rcguenights · 9 months
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and now on to my beloved deiji, the cutest little kitsune fox spirit in all of the hallows. she showed up out of the blue months ago and despite working at the local tavern as a waitress not many can say that they know much about her. some speculate that she's been running from something or someone, but no one has been able to get her to share.
deiji is a bit of a rarity in the hallows, being that she is a kitsune fox spirit. with the ability to shapeshift into an adorable fox form as well having the ability to cast illusions and obscure herself if need be. being able to take an animal form and her other abilities have definitely help to keep herself alive and safe throughout the years, especially since deiji is actually much older than she looks.
she showed up in the hallows a few months ago and due to her bubbly personality and outgoing nature was hired as a waitress at the tavern. it gives a place to sleep at night safely and money to feed and clothe herself.
continuing with my theme of having her running from something, deiji is simply being hunted by someone or something try to catch her. not even deiji is sure what it is or if it's a person or not but it's forced her to flee and the hallows being the next place she has found herself with relative safety.
she's always been a wanderer for as long as she can remember and craves some kind of sense of belonging or comfort that she hasn't been able to find and she's not sure if she'll find that anywhere, least of all the hallows where tensions between humans and the supernatural are rising.
has been doing odd jobs here and there from the local bulletin to make some extra money when she's not working. she usually does them alone and feels more comfortable that way but has been forced to work with others sometimes which she finds difficult because she doesn't easily trust. really she's just trying to survive and get by.
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rcguenights · 9 months
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rcguenights · 9 months
( ... ) "there we are." she slings an arm around deiji's shoulders, tapping the barrel of her gun playfully against deiji's arm and nudging her towards the vr section. "you'll be good and turn on the lights and show us the door, won't you? don't worry, you don't have to lift a finger if he bolts---i like when they run. maybe you will too." she and her brother stop at the threshold of the vr area, where she nudges deiji forward expectantly.
if it weren't for the cyberware that helps to keep her heart rate calm, deiji is sure she would hear it echoing in her ears. even though she knows he's there, he's hidden from view, stopping herself from taking in a breath when the woman looks towards the prize counter. how would she explain if they found him there ? she doesn't have any idea. but as the gaze moves across the counter, nothing seems to catch.
whoever he is, he's very good at hiding apparently, a skill she's sure comes in quite handy when running from people like this.
" these old machines break down way too often and they can't fix themselves. " deiji shrugs but there is truth in what she says that she doesn't need to change her tone or fake her voice in any way.
the hacker doesn't let her eyes stray to the silencer that the woman pulls out. she's no strangers to guns herself, a necessary evil she thinks when it came to the line of work she used to find herself in. there were times when she couldn't sit back at her station while her crew did the dirty work, sometimes she had to tag along and it was better to be safe than sorry.
deiji may have been categorized as a mercenary herself, a hacker first, but a merc second, but she thinks she at least held herself to a higher standard than those like the siblings before her. threatening others for fun and on the whim of a greedy boss, yeah she may have done some illegal things but it was to hurt those who deserved it, not those who didn't.
the sound that comes from the vr section is like music to her ears and only the slight upturn of her lips at the corners can be seen. " i think that answers your question. "
the feeling of the other throwing an arm around her shoulders makes her skin crawl. she hasn't let anyone touch her, not since her ex. not in accident or passing and it takes everything in her not to recoil immediately. a reaction would betray everything she's said to turn their attention elsewhere.
at her nudging, deiji calmly walks forward knowing against making any sharp or swift movements that might alert them to something else. in the past six months she's familiar with every part of the arcade, easily able to find a the light switch against the dark wall. she flips it, the door she spoke of coming into view with the lights.
and a few food items that seemed to have clattered nearby, easy to use a evidence that someone or something stumbled through that area. though she knows that it's just a result of other's laziness and not the lies she's been spinning.
the prize counter remaining shrouded in a darker tone, far enough away from the lights of the vr zone. " i'd wish you luck in finding them, but i have a feeling you are the type to get results. " the sooner they leave, the sooner she can breathe normally again.
