randomprompts666 · 2 years
🦇 The Torchwood Fan Fests HALLOWEEN FEST is back! 🦇
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October has arrived, a date which marks the return of the spookiest of all our fests. Back from its unholy rest, having clawed it way out of its own grave, is the one, the only, the newly undead Halloween Fest!
Starting today, October 1st, and until November 6th we will be doing the 2022 edition of our Halloween Fest 🎃
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This fest doesn’t require signing up! All you have to do is create a halloween-themed fanwork and submit it to us at any point up to November 6th 2022. (Please remember to add any relevant content warnings!)
We are providing 20 optional prompts for this fest. We provide these prompts with the intention of helping creators by hopefully sparking some interesting ideas; however, we will not require that submissions fit into one of them, so long as they fit the general theme of Halloween. You can take them or leave them!
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The prompts are: 1) horror classics, 2) myths and fairytales, 3) halloween traditions, 4) creature feature, 5) witches, 6) cryptids, 7) body horror, 8) cursed objects, 9) precognition, 10) scary settings, 11) haunted, 12) undead, 13) existential horror, 14) spooky classics, 15) doppelgangers, 16) taken by the rift, 17) possession, 18) nightmare, 19) dark wonderland/freakshow, and 20) trapped/hunted.
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All types of fanworks are accepted for this fest, with the usual requirements:  the minimum word count for writing is 500 words (fic, meta, not!fic, and headcanons; poetry is exempt from this requirement), 30 seconds is the minimum length for videos, and 3-songs plus a short explanation for why you picked each song  is the minimum for music playlists. If you have an idea for a fanwork that seems unconventional or less common, send us an ask! We welcome all types of content for this fest and we will be happy to hear from you :)
As usual, we’ll have an ao3 collection for this fest.
All links will be in the notes.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
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randomprompts666 · 3 years
Writer: There Was Only One Bed…
Smut fans: *gasp!!!!!*
Writer: So They Spooned All Night And The Brooding One Allowed Themselves To Feel Vulnerable For The First Time In Years And The Chirpy One Got Some Quality Snuggles
Fluff fans: *GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
Prompt of the day - 3/17/21
A Sherlolly + Warstan double date, where Sherlolly can either be established or not!  Bonus if Mary ships it extra hard.  😉  Thank you! -  @forthegenuine
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
We have come across Anidala medieval AUs but imagine a Vaderdala medieval/regency AU. Disabled war veteran Vader and Padmé as Queen Amidala who has sworn never to get married. Kind of like Elizabeth I (even their makeups are similar). Vader mostly keeps to himself yet he catches the Queen’s eye because he’s so genuine and stands out from her court of flatterers with his no-nonsense attitude. The Anidala version would be a classic story but the potential of this AU. Anakin USED TO be the golden boy. But not anymore. Also the scandal when the Queen goes for the disabled war veteran after rejecting more “worthy” suitors. I live for the political intrigue and forbidden romance. 
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
I've just watched both the z-o-m-b-i-e-s movies and I love them, I've been obsessed with everything z-o-m-b-i-e-s. I've been reading a few fanfictions and while I've found a few I like none of them have what I really want. So I'm hoping somebody would read this and either write me one or find me one. But I really want a story about Zed having to overcome his fear of fire to save Addison or something like that.
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
fic ideas for ZOMBIES that i never got around to writing (worded exactly how it is in my notes app bc why not)
@unusual-ly gave me the idea to post these so :) :
maybe a rebel!addison doesn’t want to be a cheerleader after all
a transfer student doesn’t have as much trouble adjusting to zombies and werewolves and stuff… but weird white hair on a girl? yikes (basically an outsider!pov whose opinion on addison changes throughout the fic)
wyatt kinda nerding out about humans?
winter has a crush on a girl from the cheer team ooooo
eliza and wyatt being the Single Friends who watch their other friends go on dates while they hang back and chill
what if one of the aceys tries taking addison’s necklace cause they forever hate her and one of the werewolves (doesn’t even have to be a main character just any of them) steps in & defends her and THEN wyatt or willow shows up. gotta give the nameless people some love ya know
zombies & werewolves walk in eating food that looks suspiciously like bones & brains as a prank on the humans 🤪🤪
wyatt x addison 👀👀
but also zed x addison bc ofc 🥺❤️
addison being apart of pack activities bc werewolf or not, she’s one of them
au where the werewolves’ necklaces ran out but instead of dying they just become human & they all hate it (but it’s funny?)
