rayo-mohammad · 2 years
“Elcano and Magellan”. 2 plus 2 Lapu lapu, 3 plus 3 Christmas tree”
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I am pretty sure every person who studied in the Philippines for years is familiar with the names Magellan and Lapu Lapu, and that topic is really unforgettable, especially because it made a huge impact for our country with those events. And that is what this screen adaptation of  Ricardo Ramon “Elcano and Magellan” conveys in a nostalgic and essential way to learn about the history of the Philippines. 
Admiral Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal was the first person to travel around the world in search of spices. The purpose of the expedition was to find a new route to Indonesia's Moluca Islands. Admiral Ferdinand Magellan was in charge of five vessels: Trinidad, San Antonio, Conception, Victoria and Santiago. The entire expedition was documented by Antonio Pigaffeta. Juan Sebastion Elcano was a member of the expedition and  later completed it and succeeded in circumnavigating the globe.
The movie "Elcano and Magellan: The First Voyage of the Around the World" is based on Antonio Pigafetta's account of Admiral Ferdinand Magellan's expedition, which began on September 8, 1519 and ended on September 6, 1522. The film does not attempt to capture the more violent, painful and brutal aspects of the surgery depicted. Instead, it retains a sense of true adventure in the event. But in the movie above. The role of the protagonist in the film was not intended to be played by Ferdinand Magellan. Instead, Juan Sebastian Elcano was cast for that role. This could be because Antonio Pigafetta's account was used only  as a starting point for the story, rather than portraying all  the events in Antonio Pigafetta's account. Juan Sebastian has won a lot of screen time in this movie. 
Elcano, on the other hand, pays little attention to Ferdinand Magellan,  an important part of the expedition. Rather than providing a serious and monotonous document for the entire expedition, the events captured in Antonio Pigaffeta's account are summarized and presented in a much more adventurous theme. Building the scene adds depth to the character's depiction, making it more playful and fun.
Several events in the film have been recreated based on Antonio Pigafetta's description. Of course, Admiral Ferdinand Magellan's goal of finding a new route from the West to the Moluca Islands in Indonesia, recreated in the film based on Antonio Pigafetta's lyrics, was one of the few recreated events. Ferdinand Magellan died on the coast of Cebu at a small party of sailors led by Juan Sebastian Elcano after the former Admiral decided to go around the world. 
Ferdinand Magellan has discovered a new route on Cebu that leads to the discovery of tribes. The expeditionary admiral's deathbed is on the coast of Cebu. This takes us to the new Admiral Juan Sebastian Elcano. He is currently sailing to the Moluca Islands to seek out and trade  spices, which was the main purpose of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition. However,  Antonio Pigafetta's explanation also portrayed the people of Cebu  as villains in recreating the event. The group led by Magellan was not intended to conquer the land, but was intended to collect and trade spices on the so-called Spice Island. However, the people of the island were portrayed as bad in the movie.
All the characters were interesting and the important characters like Pigafetta, Magellan and Etc. Had a good amount of screentime since they are the main characters of the story especially in the Philippine history (Only Magellan and probably Pigafetta too to the debate of Limasawa and Butuan) since those non fictional people are stated in the history books during our elementary years, But the only thing that I disliked about the movie is that we were portrayed as the bad guys which they are the ones who tried to conquer us in the first place since their true intention is to get spices only but ended up christianizing us and killing one of us and basically that is the only thing that I disliked about the film the portrayal of the characters and now I understand why this is banned in the Philippines. (Yes im a criminal now) 
From my elementary years learning about the expedition of Magellan, It is my first time hearing the person named Elcano Sebastian which caught my eye honestly because he was never mentioned in our history books back then but I always consider that maybe in the spanish history he is considered as a important person to study about but despite of that there are some events that I somewhat recall during the expedition of Magellan. I remember from the teachings that Magellan’s ships got lost and went lost during the expedition due to the forecast that they went through such as the high tide waves where the other sailors got lost and fell out of the ship during the thunderstorm but in the movie I can’t recall that one of the ships got destroyed due to the winter season because in the expedition they were going through they went through brazil to get some spice which is at the bottom and winter would not happen since brazil is near the equator.
