ravriley-blog · 8 years
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— ravenclaw’s quiet trouble maker: riley jeon. *✲;
she is quiet nights curled up next to your favorite pet, the adrenaline rush you get when you do something slightly dangerous, the sting of a fresh paper cut, the nagging voice that reminds you of your responsibilities, the childish giggle you release whenever you get away with something sneaky and the relief people feel when they take off their bra after a long day.
curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
❝pretty thoughts.
— @hufamelia. *✲; 
Sleep is abruptly cut short by the excited squeal of her name and she jolts awake, eyes flying open as she’s shaken by the shoulders. The ability to form correct sentences leaves her and instead of demanding an explanation a mixture of noises sounding close to a disgruntled cat sounds. Her vision is blurry and it takes a well formed squint, which doubles as a glare when the fuzzy shadow is identified none other than Amelia. Taking a quick glance over at her roommate when she’s assured that the female is still sleeping peacefully she breathes out a sigh of relief before directing her attention back to the girl.
Her mouth opens, only to be closed again before her fingers wrap around her wrist to pull her into bed alongside her. “What’s all of the commotion? It’s our day off, meaning you sleep. For a long time.” Her demand is less than threatening, sleep weighing in her voice, a husky charm that almost seemed too innocent for her. Instinctively her arms wrap around her waist, drawing her closer as Riley nudges the tip of her nose against the nape of her neck, inhaling the familiar scent of apples and cherry blossoms. It bothers her that she looks forward to that scent, but there’s nothing she can do about it. Being attached wasn’t half as bad as she thought it would turn out to be.
“Ah, Amelia not too loud.” Clicking her tongue, she’s aware that they can’t stay like this. Both voices were amplified when around one another and her roommate hadn’t quite gotten used to it yet. Dragging herself from her bed, she pulls Amelia’s hand up to get them outside of the room. “Mm, is our little date thing today?” She manages to tease her despite the sleepy look in her eyes, and her head tilts out of curiosity. “Would you be upset with me if I forgot about it?”
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
❝diamond life.
— @gryavery. *✲; 
Some people found happiness in the arms of a lover, in the hug of a friend, and even within the hazy high of some drug promised to make you feel invincible, but Riley’s happiness dwelled within a boy that shared the same blood as she. From a young age the smile that lit up his eyes, and the laughter that bubbled and exploded like fireworks during a celebration filled her with a joy that nothing ever could. The logical side of her tells her that Avery holds the last bit of humanity that resided in her. Which she makes no qualms about: the world was going to shit anyways.
“I don’t like that outfit. Your scarf doesn’t match anything you’ve got on.” A few sharp clicks of her tongue amplifies her disapproval and her eyes habitually rolls when he starts complaining. “We have a heart breaker aesthetic to keep up with.” A trip to the muggle world wasn’t necessarily allowed, but Riley was never one to follow anyone’s rules and it didn’t take much to bribe her brother into coming along with her. Besides, being the daddy’s girl that she was, she refused to pass up an opportunity for an impromptu shopping trip.
When she’s finally satisfied with their appearance she pulls a few strings to get them out of the school, a victorious whoop erupting from excited lungs. “Feel free to thank me as much as you want.” Heels clicking against the pavement she throws her arms around his shoulders, giving the side of his face a gentle smack. “Dad said to meet him two blocks up so we can take his card, and basically not to tell mom. But that was already expected.” With a light push she parts from him in favor of digging in her purse to put on a fresh coat of lipstick. “Are my wings even?”
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
there was something about being around riley’s presence jennie appreciated. perhaps it was their unspoken understanding of simply enjoying each other’s company whether they’re doing assignments or sharing a meal without having to share a single word. to some degree, she looked up to her, but also knew well enough to aspire to be her own person while having the ravenclaw as her unofficial role model. 
once finding where the older girl was, jennie took a seat next to her, bag resting on the surface of the table while she wore a look of discomfort. “the most weird thing happened to me in class today.” she sighed. “professor hong called me up to do a demonstration in front of the whole class it was so awkward.”
Friendships weren’t a foreign concept, a basic necessity in day to day life but for Riley it was often looked at as a nuisance. Forcing conversation when there was nothing mildly in common with both parties was pointless and aggravating. But there was a select few that coerced a smile from her downturned lips, a normal sullen expression turned into one of delight – Jennie was one of them. Her actions were delightful, and it helped that she was cute. Riley was always a sucker for a pretty face.
Her studies are interrupted by a familiar voice, and she blinks the concentration away so she can look up at the girl and her head immediately tilts to the side. Something about the distress etched into her features compelled Riley. She shakes off the feeling, instead leaning back into her seat to look Jennie over. “Oh? What did he make you do?” Voice sympathetic, her hand reaches out to her head, running her fingers through her hair slowly. “Darling, if it upsets you just have a word with him after class. Matter of fact, I’ll talk to him for you.” The affectionate gesture is cut short as she pushes away from  the table, closing her book. “Well what are you waiting for? Come on.”
– just two.
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
“I’m sorry I made you cry. Won’t you forget, won’t you forgive?”
