raymond-letsfell · 4 months
two victorian-era british nobles are walking down the street, surrounded by bizarre entities. one of them almost trips in a puddle of something glowing, but his companion manages to helps steady him.
"Careful there! You don't want to fall in London!"
they look directly at the camera. zoom out to show the rest of the Neath. title card.
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raymond-letsfell · 4 months
@the-dye-stained-socialite made me aware of this song today and omfg its both amazing and also this is so Jamie-core
"I do have a cause, though; it is obscenity. I'm for it. Thank you."
"...but we know what's really involved: dirty books are fun! That's all there is to it. But you can't get up in a court and say that, I suppose. "
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raymond-letsfell · 4 months
Honestly, I doubt Colin would even be surprised if he learned that his computer system is so broken it ended the world.
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
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New spiciest frev slander just dropped: the revolutionaries weren’t hot enough and they were mad about it
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
Reblog for larger sample size whatever
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
I dont have tumblr sorry
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
You know, the amount of “activists” whose only contribution to the Palestinian cause is to constantly stamp their feet like petulant children and say “but Israel shouldn’t exist” is genuinely embarrassing. Because
A) It factually does exist and that isn’t changing.
B) The modern state has existed for three quarters of a century.
C) Almost 10 million people live there.
If you have nothing of value to add that isn’t the truly unhinged and completely insanely unworkable (not to mention morally atrocious) idea of totally dismantling a sovereign state without any regard to its population, perhaps it is high time to sit down, shut the fuck up and listen to those people who actually are attempting to make a difference on the ground. There is absolutely no scenario on earth where Israel will just stop existing. So you either support a solution that will bring peace and justice and equity for both Israelis and Palestinians, or you don’t actually give a shit about any “humanitarian” ideals.
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
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"youve already written that trope" yesss. i like it a lots. i will be writing it again. 1000 stories of the same trope over and over again for ten million years
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
very funny that the overarching plot of the Temeraire books is “closeted centrist bisexual is radicalized by his large cat, who is a dragon, and also napoleon is there”
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
Let these old men kiss
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But why does all this matter? Is something going to happen for which I will be required?
Star Trek: Picard Farewell (2x10)
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
Do you ever just check under the tag on ao3 for your rarepair otp, and see new fics and go absolutely feral?
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
everyone: what's your goal in life?
me: to write a story so soul snatching, so gut wrenching and so devastatingly beautiful that it leaves you crying at 3am when you have a 8am lecture/shift and it inspires people to write entire essays, to write entire fanfics, mood boards and playlists based on it.
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
An interesting difference between the pro-Hamas vs pro-Israel movements is how people treat and discuss civilians on the other side.
I have been repeatedly told that, because I want Israel to keep existing and for Hamas (a genocidal terrorist organization) to not win, I must hate Gazan civilians.
In reality, I believe that any innocent civilian blood spilled is tragic. I do not argue that it is good that Gazan civilians are dying, only that the blood is on the hands of Hamas, who used them as human shields. That is why I want Hamas dismantled: they do not just pose a threat to Israel, but to their own civilians too. Additionally, other than a few very fringe groups and individuals, this has been a shared sentiment throughout most of the pro-Israel movement.
So many of the pro-Israel activists I follow publicly condemned the tragic murder of the Palestinian boy in the US. We do not want hate. We do not want death. We simply recognize that peace and Hamas are incompatible.
Meanwhile, people who oppose Israel and support Hamas have repeatedly celebrated Israeli civilian deaths. I've seen people saying that they hoped Hamas would hit more Israeli residential buildings. They tear down posters of the hostages, including posters of Kfir, a baby who isn't even a year old. Regularly, I've seen violence incited at their rallies (by them) against us. I've seen it on my own campus, I've seen it on the news. An elderly Jewish man was killed at one of their rallies, and I have yet to see them say anything to condemn it.
None of them have condemned the broken windows and stolen books at a kosher restaurant. None of them have condemned the stabbing of a Jewish woman and a swastika being drawn on her door. None of them have condemned the Molotov cocktails being thrown at synagogues.
In regards to the actual war, all of them were so frantic to accuse Israel of the hospital hit (which was then proven to be a misfire) but said nothing when, earlier, Hamas had hit an Israeli hospital.
One side, the pro-Israel side, values life on both sides. We don't want civilian deaths. We only want the organization actively seeking our deaths to be dissolved.
The other side, however, makes no such distinction. To them, all Israeli and Jewish blood spilled is the same. To them, it is all cheap.
And I just think that's noteworthy and interesting.
(I recognize that some people are not like this, I am simply writing my observations about the majority of what I have witnessed.)
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
Oh, absolutely. I would argue that the majority of fics I read are on par with, if not better than, most of the books I've read.
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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raymond-letsfell · 5 months
Real and true
ever since i was a little girl ive always been a boy
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raymond-letsfell · 6 months
Really… Still seeing people reblog posts calling for the total eradication of an entire nation, and going “This is a totally normal and reasonable position to have - disagreeing means you support genocide” without a hint of irony.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking awful - truly, has everyone lost their damn minds?
I unapologetically believe in and stand for Israel’s right to exist - and that has never, ever meant that I don’t believe Palestine also has a right to exist. Those have never been opposing positions and there are many incredible organisations working together for all the people involved.
If you honestly believe that the solution to this is the total removal of the only Jewish state on the planet from its indigenous land - without truly understanding or caring what that would actually mean in real world terms for the people living there - then it's you who are supporting genocide actually.
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