raquelsalinas · 9 years
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I know you don't have anything else to do... so come hang. #localmusic #supportyourlocalartists #SoSaysI
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raquelsalinas · 9 years
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It really could not have been a more perfect day for a boat party. Lake Travis and that good ole Texas weather was on point. So much love going out to all those who came out to make it such an awesome adventure. This is definitely one for the books. <3
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raquelsalinas · 9 years
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I graduated and had a boat party...nbd :)
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raquelsalinas · 9 years
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Lions and Tigers at Holy Mountain
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raquelsalinas · 11 years
Yours truly is back in EPTX.
(for 2 weeks) 
Hit me up for shows, reviews, to chill, to board, to whatever!
Once school starts again, my social life is over. 
^^^What happens when you're trying to be a successful Longhorn. :)
So lets live life while I can cause I want to live it with you!
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raquelsalinas · 11 years
Return of the Emu
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     It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's truly inspirational. Front man and guitarist, Joaquin Aragon announced that More like an Emu was back (only for the one night) since their last performance almost a year ago. Due to drummer, Eli Watson attending school at the University of Texas at Austin, the band rarely has time to get new songs together and put on performances. If you're ever wondering when you're going to see them again, try the next summer or winter break. On another note, during the school semester, both Joaquin and bassist, Maribel Hernandez are in another side project currently known as Komari Vo$a. Other guitarist Angel Yglecias, now fronts for the band called The Aykroyds. 
     Curious about what these guys are all about? Yeah, so was I when I first heard of them. Looking for something that's slowly going to build in your mind and soul and burst out when stylistic rhythms change or another transcending musical lick takes over? This is definitely the band for you. They take on the genres of experimentally progressive mixed with math rock. The complexity behind the poly rhythms they're able to create and the absolutely entrancing dynamics they produce make this pretty evident. More like an Emu has no problem capturing a crowds attention.  
     Technical difficulties? What's that? Well let's face it, we are all no strangers to a fuse going out, loosing sound, or getting some kind of random, unwanted feedback. Shit happens. More like an Emu encountered the same problem. I'm not going to lie to you, I have no idea what the problem was, but we all know that something sounded weird for a minute there. Of course, the band handled it with great finesse and was off and running once the problem was solved. 
     Stylistically similar to Explosions in the Sky or Maps and Atlases, More like an Emu has created music that separates them from all others. They've put a stamp on the local El Paso music scene and claimed it as their own because they do it and will keep doing it well no matter how long it takes. For that, we thank you MLAE for gracing us with your undoubtedly beautiful and artfully crafted musical grandeur. 
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raquelsalinas · 11 years
50. Because we live in Austin, Texas
49. Because the 40 Acres is a beautiful campus
48. Because you can study in this library
47. Because spotting this little fellow before a test is good luck
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46. Because Chaps > Overalls
45. Because Hook ‘em!
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
“Must love decorating for holidays, mischief, kissing in cars, and wind chimes. no specific height, weight, hair color, or political affiliation required but would prefer a warm spirited non racist. cynics, critics, pessimists, and “stick in the muds” need not apply. voluptuous figures a plus. any similarity in look, mind set, or fashion sense to mary poppins, claire huxtable, snow white, or elvira wholeheartedly welcomed. i am dubious of actresses, fellons and lesbians but dont want to rule them out entirely. must be tolerant of whistling, tickle torture, james taylor, and sleeping late. i have a slight limp, eerily soft hands, and a preternatural love of autumn. i once misinterpreted being called a coal-eyed dandy as a compliment when it was intended as an insult. i wiggle my feet in my sleep, am scared of the dark, and think the Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the greatest films of all time. all i want is butterfly kisses in the morning, peanut butter sandwiches shaped like a heart, and to make you smile until it hurts.”
-Matthew Gray Gubler, on his perfect woman.
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
A Life is Stranger
Or in their case, their life is promising. Promising for a successful future filled with endless possibilities. In a group consisting of 3 members, they've achieved a fun, alternative band not really known to the local scene yet. Ann Uribe, guitarist, Frank Rodriguez, vocals and guitarist, and Luis Tellez, drummer, have all been friends since high school. Now all graduated, Ann says that it's been "a little over three years" since they've been together. This band unfortunately has to deal with two of the members, Ann and Frank, going out of town frequently for school and work. Fear not though! Luis is not one to just sit around and wait for them to return, rather he dabbles in a few other activities that keep his passion afloat. When talking to him, he said, "I record my drums all the time and I go back and try to put a melody." He also added that he plays "in another project, [a] metal/progressive/techno band", who call themselves Wide Shut. As far as future plans for A Life is Stranger, Frank says there's "no plan's yet. [But] things will develop."
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After A Life is Stranger's performance last Saturday, I found that this band was producing a style similar to something else I had heard. Although I couldn't quite put my finger on it, during the song, "Get on the Scene" (video can be found here: https://vimeo.com/46209111), Franks screams were reminiscent to Kings of Leon's old style during their "Aha Shake Heartbreak" album. When talking to Ann she gave me some more background on the band. At the time they started writing music, Frank was really into, Manchester Orchestra. Right then is when it clicked! They were definitely mimicking a sound similar to Manchester. The screams and the simple moments of repetitive guitar riffs create a sound that is, simply put, dynamic. Don't get me wrong though, they get their inspiration from other groups as well that only diversify them for the music world. 