 ❝Frank Sinatra Sentence Meme // Status: ACCEPTING !!
Foreign is the feeling of overwhelming sadness to the pointof tears, and Riley can’t make sense of the way her hands tremble and the wayher lip quivers. For once she wants to curl up and rest. Secluding herself fromthose with watchful eyes and judgmental sneers sounds tranquil, and she can’tbelieve the amount of willpower it takes her from lashing out at the man infront of her.
She couldn’t forgive him, and she most certainly wouldn’tforget this incident.
Tears are wiped away from her cheeks in an angry haste. Shefeels completely humiliated: a devastation that she’s certain that no humanshould feel. Her mouth opens as everything is focused on releasing the pent ofrage she’s kept so quiet about ever since she started attending this godforsaken school. Suddenly Alec becomes the martyr of all of her problems, itshouldn’t have been him. She actually liked him, found solace in his presenceand comfort in his touch. His words were harsh, a type of honesty she wasn’tused to (everyone was too afraid to say it to her face) and to make it worse hedid it in front of people.
Instead of letting him see her tears, she spins on her heelsand not two steps later is she stopped by a firm grip on her wrist and hiswords stun her. Her palm smacks at his hand, a look of complete and utterdisgust contorted on once expressionless features. “Fuck you Alec. Fuck yourapology.” Words a venomous hiss she blinks back the foggy haze oftears and shoves her palms against his shoulders. “I actually liked you, Ithought you were different from everyone else – God you try so fucking hard tobe.” The pain is laced in every syllable, tongue heavy with regret and for onceshe feels too much and all at once. “If I upset you, all you had to do was tellme. Is our friendship really that meaningless to you?”
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
“Should I reveal exactly how I feel?”
 ❝Frank Sinatra Sentence Meme // Status: ACCEPTING !!
Differences aside, they were united by blood and Rileyalways kept that in mind whenever the two had an argument or some form ofphysical disagreement that lead them both to be punished by their mother. So itbothers her to see Avery in a state of discontent, and for once the emotionsshe couldn’t make sense of made sense. The innocence in his face was enough tomake her heart swell and suddenly she was the model of big sisters. Protectiveand insightful.
“Avery…” She begins, her voice a soft lull as she finallylooks up from her checklist to gaze upon his crestfallen face. The knowledge oftheir mothers’ temper and what venom she could release when disappointed doesn’trile a reaction out of her anymore, but when it’s directed at her brother shetakes on a new tone. “I don’t think you should say anything to her right now,it’d just make it worse.”
Settling by his side, her hand reaches to run her fingersthrough his hair. Comfort lies within even the most simplest of gestures, andshe’s realized that from basic interaction with him and many others. She knewit was hard for them both whenever a new school year was approaching: childrendistancing themselves from their parents, forming ideas of their own and notbeing able to make sense of their parents principles anymore.
“I mean, unless you really want to piss her off before youleave and she restrict a lot of things from you and all.” Clicking her tonguein thought she heaves a sigh of exhaustion, scooting back onto her shoulderstouch the wall, allowing her to properly slouch. “Or, I could charm you intothinking that I’m mom and you can have a go at me.” Her suggestion is in goodfaith, wanting nothing but to ease the tension from her brother’s brow and havehim leave on positive terms. To prompt him into answering her quickly her toesnudge against his side. “What do you think ugly?”
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
Frank Sinatra Sentence Meme
“But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me.”
“Forget your troubles and just get happy.”
“I don’t know why I love you like I do.”
“I get along without you very well, of course I do.”
“I thought at last I’d found you but other loves surround you and I don’t stand a ghost of a chance with you.”
“I’m sorry I made you cry. Won’t you forget, won’t you forgive?”
“It breaks my heart to hear you sigh.”
“It must be fun, lots of fun, to be sure when day is done that the hour is coming when you’ll be kissed and then you’ll be kissed again.”
“Lately, I find myself gazing at stars, hearing guitars like someone in love.”
“Look at yourself, if you had a sense of humor you would laugh to beat the band.”
“Should I reveal exactly how I feel?”
“Sometimes the things I do astound me, mostly whenever you’re around me.”
“The only time you hold me is when we’re dancing.”
“When skies are cloudy and gray, they’re only gray for a day So wrap your troubles in dreams and dream your troubles away.”
“When we met, I felt my life begin.”
“When you’re alone, who cares for starlit skies?”
“Whenever skies look gray to me and trouble begins to brew, whenever the winter winds become too strong, I concentrate on you.”
“Why shouldn’t I take a chance when romance passes by? Why shouldn’t I know of love?”
“Yes, I met my ideal thing when I met you.”
“Your looks are laughable, unphotographable, yet youre my favourite work of art.”
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
hello all!
i’m riley’s mun ahiu! thank you for the welcomes and i hope i got everyone, i’m super excited to be here. i have a plot page that i’ll be adding more to, but i’m always down for plotting. i’ll be lurking in the ims and feel free to hit me up on twitter if it’s easy for you! ( ovokos ) 
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even, and perhaps most especially, when that person couldn’t see it in themselves.
Remus Lupin talking about Lily Potter 
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
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ravriley-blog · 8 years
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