Me Before You review
Since the trailer for this movie came out, I have been very anxious to watch it as it looked like a movie I would really enjoy. 
I did end up really enjoying the movie as well as the soundtrack. It promotes a very clear but important message. The only two negative points were that the movie was quite predictable and I didn’t form as much as an attachment as I would have liked to. I don’t know whether this is because there wasn’t enough back story to his character or whether the progression of his character wasn’t long enough but it was a real shame because I definitely wanted to shed a tear during the movie but just didn’t feel as invested as I thought I should be. 
Overall, a very good movie! 
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How to be Single Review (Spoilers)
I went into this movie thinking it would be a really funny let loose movie where I could just forget about my own life for a bit and just enjoy this movie.
The movie focuses on a few different women who are all single and are navigating through their lives and trying to do what makes them happy. I was a little annoyed at first because the main character, Alice, always seemed to just want to be in a relationship and even though she was the one who broke it off with her boyfriend to be single, she truly never was. At this point, I didn’t realise that this movie was about her process from being in a relationship to not accepting being single and just going out partying with her friend Robin. 
The movie is a lot deeper than I gave it credit for at the beginning. Although the main character just wanted to be in a relationship, whilst moving to New York she went on a journey! She hadn’t truly been single and so she used relationships to stop fully being alone and she came to realise that she didn’t need a guy and she went on a process of training to hike to the Grand Canyon to watch the sunrise on New year’s day. I was totally surprised that Robin was the one to talk her into being alone and finding herself because as a character she is so out there and going from sleeping from one guy to the next but that just shows that she knows what she wants and she wants Alice to find it to. 
I loved Alice and Robin’s friendship and how it grew through the movie and how it evolved and didn’t stay a toxic friendship where they aren’t good for each other. 
I don’t know whether it’s because I’m in a vulnerable place right now but I shed a tear in a few heartfelt sad and happy moments throughout the movie and took some messages from it; Don’t judge someone till you really know them (Robin), Do what you want you to do in life and enjoy the moments being single because it’s rare to be truly single (as the movie says at the end, you are always tied to parents, siblings, friends, family) and the last probably truly important message to take is to never compare yourself to other women because everyone wants different things and sometimes knowing that someone is in the same position as you is comforting but at the end of the day we are all on a different path and should live our lives how we want to. 
I’m glad at the end that Alice was truly single and found that she could be happy in that moment and achieved her goal! 
Thoroughly enjoyed the movie and would give it a really good 8/10! :D
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Room review
I’d heard a lot of good and positive things about the movie Room and so was excited to see what all the hype was about. I hoped that it wasn’t over hyped and was worried it wouldn’t live up to the standard everyone was setting for this movie which was really high. 
The movie gripped me instantly within the first few moments with a heartfelt and honest look into these two people’s lives and how they had made the best out of a bad situation. I also loved how the mother’s positive attitude to the whole concept of being held captive and the way she kept calm under stressful situations and held it together for her son. Seeing the bond between the mother and son was beautiful  and essentially this is entirely what the movie was about. 
The film had me glued to the screen for all of the movie and entirely captivating and made me cry at both happy and sad moments.
I’ve not read the book but think this movie did it justice as pulled on my heartstrings and had me emotionally invested in the story. I’d give this movie a good 8 or 9 out of 10! 
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The Versions of Us (Spoilers)
I have already written a non-spoiler review on goodreads but wanted to write another one about what else I thought of the book 
The book contained a lot of relationships and to me the characters fell in and out of love very quickly! I didn’t like that because it diminished Jim and Eva’s relationship because they, it seemed, fell in and out of love and coincidentally fell back in love right at the moment before Jim’s death. They both seemed to deserve better because in the version where they were together, they just cheated on each other and only seemed happy being together for a while which didn’t last. This put a damper on the thought that when you love someone it lasts and you won’t cheat on that person. Maybe the book eludes to the fact they were both only ready to be together properly quite late on in life and before that no matter what, it wouldn’t have worked out for them. 
I did really like at the end how all the versions were blended into one which probably shows that we don’t have different versions of our lives, our decisions in life make us continually switch between different versions. 
Also certain things and people were in all the versions which shows that no matter what you choose in life, certain things and people are meant to happen or be there. 
Overall, the book was good but very sad. It did have it’s happier moments but it was not what I expected of the book. I wanted to be more attached to the characters and even though I did shed some tears at the end of the book when Jim died, I wanted something more. I also wanted their relationship to be developed more, to see why they fell in love but this was hard to do when written in third person. However, I did like the mini flashbacks to certain events to explain the current one which made the story flow better but the different versions did skip ahead quite quickly to get through their life time but in order to do this it might have been better to split it into two books rather than cramming it all in one. This would have made for longer chapters of each version and more developed characters. 