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rcguenights · 9 months
Choose a fate: to be woven into eternal history but despised by all, or to be loved but ultimately forgotten even by those you loved most?
it used to be something she once cared about, joking around with her crew after a particularly eventful and impactful mission they had managed to pull off. there was a community among them, among those who would be labeled as mercenaries. doing jobs and heists for a large amount of money. news of what crew or another did had a sway of swirling around and bring fame or infamy to them.
she would have laughed alongside them about it. having her name known among not just the community but maybe even south korea itself. even outside her crew, the name rogue had been circulating even if she hadn't meant for it to.
a year ago she might have said she wouldn't have cared how others felts about her. if it meant that her name had gone down in history and everyone knew it. if it had meant a list of enemies, of people who would instead scorn her name instead of speaking about it positively, she wouldn't have cared.
but all that had changed and even if it meant that she was forgotten to those she cared about, the few and far between that their were, then she wouldn't mind it. anonymity and being forgotten had a certain appeal to it these days.
the choice was easier these days, to be loved but forgotten even by those few that remained close to her heart. in the grand schemes of things, there were so many people in the world, so many itself in ansan and would it really be so terrible to be forgotten ?
there were certainly others she wished she could wipe their memory entirely, if only to give herself peace.
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rcguenights · 10 months
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this is the official masterlist of prompts for PART II of [EVENT 002] SHADOWS OVER ANSAN. before participating, please read the update post HERE. reblog this post for each muse you would like to participate with!
please make sure you read the event update linked above!
everyone who participates must send at least one prompt to other participants. you can send multiple / anonymous prompts, but make sure at least one is off-anon, so that the main can keep track of participation.
question prompts must be answered in-character. you can decide on the format of the answer (either your muse's response as dialogue or written prose of their reaction, etc).
with that said, any prompt can be turned into an interaction, so feel free to communicate and start threads based on one!
participation (sending at least one prompt to every participating muse & answering at least one prompt) will count for activity.
please tag all answers / threads with #rmnt:event002.
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Describe yourself in your own words.
Describe your flaws.
Are your flaws redeemable?
Are you a good person?
What do you think it takes for someone to kill? To murder?
How far would you go to protect the ones you love?
How far would you go to protect yourself?
You dream of a face, a voice, a presence. Though the memory may be distant, and though you may not have known it then, you think that this must be how it feels to be safe. Who do you see? Whose voice do you hear?
You are found guilty of a crime and sentenced for a century in exile, in a place of your own that has been designed to evoke the most punishing sense of isolation. What does your prison look like?
You strike a deal with your memories as a price. However, this devil is merciful: they allow you to keep just one. Which memory do you save?
You awaken with an inexplicable dread weighing in your stomach. You worry that something is wrong; you need to hear their voice to be sure. Who are you thinking of?
Your home falls. Where else do you seek shelter?
You are struck blind, robbed of your sight in broad daylight. Using your other senses, you think you can navigate to safety. What path do you take? Where do you arrive?
Choose a beginning: to have grown up alone but capable, or to have grown up loved but naïve?
Choose a fate: to be woven into eternal history but despised by all, or to be loved but ultimately forgotten even by those you loved most?
Choose an ending: being feared, being adored, or being forgotten?
You are standing in the water, mesmerized. The waves, which have risen, are now almost strong enough to sweep you out into the vast ocean. Just in time, someone from the shore shouts something that cuts through your haze and compels you to finally turn around. What do they say?