They are generating different genres of music from up-beat alternative, to experimental. One song in particular, that Ann played a portion of for me, was one called "Ann's Tea Party". It's a purely instrumental song between her and Frank where they've created a duet with guitars and solos that they share back and forth. 
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A Life is Stranger is working on creating a theme not necessarily through sound but through their message. Frank said that it's mostly about his day dreams, stating that "there are many songs about escaping your life for a life of adventure, about a land unknown free from violence, or even the life after high school [where] nerds [get their] true revenge against all those who tormented them." 
The night of the performance, the band also did a cover on the song "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove, which they had just put together that day! And they did an outstanding job under those circumstances.  I found out later on that they were actually supposed to do a cover on "The Cave" by Mumford and Sons, which I'm sure many would not have minded either since Mumford has gained some serious attention within the last couple years. Either song would had tied in nicely to the theme that they were trying to create. Songs about juvenile love and seeing the world from through new eyes. It's always going to be an adventure when it's about something new and unexpected. 
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Though this group has trouble booking performances due to their small time frame that they share together, there's no doubt that when the opportunity presents itself, they will definitely be down for the event and bringing some exciting tunes your way! They are one to get you off your feet and get you moving to some fun beats! I do wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors and hope that there is more to come from them! A Life is Stranger, please don't be strangers to our lives. 
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Arctic Monkeys - “Come Together” at London OLympics Games.
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Fight Club <3
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Bon Iver - Holocene   
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
If your band wants a review....
invite me to your show. :) 
I love me some new music!
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This is my "inquisitive, ready for some shows" face. :)
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
The Aykroyds hyping up the Lowbrow
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There's no mystery as to why so many people showed up to the Lowbrow on a Monday night. Downtown El Paso, plus some chillin' weather, followed by a bill that was destined to please, who wouldn't want to go? After a solid performance from Komari Vo$a, The Aykroyds were set and ready to roll.
The band, which originally got together about a year ago is composed of four musicians, two of which are doubling up on their music careers. Lead singer and guitarist, Angel Yglecias (formerly from More Like An Emu) and Marcy Rodriguez, also guitarist, were the original founders of the band. "Angel and I started jamming together around this time last year and one thing led to another, and people came and went, but we finally found some perfect matches," said Marcy during a brief interview.
Those perfect matches she mentioned turned out to be Joaquin Aragon (A.K.A Hamster), from Komari Vo$a, and Ruben Chavez, from Dubcartel. Dubcartel is similar to what you would hear coming from bands like Sublime and Pepper, which is quite a change from the experimental sound that The Aykroyds are going for, but Ruben reassures us that "the transition...is really easy because the base lines I write are very dubby and reggae influenced." That being said, music isn't limited to the genre you label a band with, but by the quality and effort put into the music to make it work together. 
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The Aykroyds sound was lyrically simple, but rhythmically complex. After talking to Angel, it was clear why. "I'm really self conscious about my vocals and I only sang two songs because of this..." This doesn't mean that the effect of the music was any less impressionable. His talent is apparent any time he picks up that guitar. "The solos are always improvised...most of my experience playing comes from jamming and improvising on the spot, so I'm pretty comfortable doing so anytime," added Angel. His solo during their last song, "El Ladron" (The Thief) was especially stunning from the increased tempo during some of his riffs, and the effects that he was able to incorporate using his pedals. 
Hamster on the other hand, who is normally one of the front-men guitarists in Komari Vo$a, was making his presence known in the back as the drummer. His passion for music has enabled him to broaden his instrumental talents in order achieve the stylistic needs of each band he joins. When asked how he liked playing the drums as opposed to the guitar, Hamster answered with, "I feel absolutely fortunate to have the opportunity to be able to play drums in this band. My favorite thing in the world is to play music, so whether I'm playing guitar in K.Vo$a or drums in The Aykroyds, I'm having a great time." 
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There's no doubt that this group has some gifted musicians on their hands. From Marcy and her ability to amplify the complex rhythms and help support the lead, to Ruben, who's bringing in those funky beats that only enhance the individual style that The Aykroyds are producing. This band is seriously tearing up the stage and hyping up the crowds. I predict a successful future for these locals. El Paso, get ready because this isn't the last you'll be hearing about this band. 
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Sumatra hosts Komari Vo$a
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I was guaranteed a great show from the beginning, and they were right. Komari Vo$a is a group of 4 that came together after their previous bands split up. Lead singer and guitarist, Emmanuel Barraza and drummer, Jordan Cox were both in a local band called With All Due Respect that broke up about a year ago due to some members moving out of town. Guitarist, Joaquin Aragon, and bassits, Maribel Hernandez hailed from the band More Like and Emu that split up more recently. This band coming together was no accident though. They've all known each other for many years, and the greatest part is learning that most of them can play multiple instruments. When talking to Maribel, she told me that, "Jordan, Hamster (Joaquin), and I wanted to start a band but we were all drummers. So Jordan called drums, Hamster called guitar, and I called bass and we just starting learning it." They've created a whole new style apart from their previous bands and they've come to really dig it. "I like it a lot. It's what me and Manny (Emmanuel) have always wanted to do. It's our baby and we've been working on it for over a year," added Jordan during a brief interview. 
