rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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Reblog to make it die faster
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
what farming items in mmorpgs has taught me: i used to think using ice trays to make ice cubes was free but after thinking about it i have to pay the electric bill to power the freezer so every moment that i’m not freezing new trays of ice cubes is a moment that i’m underutilizing the freezer and increasing the cost of ice cubes. i have to constantly swap out ice trays for new ice cubes on an hourly rotation on a 24 hour basis or else i won’t produce the maximum amount of ice cubes possible and will underutilize the full potential of my electric bill. i need to stop using all other appliances and utilities in my home to make more ice cubes
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
So my sister wants to start sewing more, because
a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.
b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton
c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance
So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.
And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’
And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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That’s it, that’s all I got. Happy Valentine’s Day, tumblr, thank you for tolerating me.
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
I found out my phone can make pngs and im going to throw up laughing at this one of my bf's cat
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
pillbug girl goes to a party and meets someone
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
chinese mantou (steamd bread) be like
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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Sorry for the bad photo quality, Tumblr doesn't like posts this long.
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
what ARE your anti-dipshit with a clipboard and a confident stride measures?
"You are not allowed into the facility without presenting identification. Okay, lovely. I also need your site specific training for specific hazards of this location. Okay, thank you, finding that on record. Okay, so who is your plant contact? And what work are you here to do precisely? Your work order number should be on the job assessment that your supervisor should have been sent when setting up this job....oh? You’re missing any one of those things? Sorry I cannot allow you into the facility today.”
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
i hope every single workplace in america strikes and i mean it
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
I think one of the most profound forms of love is "I'll try that, for you. I may not like it, but I'll try it."
It's a confused middle-aged man in a pottery class, whose daughter is helping him with his clay's plasticity. It's a kid scrunching up their brow while listening to their mom's favorite music, trying to figure out why she likes it. It's a girlfriend who says "Yes, I'll go with you" and her girlfriend cheering and buying a second ticket for a con. It's a friend half dragging another friend through an aquarium, the one being dragged laughing and calling out "Wait, wait, I know we're here for the exhibit, but I haven't been here! Slow down!"
It's being willing to spend some of your time trying something new because it makes someone you love happy.
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
I genuinely hope American media sucks for a while! I hope the big companies keep trying to churn out shit and that it’s all embarrassing garbage! I want it to be extremely apparent to everyone how important the writers and actors are to create good media and that they deserve to be compensated appropriately!!!
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
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rawrdinysaur · 1 year
nothing is scarier than seeing what the front page of YouTube looks like when you're not logged in
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