randelion-red · 18 days
Made some Generator Rex doodles of my favorite characters for funsies
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randelion-red · 19 days
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cricket is small. like bug. pick cricket up like kitten
oop wait bad idea
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randelion-red · 22 days
Next up is Caesar Salazar, or as I spell it for this redesign, César Salazar because just. Just look at him. He looks more like a César.
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His actual design in the show has never made any sense to me because it doesn't really tell anything about him as a character, and as a character he is extremely silly. And in flashbacks he wears a nice shirt and tie and neither of his looks scream silly but unintentionally dangerous science guy, which is his character. I feel like my design does a good job with making him the kind of guy that if Van Kleiss said that you couldn’t trust him, you’d go “really??? This guy???”
César also reads as autistic to me so I essentially just defaulted to my signature silly autistic guy design thing and gave him sweatpants with little to no other clothes that actually go with sweatpants. I swear I’m not trying to project, sometimes characters just have the vibe of something I would do. I also gave him a LEGO brick shaped chewing stim necklace because I thought it would be cool to have a little thing that neurodivergent people tend to use as a sort of “I know what you are” thing.
I tried to keep his colour scheme close-ish because it does fit him pretty nicely, but obviously with a big fluffy cardigan instead of whatever his outfit is. Tiny little fun fact, I did actually make him and Rex have slightly different skin tones. Colour pick them, I dare you. You cannot convince me that César has ever seen the sun. The doodle of their whole family was a way for me to sort out what traits César and Rex get from each parent while still making them look very obviously like brothers. Also I think it’s pretty cute.
Now the biggest thing to me in César’s redesign is that he seemed like the kind of guy who would wear socks with either crocs or sandals in a lab setting, because César and lab safety are mutually exclusive concepts. It also gives him an easy-access chancla to smack his unruly experiments. The idea is that it could potentially lead to a running gag that every scientist he’s ever worked with has gotten super pissed off that he doesn’t wear covered shoes in a lab setting and he doesn’t see why he has to and just. Keeps doing it. The mental image of Van Kleiss especially losing it and going off on an off the rails rant when he realises that César is STILL not adhering to basic lab safety is absolutely hilarious to me.
I feel like I put a little more conscious thought into his design than Dr Holiday’s, but the design I have for Dr Holiday just felt correct and it just popped into my head as it was. Next in the design thing is going to be Circe. It might take a minute because even though I have come up with a design for her in the past it needs a bit of tweaking.
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randelion-red · 22 days
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this is me, this is me
snap a photo to show what i once was
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randelion-red · 22 days
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randelion-red · 22 days
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breach doodles <3 definitely one of my generator rex favs........ i love it when girls are weird
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randelion-red · 22 days
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idk where i was going with this tbh. Also no worries he sleeping >w>
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randelion-red · 22 days
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Part 2
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randelion-red · 22 days
breach redesign
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who’s next (I will be redesigning six’s team of deadliest people) I want all the characters to have an apocalypse theme
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randelion-red · 22 days
Seeing how I feel like Eeyore half the time, I will not apologize for reblogging with the enthusiasm of a hysterical Victorian woman for the next hour or so.
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randelion-red · 1 month
I think part of what makes Rex so fun to me as a character is the contrast of who he is vs what he should be. Bc everything in his life should lead up to him being this badass supersoldier but he's just a little guy.
And I don't mean he's not competent - god, he's competent. That's part of how he manages to gain so much trust, he sticks to his word and he helps as much as he can, even if it's going to cause him unnecessary pain.
But he's an amnesiac with superpowers raised in a military organization, trained by the sixth most dangerous man in the world, constantly being watched so he doesn't turn into a rampaging robot and kill everyone, constantly having to deal with world ending threat after world ending threat, amd yet...he's just a kid.
He sneaks out to get food. He hangs out with Noah and fails at basketball. He can't shut the fuck up even when everything seems hopeless. Time and time again, he shows empathy to other people, even those trying to hurt him. He'll crack jokes to hide his fear but at the end of the day, he'll initiate being open and talking about his feelings. He will throw himself into danger not just to protect strangers, but to protect human EVOs who he knows aren't to blame for their actions. And absolutely a big part of that is probably being an EVO himself, but another big part is just being raised right by Six and Holiday. Being shown so much love and kindness, and giving it back to the world. They can't give him a normal life, and they can't give him the freedom he wants (they all do still work for Providence, after all), but they can give him what they have, even while they're dealing with their own shit.
And I think that's so important to why he's who he is. He's a good kid in a shitty situation, but he never loses his heart. Even when he thought he lost everything in Endgame - his family potentially all dead, his own brother seemingly okay with just giving the Consortium all they wanted, without his powers even, he still fought. He never gives up - he didn't give up on Weaver until he had to be pulled away, despite how upset he got he cared still deeply about Circe and kept giving her chance after chance at the end of the day, begging her not to work for Van Kliess. The second he saw that Breach was suffering, he gave her empathy and tried to get her out of that situation. Hell, even when he was losing it with Hunter Cain's guys fucking hitting him with a bus entirely out of bigotry, after lying about him for so long and turning so many people against him, he took his anger out on the bus, not on people. He still tried to make amends, still was dedicated to helping them see that he was a hero.
Every time the world shows cruelty, he responds with kindness. Rex can't let himself give up on people, because he was raised by people who would never give up on him.
In the end, Genrex (and by extension, Rex himself) is about love. It's always been about love and empathy and kindness even in the face of pain and suffering. But, the nost important part is it's about family. Not just in who you choose to be family - the who doesn't matter, not in the end - but what family means. How family teaches you love.
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randelion-red · 1 month
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WHOA. COMMISSIONS OPEN! + Link to my neocities <3
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