And to respect that I really like where they mentioned that Pigafetta is one of the people who are responsible Chronicling during the expedition and to add that the studio who created this film is Spain which is “Dibulitoon Studio” and I may sound delusional but we can say that Limasawa could be the first island to have the first mass in the Philippines during Magellan’s expedition, they may not mention it in the film but it is somewhat proof since after Magellan’s expedition did go back to spain without Magellan but it could be use as proof that Limasawa was first especially the routes through the expedition.
And I kept remembering that Magellan keeps saying that the map is in his brain which also mentioned in the history of the expedition of Magellan where he uses the map but also while traveling he puts the path in his head and place it in the paper to know the countries/islands that he have been through and also to mention that whenever he goes to a new island he gives names to it and that is what they used to do back then during the expedition and the movie also show how historically inclined the story is to the history of the expedition.
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rayo-mohammad · 2 years
The Implications of Train Law to the Life of Juan Dela Cruz
My observation is that the acceleration and inclusion of tax reform in the Philippines, also known as the train law, has both positive and negative implications for the country. Local environmental laws should improve the tax system  to help countries allocate more taxes and achieve further development. Positive effects include improving the country's economy,  promoting investment, better and more efficient tax collection, and creating more jobs. Disadvantages include inequality in people's income, rising prices for goods such as resources, products, food, drinks and tariffs, and increasing poverty in the country.
The introduction of the train law was first proposed back in late 2017 when president Duterte said that the economy of the Philippines has not improved a lot for the past years. Corruption has been an ongoing issue in the country since the late 20th century. Due to the corruption that persists in the country until now, the government is not able to allocate enough funds or taxes in which some of the government is not able to allocate enough funds or taxes in which some of the government officials people used portions of taxes allocated for their own use. The proposed law aims to help make the country allocate more taxes to make more developments like the “Build build build” program of the administration. The law took effect in 2018 in which the price of resources, fuel products, food, sugary drinks, unessential goods like cosmetic, sin products like tobacco, fees and others have increased to help not only the Philippine government, but also the city governments to allocate more funds on infrastructure, projects, rehabilitations and others. The major issue of the train law is the lowering of income taxes for individuals as well as corporations, thus putting more money into people's pockets. Giving more purchasing power to the greatest number of people. However, the government will get the needed funds from elsewhere, which will come mainly from increased taxes of petroleum products, government transactional taxes like documentary stamps tax, realignment of vehicle taxes to make the rich shoulder more taxes as well as encouraging people to pay for estate taxes without the penalties. While others, particularly the opposition and the left wing militant groups, argue that the law will make people spend more due to the increase in price, the increase in poverty, the high risks of junked or abolished, but it makes the economic situation in the country worse according to the people who didn’t support the law.
Based on my learning, I believe that the law of trains is more  beneficial than it is not. I believe that the train law is the best option to improve the balance and efficiency of tax collection, improve transparency, simplify the Philippine tax system, and make it more equitable and impartial. It can be inferred that some people will benefit from the enforcement of the law and others will lose it. But in the end, I believe the train law will benefit the country.
Castillo, C. J., Clarete, R., Muyrong, M., & Tuaño, P. (2019, October). Effects of TRAIN fuel excise taxes on goods and prices (No. 2508–0865). Philippine Institute for Development Studies. https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidspn1911.pdf
Santiago, A. B. B., Garcia, L. S., & David, J. B. (2017, January). Unveiling the salient features and development of taxation in Philippine history (No. 2454–1362). Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319078695_Unveiling_the_Salient_Features_and_Development_of_Taxation_in_Philippine_History
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rayo-mohammad · 2 years
“Is charter change necessarily needed?”
The results that I have received from the five interviewee’s about if they are in favor of amending/changing the constitution. I observed that three out of five people are in favor of changing the constitution of the Philippines due to the ineffectiveness of the country since it is really in favor of the name of “Aquino’s” instead of the people of the Philippines. And two out of Five people are in favor of not changing the constitution due to the time consuming process of changing/modifying the list of constitution and they say that it is not the right time to amend the constitution because it may not contribute for the Filipino’s.
