random-anime-freak · 3 days
My Special Talent: Longchamp/Bel Fic
@villaincock Got inspired to make this. I also blame my partner for encouraging me far too much.
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random-anime-freak · 9 days
I love having the knowledge that I'm well known for writing on a KHR server that I personally have nothing to do with. Having a significant other that loves to boast my work is odd. This is the third time they've done it.
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random-anime-freak · 2 months
Woo! Finally making this lol. This is the more official post for mine and @everlasting-rainfall ‘s KHR Rewrite.
Not only is it cross posted on:
But we also now have an official Discord server for it!!
Please feel free to join us, not just for the story, but for KHR stuff in general!
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random-anime-freak · 3 months
Should I probably do this in the morning my time when more people are awake? Yes. Am I? No.
Anyways me and my dear friend @everlasting-rainfall are doing a rewrite of Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
We finally have the first two chapters out hence why I’m promoting it now. It’s cross posted on Ao3 and Quotev.
Ao3 Link
Quotev Link
I recommend looking at the tags and paying attention to the disclaimer at the start, though I do hope the you’ll enjoy the fic!
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random-anime-freak · 3 months
Just Another Day On The Station- Miles O'Brien Omo
A request done for anon.
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random-anime-freak · 4 months
For Xanxus x Squalo/XS Fans
So I'm writing a fic where Xanxus and Squalo both die, but wake up back in the past. Both never having really confessed to the other and now so used to life with the Varia rather than the lives they have as tweens/young teens decide to basically fast forward the events of their lives. Neither one knows that the other remembers their last life as well and it's going to be pretty headcanon heavy.
But I'm struggling with the first chapter. Under cut I'm going to post the first few paragraphs and I'd love some feedback if anyone is willing.
TW for main character death.
A fight to the death was an honorable way for any assassin, especially a swordsman, to go. Yet Squalo can’t find himself happy about his current situation. He wants to get up and keep fighting, but no part of his body is responding. There’s a dull buzzing in his ears and he can hear the faded yells of his teammates. Maybe they were taunting him with the fact he wasn’t Varia Quality anymore or maybe they were nagging him for getting so hurt yet again or… The worst possibility was the idea they could be begging him to stay with them, crying out in a futile attempt to save his life. He feels unpleasantly chill even when his blurry eyes can vaguely make out Lussuria’s sun flames being pressed against his bleeding wound. Though, through the fading in and out, he can feel a familiar grip on his hair. Xanxus wasn’t yanking it, more holding as much of the Rain flame’s silvery hair in his grasp as he could. The usually loud swordsman wants to laugh, but all that falls from his lips are mostly pathetic puffs of air. The dark haired Sky presses the hair against his face, much like a child hiding behind their security blanket when trying to avoid a cruel reality life is throwing at them. 
Was his boss crying? Was Xanxus really so upset he’s leaving him? At the very least, he can yell loudly with pride in hell that he never failed his promise to his Sky. Even if eternal damnation and torture awaits him the moment he’s finally gone from this life, he can bear it all since in a way, he kept his vow to the man he loves so dear… Squalo’s eyes close slowly as he accepts his fate, vaguely hearing Xanxus’ voice yelling at him though it sounds like the man is trying to yell through water or thick jello. 
“Don’t you go…!...Shitty Shark…!...”The rest of the dark haired man’s words were unintelligible to him now in this state. Now Squalo simply waits for whatever afterlife awaits him. Being a born and raised Italian, he expects some form of Christianity hell for someone like him. Yet… There’s nothing.
Well, not exactly nothing. He feels warm again, like he’s laying in some luxurious bed. He knows damn well the Varia has never had enough money to blow on fancy sheets and blankets and memory foam filled mattresses. Not to mention the Rain flame is also pretty damn sure there’s no way his team could’ve revived him unless they let him become some Vindice like zombie.
“Hey, get up, lei!”A grating, young girl's voice yells at him. He was painfully familiar with the owner of said voice, his shitty little sister Delfino. Last he’d talked to her, she was the Cavallone Famiglia’s Rain Guardian and she didn’t sound so child-like. The swordsman opens his blue-grey eyes slowly and looks around. The room he was in was his childhood bedroom… For a moment he’d assume he’s some weird heaven until he makes eye contact with his sister.
“The fuck to do you want, voi?!”Squalo snaps at her, making Delfino gasp and flinch a little.
“Lei!! Fine if you want to be late for school I don’t care!!”
School?! He’s a grown man-... Squalo quickly gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, horror dawning on him as he finds his 12 year old self staring back at him. So that makes Delfino only 10 which explains her sounding and looking so young… This also explains the school comment. 
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random-anime-freak · 9 months
Xanxus catches Levi back on one of his 'sites' and decides to teach him a lesson.
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random-anime-freak · 9 months
Julian really needs to learn to prioritize his needs better.
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random-anime-freak · 9 months
Lore gets into a bit of trouble thanks to his father trying to make him too human.
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random-anime-freak · 9 months
Here we go with a slight crossover...kind of...
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random-anime-freak · 9 months
Decided to further cement myself with my fixation on Star Trek with the sassiest banter anyone could have.
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random-anime-freak · 10 months
New Omo Server
Come one, come all! Me and @moonlit-mystery-writer have made a new omo server. It's still got a long way to go and suggestions are always welcome. 18+ only.
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random-anime-freak · 11 months
Dino/Squalo/Xanxus Fic: Tight Situation
KHR Kinktober Day 2:
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random-anime-freak · 11 months
Spanner/Shoichi Fic: Ruined Paperwork
And so KHR Kinktober begins. Yes, I know it’s not October but does that really matter.
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random-anime-freak · 1 year
Hibari/Tsuna/Mukuro Fic: Health Concerns
Tsuna’s heat hits at a terrible time.
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random-anime-freak · 1 year
Random Thought
Tsuna: Why are you like this? Why do I love you so much?? Basically sums up any poly-guardian shenanigans with him. Even canon events honestly.
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random-anime-freak · 1 year
Fon/Skull- Sour Grapes: Anon Requested
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48090583 Skull attempts to get more attention from Fon but, it doesn’t go well for him.
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