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The Young Victoria review
I’ve been binge watching Downton Abbey for a while now and didn’t think I would like period dramas, but I was loving it and so I thought I would carry on the genre trend with this film. 
Will not put a spoilers caption in this because this film is based on history but if you do not wish to know anything... do not read ahead. 
Although it is a film based on real events in history, not knowing much about history was nice for me because I didn’t really know what to expect apart from her coming to the throne. 
It was a lovely romance film, filled with many emotions and very strongly shipping Albert and Victoria together because they had very touching moments and seemed truly in love rather than just marrying for wealth or status. Seeing him courageously jump in front of a bullet for her, made me love him even more and learning that he died so young almost had me in tears. It was seeing that they had a huge family and that she still payed tribute to him after he died by laying out his clothes everyday. 
The whole progression of her feeling controlled by her mother and others to do what they want her to do to her finally standing up for herself and knowing that she could rule and even getting upset when her husband was making decisions for her showed that she was a very strong and independent woman. 
Loved this film! 
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Review of Solace
When watching the trailer for Solace and seeing that Anthony Hopkins was going to be in it, I thought it would be a really good watch. The trailer was fast paced with an interesting story line of a physic helping the FBI find a serial killer. 
The movie started off very slowly, and there was no lead up to meeting the physic but there was dramatic music playing through the whole movie.The script was quite cliche and nothing exceptionally intriguing. The movie ended up being as a whole, a very slow movie which was quite disappointing as the film would have been better if there was a continuous fast paced story line. 
It was an interesting  idea to have the deaths as the serial killer saw it as a mercy killing because they were ill anyway. They could have pulled on this more as this raises two side of the argument about whether he is actually helping them or preventing the time they could have spent with loved ones before passing. 
The death of one of the characters was quite sad but there was not much character development earlier on and so when he did die, I was not invested enough to fully care which was a shame. 
The one thing I did think was quite interesting was that, there were several visions about what was going to happen later on in the movie and when they showed what happened, it was explained and it all made sense. However, it could have been executed in a much better way. 
Towards the end, I lost interest but was glad that the serial killer did die. The most shocking was that Dr Clancey killed his own daughter in a mercy way to stop her from feeling anymore pain and so in a way he understood the serial killer and was the first person in the film to carry that out. 
Overall, I would give the film 4/10 as it did capture my interest but did not hold it right till the end and could have been portrayed in a better way. 
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A review of Brooklyn
I watched Brooklyn, the movie, a few days ago and wanted to write out my thoughts on the movie *spoilers are revealed*
The movie was a slow one but very easy watch as it was easy to follow and I could multi-task through the film. The beginning was very cute as she navigated through New York (A place I would love to visit one day) and found love. Their romance was very cute and lovely to watch as it grew and she met his parents and found her place there. 
After she came to Ireland, I did not like it as much because although she reunited with her family, she came back for the death of her sister which was sad enough but then she starts falling in love with ANOTHER guy whilst she is still married to the one in New York. I understood that she was toying with the idea of whether to go back to a place she built up as her home or whether to stay at a place she already called home with her friends and family and I loved the choice she made to go back. 
The one thing I loved about this movie is that she made a choice to move and although it was tough to leave her home, she did and she made that decision again at the end of the movie because in her heart she knew it was the right one. In some way, it seemed like she validated her own choice because we are always making choices everyday and more than often we always wonder whether we are making the right ones but it was nice to see her fully accepting this new change in her life. 
Definitely a must watch for romantics and anyone who wants a light-hearted movie on a Sunday afternoon :)
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Review of The Danish Girl
I just wanted to write my thoughts on The Danish Girl while the move is still fresh in my mind
Before watching the movie, I thought it was going to be a slow but meaningful movie which was really happy about someone finding who they are meant to be. 
After watching the movie, I’m glad it wasn’t as slow paced as I thought, and I loved the acting within the movie and tells a very touching story which will make and probably already has made a huge impact in the transgender community. It was a truly sad film which kept my attention from start to finish whilst also being really invested in the characters. The only thing, I would say that could have been done better was at the end
 *spoiler alert* 
The death scene which seemed to be very cliche and didn’t have me fully gripped as I expected something else, maybe a more sudden one. 
Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants a touching true story that wants to be invested from start to finish
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