remnantsfm · 8 months
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the month of october brings a thinning of reality. among the logical, modern planes of ansan, one might call it a cosmic force that humans have simply yet to explain. but other times, other worlds, might call it MAGIC.
welcome to our official halloween event ! this event will run from 01. october to 31. october. it’s a bit different from previous events, because instead of a plot drop, we are creating an alternate fantasy / supernatural version of ansan called THE HALLOWS, in which the canonical hypermodern city of ansan is transforming into a troubled village at the borders between the real plane and the monstrous plane. ridden with mysterious disappearances, blighted creatures, and supernatural beings wandering in plain sight, the hallows ultimately shares ansan's fate: the world has left it behind.
participation in this event is optional. all posts pertaining to this au should be tagged as #rmnt:hallows to keep them distinct from canon. if you’d like to participate, reply to this post with the following information below the cut, and read on for more details!
as this event is considered an AU, anything that occurs in this alternate universe will not be considered "canon" in the rp's canon plot.
you can of course take inspiration from either versions of your muse or even carry over plots, but to avoid godmodding, please make sure to respect each other's characterizations. ex: if Muse A knows something about Muse B in this au that they don't know in canon, then Muse A's mun should respect that distinction (unless both muns plot it beforehand).
plots in this au can match / mirror plots in canon verse, but they do not have to.
there are no restrictions on what supernatural creatures or abilities your muse can have, but given the nature of some powers, please communicate with your writing partners to avoid godmodding! if your muse has supernatural powers that affect another muse's physicality, emotions, memories, dreams, anything outside of your own muse, please discuss it with the other mun first.
you can continue writing regular threads while the event runs. tag all posts related to this event as #rmnt:hallows.
continue to tag any triggers as needed.
if you'd like to participate, please reply to this post with the names of your participating muses, their species (can be human), and their occupation (if applicable).
additionally, we encourage everyone to make a mini intro post for this alternate version of your muse and more about their species, any distinguishing features, powers, or notable differences from their canon! you can tag this post as #rmnt:hallows. an example format you can follow:
species. either human or a supernatural species. occupation. if applicable. details. more about this version of your muse.
this is meant to be a fun seasonal event, so please don't feel pressured to structure it like a brand new intro for a new muse. you can give as much / as little detail as you'd like.
for this event, ansan will be a small village called the hallows. it is situated at the end of a dying continent, right at the edge of the sea. a magical, corrupting force called the blight has begun encroaching into the physical world, bringing monsters, demons, and other infernal creatures upon the lands.
much like with ansan, many residents of the hallows have fled to escape the approaching danger. the blight has already spread nearby and people have been disappearing for the last several years due to monster attacks . . . or worse.
although humans and supernatural creatures used to live in peace and mutual cooperation, the monster attacks have driven a wedge between them. supernatural creatures aren't compelled to hide and humans know that they exist, but with recent tensions, they've begun to look at each other with fear and distrust.
in place of the enforcer division, a mayor and a small council of elders oversees the village. a lack of a centralized law enforcement means that citizens rely primarily on each other to uphold the peace, for better or worse.
in place of kawi-makgi, there is a small fairgrounds where an autumn fair has blown in for the season, hosting small feasts and village dances.
in place of the nightrunners, there are drifters and adventurers, all with their own individual aims. some purely adventure for the thrill, while others seek fame and fortune. all kinds of adventuring jobs ( think mini quests ) are posted at the village bulletin.
in place of orbital, a tavern sits at the heart of the village, where one can find just about any kind of person, human or creature.
in place of mise-en-scène, a modest stage theater provides a variety of live entertainment, from performers to marionettists to illusionists.
in place of the old ansan observatory is a lighthouse that guides ships home…even though more of them leave every day rather than arrive.
to the west, across a vast ocean, is a new land known as astra, where many have fled for a better life.
to the east is a forest and an approaching thicket of magical darkness that blots out the sun and corrupts all life in its path. it is said that the darkness thins the barriers of reality, and that, shrouded long enough, a place can suddenly burst as a gateway for infernal creatures. this darkness hasn't reached the hallows yet, but there have already been monster sightings in the eastern forest.
feel free to take creative liberties with other locations not mentioned or even create your own. as a general blanket statement, this is a non-modern, fantasy, and supernatural verse, so flavor your locations accordingly!
for any questions, please feel free to contact the main. otherwise, have fun & i can't wait to see what you all do with your muses!
