ravenclawowenbtec · 2 years
Unit 3- Task 1: Tea Advert Ideas
For my Wigan tea advert, which I’ll be naming Sacred Wigan Tea, I will be using tea adverts to help influence my own advertisement idea. My ideas will include:
Someone desperate to get out to work (late and in need to be on time and collected).
The realisation that he/she haven’t had their morning brew. 
Tea falls from above and into a cup they suddenly having after moving from a bright light above them (meaning the tea they get is somehow sacred).
To film, the person with the cup would be below a window where the tea would be poured from hopefully getting the cup.
There will be close-up shots and also panning shots to show the immediate reaction and then later the post revelation of what they have experienced and think of it via their expression.
The cup will most likely be transparent to see the tea.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2 Tasks 1, 2 and 3...
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 3- Task 1: Promotional Advert (Yorkshire Tea)
Codes & Conventions (What CAN we expect)
Codes and conventions differ depending on product being sold (linked to brain identity and audience and expectations).
Also differs depending on the target audience (tone reflects targeted audience, age group, social/economic groups).
No generics codes for all adverts, variable factors.
Representations (What we will see)
Celebrity endorsement? Is representation considered? How diverse are the people represented? Does this reflect on the brand’s ethos?
Narrative Structure
Stand alone or periodic (Christmas / Easter / Valentines) or episodic?
Often uses slogans such as ‘just do it’; ‘you can do it if you B & Q it’; ‘go compare’ ; ‘trust a trader’.
Over time, repetition normalises slogans, so they stick in our minds.
Mode of Address 
Diverse- will reflect the type of product e.g. a gravy bowl (kitchen / home use) in comparison to an apple product (rich and expensive lifestyle).
Message and Values
Sometimes hidden, conceptual, humours, overt (In your face)or a blatant hard sell e.g. ‘buy one get one free’.
Is sustainability part of its values and if so, how do they show this in the advert?
Are issues relating to equality and diversity relevant in relation with people in the advert? (connecting to a broad audience. 
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 3- Task 1: Fiction (Soap Operas)
Codes & Conventions (What CAN we expect)
Within a Soap Opera the kind of things we expect are certain tones and settings to go along with this exaggeration of life. Examples of what will be expected within a soap opera are:
Exaggerations of lives 
Occasional story lines
Multiple story lines
A regional identity 
A lot of characters 
Familiar places / landmarks
Local communities 
A recognisable theme tune 
Characters dealing with every day problems and smaller issues
Representations (Type of People)
When thinking of a soap opera most would think immediately of the regions, more specifically the regional identity of their characters and any others they may have. Most soap operas however tend to have your standard stereotypes too, ones you will always finds in rather dramatic soap operas. Examples of these stereotypes are:
The Bully.
The Gossip character.
The Dysfunctional character.
The Addict.
The Boss.
The Young couple.
The Thug/Gangster.
The Troubled Teen.
The ‘Hottie’.
All these characters are also represented with diversity (e.g. race, gender, sexuality and cultural/national differences). 
Narrative Structure (Type of Narrative)
Soap operas tend to do multiple different things at once. Sometimes all at one, which in turn has the story on parallel with one another, an example of how a narrative goes in a soap opera. Other examples of how else they could go about a story arc are the following:
Flashbacks .
Flash Forwards.
Cliff-Hangers (setting up a new episode or even a new season).
Messages + Values 
Most audiences of soap operas watch their soap operas for the drama and not at all what kind of messages they have. What their purpose is too. Some examples of what else a soap opera does are:
To escape from reality.
For entertainment.
Gives the audience a sense of community.
A regional Identity.
Mode of Address 
The mode of address for a soap opera is really how the opera speaks to the audience and keeps them watching. Possible reasons why are as followed:
It’s immersive (having experienced what some have).
A connection is formed between a character and a viewer.
It’s easy to follow.
It’s informal.
It’ familiar.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 3- Task 1: Factual (BBC)
Codes & Conventions (What CAN we expect)
From the BBC the people of course expect the news to be told and given to them; update the audience on older and more recent news that is still in development too. Other things that are to be expected are:
V/O (Voice Overs for translations)
Live action broadcasts
To be Live
Weather Updates for the week 
Stories / pre-recorded packages
Pieces to the camera (Talking to the camera)
Always to include a light hearted story
Signing out 
An introduction to who the presenter is
Representations (What we will see)
When watching the news, or any kind of news media, people expect to see a common kind of presentation. Some of these expectations are:
Formal attire (A suit or dress of some kind)
Reasonable behaviour
Loud and clear voices
Narrative Structure
When news is presented they’re either linear or non-linear, also known as fragmented where it’s unordinary and not told in the events it took place. Both anchored by a studio presenter.
Messages + Values 
This is to inform and educate people on national events and what else is going on in society. In other words the messages & values of a factual broadcast is what keeps people up to date on what’s going nation wide and also globally. 
