randomthoughtsdump Ā· 3 years
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in light of recent asks
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randomthoughtsdump Ā· 3 years
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yall ever think about Cliff scene/Jail scene parallels.. @mage-parivir
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randomthoughtsdump Ā· 3 years
iā€™m honestly quite curious about tylerā€™s relationship with his parents. while i donā€™t think theyā€™re abusive or anything remotely similar, they might have unintentionnally neglected his feelings.
iā€™m not good at explaining stuff but something something heā€™s one of the most emotionnally intelligent of the main ten (the only one who figured out tadashi might be aware of karolinaā€™s feelings, back in chapter 5 or whenever there was the talk in the garden with him), him not wanting to use his parentā€™s relationships suggesting a discomfort between him and them, being big on honesty while using humor as a coping mechanism to deflect, both of them being busy artists, idk how to explain but i get a feeling of a really muted relationship.
thereā€™s 99% chance iā€™m wrong but i felt like putting it somewhere so.
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