addie becoming the werewolf she deserves to be 😤
zed is addison’s date to a Human Thing & they’re just being cuties and adorable together aw
zed and wyatt talk about addison
zeddison encounters a werewolf hunter
bucky & addison’s grandfather turned into a zombie after he was bit. he was one of the firsts, and because of that, he never evolved past his violent stage. #familydramaaaaaa (and angst. lots of angst)
addie being super nervous about a competition and zed sneaks backstage to give her a bag of her favorite candy, show off his ‘My ❤️ Belongs to a Cheerleader’ shirt, and just calm her down like a good, helpful boyfriend 🥺
the tables turning when the Latest Monster Crew arrives in seabrook and everyone but addison trusts them immediately bc there’s just something… off about the whole thing, but no one else thinks so, so maybe addison is just overreacting?
(tbh that last one still has my heart. maybe one day)
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
Prompt of the Day - 11/13/20
Euros leads Sherlock to believe that he failed, and Molly was killed after the ILY scene.  Much angst ensues as he blames himself for her loss … but then we get to see the happy reunion scene when he learns she’s alive.  -  Anonymous
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
Christmas/Winter prompts!!
Yes I know it’s November but I am super excited so I couldn’t resist!! (Plus I wanted to make my own prompt list for a while!)
These are all based on wintery/Christmassy things, there are a couple of situations, Christmas song titles and just winter goodness in here!! 
Feel free to reblog or prompt me! 
1. Ice Skating 2. Christmas Carolling 3. Under the Mistletoe 4. Ugly Matching Christmas Sweater 5. Egg Nog 6. Snowed in 7. Putting up the Christmas lights 8. Hot Chocolate 9. White Christmas 10. Believing in Santa 11. Cutting down the tree 12. Christmas shopping 13. Snow Angels 14. Keeping warm by the fire 15. Snowball fights 16. Scarves 17. Making Christmas Cookies 18. Catching a cold 19. Traditional Christmas Dinner 20. Writing a letter to Santa 21. Sleigh ride 22. Wrapping presents 23. Making a snowman 24. Getting into the Christmas spirit 25. Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer 26. ‘Bah humbug’ 27. Frostbite 28. Gloves 29. ‘It’s too cold’ 30. Snow storm 31. ‘This is way too much food’ 32. I’ll be home for Christmas 33. Finding hidden Christmas presents 34. Snowflakes 35. Decorating the tree 36. Slipping on ice 37. ‘It’s too warm for snow’ 38. The night before Christmas 39. Secret Santa 40. Singing Christmas songs loudly 41. Finding the perfect present 42. Christmas morning 43. Silent night 44. The Holiday season 45. Christmas elves 46. Family traditions 47. Meeting Santa Claus 48. ‘My car broke down in the snow’ 49. Putting the Angel on top of the tree 50. Christmas movies
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
I dont think torchwood gave us enough episodes of "jack died in an unfortunately public place and now we have to break him out of the morgue"
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
aight, Torchwood fic writers, who’s gonna bite the bullet and write the fic where Ianto’s criminal friends from his misspent youth show up to try and convince him to join them in a one-in-a-lifetime heist, thus revealing to Jack and possibly also the rest of the team the extent of Ianto’s criminal skills (they go to him because he’s really good, ofc). please i have so many wips. someone take this off my hands, i’m begging you.
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
Eleven/Twelve x Rose prompt: An elusive and dangerous enemy of the Doctor keeps taunting him with riddles of having captured something precious to him. The only physical clue is wilted rose petals and a silhouette of a howling wolf at each place the riddles lead to. Little does this enemy know the true power of Bad Wolf, or that she does not take lightly threats made to her Doctor.
Intense!! Love it.
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
So Steve fresh out of the machine, freshly buff, glowing gold, has Peggy put her hand on his chest. He doesn't realize until later he has a mark over his heart in the shape of her hand, and it takes several days, weeks, to realize that when she touched him so immediately on freshly 'fixed' skin, she left a permanent scar of her hand on him.