" you don't look so good. "
" i heard that the water isn't safe. "
" don't drink that ! "
" what do you think will happen if we drink it ? "
" please help me . all the water's been taken . "
" here . you look like you could use a drink . "
" i'm starting to feel it too . . . "
" this city is falling apart . we should leave while we have the chance . "
" tell me a secret . "
" i trust you and you trust me , don't you ? we should just wait out this fever together. "
" i know you're lying to me . "
" how do i know what you're saying is true ? "
" i don't trust you . "
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) "do you tend to the games, too, or do you do something different? enough to get better at them?" she guesses, smiling, and wonders if the game attendant, for all of the coins (and extras they've slipped in, she's noticed) takes the time to indulge in the games, as frustrating as they could be. "if you have any tips, i'm all ears, really."
it's a sentiment that deiji feels like she can share with the stranger. while a lot of her interest growing up had been on new and emerging technology that she had always tried to explore and investigate when her grandparents took her into busan on a weekend ; she had began to grow interest in older technologies. just as current tech was new and emerging, so once had this technology been decades ago and just as impressive to those that were being exposed to them. " to think that our technology leaped so fast and made such things obsolete but i can understand the appeal of the old machines. "
there is an easy nod of her head, " that i do. " gesturing to the small logo that is apparent on the left corner of her shirt. the only real part of her outfit that is a requirement of a uniform. the pay itself was nowhere near what she had earned in the past. most of her credits having come from jobs, something of which she had begun to take on herself as of late. but considering that she was on her own, now for six months at least, having a real job was a good enough cover. " there are worse places to work in ansan, i think. "
deiji chuckles in response, " that's the spirit at least. the older machines are the most challenging. it seems what they used to rig them a bit is tougher to beat than the new ones. i get it though, they didn't want people to win too easily but even so sometimes it becomes impossible. " the hacker had seen a million and one times when someone tried for so long on a single prize and get nowhere near close before giving up with nothing to show for it.
a simple shrug of her shoulders, " maybe the universe is wanting to show you that you can now be on a winning streak for working so hard. " for how long she had watched the other waste time on one singular machine, deiji couldn't help but assist in her own way and if they tried more then the universe just might respond again.
" i have to make sure they're in working order. both old and new sometimes glitch or breakdown and if i can, i try to fix them. " it wasn't hard anymore but she knew better than to not pretend sometimes that a certain machine would take longer to fix than she could actually do.
" if it's a slow night however, i sometimes indulge. some of these prizes litter the ground of apartment. " a small smile, " for some it's more of a physical ability, being able to press a button just right or angle a claw in the right moment. " those who could beat such machines without cyberware like hers was impressive she thought.
" there's always other ways to rig a machine in your favor, if you have the aptitude and the right technology. "
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rcguenights · 10 months
I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. For it is a fever, and a burden, too, whatever the poets may say.
Daphne Du Maurier, from Rebecca
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) he doesn't show too much at the revelation, the only thing evident is the cool green smirk dancing across the pixels of his mask, maybe a little too delighted to have wiped them all out so easily with the help of the other, at the revelation he had just made. that adrenaline trickles into his veins, just as good as a pill or a shot of a drink, what he searches for when the night is dark like this, quelling that shake of his hands as he presses his heel down harder.
it's a shame really. the job had been easy, probably far too easy to get into the building under the guise of the storm and find the data easily plucked from a myriad of servers. deiji supposed that should have been a warning sign that some kind of wrinkle would come into play and that as of tonight she wouldn't be getting paid. it used to be easier, especially so when it hadn't been her job to deal with clients. it had always been their job, her ex's.
but just because she wasn't getting paid tonight, didn't mean that she would let the data she had snagged to go waste. there was always someone out there online who would pay for it. maybe even better than what had been offered to her.
panic finds its way into her heart for a moment as the man left on the ground speaks out the name she keeps hidden. now more than ever she's not happy about strangers knowing whom she is in that other part of her life. in that part of her life that she has tried to push away after leaving busan. the threat stirs anxiety within her, for the briefest of seconds she focuses instead on the program running in the background.
a sigh leaves her a second later when she confirms the answer she was hoping for. far, still so far away, though never enough for her comfort.
stepping closer, deiji stares down at the man as he is forced down back to the ground. " you're lucky i want you to send a message back to your boss or i'd do so much worse than short-circuiting your pitiful cyberware. " there were things she could do, ways she could end the man on the ground below the boot of the stranger whom had come to her rescue. six months ago she wouldn't have considered such options, always going for non-lethal options. but she wasn't the same person since those six months ago when her life fallen apart.