Mode of Address 
What kind of setting do we expect: is the question when we think of when thinking of the mode of address. When it comes to a news broadcast like BBC news we expect:
Generic tone
Objective delivery on point
Clear lines
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Finishing Unit 2 and Completing my Presentation
Having finished unit two, completing my presentation and also talking about it out loud to the class, I feel just as confident to go through to my next unit to create my advert for tea and do the same in some shape of form.
Pitch Powerpoint:
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Tasks 1 and 3 : Detailed Idea- Comic Book E-Mag (The New and Old Frontier)
Strengths of the idea:
Quite a large audience enjoys comic books stories and their characters.
Characters and stories are not the only thing to be covered.
Movie adaptations can be covered.
Show adaptations can be covered.
Weaknesses of the idea:
Not many people are familiar with comics books and therefore the characters that appear on any adaptations.
Some characters are not exactly family friendly to be presented in a movie.
Some are very controversial.
Public opinions on these different topics will draw it away from its original content which people enjoyed in the first place. 
What is your Magazine Idea about?
This online magazine is to inform readers of what they are to expect comic book wise such as release dates and tie ins! Ties in like with figure making companies (toy companies), like statues to show off projects and characters they have in mind based off art.
My E-Mag’s USP
The selling point I have for this E-Mag isn’t to only inform people of release dates and comic book news, with first hand research, it’s also to give people a look into the world of comic books and how they are actually created, that being from the pre-production of a story to its eventual post-production. Within the Pre to Post-production it will cover the artists and their story boards, the business side of publishing and also what roles they would have during the making.
The Content (What will be in it)?
Within it there will be images and pictures of some of the greatest comic book writers, creators and also their greatest fictional creations as the E-Mag is to inform people the influence these characters have, like the creators do. 
How will it be accessed?
To be accessed it would have its own dedicated website, where next issues are given dates and even inform the public whenever they are in pre-production. If not on its own website then it would be paid to be featured on a website that is somewhat related to comic books, that being superheroes or not.
How can the Audience be involved? Who would be the Audience too?
The audience would be include with the use of polls where they could decide on a specific topic to be covered and included in an issues of the E-Mag. The audience would mostly consist of old fans they grew up reading comic books and would like to know where they have taken their favourite characters and who is in charge of writer for them now.
The Schedule for the Magazine 
Day  1 (Pre-Production) -  Content discussions for the E-mag and what roles people would have in finding said content.
Day  2 (Pre-Production) -  Budget and cost discussion.
Day  3 (Pre-Production) - Content is discussed and viewed.
Day  4 (Pre-Production) -  Lay out planning.
Day  5 (Production) -  A draft of the Magazine is made for a reading and editing review.
Day  6 (Post-Production) -  One last chance of proof reading  and editing.
Day  7 (Post-Production) -  Audience test, with strangers unfamiliar and familiar with the topic views it.
Day  8 (Post-Production) - Published finally online.
What is required for this business to work?
Roles required for my E-mag:
Freelance photographer- A role to take pictures of creators, writers and artists-  £80
Editor-Somebody to doublecheck everything is going to way it should be ran- £20
Artists-People who could recreate some infamous artwork in comics and also a to make a design- £500
Location Manger-Someone to check out locations where comics are made and created, like Marvel HQ- £350
Fact checker- Making sure whatever facts we post are correct and accurate- £20
Advertising- Making sure people outside of the personalised knows it has its own website- £150
Freelance Journalist- To report and share news of the E-Mag- £160
Equipment and Software:
Computer monitors (10)- £65*10= £650
Computer Towers (10)- £165*10= £1650
Keyboards (10)- £10*10= £100
Computer Mouse (10)- £7*10= £70
Microsoft Outlook- £19.99
Microsoft Word- £145
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Group meeting Task 1 and 3
Our meeting started with Athens presenting her magazine ideas, one being about technology and another about Sports. Thinking that Sports was a little too common, I decided to give her the idea to instead start covering different topics of sports each week, topics that make the news and topics that should be brought to their attention so that her magazine wouldn’t be repetitive.
As for me, my comic book history and review magazine had them curious to know more about the people behind different stories and characters. Other than creators and artists, I have been suggested in interviewing others involved in the comic’s distribution and creation, in other words: I should interview people like customers, creators, investors and others around the time of release and creations. Not to mention when they became such icons now days.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Task 1: Ethical and Regulation Issues
Why Ethical and Regulation issues are Important…
Ethical issues are important so it protects people from all kinds of harm, discrimination, misrepresentation, hate, and racial issues. This is what makes Regulations important too as they are what enforce ethics in media and helps put an end to these kinds of Ethical issues.
In my magazine I will have to make sure that we present everyone equally and do not discriminate, for example: against race, age, gender and sexuality. According to the equality act. 
I would have to make sure that my magazine is legal, honest and truthful when representing itself. According to the ASA.