The only scar on him. The only thing that doesn’t heal, not that he’d want it to. Nat sees it when they’re changing for a mission.
“Damn. Right in the chest. Must’ve been something real tough that could do that.”
“Something, yes.”
The first time Steve visits Peggy, she asks if the mark is still there. He shows her. 
“You remembered,” he says, pulling his shirt back down.
“I always remember that.”
When he gets the message that she’s gone in her sleep, he presses a hand to his chest and cries. His heart breaks and he half expects the scar to be gone the next time he looks. But no, it’s still there a few days later as he dresses for Peggy’s funeral.
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
The Doctor allows himself to be convinced to go back and see his granddaughter (whom I headcanon not knowing about the War bc shes on Earth w/o a tardis). At the end of the story, Rose and Susan get on so well that Susan starts calling Rose 'Gran' (which perplexes the locals as Susan both is and looks older than Rose)
aw, cute family fic idea!
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
Oh my god i would love a rose x river audio
just imagine it .. rose tyler is on one of her jumps and all of a sudden she lands on a pirate ship where they are about to execute a woman who is mouthing off and her being rose, of course she intervenes and a whole rescue happens and it's river she saves who then leads her to a treasure hunt .. and there's laughing and dressing like pirates and finding treasure and getting drunk and no jealously or bad blood or even mentioning of the doctor until the very end .. when rose has to leave and she tells river she's on a mission to save the universe, and river gives her a kiss and tells her of course she is cause she's the bad wolf and rose just laughs and tells her to take care of the doctor because they always need someone .. and as she leaves in a flash, river finally sees why the doctor always holds a special place for rose tyler, the woman who was loved so much by the lord of time, even the stars found their way back to her
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
a handful of Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 (missing scene) prompts
2:20 Coach’s vacations with great-aunt Edna
3:00 Zevon applying for and getting the foreman job
Bonzo trying out for cheer squad
Why did Bucky ban phones from cheer camp?
What happened to Bucky that he believed werewolves were real when nobody else ever did?
What was in those letters?
18:17 What kind of a travel agency is Flight of the Living Dead that Bonzo comes out with a sandwich? What were Bonzo and Eliza looking at in a travel agency?
Where did Wyatt get the Seabrook Power uniform and when else has he/the pack used it?
The cheerleader and the zombie running through the hall together
36:33 Wynter absolutely just takes Zed down. Obviously he’s not expecting that, but she must still be pretty strong to do that. Wynter joins the football team
Bree sneaking out, checking for Addison without Missy or Dale noticing and then getting to Zombietown that close to curfew
Addison loves moonlight strolls and sunsets…
Lacey likes peanut butter and bones ice cream during the Prawn after party. What about other zombie foods?
Prawn outfit shopping
The entirety of football and cheer seasons, since the movie begins with summer cheer camp and then jumps to the election, which would be in May/June since I think high school elections are typically for the upcoming year? But then Bucky shouldn’t really be running since he’s 17 and therefore graduating…
The talk where Kevin became Jacey
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
a handful of Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (missing scene) prompts
46:42 after Addison runs out of the cafeteria when Bucky says you’re either pro-zom/pro-cheer and Addi said she’s only ever wanted to be a cheerleader.  Zed waved and Addi ran out.  Then what?
48:54 How does Addison know Zed’s locker combination?
50:07 Addison picking out her outfit to go to Zombietown and the ensuing sneaking out
50:08 What is Zed talking about as they enter Zombietown? (no sound)
56:45 Zoey knows who Addison is
1:00:00 Dale and Missy prepare to confront their daughter after she comes home after sneaking out
1:07 everything with the Pink Suit
Addison and Bree poring over everything after the Ice Cream Date
Every football practice
1:13 AU Addison gets to Zombie!Zed and Bucky before Gus tasers him
Addison getting a proper haircut and starting to take care of her hair
Zevon the whole time the kids were in Containment
1:23:02 How did Zevon and Zoey get to the Cheer Championships?
1:25 not exactly a missing scene per se, but Zeddison are absolutely the parents of their friends group(s)
Zevon, Dale, and Coach hanging out at the block party
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randomprompts666 · 4 years
"Doctor, we've discussed this." What was that conversation like?
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face the raven || 9x10
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