randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
Randall Crater assists cyber cafe business startups with financial and marketing plans, funding, location negotiation, technology and training.
We help you with everything, from start to finish. When we leave, you’ll be ready to open for business. Onsite internet cafe training. We’ll be there for you.
Randall Crater is a internationally-renowned consultant, and speaker specializing in cyber cafe’s and cyber cafe marketing.
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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Happy Thanksgiving!!
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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Should I try another color of shades or does this work?
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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Coming soon to a theater near you!
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randallcraternews · 2 years
Cyber Cafe Business Plan
Randall Crater’s Business Plan Will Win Capital
Things You Need for a Sweepstakes Cafe
1. The right sweepstakes software for your target audience 2. Prizes that will keep people coming back 3. The right sweepstakes company
Raising that vital capital depends on how well you execute five steps to create a winning business plan. Your cafe start-up is off to the races. But now you face the biggest challenge of your venture’s short life – you don’t have enough cash to pay your employees and suppliers. Can you convince investors to keep your venture afloat?
Raising that vital capital depends on how well you execute five steps to create a winning business plan.
5 Steps
If you’ve made the decision to start up a cyber cafe, you won’t be able to get very far without a solid business plan. Randall Crater has five easy steps to create a business plan that outlines your products, goals, and strategies:
Executive Summary
Step 1) Should serve as an overall synopsis of your business’ goals Step 2) Describe the structure of your company and why it will be successful. Step 3) Outline how you will attract and keep customers. Step 4) Products or services your new business will sell and how they can benefit your clients. Step 5) You need funds to get their operations fully underway.
Sample Business Plan Info: https://randallcrater.com/business-plan/
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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Now is the time, today is the day to get involved.  We need way more full time activist, freedom fighters and liberty lovers to join the fight! You own yourself. Start acting like it! Subscribe to the TFTP newsletter: http://goo.gl/KUiYCm
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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Do you know any cop watchers?
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randallcraternews · 2 years
What we do
Randall Crater assists cyber cafe business startups with financial, legal and marketing plans, funding, location negotiation, technology and training. https://randallcrater.com/services/
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randallcraternews · 2 years
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randallcraternews · 2 years
Randall Crater
Randall Crater assists cyber cafe business startups with financial and marketing plans, funding, location negotiation, technology and training.
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Randall Crater
We help you with everything, from start to finish. When we leave, you’ll be ready to open for business. Onsite internet cafe training. We’ll be there for you.
Randall Crater is a internationally-renowned consultant, and speaker specializing in cyber cafe’s and cyber cafe marketing.
With an in-depth understanding of cyber cafe’s, Randall founded Randall Crater software which specializes in helping companies create cyber cafe strategies.
Considered one of the world’s most respected cyber cafe experts, Randall is available to manage your next project or speak at your professional event.
Randall Crater trains, coaches, and develops the practical and tactical strategies that businesses need for cyber cafe development.
Randall Crater offers cyber cafe consulting services, training, and speaking in the following areas:
Marketing and management Software and equipment services In-house training Business coaching Firm evaluations and audits Feasibility research
Randall Crater is available to lead your next workshop or keynote your annual conference. Randall is available to speak on the topics involving cyber cafe’s or customer engagement.
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randallcraternews · 2 years
The prosecutors have failed to produce the required evidence against Defendant Randall Crater.
Defendant Randall Crater has requested the Honorable Court, under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 29(a), for a judgment of acquittal on all Counts in the MBC case. In the alternative, the defendant called for a new trial under the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33. In this case, the government failed to prove that My Big Coin was not a cryptocurrency.
Randall Crater Innocence Project
In this case, the government’s mischaracterization of the evidence misled the jury into believing that My Big Coin was not a cryptocurrency when, in fact, the government never proved this fact with any positive evidence. Even more disturbing, however, is that by proclaiming without proving that My Big Coin was not a cryptocurrency, the government shifted the burden of proof on this critical fact to Mr. Crater, and the Court permitted the government to do so.
Furthermore, the government failed to prove that Mr. Crater acted with the specific intent to defraud. The government’s case rested on two fundamentally flawed allegations that Mr. Crater willfully participated in a scheme to defraud, and Mr. Crater did so with the requisite specific intent to defraud. Even a review of the evidence in the light most favorable to the government demonstrates that the government failed to prove either of these facts.
Speaking on the matter, an attorney for the defendant said, “This improper argument was not only based on unsupported evidence but further undermined the court’s instruction to the jury that Mr. Crater has no burden of proof and is not required to testify. Any evidence in the case supported neither of these claims by the government. Each error discussed in this motion constitutes a basis for a new trial. And, collectively, their aggregate effect was to deny Mr. Crater a fair trial. Thus, the Court should grant Mr. Crater a new trial on all counts under Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.”
The government’s presentation of proof was notable for its failure to show that anyone associated with Mr. Crater believed or indicated that they knew they were participating in a scheme to defraud. Moreover, given the numerous communications between Mr. Crater and others, it is noteworthy that the government offered no evidence of a “smoking gun” communication. Instead, the evidence showed that Mr. Crater acted in good faith and thus could not have had the specific intent to defraud. For example, the government did not prove that Mr. Crater knew that My Big Coin was not backed by gold.
Instead, the defense presented evidence that William Donahue and John Roche misled Mr. Crater into believing that My Big Coin was backed by gold. The government also failed to prove that My Big Coin did not have a relationship with Mastercard. Furthermore, it could not present sufficient evidence to show that the wire transfers outlined in the Indictment involved “criminally derived property”.
Article in PDF format: Click Here
Thanks to The Congressional Times http://www.TheCongressionalTimes.com
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