elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
Wish there were sweaters but like,for feet
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
Which OC would wear this sweater?
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
flower meanings
Just some flower meanings I wanted to get out there. It seemed pretty cool to me and was a lot of work, so I hope y’all enjoy it! Now updated with pictures of each one! 
Disclaimer: None of these photos are mine, and this post is obscenely long. Like, super long. Beware. But also enjoy ;)
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Alstroemeria - Wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship
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Pink/red alstroemeria - warmth and affection towards a friend
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Orange alstroemeria - keeps you working towards your goals
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Yellow/white/blue alstroemeria - express your concern to a loved one who isn’t feeling well
Keep reading
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
WriterofthePrompts Ultimate Ask Masterlist 2 (Updated 05/20)
Wow, first of all I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the support on the First Ask Masterlist! Obviously I had to make a second one with all the asks I’ve answered since then so here you go. You can also check out my list of Random Writing Tips. As last time, some of these posts have notes from lovely people who have added onto my answers with their advice and you can also help out fellow writers by adding your tips or ideas to the posts in the replies or by reblogging. Hope you enjoy! 😊
Writing Tips
Can’t think of what to write for a scene? Cut it.
The “organized chaos” form of outlining
Resources for writing a story synopsis
Can a comedy also have a good message?
Writing a fantasy fit for most ages (also under Fantasy)
When you’ve got an idea but don’t know how to expand it
Building on your story yourself  
Will posting writing online hurt publishing chances?
Using a prompt for a series
Ways to give information to a character
How to give the same information to multiple characters at different times
Dialogue tips
Coming up with a title (expanded)
Making the real villain a plot twist 
Some resources for creating a language
How to decide if you want a good or sad ending (Also, how not to screw up an ending) (Also, why the GoT ending makes me sad)
How to skip over the passage fo time in writing (Part 1)
How to use scene breaks for the passage of time, change in location etc. (Part 2)
Story Structure Tips
Travelling scenes: when to skip and how to make them impactful
Writing a sloooow carriage ride without being boring 
Moving back and forth in time in the story
difference between inciting incident and plot point 1
Blending backstory with present to further the plot
Writing scenes with a lot of characters
Writing a story as a journal or video log style
Third or first person?
Limited third person vs first person
Writing a long series
Connecting your ideas
When to introduce major and minor conflicts
How to develop your own style of writing
When to describe a character
Motivation and Positivity
Worrying about “originality” with your writing
Staying focused on writing
Sticking to one idea before moving on to the next?
Turning off the editor voice
starting to write and keeping motivation
quick tip on writing down inspiration in the moment
How do you know you are cut out to be a writer?
When you feel your plot isn’t exciting enough
When you think your idea is stupid (it’s not)
On covid-19 and whether I think it’s “bad” to take inspiration from it
When you think you’re writing has lost feeling
Character Development
Writing unnecessary scenes with your characters just for fun
Tips for writing a fully-fledged peppy girl
Teen raised by twenty-year-old family member
Mentor/Mentee relationship
Describing nature the way a nature-lover would
Showing a dead family member’s impact on the MC
Writing about a character losing loved one
Ways to show a character’s disgust 
Why a “good” character would switch to the bad side
Why the “White Saviour” thing is a cliche and sucks
Villains who do things like “killing the dog”
Good and bad reasons to kill off a character
Character exercise when you lose their voice
Resources for learning more for a Jewish character (in the notes)
A reason a character might feel cliche
Representations of Gluttony and Laziness as humans
More on twins and siblings
How a tough character might react to something shocking/upsetting
Writing Types of Characters
Writing a good guy MC who turns out to be the villain
Bad guy turning good and making them sympathetic
Dr. Doof: how to write a great villain
Coming up with villains
Coming up with villains 2
Writing a scheming character
A character raised by a computer
Bilingual character tip
Interracial couples
Some negative traits for someone in a zombie apocalypse
Flaws for a Gary Stu type 
a character trying to learn the language on a new world (also under World Building)
Good guy vs bad guy stories aren’t a cliche
Writing a CIA/FBI/Military character (also under Thriller)
writing a drunk character with some heartfelt moments and humour
Why NOT having diversity in your story cast is odd
A character with diabetes
Fictional races where one is “superior” to the other
Writing a serial killer as your main character (also under Thriller/Crime)
Writing a good Strong Female Character™️ 
Writing about a mob character (also under Thriller)
Writing a female astronomer in ancient Greece (Also under Historical)
Shy characters don’t have to be passive
Shyness and confidence aren’t mutually exclusive
World Building
Creating a creation myth
The creation of gods based on people’s beliefs
History research post (also under Historical)
Making an acronym from an organization
Naming world building aspects
strange weather ideas
ideas for ridiculous rules to join an excuse club
Why someone would put on a massive tournament
a character trying to learn the language on a new world (also under Types of Characters)
Making a magical setting exciting (also under fantasy/paranormal)
When you have too much information for an expansive world
Weaving a complex magic system into your story (also under fantasy/paranormal)
Using words referring to our world in a fictional world
Why gods would abandon their world
Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ares: the original love triangle
basing gods on multiple gods
Why someone would control dreams
Dark fantasy with a dream shop
Conflicts for someone with the power to share dreams with others *
Ways to break a curse
Reasons why someone would need to break their curse now
Coming up with a good curse for your character
Ways to break the curse to get the Prince out of the tower
When the princess rescues the prince
Prince/ss of one kingdom raised by another king
why a princess would run away
Prompts for a King or Queen getting assassinated *
Why a villain would overthrow a royal family *
Reasons two Kings would marry each other *
which fairytales deserve retellings
Fairy tale prompts
Using fairytale characters in retellings
Stories written from the POV of fairytale villains
Writing a fantasy fit for most ages (also under Writing Tips)
Friendship between a dragon and a human
Vampire and human couple meeting
Angel and ex-demon hanging out together
demons that feed on love and joy?
mythical kids meeting humans
Sword fight resources (also under Historical)
Using an axe as a weapon
Haunted house story from ghost’s perspective
A family moves in to a house that is alive 
Does the afterlife have to include religious aspects?