I would again have to make sure that I can NOT take photographs without consent. According to IPSO.
Regulation issues are about the awareness of those who release such regulations to have a good understanding of their audience and what content they produce.
Thinking about ‘health and safety’ issues, because production is based on computer generation and animation, most of the things I need to think about relate to safety around working on computers over a long time (seats for back support and screen filters to protect eyes of any person working with me.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Task 3: Organisation
Roles required for my E-mag(s):
Freelance photographer- £80
Editor- £20
Artists- £500
Location Manger- £350
Fact checker- £20
Advertising- £150
Freelance Journalist- £160
Equipment and Software:
Computer monitors (10)- £65*10= £650
Computer Towers (10)- £165*10= £1650
Keyboards (10)- £10*10= £100
Computer Mouse (10)- £7*10= £70
Microsoft Outlook- £19.99
Microsoft Word- £145
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Task 3: Timeframe Schedule (Science and Video game E-Mag)
Day  1 (Pre-Production) -  Content  discussions for the E-mag and what roles people would have in finding said content.
Day  2 (Pre-Production) -  Budget and cost discussion.
Day  3 (Pre-Production) - Content is discussed and viewed.
Day  4 (Pre-Production) -  Lay out planning.
Day  5 (Production) -  A draft of the Magazine is made for a reading and editing review.
Day  6 (Post-Production) -  One last chance of proof reading and editing.
Day  7 (Post-Production) -  Audience test, with strangers unfamiliar and familiar with the topic to observe reactions and take-in of knowledge. 
Day  8 (Post-Production) - Published finally online.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2- Task 3: Timeframe Schedule (Comic Book E-mag)
Day  1 (Pre-Production) -  Content discussions for the E-mag and what roles people would have in finding said content.
Day  2 (Pre-Production) -  Budget and cost discussion.
Day  3 (Pre-Production) -  Content is discussed and viewed.
Day  4 (Pre-Production) -  Lay out planning.
Day  5 (Production) -  A draft of the Magazine is made for a reading and editing review.
Day  6 (Post-Production) -  One last chance of proof reading  and editing.
Day  7 (Post-Production) -  Audience test, with strangers unfamiliar and familiar with the topic views it.
Day  8 (Post-Production) - Published finally online.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2: Task 3-Location References
Gotham City- Based on Chicago City
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Metropolis- Based on New York City 
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Both of these locations are to show that there are something more to the comics and fiction, as most locations are based on certain cities and aspects of cities that make them well-known across the world.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2/ Task 1- My E-magazines
What are their titles?
For my comic book E-mag: The New and Old Frontier 
For my logical science E-mag: Wondering Science Applied 
What is your Magazine Ideas about?
My comic book E-mag talks about news of incoming comics and comics as a whole. It talks about history of comic books and its influence to the past and today as inspiration, making references to it at times. 
My scientific E-mag is to apply real world science to video games, like Mario and much more realistic ones too. It’s all for fun and at times serious if something is theoretically possible. 
For my science e-mag, real world sources will explain the effects of different sc-fi scientific related scenarios, such as healing and basic mechanics like jumping and landing strategies.
My comic book E-Mag on the other hand will have its own dedicated timeline in some published issues, with some sources to support some major events and experiences.
The Content
My science content will consist of evidence of theories that are the same as whatever is being covered from a video game, an example being Einstein’s theory of time travel being used to somewhat explain time travel from a video game that dwells with such theoretical science. Most covered would be based off theoretical science so an explanation is needed of what theoretical science is.
A comic e-mag would have images of writers and specific characters and their evolution throughout the decades. Quotes and their meanings would be what most people would read for, to stay up to date with current story lines and onwards.
My science e-mag would mostly consist of gamers and people interested in the representations of science in games.
For my comic e-mag most people would be old time fans and a lot interested in the whole comic book media from recent representations from movies.
How will they access this?
Both will be handed to different websites to be posted and linked to their own websites, where then they’ll be able to find multiple different issues.
How could they get involved (the audience)?
A voting poll would be the best for deciding what could be covered and what can be displayed as the majority’s favourite story or theory. 
What are the E-Magazines about?
My science E-mag will cover topics about theoretical science and the possibility of other theories in science, creating it from video games.
My comic book E-mag is more about their history and their historical impact on society and more.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
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Unit 2- Task 1
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Unit 2: Task 1 - E-Magazine
Idea 1- Comics
Strengths: A lot of entertainment is now using a comic book hero and stories. 
Weaknesses: Not many people are interested.
Idea 2- Science and Fictional Science 
Strengths: May interest people in science.
Weaknesses: A lot of research is needed and it is time consuming.
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ravenclawowenbtec · 3 years
Thoughts on Unit 2 starting
Understanding the terminology of: passive viewing, passive audience theory, active viewing and active audience theory I now understand how much influence the audience really do have.
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