And I really do in fact understand their stands on if they are favor in changing the constitution for the country’s own good and I deeply understand the people especially who are in favor to change the constitution because from what I read during the time of Marcos was lifted from his position the management of Aquino’s changed the constitution which ended up favoring them to get the money which the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer and knowing that the foreigners who buys properties in our country are not allowed to buy which also ends up more Filipinos becoming OFW’s I really do like the thought if it is okay if foreigners can buy properties here so the money can be transferred for the government which it can make the poor people not poor since there is a decent amount of money to give to.
And from what I absorbed every knowledge that I received from my peers on their answers are, interesting because majority that they are in favor on changing the constitution because it is really not doing effectively and I have to disagree from the answer that my friend said that the rich people should have a stricter rules so that the poor may get more money because, if you think about it the it is pretty unfair because the rich people worked hard for the money that they have gathered from working but we could also apply that rule for the rich if the way that how they got their money through stealing or something that is illegal should have a huge fine or a decent punishment depending how much or how illegal they got the money.
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rayo-mohammad · 3 years
Agrarian Reform VS Industrialization
In developing countries, such as ours, the agricultural sector is the primary source of revenue for the people, on which their livelihoods are predicated. Farmers and their families would benefit from agrarian reform that focuses significantly on agricultural economic growth. Poverty is common, especially in rural regions, due to a shortage of proprietors in the country's most productive agricultural fields. A comprehensive land reform program was deemed required to address the issue among the most afflicted communities. Agrarian reforms may be considered as being one of the requirements for smoothing the path of economic growth since they allow for a fair and acceptable allocation of land in rural regions.
Because many of these areas are truly committed to agricultural production and have existing social and exploitation by claimant landowners, Neri Colmenares says, "Genuine agrarian tool. In my opinion, no country can grow without genuine agrarian reform." Our farmers demand a true land reform that can address a decades-old problem of landlessness and collaboration in agricultural areas, uphold and represent farmers, increase rural output and employment, and assure the sustainability of our farming and agricultural practices.
There would be no food security without true agrarian reform. The government must build a solid agricultural basis, starting with planting and ending with post-harvest facilities and irrigation system restoration. Farmers' landlessness has been an issue for ages, but this reform proposal will put an end to it. This will lead to the country's economic development, which will be aided by the expansion of rural markets and agricultural sector modernization.
Cepeda, M. (2016, January 23). Neri colmenares: Genuine agrarian reform a ‘Development tool.’ RAPPLER. Retrieved March 25, 2022, from https://www.rappler.com/nation/elections/119982-neri-colmenares-genuine-agarian-reform-development/
Focus on the Global South. (2012, July 10). Let’s make agrarian reform go viral [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lICeu3G8Cbo
Rappler. (2016, May 8). Does the philippines need land distribution? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN50wRmVdo4&t=1s
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rayo-mohammad · 3 years
Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources
I only know the value of the author and its relevance to the subject or person of the world of endless knowledge that is achievable and inaccessible. The simple view I've had for a long time, most of the time I didn't care when and what they intended to write about this topic, whether it's subjective or objective. Someone who witnessed an important person or incident, and sometimes someone near that person, was not wondering if it was written by. Now that I have a better understanding of what the primary and secondary sources are, I can present my findings on this subject.
The primary and secondary sources taught us the difference in knowledge about the topic, the depth of knowledge from the starting point, and the knowledge from intent to detail. From simple things like letters and speeches, you can see the depth and difference between primary and secondary sources. Either source may have the same input format, but the source thus understands the historical events they have taken.
In doing so, I  learned that the historian's determination to achieve what the source experienced is somewhat difficult to exist. I learned that the sources I receive are of utmost importance for collecting and approaching the most detailed experiences. For those who were alive, especially those who first witnessed historical events, how modern historians of our time actually received from textbooks and even from one simple letter or photo. I would like to ask if I put myself in the situation of another person who was alive myself? In the past? A truly irreversible achievement, like me and others who are interested in the past. 
Rob Redmon. (2013, December 3). Primary vs Secondary Sources [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqXHO7bTPnw
UNSW Sydney Library. (n.d.). Primary and secondary sources. Library. Retrieved January 7, 2022, from https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/using-the-library/information-resources/primary-and-secondary-sources
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