" tell your boss his data is forfeit. sending you assholes after me was the wrong choice. and i'll make sure that no one else will work with him again. " hackers like her stuck together and she'd make sure that no one else would be suckered in and possibly suffer a worse fate than she had with him.
" he deserves worse actually, he's lucky he still serves a purpose to me. " the familiar display forms before her eyes, easily honing in on the bits of cyberware scattered around his body. more cheap tech that might not work after this but she doesn't care. within seconds a scream forms on the man's lips as electricity courses through his body as similar sparks begin to fly out of his body. the sound of his scream dies out when he loses consciousness.
deiji spares a glance to the stranger, eyes fixed for a moment on the colors of their mask. she doesn't understand why they stepped in, a year ago she would have simply thanked them and maybe said more, but the version of her now was far more suspicious of others. " thanks for the help. should leave before they wake up. " she says simply, turning on her heel within the next instant, intent on getting as far away from this alley and the assholes now laying on the ground before they wake up.
if they follow her she doesn't care, but she's not going to stand around for something worse to happen.
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) "kang deiji, is it?" in return, her badge reads enforcer baek. as the escort shuts the door behind deiji, enforcer baek gestures for her to take a seat across the table, rifling through a holoscreen of citizen files before she picks one out. with another sweep of her hand, a holographic keyboard glows to life on her side of the table. "not an ansan native, i see. take a seat and we can get started, please. can you confirm your age, residence, and place of work?" on the upper corner of the room, a camera light blinks. to their left, a large mirror takes up the wall. more eyes can be felt, watching from the other side.
it's second nature to deiji, noticing all the small quirks in security that make up the enforcer division. from the simple use of programmed badges that get through locked doors to the unsubtle nature of cameras that dot the corners of each room and hallway.
the short distance hardly gives her enough time to ponder how easy or difficult it might be to forge said id and the permissions inside of it. again, not that she was actually considering it, but the workings of her mind hardly stop at a moment like this. stepping quickly to the room where another enforcer sits behind a metal table.
deiji nods her head once more in greeting this time to enforcer baek, " yes, it is. " boots scuffing against the waxed floor as she moves further into the room, sitting in the seat across the table. it doesn't surprise her when a personal file is pulled up about her, but she knows for certain it lacks much of her other identity.
" no, i'm not. " she doesn't elaborate further, fully aware that they are not the only ones privy to this conversation. " i'm twenty three, i live in jindallae apartments, and i work at kawi-magki as a game attendant. "
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) at this, haeran finally turns her attention to junyeong's latest victim. definitely new. likely out of her depth. haeran raises an eyebrow, catching her eye and then willing her silently to look at her and not the devil offering his contract on her other side. "and what kind of business has he promised you, deiji?"
it's entirely obvious that do junyeong is a man who loves to hear himself speak. in the short amount of years that she's been alive, she's seen more than a few of his type. fully in their belief that every word that drops from their mouth is akin to honey, not the synthetic shit either.
but deiji doesn't feel those honeyed words reeling her in, instead something akin to a bitter taste building on the tip of her tongue. the manipulation is obvious in inviting her to meet him at some uppity place like this, a place with a dress code that deiji's normal style of dress wouldn't quite fit. the promise of what she might earn if she agrees, like dangling a carrot in front of horse encouraging them to walk to earn it.
years ago, the deiji of that time might have been far more susceptible. barely an adult, bright-eyed and looking for the thrill that anyone her age would. but the last year has dulled the starry eyes that she could have once been described with. she wouldn't claim she knew everything now, but she knows enough to keep that wall around her heart and mind.
truthfully, deiji had begun to zone out a bit as he continued to speak. taking what amounts to the long way around to make his point and tell her why she's really here. a new voice jostles her out of her reverie, gaze traveling without the turn of her head to the person who dared to interrupt junyeong's monologuing.
