#randall crater
randallcraternews · 2 years
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Happy Thanksgiving!!
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randallcraterfl · 2 years
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Randall Crater
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                              Sirius   Randal   Kurthnaga   Lyon                         Leo   Forsyth   Cecilia   Deirdre  Sylvain                            Valter   Maria   Chrom   Ares   Micaiah
WEEK FOUR: All together now.
Things have been going pretty well. Your little family continues to grow as you welcome Aphie and the Mechanic into your fold. What’s more, the Aukes are back, and would love to make amends! ... Rather, it seems almost as though they don’t remember attacking you in the first place. 
Blue skies follow their arrival, sweeping away the smog and dust. Greenery has begun to sprout about the whole of the city. It’s the dawn of a new era, and you’re all invited.
Food consumed: 38 cans.
Places & Things of Interest
your apartments - Central heating, lights that seem to work at the flip of a switch, food that warms within minutes if not seconds... You’ve got all of that plus the comfort of reinforced defenses. Snazzy and functional! How ‘bout that? (+2 for ALL player rolls until end of event (minigame specifics potentially notwithstanding*))
the crater - To all appearances, all of the remaining sentries have gathered here and powered down. A graveyard of machinery sits on your doorstep, and the Mechanic can be seen almost drooling at all the ‘free’ cores just sitting there. Careful.
the crane -  You guys broke it. :( Womp womp. That doesn’t stop Aphie from trying to climb it when no one’s looking, however.
not so abandoned storage - The Aukes have moved back in, but have no qualms about you scavenging in the territory if you so choose. They’ve even cleaned it up a little - no more suspicious puddles of chemicals and corpses laying about.
the Teleporter - Its light grows ever dimmer, but still appears usable for the now... (5 exchanges remaining.)
NPCs of Note
the Aukes - They’re back, but friendly this time! Kind of suspicious, innit? They’re all about peace, and would love to ally with you if you’ll have them. They come wearing the Crest of Seiros, and recognize you as students and staff from Garreg Mach. Seeing them, you kind of remember you had business with them but... what was it, again? Oh, right! You’re to bring them back home. But this is home, they say. Don’t you feel the same way?
the Mechanic - He’ll remember your race for as long as he lives, he proclaims often and with no little enthusiasm. You may have totalled one of the cars, but that’s fine, you can still go for a joyride in the one that’s left. He can usually be seen smiling and whistling away, happy as can be.
Aphie - She too is having the time of her life, though she can at times be seen with a faraway look on her face...
You’ve set up your camp, all that’s left now is to enjoy! It’s cozy, and has near anything you could think to ask for. Enjoy a nap in your plush bed, or make use of the excellent kitchen facilities... Sky’s the limit.
Scavenging / Dismantling / Hunting / Foraging - see week one tasks (+2 bonus to rolls) - not necessarily a priority - up to you if you think you’ve enough! - you may now choose which material to roll for
Crafting: - see week 3 tasks - the Mechanic is looking for inspiration for new creations... thoughts?
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sherlocwarroom · 1 year
Randall Crater Update
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cryptosecrets · 2 years
Founder of Crypto Scheme My Big Coin to Serve Over 8 Years in Prison
Randall Crater – the Founder of the fraudulent cryptocurrency business “My Big Coin” – will spend 100 months in jail.  Federal prosecutors previously insisted his punishment should have been 13 years. Crater Defrauded Investors With Over $7.5 Million U.S. District Judge Denise Casper in Boston ruled that Crater should stay in prison for more than eight years for running a cryptocurrency scam…
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mubashirnews · 2 years
Founder of Crypto Scheme My Big Coin to Serve Over 8 Years in Prison
Randall Crater – the Founder of the fraudulent cryptocurrency business “My Big Coin” – will spend 100 months in jail.  Federal prosecutors previously insisted his punishment should have been 13 years. Crater Defrauded Investors With Over $7.5 Million U.S. District Judge Denise Casper in Boston ruled that Crater should stay in prison for more than eight years for running a cryptocurrency scam…
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762175 · 2 years
Founder of Crypto Scheme My Big Coin to Serve Over 8 Years in Prison
Randall Crater – the Founder of the fraudulent cryptocurrency business “My Big Coin” – will spend 100 months in jail.  Federal prosecutors previously insisted his punishment should have been 13 years. Crater Defrauded Investors With Over $7.5 Million U.S. District Judge Denise Casper in Boston ruled that Crater should stay in prison for more than eight years for running a cryptocurrency scam…
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atozcrypto · 2 years
Learn what goes on in the cryptocurrency world: Digital currency industry latest news
Crypto scams are becoming more prevalent in the world, and the UK is no different. According to reports, 168 companies are accused of running shams (cryptocurrency foreign exchanges and such activities) and scams.
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We are beginning our today’s episode of digital currency industry latest news in UK with a question. Are the current cryptocurrency regulations enough to deter scammers? We have seen many times that crypto scammers can slip through the loopholes after scamming.  The regulators are taking steps to rectify the situation, but the question remains, is it enough? 
