random-note · 3 days
Abled Person: Hey man, can you hold this wad of $2,000 and this one penny for me while I open my wallet?
The United States Government:
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(Watch how many people don’t get this.)
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random-note · 1 month
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Well, aren't you a beauty?
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random-note · 1 month
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straight up cartoonishly fucking evil corporation
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random-note · 2 months
I’m “this employee is depriving a village somewhere an idiot.”
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random-note · 3 months
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78K notes · View notes
random-note · 3 months
If you want to write a dumb little story with a dumb little plot and ridiculously silly characters. No one's stopping you. Genuinely, no one should be allowed to stop you. Write that dumb story with your whole heart and don't hold back.
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random-note · 3 months
I’m hoping for the potato to work, I could use some good news.
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random-note · 3 months
EVERYBODY knows (or should) that you DO. NOT. STOP. in Vidor, Texas. 
It’s best to just run out of gas elsewhere. Whatever you do, black folks, DO NOT STOP IN VIDOR, TEXAS. 
There’s a good chance you’ll get lynched or just come up missing - and I’m not joking.
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also do NOT stop in Harrison, Arkansas!!!! (relatively close to OK and MI) a nazi town with a BIG KKK organization.
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Reblog To Save Life
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random-note · 3 months
And if you’re making things for newbies they almost always complain.
Deeply fucked up that this game (real life) forces you to play a crafting mini-game (cooking) every time you want to replenish your stamina bar.
You can skip the crafting game by using a pre-made consumable if you have them on hand, but high level players will constantly nag you about it and tell you that it damages your character's stats in the long run.
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random-note · 3 months
At another Vee meeting
Velvette, walking in late: Sorry I'm late, Vox. I was... doing things
[Valentino rushes in dishevelled]
Valentino: She pushed me down the fucking stairs!
Velvette: Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it giving you a little nudge
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random-note · 4 months
Alright, I’ve been having this thought lately and I just want to get it out there.
So this is all about Scooby Doo, in particular about how to make a good Scooby Doo show.
In my opinion Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated is the best Scooby Doo series of all time, so this is what producers or who ever is in charge should do if they want to top it.
1. They need an overarching plot for the show, no episodical narrative. I want a mystery that doesn’t get solved in one episode, something that drives the gang further and pushes them. And it would be even better if that after that mystery is solved an even bigger mystery is revealed to drive them on, like when mister E was revealed it just opened even more questions and deeper mysteries.
2. The show has to be set in the rough time of the 1970’s -90’s. The concept of the gang doing what they do is ridiculous in the modern age of technology, but back then it wasn’t as prevalent, making the concept more believable and interesting. Seeing Velma hack into security cameras to figure stuff out in the first few minutes would be boring. And if the show was set in the modern age watchers would question why she didn’t do that. I know it would be just a cartoon, but we have entered an age where these shows actually respect their audiences’s intelligence if they’re any good.
3. They need to make the gang have a defined reason for doing what they do, not just the ‘it’s fun’ excuse. They need a definitive explanation for why they do what they do and why they’re trying to solve the overarching mystery of the story.
4. They need to acknowledge the bravery of Scooby and Shaggy. They can’t just be characterized as cowards the whole show. As many have said bravery is not facing something without fear, it’s having that fear, acknowledging it and doing the thing anyway in spite of the fear. Scooby and Shaggy fit this to a T and I feel a good Scooby Doo show needs to acknowledge that.
5. They need the Hex Girls and other cool side characters. They make the world feel alive and like the world is ever changing. I also think they need to show how the gang knows all the side characters, flesh out the story. Another thing that is relevant to this point, I want old villains that the gang took down to show up again. Some will be in prison and the gang will have to visit them for information, others will be reformed or in the process of being reformed and they will willingly help the gang, maybe even apologize. Make the characters real, and not just the main characters. I want relatable villains and heroes.
6. Finally, I want real supernatural elements in the world that the gang slowly discovers, while not forgetting the non supernatural villains. I want to have one episode where the gang has to find and defeat a real ghost, and then the next villain they reveal that the fish monster was really a disgruntled fisherman or something. I just think that a cool balance would make the show better.
Well that was my rant, I hope at least one person likes this. Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
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random-note · 4 months
When they find the wolf pups:
Ned: I wonder what this could mean, the parent wolf killed by a stag’s horns?
Later at Kings-landing:
Ned about to be executed by Joffrey in part because of how shit of a king Robert was: So that’s what it meant!
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random-note · 4 months
Just a random thought, not sure if there’s some famous post or piece of media that says this to or whatever. Do you think that if vampires were real they would view other vampires that drank animal blood like we view vegans and vice versa? Like there’s some ‘vegan’ vampire that goes on about his organically sourced, cage free chicken blood and the other vampire that they’re talking to is just like ‘can you please stop trying to make me guilty from drinking human blood? Many of them are kinky and like it anyway, so stop bugging me!’ I don’t know just a thought I had while sleep deprived and having a migraine.
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random-note · 5 months
A city of air/wind magic users that made their city go into the sky to escape a great flood. They’ve been there so long and used wind magic to fly around so much that they’re a lot lighter than normal humans, and their bones are easier to break. They also can’t go to the ground level anymore really because they are so used to the thin air that the heavier, thicker air chokes them after a little bit of exposure. Their buildings are also very open with lots of windows but next to no outside leading doors, only doors between rooms. They don’t eat things like beef or pork, and primarily eat birds that fly not even chickens. Walking to places in their country is seen as weird, foreign, and/or for children who can’t use air magic to fly well yet.
Just woke up and my brain had a great idea for a fantasy setting and I need to tell it to people: Humans are the only sapient race, but magic is very common, and most societies invest in one type of magic to the point where it effects them on an irreversible level.
A city controlled by Necromancers where undead do most of the manual labor. Becoming undead is considered normal funeral practice, to the point where not being turned into a zombie is considered something tragic. The magic has seeped into the land so much that even some plants and animals still move around a bit after death due to the magical residue.
A city with a tradition of life magic where everything that isn't made out of metal is grown. Buildings are living trees, and people eat meat and plants that are directly grown without ever being part of an organism. People don't even reproduce normally anymore, it's safer to just grow new people magically, and eventually they stop growing people with the ability to reproduce naturally at all because most people don't want that. Chances are these people are either really sexually liberated, or sex is illegal under any circumstance.
A city filled with pyromamcers where the magic has effected people's anatomy. People who grow up there build a resistance to fire and heat to the point where nothing can burn them. Their eyes adjust to near constant light, and it becomes incredibly hard for them to be in any climate that isn't boiling hot. The people originally began practicing fire magic to help them with the cold, but they've migrated to the deserts long ago to deal with the side effects.
If you have any ideas for other wizard cities that could exist please reblog this post with them.
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random-note · 5 months
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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random-note · 5 months
I got Sacred Wind Generation and Multiversal recreation. I’m apparently a wind god that can make tornadoes so strong they rewrite the multiverse… that’s cool.
Click on it twice. These are your two super powers.
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random-note · 4 years
For a person with anxiety this is a massive help just knowing that something like this exists. It shows that even people who don’t have this exact problem can relate to eachother and that is something we all need right now
Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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