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memoryspine · 8 months
hi hello i am also reintroducing yeona, now your resident living doll who resides on the very outskirts of town. she works mainly as an alchemist when it comes to practicing her magic, and is usually the last chance sort of nurse for humans and something pretty normal for supernaturals. she mostly specializes in healing, mending, fixing and replacing, whether it comes to your objects or you!
she was created and forgotten--- or so it seems. dug up from underneath the rubble of a mansion and given new life by the one that saved her, the sorceress that granted her the revitalization she needed taught her all that she knows
alchemy came mostly from books she read and discovered in the library of what she barely understood as home, as it seemed that whatever life there had came and gone. in some barely discernible letters, she has the barest ideas that her creator went seeking something in astra, and was too afraid to try and sneak her along the journey. it seems something happened to the house while she was in it, though her memory has been scrambled since the occurrence
the sorceress, too, was driven by the desire for what astra offered, and afflicted with something even incurable by her own magic and yeona's learned alchemy, ends up leaving her behind to seek it out
yeona stays. out of the place she lives she offers her services, which consists of reading the notes of her creator and her savior and piecing together the rest on her own, mending bones and granting what wishes she could with what she can create
she has noticeable hinges at her shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, hips, and ankles, and a majority of her structure is made from some sort of soft, smooth, material, her spine crafted metal that moves along with her. her blood color is an unnatural silver, and there's always something about her eyes that reflect different in the light, like facets of stone. she's gotten more natural with her movements over the years, but to those who are human, of flesh and blood, there is something that is little.. off
she tries to hide it. there are so many mixed opinions about the state of her being and how she was created among humans and supernaturals alike, and so she does not often show it or mention it. while her healing methods are universally quite successful, the oddness of her presence is enough to keep a good amount of people away, and she tends to keep to herself to lean into it (even though she is so curious about the world and humans and how they work..)
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wraithgaze · 8 months
hello hello, i'm now introducing sangwon, your local turned vampire who unlocked some sort of old magic in his blood through the process and is most definitely using it for evil.. conveniently, he's also the one who's (supposed) to be keeping you safe on the town council. lets just say, if you ever hear any singing in the woods, or the eerie, familiar tone of your own voice calling out to you, go home. council member ahn did say to not stay out after dark..
his father had been on the council his whole life. and once sangwon became of age to take over the role, a late night turned into the story of the rest of his life--- he was now a vampire, and he had to hide that. the one responsible flees and leaves sangwon to fend on his own, desperate to prove and continue to fool his parents that he's still human
at first, he thought they left to astra to test him. there was more there for them, and maybe if sangwon proved he could handle helping this town, he could come and join them one day. at first, he tries to be a model council member--- going on frequent trips to check on the other towns was easy, he was just so concerned, truly, about their local state of affairs and trading. and how much blood they had to offer him as a little treat on the way back
but then they don't return his letters. they don't ask for him to come, and they don't ask much about his life, they only talk about theirs. how letters are so troublesome to send back and forth, to expect less. and one day, when he just happens to be singing a song his mother had taught him on the way home, he notices this.. look. in someone's eyes as he passes by. as if they're enthralled by the sound of his voice
with his own knowledge, he doesn't think the effect of his voice is vampiric in nature, and so he searches his family tree until he finds one tidbit of information left out amidst the scorch of their records, that one of the distant relatives of his mother had been marked down as a siren
having believed himself to be human his whole life, he supposes the secret was upheld to maintain his father's position on the council, and its now his own, along with his new vampiric state
at first ashamed and unsure of how to handle himself, he starts to find himself more sure about who he is and what he likes to do, and starts to use that to his advantage
most of his magic lies in the state of his voice. along with singing, he's able to perfectly mimic voices if he's ever heard them before, and he uses it to his advantage to trick those he wants to
while a council member, he's aware there's a lot swept under the rug and unable to be taken care of in council meetings. on his own, he does his own work to help out those in the town, and is often approached with cases he tries to help resolve (even if he's not afraid of gathering intel after hours using his magic to help him)
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sclarflared · 8 months
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i love au's so much, so i'm super excited to explore altered versions of my muses. first we have jaehyun, your local neighborhood witch who runs a store for all your magical needs in his home. though they might not admit it, just about everyone in the town has sought out his assistance for something or another even humans who act as if they don't want to associate with the supernatural.
jaehyun comes from a long line of witches, generations spanning back to a group of witches that are no longer of prominence in the hallows. growing up, jaehyun learned everything about magic from his mother as she passed down all her knowledge to him. his father ( no surprise here ) was said to have left for the land across ocean before he was born and so he has never known him.
unfortunately this version of jaehyun no longer has his mother around. one night she mysteriously disappeared, a tracking spell that he performed having led to the edge of the forest near the darkness but then disappearing entirely. he doesn't admit to anyone that his mother's disappearance years ago still haunts him.
his mother had always been the type to help out friends and others with magical needs from time to time, but instead jaehyun decided to turn it into a business. running a store out of his home, human and supernatural alike come to him for various things. whether it be some kind of ingredient, a potion, or a spell performed.
though jaehyun knows what his abilities are worth and will say no to anyone who doesn't pay him well for his work or a spell that he's unwilling to perform. he tries not to get too involved in other's affairs when they come to him but he won't do anything that's like downright evil.
but he won't say no to like some slight hex or spell that might inconvenience someone's life for a bit because they wronged you. besides he knows how to mask his magical signature so that no one could trace it back him because he's not about to have them beating down his door because of it.
and yes there is a tall ass ghost named iseul haunting his shop and home, he just showed up one day and now won't leave. but while jaehyun might grumble, he actually doesn't mind his company but don't let iseul know or he'd a get a big head about it.