A report says that there are at least 168 companies that are accused of being a scam foreign exchange, which is a lot. People have said that this might have caused due to lax regulations. The report also said that there is more crime in the country, and a lot of these organizations are relying on these currencies.  This was collected from a report from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in the UK. 
However, experts think that the number is far greater, and the number 168 is confirmed after reviewing lists of suspected shell companies and cross-verifying them with reports of fraudulent activities on different websites. More than 50% of these companies are assumed to run pig-butchering scams as well. In this scheme, the scammer will fatten the pig (build trust and camaraderie), and then lure them with some unrealistic results. Mostly, these people are reached through social media, and not so surprisingly, dating sites. 
These companies are registered in the UK, which makes them seem more believable, as per the reports. If they were from other countries, people would not have fallen so easily into the scam. It is quite easy for a company to be registered in the UK, and get sham credibility. For corporate registration, companies would have to provide information, one of which is a physical address. However, most of these addresses are wrong, fraudulent, and often residential units. As a result, regular people are getting letters that are originally intended for corporate entities. 
As per the financial crime investigator, Graham Barrow, UK has been the breeding ground for such sham companies for at least quite some time. The government is trying to crack down on these cryptocurrency companies with the help of the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s strict regulations. The unit is trying to protect the best interests of consumers and investors and the upcoming, legitimate cryptocurrency companies. 
It is important to note that while not all companies fall under this category, even the more legitimate companies are facing legal trouble. So if you are interested in cryptocurrencies, you have to be careful. This is not the first time this has happened, and neither it will be the last time. Although this is an article on the digital currency industry latest news in UK, these frauds are becoming more prevalent around the world. In similar news, Randal Crater is sentenced to 8 years behind prison for running the scam of My Big Coin, a brazen fraud scheme. He was convicted of four counts of wire fraud, three counts of illegal monetary transactions, and one count of operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business. This was announced by the U.S. Department of Justice on 31st January. 
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Did Randall Crater lost his Constitutional right to a fair trial?
ONCE AGAIN THEY GOT IT WRONG!!!! THE TOUHY REGULATION SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN APPLIED IN THIS CASE. ACCORDING TO EVERYTHING IVE READ, THE TOUHY REGULATION DOES NOT APPLY IN CRIMINAL CASES!!!#Bitcoin #XRP #genz #cryptonews #cryptoworld #viral #mybigcoin #foxnews @tuckercarlsonfans @seanhannity @fox35newsorlando @thecandaceshow @tulsigabbard
More to Follow at www.TheCongressionalTimes.com You can also check out TFN.Media https://www.facebook.com/TheCongressionalTimes https://twitter.com/TCT2222 https://coingeek.com/my-big-coin-founder-convicted-over-digital-assets-fraud/
#crypto #mybigcoin #viral #cryptoworld #cryptonews #genz #XRP #Bitcoin
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randallcraternews · 2 years
Randall Crater assists cyber cafe business startups with financial and marketing plans, funding, location negotiation, technology and training.
We help you with everything, from start to finish. When we leave, you’ll be ready to open for business. Onsite internet cafe training. We’ll be there for you.
Randall Crater is a internationally-renowned consultant, and speaker specializing in cyber cafe’s and cyber cafe marketing.
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randallcraterfl · 2 years
Randall Crater Cyber Consulting Services
Randall Crater is a internationally-renowned consultant, and speaker specializing in cyber cafe’s and cyber cafe marketing. With an in-depth understanding of cyber cafe’s, Randall founded Randall Crater Systems which specializes in helping companies create cyber cafe strategies. Considered one of the world’s most respected cyber cafe experts, Randall is available to manage your next project or speak at your professional event. Randall Crater trains, coaches, and develops the practical and tactical strategies that businesses need for cyber cafe development.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Cryptocurrency Insider Trading, Fraud in DOJ Crosshairs
Cryptocurrency Insider Trading, Fraud in DOJ Crosshairs
Prajeet Nair (@prajeetspeaks) • July 22, 2022     Cryptocurrency’s brave new world is seeing a raft of traditional criminal prosecutions by the U.S. Department of Justice, which charged three with insider training and successfully prosecuted a New York man for defrauding investors. See Also: OnDemand | Zero Tolerance: Controlling The Landscape Where You’ll Meet Your Adversaries Federal…
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                              Sirius   Randal   Kurthnaga   Lyon                          Leo   Forsyth   Cecilia   Deirdre  Sylvain                             Valter   Maria   Chrom   Ares   Micaiah
WEEK TWO: The calm before
Your skirmish with the Aukes leads to a tentative victory, though it is not won without loss. Fallen comrades are carried ‘home’ in your arms, but they are mourned preemptively - for as soon as they are lain to rest, their eyes blink awake, and they look right as rain, as though nothing had happened to them at all.
