ray-kallely · 3 years
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ray-kallely · 3 years
Part 1
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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Hour 5. Still more to go. I am currently embarking on my third all-nighter this week? Why you may ask, because the grind is on. The sad thing is that I have begun to enjoy these all-nighters too. I like the fact that I’m keeping myself busy. I don’t even enjoy watching Netflix the way I used to. Why is this I wonder. Is the consequence to improvement. Am I, in a path to redemption, losing what makes me unique? These are questions only time can answer.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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These are my friends Hailey and Sarah. They believe in simple principles about the grind. They, like me, want to get big. In an effort to get involved with bulking season with me, we went to eat dinner together. Even though we went in with the purpose of eating, the deep and meaningful conversations we had during our meal left us ignoring our food to continue conversing. With this, I learned of the conundrums that both Hailey and Sarah are in. At what point does the line between friend and lover differentiate? That is a question only Hailey and Sarah can answer for themselves.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
11/02/2021 Catchup
Something about me is that I am terrible with names. If I’ve had one conversation with someone, then chances are that I will have forgotten their names by the end of the conversation. This is ironic considering that my memory is actually quite decent. People believe that this quality is out of disrespect, but in reality, it is because of the fact that I wasn’t graced with good facial recognition skills. I’ve started trying to get better at this though. What I try to do is come up with associations for people who I am fairly sure I will forget. Through this, I think that I have gotten better at figuring out who people are.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
11/01/2021 Catchup
Ah the day after Halloween. Lots can be said about this day. It used to be the day that kids would count their candy one last time. The day when we’d realize that there’s another 364 days until the next Halloween. For me, this day was one of reflection. Looking back on it now, I’m happy I was working during Halloween. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at reasonable hours were it not for the fact that I did my work then. The problem is that I don’t do this for most of my assignments. I need to work on this issue. Something I’ve learned about myself is that I like the pressure of intense situations. Perhaps that why I like the idea of working in an emergency room or as a surgeon. Regardless, I need to make sure that I work with better proficiency from now on.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
Even though I’m writing everything in retrospect, I remember this day very clearly. Why, you may ask? Well its simple. Today was Halloween. Even though I was absurdly busy, I managed to carve out just enough time to go out with my roommates to get costumes. Once we got to the Halloween store, however, we realized that none of the costumes were ideal. Due to this, we ended up going to Lids to buy jerseys. I copped a Harden and Kuzma jersey for 20 bucks each, and the Harden jersey was even signed. Overall, this was a memorable day, mainly due to this event. As soon as I got back, I had to start studying again, and even though its rather unfortunate that I missed out on the party that my roommates went to, I still had fun, because the grind is still on. remember gentlemen, its grind szn. Its time to get big. Its time better.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
10/20/2021 Catchup
Even though it would seem that I am bad at managing my time, on my days off from my extracurriculars, I was able to get a lot done. When I realized that I had enough time to do more, I went to the neighborhood hospital and talked to the volunteering reps about volunteering for them. In addition to that, I’ve secured a another research opportunity. What does this mean, you might be asking? Well, its simple. The bag is being secured. It’s time to grind. It’s time to be bigger. It’s time to be better
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ray-kallely · 3 years
10/29/2021 Catchup
It would seem that I get behind my tasks very fast. I guess this is somewhat due to the fact that I am massively poor at scheduling, with time management being the bane to my existence. One thing I want to change about that is my use of a calendar. I want to get good at using one, even if it pains me. I want to make sure that I am able to work more efficiently. I want to be better.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
Improvement. It is something that we all try to attain. It is the very goal of all individuals, whether monks from the 3rd century, or presidents in the 21st century. All those with the goals of evolving require improvement in that which they lack. This can be anything. From my perspective, something one lacks, is really just something one needs to attain. I want to improve. I need to improve. I have many issues. When I was born, I was born with issues. Doctor Nelms told me that I have issues. I told Doctor Nelms, I want to improve. I want to grow. I want to be the best version of myself that I can be. Something I want to improve on is growth. Many podcasts have taught me that, growth, is key. Growth is crucial if you are to improve. I want to improve on my skills. I don’t want to have issues. I want to be the issue. My plan is simple. I will begin my day with a glass of water. From there, I will move on to listening to Jim and Margery on NPR. I will focus on getting my assignments done punctually, and from there, I will be great.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