remaining silent for the moment, deiji simply watches as the two exchange words. based just upon first impression of junyeong, she doesn't like him. nor does she believe this newcomer, haeran, likes him either and that niggling feeling prickles at her skin.
deiji cannot help but bristle at the not once, but twice that her name leaves his lips. wishing hopelessly that he would forget it, that it had never come from his obnoxious mouth ever again. " i'm not a dog, junyeong-ssi. i don't speak on command. "
even if the haeran's gaze wasn't obvious in their intent, she couldn't miss how the other wills her to turn her gaze away from the man in front of her. the vibes around this had already been off from the start and haeran's timely interruption before they had even spoke of business as junyeong put it is something she cannot ignore.
a snort, " none, actually. he's been too busy spouting sweet words and clearly wasting my time. " even before this meeting, his offer had been vague hardly convincing deiji that this was worth of her skill set, or her time.
now does she turn her head towards haeran. " i don't care about fancy clubs or fancy dinners, designer dresses or rare jewels-- " any dream of the finer things in life had died away six months ago. deiji shrugs her shoulders, " credits. business that ends in credits, but now i'm not certain he would come through with his end of the contract. "
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) "sorry for the interruption, pretty. no one was letting us in, so we had to improvise." she taps the barrel of her gun mindfully against her own temple, as if to say, you know how it is. she walks a slow path from the beaten door to the first row of games, humming, glancing around her surroundings. her brother lingers by the door, watching deiji with hawk's eyes. "we were looking for someone. thought we heard him come this way. you wouldn't have happened to see anyone passing through, would you? i assure you, you don't want to be involved with him."
deiji doesn't have the slightest idea of whom the newcomer could be running from, but from experience she figures that every city has its dangerous and unsavory types. whatever he has done to become chased by them she isn't sure, but she's not about to have someone kidnapped or worse murdered right in front of her in the middle of her workplace. it's the last thing she wants on what is supposed to be just another night at work.
she knows better than anyone that a moment of hesitation can be deadly and mentally she scolds herself in the moment that she doesn't immediately follow him to hide behind the counter alongside him. it's not enough time to find a secure enough spot hidden amongst the myriad of prizes that one can earn with tickets.
acting natural in this kind of situation is difficult, but she wills her heartbeat to slow in its beating and doesn't acknowledge him when he speaks up to try and get her attention to run over to him. if whoever is beginning to bang down the door sees her scramble behind the counter than she knows it will be all over, probably for the both of them.
instead deiji scrambles over to one of the older arcade machines nearby. crouching down and ripping open a panel on it, carelessly pulling at wires in the process. the broken down machine she hopes enough to convince them she was far too focused on such to see anyone running by.
the door she had previously locked swings off the hinges and she stops herself from flinching. looking up from the machine she pretends to be working in, schooling her features in what looks like confusion. it's too easy to do these days, something she picked up from a former friend, a former colleague.
nodding her head in greeting towards the woman, she doesn't have to stand to know that the other towers over her. assured that the woman uses her height to her advantage. " most people tend to use the front door, usually. " deiji shrugs her shoulders but keeps her tone neutral.
standing up from the machine, deiji makes a vague gesture towards the other side of the arcade, the front entrance and other emergency exits positioned that way. " i'm sorry you'll have to be more specific than that. a lot of people come and go throughout the arcade, it's not easy to keep track of them. " the words aren't a full lie, she sees plenty throughout the night but her own paranoid nature keeps her quite aware of those whom linger inside for hours.
" if someone were trying to run through here and get out as fast as possible, they'd probably run through the fire exit on the other side of the vr setup. it's the closest exit other than the one you came through. it leads out to another alleyway next to the taco shop. "
the words aren't rushed, spoken in a more matter of fact way than anything else. making deiji seem like just another mid wage worker who doesn't want their night ruined over someone else's mistakes. she has no idea why the person behind the counter is running from these intimidating siblings, but she's not about to throw him to the lions just to save her skin.
