raritycat · 2 years
Don't let your dreams be dreams! Make it a reality!
I’ve made a new Youtube channel solely dedicated to Amberlynn Reid circa Destiny era and them being star crossed lovers and my first video is a shipping sort of edit that no fandom would be ashamed of of the two of them to the tune of Katy Perry’s The One That Got Away, highlighting their best moments and ALR’s longing after they broke.
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raritycat · 3 years
Do you know what amberlynn’s tumblr account is? You can answer privately if you don’t want to post it :)
I don't believe she has one anymore. It used to be this URL but since I have it now, I assume she must have totally deleted it.
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raritycat · 3 years
Fat narcissistic fat cunt of a cow!
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Apologies for your illiteracy as well as your inability to cover your own ass by clicking anonymous. (the real Patti Mayonnaise would never, for shame.)
If I had to guess, I’d theorize that you are the kind of person who has been made to feel bad about the way they look in the past and you enjoy projecting your insecurities onto others.
If you want things to be better, you must begin by self reflecting and identifying your obstacles, then seek solutions to problems within your power to solve. For myself, I lost 75 pounds in two years by loving myself so much that I want to keep my body healthy and happy for as long as possible.
You were so reactionary you sent a hate message to some stranger on the internet before reading their bio.
Consider taking a breath before lashing out at someone next time,  @pattiimayonnaise 
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raritycat · 3 years
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Merch idea, feel free to steal this ALR I need a shirt okayyyyy
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raritycat · 3 years
If ALR returned the clothes that didn’t fit her from her past Torrid hauls she would have gotten all her money back instead of having to sell at a loss on instagram.
Just another clue that she doesn’t care to save any money smh
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raritycat · 4 years
I just discovered Pulpy Syntax on YouTube and this man may be my favorite reaction channel of all time, at the very least for the quotes.
I feel like watching him puts an all new spin on my own weight loss, and how to talk about it to others. I would love to be as articulate as he is about how weight loss works, and as a bonus he cuts through bullshit so concisely it is almost surgical.
Some quotes so far that I've loved:
"Weight loss isn't hard, it's boring. Weight loss is a long straight road, and you will sometimes get bored and want to lay down and stop."
So freaking true, it is so easy to be inspired for a moment but the real work is in the day to day grind of shaving off tenths of pounds over months of struggling.
Foodie beauty: *in a live chat addressing haters* "like. Why are you even here?"
Pulpy Syntax: "I am here to learn."
Never had someone so succinctly state why I watch the big ladies on Youtube.
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raritycat · 4 years
All good advice, I'd also suggest drinking a big glass of water first as well. Sometimes when your body sends hunger signals, it means to say that it is thirsty. Giving your body extra water can fill you up enough to make it to lunch.
If I'm hungry and it's not time to eat according to my schedule, I drink water or tea first. If im still hungry after fifteen minutes, I'll have a snack and make a note that my previous meal wasn't enough for me to stay full. Then I add protein or fiber to that meal when it comes up again.
Having a structure to your day will help your body regulate itself, which makes your body healthier.
Eat when you’re hungry
“But it’s late at night-” eat!
“But it’s the middle of the day-” eat!
“But I’ll be having lunch soon-” have lunch earlier! Or have a light snack!
“But I don’t deserve to eat” I promise you do, you deserve to eat and feel full I promise you
Eat when you’re hungry! When you’re hungry, you’re sad. And that will just add to whatever else is upsetting you at the time. Even if it’s something like popcorn or a strawberry or toast or meat and crackers or a breakfast bar, eat when you’re hungry!
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raritycat · 4 years
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Holy Shit!!
Literally too happy to wax poetic but I reached my goal today!
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raritycat · 4 years
Half a pound to go, and Thanksgiving is tomorrow?
Bring it on.
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raritycat · 4 years
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raritycat · 4 years
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and Amberlynn, if you’re watching, I said ‘snack’, not a whole entire rotisserie chicken
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raritycat · 4 years
I had intended for this post to be earlier. I wanted to come on and say I've finally reached my goal.
Now I realize that the last five pounds are the hardest ones to lose. I have like two pounds left, and then I can forever maintain. It's sooooooo close and soooooo frustrating.
2 pounds. That's as much as my hair weighs, and when I reach my goal I will be cutting and donating like 20 inches.
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raritycat · 4 years
I spy a cameo from a washed up jaded porn star 👀
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Traci Lords
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raritycat · 4 years
I am dying for ALR or Foodie Beauty to talk about the Glitterandlazers videos recently.
I hope they are kind to Anna and see that she's doing what she needs to to get healthy. Maybe take some notes from her. Idk. I can dream.
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raritycat · 4 years
Weight loss and Job loss
I got unfairly fired from the job that paid me less but was more enjoyable. 
It really really stings. They didn’t explain anything to me and interpreted my confusion and unavailability for their last minute opening as a refusal to work, telling me that I shouldn’t worry because they’d offer to hire me back Someday(tm). 
Can’t lie, the day after I heard, one of my friends brought me homemade bread and I ate half the loaf with blue cheese and beer. I don’t regret it, but I do recognize it as a moment of emotional eating. I’ve been drinking too much lately, but mostly in social situations. (When you’re at a wedding and they pull up the trailer of beer with a tap in the side and say have at it, I am. Truly the weakest in resolve I have ever been.)
I wanted to be a part of an organization that did good, but it seems that no matter how lofty a surface goal, all my employers care about is paying their workers the least and getting away with shady practices.
However. This will not deter me from my goals. I have better things to spend my time on. I’m going to use this as another stepping stone so I can be even better prepared for pitfalls down the road. 
I hope everyone out there is doing as well as they can be. <3
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raritycat · 4 years
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raritycat · 4 years
Wait the cancer was legit? I feel like an ass for not believing her 😥
I mean. I understand where the skepticism comes from, it’s not like she hasn’t lied about stupid things before.
However, I think it is always important to remember that when ALR lies it’s about small things, or about things that don’t really matter. (obviously excluding Kasey, which she lied about and afterwards never tried anything like that again when she got called out.) It is good to keep in mind that while ALR has a lot of issues and needs therapy (psychological and physical), that she isn’t evil. She is insensitive and rude, but she’s not anywhere near Flobby Bobby levels of vitriol and angst.
I was really surprised to see people doubting because it seems so unlike her more recent MO? She knows she can’t get anything past us, and she knows it would be dumb to try with any lie bigger than “this is one serving of rice I swear”.
Edit: This isn’t to say that now you should believe her every word either! Healthy skepticism with her is good. lol always be fact checking.
Idk. I don’t blame you for doubting, and I’m really happy that she seems to be doing better. Hopefully this will be the start of an era of Growth in a healthy way. She has a new apartment and is hopefully regaining her sense of freedom.
Sending out some good vibes for everyone. Be good to yourself.
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