Writing the grief of a girl finding her friend as a ghost
Witch sisters with unequal powers 
Reasons a village would be afraid of a kind wizard
How a wizard’s guardian might tell them they are a wizard
Making a magical setting exciting (also under world building) 
Weaving a complex magic system into your story (also under world building) 
Things a magic council would use money for 
Ideas for magical powers
Ideas for ancient magical powers
Prompts about cities that are always in night 
Prompts about a changeling
Reasons a magical world would need a saviour 
mirroring strengths and weaknesses for magic manipulation
How an immortal could die under mysterious circumstances
How to get regular folk involved in a magical world
“Underused" fantasy settings
Funny dialogue making fun of fantasy cliches
Prompts about a hidden/occult society
Autumn prompts about fae
Manatees being confused for mermaids
Fantasy modes of communication
Sci Fi
Futuristic space pirates
How to tell who is the clone and who is the original
Artifacts curious aliens would steal from Earth
Weird things that would wipe out a part of the population
How a person could go back in time
Question prompts for a virtual afterlife
How a half-human character might realize their alien half
“Non cliche” ideas for an apocalypse story
Time travel prompts for the current era
Writing about the Tudor court
History research post (also under World Building)
Sword fight resources
Using an axe as a weapon
Quick reasons why genocide doesn’t just happen overnight
Writing a female astronomer in ancient Greece (also under Types of Characters)
Dragons in Ancient Egypt?
Writing about WOC in the 1950’s
Aftermaths of a civil war
Thriller/Crime (aka I-swear-I’m-not-a-criminal-just-a-writer asks):
writing assassins
Sassy Assassins 3!
How an assassin with special abilities would discover these abilities
Clues that would make a character suspect another for murder
Writing a CIA/FBI/Military character (also under Types of Characters)
Serial/mass murder…causes?
tests to get into secret organization
Writing a serial killer as your main character (also under Writing Types of Characters)
Tips for writing a consistent murder mystery
Murder mystery party prompts (humorous)
How to come up with subplots for a mystery
Writing about a mob character (also under Writing Types of Character)
Why a step father might be a suspect in a teen’s disappearance
Prompts of killer kids terrorizing their babysitter
Prompts about a college kid being stalked on campus
The Masked Sinner prompts
Prompts about a crime scheme in 1950’s
Superheroes and Super Villains
Sidekick wanting to be a superhero
Super villain cause ideas
Sidekick and villain falling in love (also under Romance)
Superhero story originality
How a super villain can get notoriety
Woman unknowingly falls in love a super villain
World building ideas for superhero stories
Effects of the power of intangibility
Alter ego prompts
How a princess and a pirate fall in love
two exes who end up working together
How two random kids could meet at school
Sidekick and villain falling in love (also under Superheroes)
Cliches in romance scene?
Original ways that a couple could break up
How to introduce a living girl and ghost love interests
Conflicts in relationship between chef and their pupil
Prompts about being abandoned
Character who has never danced in pressured into it
The best ask ever
MC and sister get kicked out of clan. What next? 
Reasons characters would hate another (a concubine)
A disturbing cultish 1950’s-esque town
Some links to help find Beta readers
Why a principal would hate a student
Why a character would forgive their ex
Prompts about anomalies
Reasons a parent would be controlling
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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Unsplash -  photography, illustration, and art
Pixabay - same as unsplash
Pexels - stock photos and videos
Stockvault.net - stock photos
Veceezy - vectors and clipart
Getdrawings - simplistic images and drawing tutorials
Gumroad - photoshop brushes (and more)
Canva - needs login but has lots of templates
Library of Congress - historical posters and photos
NASA - you guessed it
Creative Commons - all kinds of stuff, homie
Even Adobe has some free images
There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without infringing copyright! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 
Please add on if you know any more sites for free images <3
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
how to start writing when you know you’re gonna be bad at it because you’ve written maybe 3 school essays ??? i want to write and want to improve but i’m scared of it being bad
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
New game describe your OC’s in the “sometimes a family isn’t a mom and a dad” format
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
Which oc occasionally tries to pick up their phone and accidentally flings it across the room?
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
is there anyone else on here developing a webcomic? i'd like to have another person i can bounce ideas off of so i can quit bugging my friends about it :0 i'm writing about a fantasy/magical world !
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
my pronouns are i/me/my/mine and you will all refer to me as such
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elliot-takes-notes · 4 years
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old lady gardening outfit vibes lol
my belt is literally broken cuz i wear it so much ignore how weird it looks haha
anywayssss i matched my hair clips with the stripes on my shirt, but added a bit of color contrast with orange converse!
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