Well... Can’t complain, right? They could be dead dead after all.
Anyroad, following your fight at the abandoned warehouse, the ruins have fallen oddly quiet, aside from the odd hum and click of passing sentries. Perhaps you’ve driven away the other scavengers, or maybe they were simply passing phantoms in the ever shifting landscape comprising the dreams you’ve so willfully invaded. One way or another, you’re alone now...
Well, with the exception of one brazen can thief and your chipper friend the Mechanic who’s seen fit to show his face again, that is.
Food consumed: 35 cans.
Places & Things of Interest
your apartments - your camp is starting to come together! No longer do you have to stare through a gaping hole in your second floor room at the dreary view outside. Instead, you can hang out with your dormmates in the privacy of your refurbished lodgings. Blankets and cots, analog early alert systems, yummy cans upon cans of beans and other delights... What’s not to love? Oh, and the Mechanic has offered to show you how to work the odd round panels in your rooms that heat up food on command. If that ain’t the height of luxury...
the crater - all remains quiet. As the new week progresses, however, it’s hard not to note the increasing number of machinery taking up residence within. They mill about aimlessly. There’s an odd hum in the air...
the crane -  the Mechanic is surprised, no, shocked that no one’s really used it for much yet. He wants to show you a fun game you can play with it...
abandoned storage - the Aukes have promptly vacated in the wake of your attack. Perhaps it will be worth revisiting soon?
the blank journal - is not completely blank, it turns out. Thumbing through the pages reveals a lone, cryptic journal entry near the middle of the book. Hm...
▊▊▊▊▊  ▊ :
          We begin moving. There is nothing left for us here. We head east towards ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ .          I hoped I would never have a reason to return there. But past the fog is an abundant land filled with generous people. Them sheltering us is our best chance of building our lives back. The others go along with it, thankfully. ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊and I share leadership of the group—neither of us know what to expect, but so long as we have each other, I know we will get through this. 
the Teleporter - It seems this can be used to send objects somewhere, and also to receive them... but where are they going? Who is it on the receiving end? ... Of note, every time the strange machine is used, its light appears to dim just a little bit more...
NPCs of Note
the Aukes - Where have they gone...? Perhaps it is for the better that they’ve disappeared, but one has to wonder at their sudden change in attitude when they’d been so hostile not long ago.
the Mechanic - He’s turned up out of the blue, looking frazzled but none the worse for wear. Where the heck has he been, you ask? Oh, that’s right, he never showed up for your scheduled meeting, did he... Um, well, about that... First, it started with the nasty lil bugger what stole his tool belt. Can’t well fiddle without a fiddle, right? So he had to go and get it back. And then it turned out that his venture took him a little further out than anticipated, and so, like, he got a bit lost, you see. And then-- (His tale continues on for some time.)
Aphie, the Can Thief - a sassy child who cares not for your lame jokes. She would like to take your measure, see if you are actually worth sticking around with. She’s got high standards, you see. She knows all the best vantage points in town, and all the nooks and crannies.
Setting up base camp (continued) - every 1 post = up to 7% of progress, capping at 100% - requires an equivalent 7 planks of wood, plates of metal, dormant/live cores, or a mix of the above per post - Rumour has it reaching 100% may yield something beneficial... But as things are, you’ve adequate enough lodgings to survive the remainder of your time in this dream. (Presumably.)
The Mechanic promised you something Real Cool and he still plans to deliver! That’ll be seven live cores please.
Scavenging / Dismantling / Hunting / Foraging - see week one tasks - not necessarily a priority - up to you if you think you’ve enough!
Crafting: - Aphie and the Mechanic peer over your randomly stockpiled materials with an appraising eye.  “You could make stink bombs with these,” Aphie points to the small game and the bundles of herbs. “Or maybe a potion or two...” The Mechanic doesn’t seem particularly inclined toward plants, but does light up at your assorted metal and dormant cores. “They may be dormant but that doesn’t mean they’re devoid of life. And even the dead cores have their use... Wanna see?” - 3x bundles of herbs + 1x questionable small game = 1 vulnerary (?) - 2x bundles of herbs + 2x questionable small game = 1 stink bomb - 5x assorted metal + 2x dead cores = 1 shrapnel trap (chance of injury = 1d10, 1-3 = -2HP) - 5x assorted metal + 2x dormant cores = 1 battery, after a fashion - who knows, perhaps there’s more to come!
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fitsofgloom · 3 years
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Pop That Loch!
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mubashirnews · 2 years
My Big Coin founder sentenced to 8 years in prison for fraud
My Big Coin founder Randall Crater has been found guilty of committing wired fraud and unlawful monetary transactions. He is sentenced to 100 months in jail and $7.6 million in fines. My Big Coin fraud story Randall, 52, of Lake Mary, Florida, had been charged on July 21, 2022, for a scheme that defrauded investors through marketing and selling incompetent virtual currency. According to collected…
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sherlocwarroom · 2 years
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