again still you're convinced like I'm repeating this the whole procedure of Lasik is once you're mentally convinced that you want to take this step and our job as surgeons is to make sure that you're completely convinced about this once you do the procedure.
It takes a quick eight to ten minutes absolutely painless. There's no pain it's completely clean after you come out of this procedure what to expect that's the point you need to know what you expect is that you expect a little bit of watering just like how you shampoo gets into your eyes exactly the same kind of a watering you will feel. Then we'll explain the drops to you depending on the type of procedure sometimes we put a bandage contact lens sometimes people get worried why did you put this lens on my eyes you'll be put this lens on your eyes because if you are a contact lens user or if you have a very fragile ocular surface that's your corneal surface sometimes the cells are very fragile or if you have had a lot of blood vessels all over we put our contact lenses it's called a bandage contact lens there's nothing to be worried about it it's a bandage contact lens sometimes we put it on one eye we may not put it on the other eye depending on the situation it's not that there's a complications happen you just put the bandage contact lens and this kind of keeps the eye from having pain or watering it's for your own good. So it's very important to realize this and this is no big deal and the very next day we take it off and we give you some tablets for pain and drops and other things and then you go home.
It is not don't be in a rush remember it's a surgery the surgeons are confident to do it and skillful to do it in a very very fast way thankfully because the machine the people who helped them the technologies which helped them to connect everything together it looks like magic but it's not please give time for it to recover don't be in that rush that if I don't see this much I'm doomed if I don't see the last line of that thing I'm doomed I'm seeing glares I see this light I ski scatters rainbows don't worry about it each person heals differently people.
Everything clearly why can't I see you are two different individuals sometimes both eyes don't behave the same so people have a tendency to do this i do this i can't see this my left eye if you are even now if you're wearing a glass look at a distant object six feet away and try closing your left and right you'll see that they're different and doing it for the near they'll be different so remember this. You'll experience some grittiness some dryness which is very common dryness can go up to around six months so this is all very important in your planning if you are a 40 plus person you will start having issues with your reading again your surgeons would have decided what kind of surgeon surgery to be done on your eye.
You'd have probably kept one eye a little less power back that means if you're having a minus three you'd have treated minus 2.5 in I which is near dominant that means one eye is distant dominant one eye near dominant so we call a procedure called as monovision where we keep one eye not fully corrected for the distance and that point five minus power is called nearsightedness which helps you to read that's called monovision, so when you see through bow eyes there'll be some amount of imbalance out there which will be overcome by neural adaptation very important point.
This is the fundamental law of giving a perfect vision the perfect vision doesn't just come with good laser good skill and good machines it needs your neuroadaptation and how you interpret the functions. It's tremendously changed the way people see the world what is important here is a good quality of life a good quality of vision and a good healthy neuroplasticity which comes from believing that everything is transient and it will go if you have these three things in you then please get yourself evaluated and go for it!! You will never regret thank you. Rajas Eye Hospital is one of the best eye hospitals in Indore, with facilities and doctors specialized in performing LASIK eye surgery. At Rajas Eye Hospital, Femtosecond laser is the preferred procedure, making the eye hospital a preferred choice for vision correction through bladeless LASIK surgery.
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