I’ll eat out Christ’s pussy for bingo money
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Do you man no that is some fucking reach holy hell
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What’s wrong follower-kun could it be you’re craving my mcdickies
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Mitch McConnell fucked my dad behind a 711
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I want Gaia’s massive cock to kill me
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Repressy my depressy
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Tipple all over my nipple
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Knifes are just sharp forks
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Zip my ripple
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Lungs are just inflatable meat
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Most dna is filler episodes
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Tumblr media
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Squids are like people but inside out
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“Daily” shitty quote
Your blood with be a good substitute for my barbecue
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Random shitty “daily” quote
I really want to rub baked beans on my nipples
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Random “daily” quote
Hey baby let me taste that fruit flute
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Random “daily” quote
Todd Howard says slob on my daedric keyhole
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