raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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Hold me in the Sunset
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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this isn’t just some story… its the adventure zone! - ep. 64
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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“Anatomically correct” mermaid references. Artists unknown. If you know either artist, please let me know! I try to always credit artists, since I am one.
And before I have anyone reblogging this saying “mermaids with cetaceans tails only make sense”, please don’t. Mermaids (that we know of) aren’t real. So really no human/fish-tailed hybrid “makes sense”.
Mermaids live in our souls, they are spirits of wild, untamable freedom and mystery. 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏿‍♀️
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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A fun animation I worked on today:)
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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Hey, friends! It’s Meg with another TUTOR TUESDAY!, I’ve finally bit the bullet and tried out a hand tutorial! Hopefully there’s something new that will help you along with hands! If you have any tutorial recommendations for next week, lemme know! As always, keep practicing, have fun, and I’ll see you next week!
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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Send in a character and number!! (insp.)
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecakes
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raptorsmindspace · 7 years
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The Facebook page I used to be a part of hosted an OC competition sometime ago and I was chosen as one of the admins to draw the 5 winners. The OC belongs to Failure-At-Failing
OC Bio:
Rufina Belle. “Rufina” meaning “red-haired”  from a Latin, Greek, Italian, Russian or Spanish origin.
Gender: Female
Age: 19- Third Year at Beacon.
Species: Human
Color: While her name refers to the color of her hair [a scarlet red], her actual concept follows a purple theme.
Symbol/Emblem: Her symbol is in the shape of a bell ringing [The silhouette of a bell with motion lines around it. See attached image]. It's located on the back of her shirt.
Appearance: Rufina stands at 5'7" and weighs 140lbs. Her hair is bright cherry red, with the two front strands tied around the back of her head into a half-ponytail. The longer parts of her hair rest slightly below her waist. Her skin is a pale natural pink, her face and shoulders plastered with light freckles. Both of her eyes are a light lavender color. Her signature look is sporting a bright red lip color. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless croptop, shorts, gloves, and stockings. The inner part of the shirt is a light lavender, with the sides being a darker purple. Her shorts are smokey gray accented with a brown leather belt, and her lavender stockings resting above her knees. She has similar sleeves as to Nora [where they basically cover a few inches above and below the elbow], and she wears fingerless brown leather gloves on both hands. For shoes, she wears slate gray combat boots with purple accents on the front, sole, and laces.
Personality: Rufina is a very determined huntress-in-training. As the leader of Team ROBN ["Robin"-Color reference being the color of a robin's eggshell] she takes pride in leading her team, being the only female. When she first started out training to be a huntress she was reckless, going into battle only to become hurt in the process. Over the years of training she has learned to approach battles strategically and to think things through before acting. When she's not being serious about battle, she's actuallly quite light hearted, often seen laughing alongside her partner and teammates. She often cracks jokes to try and lighten the mood when people around her seem down, but she knows when the time needs to be serious and will refrain if need be. She works well alongside her partner, the two of them being able to read each other often without saying anything at all. As a student at Beacon, she focussed well during the lessons- her favourites often being the lessons with Prof. Port. Her determination to become a great huntress kept her focussed in class, keeping steady A's and retaining all the knowledge and utelising it on the battlefield.
Aura: Her aura color is a light pink, almost white color. As for the level, it sits roughly in the mid-range- enough to take a few blows, but not enough to tank a battle. Her aura relates to her weapon- see below.
Weapon: Rufina's weapon has two stages. For close combat it's first form is a staff that stands just below her eye level. When activated in projectile mode (this is usually her primary mode) it takes the form of a bow. The staff is able to "snap" into the shape of the bow with a press of a button in the middle, and vice versa. Her weapon takes on the name "Skycaller". Skycaller is aquamarine in color with the detailed accents on it being baby blue. The quiver on her back contains  a stock of roughly 30 arrows. Because her weapon doesn't have "ammo" persay, she has to be careful with her shots, taking the time to aim and not fire randomly. If she has the opportunity to during battle when the area is clear, she will run out and retrieve her arrows from the field if they are salvagable. When she is out of stock and forced to fight without her arrows, she keeps Skycaller in the staff form and fights in close range. This is however a weakness, and she often relies on her partner for assistance if she has to be in close range. On a note regarding her aura- if she finds herself in dire trouble with no ammo remaining and the field isn't clear to collect her arrows she can utelise her aura in a way. It's a risky meneuver. Basically she can shoot off fractions of her aura as a projectile- but this decreases her aura level with every shot. It's a very fatal and risky tactic, and she only uses it in dire situations when her aura level hasn't taken much damage. So hardly ever.