" i'm not interested in what they've done or why you're chasing them. probably deserves it. but they're likely running through that alley right now and onto the street. "
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rcguenights · 10 months
( ... ) but before long, one of the escort enforcers return to fetch the next interviewee, and the intercom crackles to life as the receptionist calls for the NEXT NUMBER, at which the enforcer crosses her arms and scans the crowd expectantly. “step forward, please. your interview will be conducted this way.”
sitting in the cramped waiting area of the enforcer division, wasting away the hours of the day was the very last on the list of things deiji wished to do today. the only reason for her presence being the fact that she had decided to live in jindallae apartments when she had moved to ansan six months ago. if she had known it would be at the center of a possible serial killer investigation she would looked elsewhere. it had been far less run down than some, moderately priced at least and easy to be just another tenant.
the temptation to casually hack into the system to make her number be the next to be called each time she saw another person leave the interview rooms gnawed inside of her. being arrested just because she grew impatient with waiting just didn't seem worth it the more she mulled over it.
in what deiji felt had been hours she almost misses when her number is finally called. " finally. " the words mumbled under her breath. muscles stiff as she stands up from her chair, stretching only slightly as she walks up to the enforcer whom had spoken up after the number had been called.
at first glance the enforcer is intimidating in her stance and tone and deiji understands that many will be ever anxiety ridden as they go through their interviews. she isn't one of them, calm and collected, only caring and looking forward to this to be over with.
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rcguenights · 10 months
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YEJI — ‘NONE OF MY BUSINESS’ SBS Inkigayo 230806
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rcguenights · 11 months
( ... ) he gets a glance at the person he's intercepting this fight for, sends a nod their way. "you got the other one?" dodges another punch careening his way, and conveniently lets his foot catch on an ankle, it's so easy he could laugh, catching the third guy looming at the edge of his vision. "we'll make quick work of it, then." the comment makes the man angry, because sangwon does smile then, florescent orange, that sugar sweet candy on the edge of his tongue as he lets him take a generous run at him.
if you asked a year ago, the hacker wouldn't have thought her luck was that bad. but the past six months have been nothing but a humbling experience and deiji was finding herself becoming increasingly tired of it. they didn't know why the hell they had said yes to this job, especially one that for some reason could only be performed during the shit show that was the current rainstorm. being drenched to the bone and threatened by three goons wasn't how she wanted this night to go.
she should have known better when the client had refused to meet in person with the price they had thrown at her in a message. it had been simple enough, hack into some office building, steal some information from their servers, drop off the information and get paid. she had expected to meet up with the client or some middle man to trade the data for credits.
instead she had found herself surrounded by three goons with one simple mission, take the data and leave her with nothing.
helpless was the last thing deiji was, she knew the basics of hand to hand combat, she could shoot a gun well enough. even if her primary job had been hacking with her old group, they had ensured she could protect herself if need be. even so, deiji had a million and one ways to take out a target without even the need to resort to physical violence, all it usually required was for them to have a single bit of cyberware in their body. this day and age it was rare to find someone without at least one mod somewhere in their body.
the issue ? she was outnumbered three to one and when one of their friends went down because she short-circuited their system, then she knew they'd be on her in an instant. the men were already shouting at her, threats coming loudly out of their mouths, hoping to intimidate her to relinquishing what she had worked for. " i'm not giving you jack shit. this isn't what was agreed on ! " whatever further threats the men were beginning to come up with were interrupted when another voice breaks through.
her gaze travels to the sudden presence looking to play the hero. she keeps the goons in her peripheral as pride flares up inside her. grumblings inside her brain very much upset at the fact that someone think she needs to be saved, but she's not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. not as the attention of one of the goons is now very much on them, they're tall that much she can see. the dimmed lights around them casting them in an imposing light.
the ease in which they dodge out of the way of a punch sends a spark of something, hope, she guesses, into her system. a snort leaves her mouth, " yeah, can't let you have all the fun, or the glory. " she doesn't know why she feels the need to joke about it. this brings the attention of thegoon that hasn't went after the other, instead turning to look at deiji again and muttering something under their breath that sounded a lot like 'little bitch brought back up !'
much like his friend, he gets a running swing on her but deiji dodges within a second. her opponent may be stronger, but he's slower and she's always known to use her smaller frame to her advantage. it goes like this for a few moments, the man trying to grab or punch at her, but still she dances out of they way, not realizing that in the process deiji has pulled up that familiar display in her eyes, honing in on every piece of cyberware in his body. it's all second rate tech, simple stuff to make him more a thick headed bruiser.