Time management is a tough sitch to figure out. On one hand, I am able to get my work done on time *normally*. But on the other hand, I am borderline disorganized and have to work harder to do an easier task. Tomorrow, I have my midterm, and my midterm is going to be somewhat tough, I believe. Even though its a relatively easy class, LS30A, I don’t believe I’ve kept up with the assignments properly. For this reason, I don’t plan to go to extracurricular activities until after the midterm is over. Once the midterm is over, I can get back to what really matters - the grind, the bulk, the glory.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
I like medicine. This is a fact. But when it comes to what I like about medicine, it roots down to me wanting to help folks with their problems. Whether this is as a surgeon or as some sort of emergency room doctor, I don’t mind. Something that I have considered looking into was orthodontics. I love helping people. Along with that, I also appreciate good dental hygiene. Something which I’ve always wanted to do was improve the quality of an individual’s life, and if that were to be through hygiene, I wouldn’t deny the process. Another plus side to the pursuing the path of dentistry and orthodontics is that the time it takes to become one is less than the years spent studying to become a doctor. That is one of the main points about medicine which concerns me – the fact that it takes so long to become a doctor. You end up worrying about the possible decades lost in medicine, wondering if you should’ve spent it on something else. That being said, I am also very content in my choice to pursue premed. I want to continue to grow in the world of medicine, through dentistry or such.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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This is Sarah. Like the other featured people in my feed, sarah is an absolute g. Before the days of school work, I didn’t know sarah. But once school began, I met sarah. Sarah believes in the same ideological principles as me. Sarah believes in the bulk. She hopes to put up at least 40 pounds of muscle, like me. By the time school is over, we’re gonna be big.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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Probation Day
This is Sean. He’s a good friend of mine and someone I would consider a brother. Sean and I are in the same extracurricular activities, being that we both have hopes for a certain type of professional career. When looking back at my scheduling, I realized that I have to be careful with how I allocate my time. Because even if I put in work to get something to perfection, it still may not be enough to get me to the stage I should be at. Rather than being at the gym and getting myself in shape, it would seem that I can’t go on a daily basis like I used to anymore. My once shining dream of bulking season has disappeared, and has been replaced by a fact of me spreading myself too thin. But, as all things go, time continues. I’ll be back harder than ever with my boys by my side. Whether it’s Sean, or Steve, or Brandon, or anyone else, the season continues. 
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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You know who it is. Your boys Steve n Ray are back with another review. This time, we shared a meal over granola bars and noodles. Steve told me that it’s the best combo to mix them up together, dipping the granola bar in the noodle broth, and I have to say, he couldn’t have been more wrong. I don’t know anyone who wants to have soggy granola bars. But on a more weekly note. It’s Sunday, meaning that the last week is over, and the next one is starting. I have a lot of work. It’s almost cruel how little sleep I’ll be force into having. But persistence, that is key. Knowing that I have a lot of work to do, that is what’s keeping me going. Even though I have a few hours of work for each class, and the extracurriculars to think about, I know that my momma didn’t raise me to chicken out of assignments. She raised a soldier who’s going to power through all this. Its grind snz now. More midterm blogs on the way, and more fun times approaching.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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Work hard. Play hard. This is a picture I took with my friends tonight at a party. Party’s are fun, and I had fun. Lots of things happened there, and I made plenty of new friends. Even though I am a avid supporter of just having a night in with the boys and playing a few rounds of poker, I had a very good night. Tomorrow, however, I have to get back on the grind. Midterm season just started, and its time to put more hours in the study lounge. With all the hours I spend between studying and extracurriculars, I sometimes find it tough to find time to pump some iron. That changes tomorrow though. I’m getting back on my morning schedule, and with that, bulking szn2 starts now.
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ray-kallely · 3 years
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The midterm went well - I think. It was a grind getting here, having to wake up unnecessarily early today, but I think that we did it. We’re pullin dubs out here boys. After taking the midterm, I met up with my friends. Sitting to the left of the picture is Pauline, and next to me is the man himself, Steve. We decided that we would start a YouTube channel together, so this is a picture of us vlogging about our days. No days off, but always enjoy your time with friends.
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