Dust: No dust! Her partner is very much dust orientated, however!
Semblance: Her semblance is teleportation! She is able to teleport to a VISIBLE position within roughly 15 feet of her current position. This requires her to be able to see the exact spot to teleport to. By teleporting she leaves behind a clouded image of herself for a split second. She cannot rapidly teleport, however. She has to recover for a few seconds after each session. When she first became in touch with her semblance she was only able to teleport once every few minutes due to the vertigo effect she got from it. After her years of training, however, she has picked up speed and only requires two or three seconds between teleports as recovery time. [Her landing strategy at Beacon was to teleport from branch to branch until she safely ported onto the ground.]
Fighting Style: Her fighting style is very support-heavy. She leaves the close range combat to her teammates while she snipes the enemy from a high vantage point or from cover. Her semblance relates to her weapon well because she is able to fire from multiple positions within a short time, covering a wide range of enemies from multiple locations. During close range combat, she tends to find very defensively, using the staff form to block attacks from the enemy and to keep them at bay.
Affiliations: Student at Beacon Academy!
Background: She was born and raised in Vale. Both of her parents were huntsmen in their youth. Her mother took it upon herself to refrain from battle while raising Rufina, while her father kept at his training and often went away on missions to scout for Grimm activity both inside and outside of Vale. As a child Rufina was adventurous- she was always climbing trees, disappearing for long periods of time with her friends, often returning home with scraped knees and bloody hands. Her mother often told her stories about the adventures she and Rufina's father went on when they were younger, which only inspired Rufina to become a huntress herself. She took it upon herself to practice firing with a bow and arrow made from a stick and some string. Eventually she sat down with her father and together they crafted a basic bow for her to use instead. Her careless childhood was what caused her to be so reckless in her first year at Beacon. She'd run into battle not thinking about her reload time compared to everyone else, often being caught without ammo in her bow during an attack. Because of this, her partner- and best friend- scolded her a lot and reminded her that she needed to put her recklessness behind her and learn to think things through before jumping into battle. Her past mistakes are what shaped her to be the careful leader she is now.
Canon: Team ROBN's story can easilly be added into the canon RWBY-verse. It takes on the sense kind of like team CFVY, where they're always in the school just rarely seen and often out on scouting missions. The main story behind Rufina and Team ROBN takes place before RWBY and the gang attend Beacon- with ROBN being two years older, thus being at Beacon for two years longer. They took on many first-year scouting missions, shadowing huntsmen, grimm control, and training sessions.
Relationships: Rufina gets along well with the members of CFVY due to both teams being at Beacon for a longer period of time. When they have spare time, sometimes she and Velvet go for training where Rufina fires off arrows and helps Velvet to dodge and weave between shots, and Velvet will return the favour by helping Rufina fight in close range-with or without her staff. Being the only female member on her team, Rufina finds herself gravitating towards Velvet and Coco often just to escape the boys for a while.
Origins and Influences: Rufina's physical appearance was loosely based off of myself, actually. She started off as a self-insert OC and I eventually fiddled with her design to change it up- changed the name to fit with the color rule, changed the hairstyle, eyecolor, etc. I didn't mean to, but she actually ended up resembling Hawkeye a lot with the final design.
[Optional Information]
Love Interest: Rufina and her partner are low-key dating.  They keep it on the downlow, claiming they're just really close friends. They work well together, so people often blow it off as good partnership. After the Volume 3/4 timeskip they're more open about their relationship to others.
Likes and/or Dislikes: She loves classical music, hates fish.
Not really an extra, but I'm in the process of creating a tumblr dedicated to Rufina and Team ROBN. It's not active yet, but when it is, it can be found at
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
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♡ Stardew Valley’s Bachelorettes ♡
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
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Some random OC i like x3 Deviant art; http://rapturesraptor.deviantart.com/art/Sketchy-doodle-648103487
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
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My 2016 art summary~ by RapturesRaptor on @deviantart
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
can you draw rowlet in lillie's big (silly) hat?
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raptorsmindspace · 8 years
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I really love @therealtkit ’s #ffxiv character a bit too much. This is a silly drawing of her but she’s real cute 🌼🌻🌼 #doodlesofinstagram #sketches #sketchbook #art #fff
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