" your cyberware is shit, when you wake up tomorrow you should go back to whoever sold it to you and demand a refund. " the words are accompanied with a laugh from her lips, a confused and disgruntled sound leaving her opponent before suddenly electricity entirely takes over his body. sparks shooting out of the cyberware that are closet to the base layer of his skin with pained sounds leaving his lips. and though it isn't need as he begins to crumple to the ground, deiji kicks at him with the heel of her boot, helping his journey to the dirty and hard concrete below.
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rcguenights · 11 months
( ... ) she meets the eyes of a stranger nearby, and smiles, holding up the plushie to show just what a fuss she had been making for. "sorry, i had just been trying for so long. but i finally got it!" she points with the dog's paw at the person, eyebrows furrowed. "have you gotten anything? these machines are impossible."
as a young girl, deiji had always been interested in technology. if she could guess what could have been the catalyst for such, she might say it was due to not living in one of the most technologically advanced places in south korea. the outer country areas that still existed between the mish mash of the cities still far lagging behind in the kinds of upgrades that many in the city were used to. even the simplest of machines that made life a little bit easier had fascinated her.
when she had started working at the arcade, it hadn't been the first time she had encountered the old school crane machines. they were terribly rigged, both in the placement of the prizes that laid inside and the way the claws of the device were so flimsy. you weren't supposed to win so easily or there wouldn't be a point to owning them.
still even with the knowledge that they were rigged, many were captivated by the idea of winning inside. in this case, a cute little plush toy. deiji knew that if someone really wanted, they could easily find the plush toy on sale somewhere in the city or the net. but no matter how far humanity had advanced there was still a primal part that enjoyed a challenge.
the other had already wasted far too many coins on the machine and deiji had lost track of how much more they might have left. and so when the claw latches onto the plushie and drops in the hole the next moment, she feels a swell of satisfaction for them.
deiji can't help the smile that plays on her lips at the other's exclamation of excitement and happiness. " you wouldn't be the first to struggle with those machines, or the last. " she acknowledges them with a nod, " congratulations though. "
shoulders lifting in a shrug, " a few since i started working here. there's a level of finesse to them that not everyone is able to understand. " or in deiji's case, a level of hacking ability. " i hope it didn't take all your coins. you still have some left ? " perhaps the game attendant was feeling charitable tonight, not that her boss would care or notice.
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rcguenights · 11 months
it didn't matter if it was a different city, there were always parts that deiji hated going in to. one might think she was speaking of the poorer areas, usually more rampant with crime and the homeless but you'd be entirely wrong. at least when it came to those areas she had far more experience, she knew what she was dealing with and in case of an emergency it was far easier to hide away if need be. no it was the downtown areas, rampant with the elite. a people whose pockets were overfilled and their opulence was fully on display. the uppity type of people and for the six months that she had been ansan, well those types seemed to be entirely worse. deiji had found it being a symptom of their proximity to being just a step away from astra. she had noticed that obessesion many of them had, thinking their wealth would one day find them on the colony. the hacker could admit that she loved the idea of that dream of theirs never coming true. despite keeping a low profile, it hadn't stopped deiji from taking hacking jobs here and there where she could find them. working at the arcade barely paid the bills, not to mention the upkeep of her cyberware and systems in her apartment working correctly and upgraded when needed. if she wanted to be able to continue to afford the things she had taken a liking to in the past few years, then she needed more than the salary as a game attendant paid. that was how she found herself in some uppity club in downtown. it was not a usual haunt, not even in the clubs in less savory areas did she tend to frequent except in cases like these. the dress she had spent far too much money on feeling foreign on her skin and far from the usual wardrobe but she couldn't have walked into in combat boots and torn jeans. no she would have been turned away immediately. having lost track of how long she had been sitting at the bar, nursing a drink that tasted atrocious, she has to steel her features when finally approached. a simple middle man of the client she was supposed to meet for whatever this job was. she follows to what she can guess being the vip section, approaching a table and a man who lounges in his seat. she can't help the annoyance the colors her words. " i do love waiting for hours while you've been here the entire time. " uncaring if anyone overheard her, taking too long to finally sit when asked as the man begins to speak in great length. taking forever to even get to the meat of why they're actually meeting her.