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  After their performance last night at Sumatra Hookah Lounge in downtown El Paso, I would have never known that these guys started off as just drummers in their high school band. Their melodic songs blended well together to create one cohesive theme throughout the show. The reverb produced a very lyrical and clean sound that was noticeable in each piece that they played. "We all have similar interests from jazz to progressive rock or whatever, but we still all have an individual identity as far as musical tastes," said Hamster. The progressive genre of music that this band is achieving has locals talking. Nothing is ever perfect though, especially when bands are beginning to get their name out there, and Komari Vo$a is no exception to that. They are no strangers to the venue Sumatra, and after their third time playing there, Manny said, "It felt kind of shaky given the issues I was having with my guitar, but I think as a whole, it was one of our better performances."
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Komari Vo$a opened up with their song Manos and closed with an amazing Buda Buda Butterflies! This song was a crowd pleaser and the energy that Manny brought with his vocals and riffs brought by Hamster were nothing short of magnificent! Each member has their own technique when it comes to preparing for their shows. Maribel for instance, says that she thinks about "all the hard work we put into writing and practicing our songs, and just giving it my best..." She jokingly added, "and I sometimes high five Hamster." Manny also has his own remedy to get pumped up, saying that "a lot of times I listen/watch my favorite artists. I try to do vocal warm-ups when I can, too." No matter what it is, they are bringing something new to the table. "[Our] strengths would probably be our bonds...We've played in a lot of bands together so we know each others playing styles really well..." says Jordan. The fact that these guys have known each other since they were little only justifies the complementary styles that they are all putting together in producing the "Komari Vo$a" style. For such a young band, the solid theme between the songs and and styles of each member are blending together making for one positive turn out. 
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Sugar Ray's Greatest Hits Live!
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I honestly wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into this once community aquatic center turned entertainment center. It was a free show that Speaking Rock Casino and Socorro Entertainment Center put together. Every summer they have several line-ups of various bands to play for the El Paso community to enjoy. Typically I listen to more current and up-and-coming bands but this was definitely a throw back type of concert when Sugar Ray showed up playing many of their greatest hits for the crowd. I only remembered "Every Morning" which was a number 1 hit in 1998 coming off of their 14:59 album. Of course, as the show progressed, I realized that I had known many more of their songs by heart including, "Fly", "Someday", and "When's It's Over."
Let's just say the Mark McGrath knows how to keep an audience entertained. His charismatic personally and smooth, funky dance moves were an invitation for everyone else to groove with him. 
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After reading another review on the Summerland Tour that Sugar Ray is on along with headliners, Everclear and other bands such as the Gin Blossoms, Lit, and Marcy Playground, I learned that they haven't been as "off the grid" as I thought they were. According to El Paso Times article, Summerland Tour: Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath front man round up bands for '90's nostolgia, by Doug Pullen, when he interviewed McGrath, he had this to say, "It's a misconception that we ever took a break. The reality is we never did. For 24 years it's been the original members, until this year." On that note, I'm sure we can all be happy that they never actually took a break. The energetic performance put out by the band was one for the books.
Not only was I pleasantly surprised by the involvement of the crowd, but also by how well McGrath and the rest of the band incorporated them. In the middle of the show, McGrath paused to bring two lucky individuals up on stage for a karaoke "battle". Though one of the guys seemed to be a little shy, the other man from Washington, took full advantage of his minute of fame moment. Both were rewarded with Sugar Ray t-shirts for their participation and the show commenced and ended with the hit song "Fly" from their 1997 album Floored. 
The fun doesn't stop with the Summerland Tour though. The Socorro Entertainment Center has more performances to come. The next one in line will have Sublime with Rome, Cypress Hill, and Pepper all on one bill. Doors open at 5:30 for all 18+ locals who care to come out and enjoy yet another free show. Come July 18th, 2012, I know where I'll be that's for sure. 
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raquelsalinas · 12 years
Some sick electronic artist that I have/want to see! Definitely worth a listen. Blast this music, turn off the lights, switch on the light show, and RAGE!! What could be better than releasing your energy through dance? Even after I had the experience to be backstage and meet artists personally, nothing compares to the absolutely exhilarating experience of being in front of the music and dancing with the crowd! Knowing that nothing else matters at that moment but taking in those emotions and vibrations of the music, letting it surge through your body, and exerting it in such a natural form. That's what these's performers are meant to do. Give it a try. Don't listen to the haters that limit their musical taste to just one genre. By not diversifying oneself in types of music, it can be assumed that one is not only limited to feelings and creative ability, but being limited in life experiences too. Live in the music.
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