raptorclip · 20 days
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What is Raptorclip?
If you just randomly stumbled upon this and don't know what this ship is, I'm not sure whether to envy you or pity you. It's a crack ship. Rex Dangervest and Richard from the Lego Movie spinoff cartoon Unikitty. It also happens to be the main ship of this AU.
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Why do you have three prompts in each day?
The blue text is a traditional prompt. The other item... is a song. You can use either as a prompt or both if you feel like it and you happen to like the song.
Do I have to draw your AU?
Nope. Richard can be a brick and Rex can be canon. No matter what, I will reblog what you draw here.
What can I submit?
Anything! Art, writing... whatever inspires you! Have fun! This is a crack ship, after all! Just no NSFW.
How do I join?
Use the hashtag #raptorclip week 2024! I'm creating a collection on AO3 when I'm a little less intimidated by the prospect of it
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raptorclip · 9 months
Tumblr Sexyman Of The Day #0055
Rex Dangervest (The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, 2019)
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List of Archetypes
Twist Villain
4th Wall Blurring
Submitted by @lilacs-stash
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raptorclip · 10 months
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I feel like we need more ✨ activity ✨ around here.
- 📎 mod rick
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raptorclip · 1 year
Beware of HybridAlex17.
CW: Guilt-tripping, Suicide Baiting, Manipulation, Stalking, Identity Theft, Death Threats. Please read this. It is very important.
Hello, I usually don't make these type of posts, but lately I've been too stressed to even be here on Tumblr due to a certain individual in The Lego Movie Fandom. And that person is @/HybridAlex17.
Weeks ago, I decided to cut ties with this person on a calm way due to the fact that I genuinely couldn't keep the friendship going on any longer. Truth is that this friendship made me feel like I was trapped.
I'm in no way invalidating his trauma and suffering, and of course, I will always try to help my friends in times of need, but Alex constantly needed me to "comfort him" and basically be there for him all of the time, making me responsible of his emotions since he's an very unstable person "who would think of the worst case scenario happening to me" if I didn't told him what I was doing at the moment. Of course, friendships are meant to work through bad and good times. But there's moments where you should realize that you have limits. I had mine.
And I couldn't possibly just stay any longer in a relationship where it felt like I had to take care of someone. That's not what I'm looking for. It never was. I felt unsafe and constantly scared about what he could do to himself if I said the wrong thing, as he was constantly feeling bad about everything. And call me what you want, but I realized that, I do not want to be there. But even then, I didn't have any hard feelings towards him. I genuinely wished him the best and to get better, but I couldn't be there to see that change. My mental health mattered. So I spoke to him very calmly about it, reassuring him that I do not hate him and I just wanted to cut our ties peacefully.
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(At the moment, I censored his name to protect his identity. This was before I blocked him.)
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Then, in reply, he guilt-tripped me, wishing that I never met him, that he died that one time, that this never happened, and everything. Despite me having high hopes for him to actually react properly, he didn't. So I ended up blocking him in all of his accounts and just calling it a day, because I didn't want to think of it. Sounds pretty fair by now, right?
Well, the story does not end there. Some more days later, he would then tag me on a PUBLIC POST (because he couldn't just DM me, I guess), apologizing for taking it too personally and for everything in spanish. I spoke to my friends about this at the moment because I really didn't feel like it was genuine. You would never post an apology towards someone unless you would want them to feel pressured to reply to you, right? Well then, because he did this already MORE THAN ONE TIME with me. I blocked him because I really didn't want to deal with it. It was tiring and I was hoping that he would just give up.
(This account of his does no longer exist.)
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But then, here comes the impersionation thing. Three days ago, my friends sent me an blog that was weirdly similar to mine. Lucy icon and the description, eh, ya' know. Very fucking basic. And look at the URL. A mix of the words Max and Philippa but changed to spell Philippines.
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And if that does not convince you, then take a look at this post.
"Android Emmet AU".
I swear to fucking God.
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You guys might or might not know that I'm the creator of the Android Rex AU, I created it on June 22 of the past year, being the second AU I've ever made. So he didn't only just made a weird puppet of me to pretend that we're still friends, he's STEALING THE WHOLE THING AND TRYING TO MAKE OTHERS THINK THAT IT IS AN ACCOUNT OF MINE.