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rcguenights · 11 months
( ... ) the woman walks around her space, keeps a check on the people and grumbles every once in awhile too. just as she sips her own whiskey, a drenched silhouette stumbles in through large doors and nara turns her attention to their new guest, head clocks to the side and her gaze narrows. she approaches the figure, heels click on the uneven terrain and she taps on her glass to match the beat, “  hello and... goodbye. it’s a full-house here, you need to find shelter else-where. ” 
deiji wasn't usually this much of an idiot, but considering how drenched every single part of her body feels she can't help but think she is. like everyone else when flashed with a healthy amount of credits she couldn't help herself. a hacking job that could take easy advantage of the rain and the lack of security that would result with everyone scrambling for safety. it should have been a piece of cake if she were being honest, she'd certainly done much harder ones.
and while she hadn't even struggled sneaking in the building in question and easily hacking into their lax systems that didn't even pose any kind of trouble. that had been the easy part, the rain had already been coming down hard enough, but the patches of flooded water seemed to have gotten worse in the small time she had been far from her apartment.
it normally wouldn't have taken her long to get back to jindallae, but as she becomes utterly soaked to the bone deiji realizes that she needs to make a stop. find shelter somewhere else for a bit before eventually making the trek back. luckily her client doesn't expect the information she had obtained until tomorrow and so there is a lack of urgency. her optics scan for nearby open building designated for shelter and finds orbital to closet. she doesn't frequent the club often but it's better than nothing.
stepping inside quickly as possible, she's stopped by a voice and frown can't help but twist her face. " seriously ? " deiji groans out the words, eyes finding that yeah there is quite a bit in orbital already, but she doesn't think it's necessarily full. " i don't plan on staying the whole night. just a few hours to dry off before going out again. you can't just kick me out now. "
open starter.   /   2 am @ orbital.      
         she hates the rain. haaaates it. 
everything and everyone is wet in a way that’s not enjoyable for anyone, and not to mention a thunderstorm being terrible for business. the erratic booming of thunder was so offbeat to the thrumming of the techno sounds which is what explains the ripped cords and frustrated sighs. it’s so not the vibe.
keeping up public appearances and owing to humanity or whatever but the owner had (been forced to) open the orbital doors not for it’s regular patrons seeking a memorable night out but a bunch of somebodies and nobodies looking for temporary shelter in terms of a roof over their head and.. and that’s it. there’s no alcohol ( for everyone else, at least ), no music, none of the signifying factors that make orbital , orbital. 
“ hey! — it’s not an open bar. ” the owner scowls and snatches away a bottle for the fifth time that night. dealing with homeless and/or desperate common-folk was so far beneath her list of duties and she had had it. employees sent home because they weren’t supposed to work during these “extreme” work conditions.   scoff.   it’s just a little bit of rain , how is it unethical?? on cue, nara startles at another loud clap and she’s convinced that the universe has the time to listen to every little thing she says. 
the woman walks around her space, keeps a check on the people and grumbles every once in awhile too. just as she sips her own whiskey, a drenched silhouette stumbles in through large doors and nara turns her attention to their new guest, head clocks to the side and her gaze narrows. she approaches the figure, heels click on the uneven terrain and she taps on her glass to match the beat,
“  hello and… goodbye. it’s a full-house here, you need to find shelter else-where. ” 
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