But seriously though. Come on. He's not fooling anyone. It's an pathetic imitation of who I am, of what can I do. He's acting like he knows me enough, but he never even tried to. He could never replace me. He will never get me back. And he knows it. He knows it so well.
Yesterday, it was my birthday. Of course, it was a great day for me. But various anonymus asks came in for me then. The first ones were kind ones, but then, there were some that straight up wished that I was never born and that I died! And hey! Not to assume! But that was Alex in different accounts! Because he literally stopped once I turned the anonymus off and one of my friends stood up for me!
And you can see this by scrolling through my blog just a bit!
And once he realized that he fucked up, because they thought that this friend of mine didn't have any relation with me (despite the fact that I do have posts where I drew their guys), he blocked them and "apologized". Can't even take responsability for such a messed up thing.
And he just didn't stop there. Wishing me death? Expected it. But how did he know that it was my birthday? Because I blocked him before I ever publically told it. And that's when it hit me. An alt account. And someone sent me a post in which he drew Android Rex and Joseph, two of the main characters of my AU for my birthday, saying that he wishes the best for me and stuff.
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I never fucking told you when my birthday was. You could have never possibly known unless you were stalking me over an account. You use alternative accounts to boost your own art and don't even try to deny it. People will realize once they take a look. So many empty accounts. Instead of moving on and just fucking accepting that I cut ties with you because you made me feel scared of even entering this app, and learning from your mistakes, you're being a fucking creepy man. And don't deny it. You've done this to a bunch of people here. My close friends were affected by your shit.
And I know that you're going to see this.
And just so you know, since you crave my attention so fucking much to the point where you created a fake account that was "me" so you could still think that nothing happened, let me tell you something.
I was never angry at you. I stated that I wanted to cut ties because I couldn't be in such a toxic relationship. I respected you as a person. But then you tried to make me feel bad about my choice. About everything I do. Because that's what you're good for. Is this how you treat your friends? Because Good Lord. Seeing your true colors makes me think that we were never really friends since the start.
And even then? I'm not angry at you.
I'm disappointed.
And I already hit my favor quota on saying this in the most harmless of ways possible, but I'm feeling generous. So. Like. Have some dignity, would you? Don't be an asshole. Move on. I already did.
I hoped that you would move on. But you never learn anything, do you? You said how much you cared about me back then. I guess death treats, constantly stalking someone, and impersonating them is your way to care.
I will never be your friend.
And to those who read this post, please, do not harass HybridAlex17. As much damage he has done, he's not worth it. What I would be thankful of is that you guys report the fake account he made of me, since I can't do it myself. And let others know about him and his doings.
If you're a friend of HybridAlex17, then I'm deeply sorry. I do not have any hard feelings towards you, but I would rather not interact with anyone who is.
And with this, I'm done. Take care, all of you.
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raptorclip · 2 years
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✎ Mod Rex
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raptorclip · 2 years
Give Rich a hat. He deserves one
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A gift from his boyfriend :)
✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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Tea for two and two for tea
✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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Kit gives a presentation, with the help of her Shadow kinnie brother
(✎ Mod Rex, inspired by @spark-scribbles!)
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raptorclip · 2 years
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We all saw this coming.
✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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Not even the smartest guy in the Unikingdom and a former Master Builder can understand how to assemble IKEA furniture. Not amount of cooperation can fix the mess those instructions create.
✎ Mod Rex + Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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He can be a bit of a romantic, sometimes.
✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
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✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
Hi mods cute ship, Rick is a Brick?
Yep, Rick is a brick! And a very cute one at that.
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✎ Mod Rick
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raptorclip · 2 years
Rex Dangervest and his three weed smoking girlfriends
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Which of them holds his arm and tells him we're not worth it 🤣 (- Mod Rex)
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raptorclip · 2 years
The mods are both very good at drawing, I love you art! Have you thought about collaborating? Like one of you drawers Rex and the other does Richard?
We haven't before but we have now!!
Outfit swap!
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✎ Mod Rick + Mod Rex
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raptorclip · 2 years
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No matter the verse, even one where one is a demon, their bond is strong.
✎ Mod Rick
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