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tlltaleheart · 8 months
aaaaandddd re-presenting minseo, local gorgon who wanders around blinded but is a v adept clockmaker & general gadgeteer. his gorgon origin means he used to be able to (and did) petrify people into stone when he looked into their eyes. thankfully(?) his parents had him blinded via a witch's hex several years ago, so they didn't have to deal with the problems that came w/ having him as a kid once again, these are more details under the cut, but like this if u'd like me to come and plot out a thread !
is currently a clockmaker's apprentice. his parents dumped him at this village a few years ago and skedaddled to a boat supposedly heading to astra
usually makes his way around the village blindfolded, like he needs an extra safety net despite alr being blinded underneath. but it's not completely redundant --- it has magical properties tied to a small magical lantern that he built, which holds a seeing eye ! he can direct it around him like a regular lantern and the eye "sees" for him. he has to change out the eye every so often when it runs out of magic
but tbh he prefers Not seeing sometimes and at home he puts the lantern away and takes the blindfold off and just vibes. lives at the northern edge of the village where he mostly minds his own business and has no idea the kinds of strays he's actually attracted. he thinks he's just been feeding stray cats (cats don't food bowls whole like that) (they also don't make those noises at night)
his house is filled with all kinds of clocks and odd little sculptures. most of the clocks don't work, mainly bc he likes the act of carving them more than actually making clocks. outside, on his porch and around the property, are more seeing lanterns that alert him if a presence steps foot onto his property.
his boss is just an npc for now but they are disgruntled from how much time he wastes making his own little things instead of fulfilling orders. sorry if you are a customer
if ur a magic user, he can make a small clock / pocketwatch that you can enchant to keep time of a certain thing? like have it count down to certain events, etc!
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sllvertongue · 8 months
re-presenting haeran, one of ur local council members posing as a human and hanging onto the disguise by her fingernails. she's really a hellhound, a product of her mother fucking around the blight and eventually finding out. for the most part she's the same core character as her canon version but i've included au specific details under the cut. + like this if u want to plot a little thread tgt !! lets have some dramaaa
lives in one of the nicer houses in the village. her (human) mother was known as a former council member, but a decade ago she was exposed for using her position to basically feed people into the darkness monsters lol believing that the sacrifice would appease it (it did not work!!!). so her mother was banished from the village, hasn't been seen since, and now haeran publicly denounces her every chance she gets
i think technically speaking, haeran just had shapeshifter blood in her lineage, but her mother's constant proximity to blighted magic affected her pregnancy with haeran, and now haeran's source of magic is blighted too. sooo instead of being able to shapeshift to typical creatures, she's stuck with a hellhound form. i'm thinking it's werewolf-esque but with elements of shadow and brimstone !
her hellhound form is closer to the size of a grown tiger? comes up to the stomach of a typical adult man, with a shaggy coat the color of charcoal
she can shift willingly, but she suppresses it so much that sometimes it comes out unwillingly too. mostly it comes out at night, and she has a bad habit of getting into the forest like that. for the village's sake and also her own sake, she tries to contain her hound form so that it doesn't attract unwanted attention (read: the monsters) and accidentally lure them back to the village
hazy when shifted ? distant, like she's just a passenger in her own body. can think logically, but it's harder to translate into actions bc her hound form is more animalistically-driven
very particular abt getting her work done on time every day, before sunrise, and retreating to her house for the rest of the evening.
has a lot of jobs she wants done discreetly so if ur muse is looking for work, come knocking on her door (in a timely manner......)
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rcguenights · 8 months
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and now on to my beloved deiji, the cutest little kitsune fox spirit in all of the hallows. she showed up out of the blue months ago and despite working at the local tavern as a waitress not many can say that they know much about her. some speculate that she's been running from something or someone, but no one has been able to get her to share.
deiji is a bit of a rarity in the hallows, being that she is a kitsune fox spirit. with the ability to shapeshift into an adorable fox form as well having the ability to cast illusions and obscure herself if need be. being able to take an animal form and her other abilities have definitely help to keep herself alive and safe throughout the years, especially since deiji is actually much older than she looks.
she showed up in the hallows a few months ago and due to her bubbly personality and outgoing nature was hired as a waitress at the tavern. it gives a place to sleep at night safely and money to feed and clothe herself.
continuing with my theme of having her running from something, deiji is simply being hunted by someone or something try to catch her. not even deiji is sure what it is or if it's a person or not but it's forced her to flee and the hallows being the next place she has found herself with relative safety.
she's always been a wanderer for as long as she can remember and craves some kind of sense of belonging or comfort that she hasn't been able to find and she's not sure if she'll find that anywhere, least of all the hallows where tensions between humans and the supernatural are rising.
has been doing odd jobs here and there from the local bulletin to make some extra money when she's not working. she usually does them alone and feels more comfortable that way but has been forced to work with others sometimes which she finds difficult because she doesn't easily trust. really she's just trying to survive and get by.
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memoryspine · 8 months
no, yeona hadn't been crying. couldn't remember the last time she had, if only for the alarming way the silver replication of her blood would drip down her cheeks, smear away in a shimmer that only made her think something was wrong, broken. no, even when she was scratched, she barely felt something, like the hand at the edge of a fog and stepping in, the uncertainty of not being able to see even ten feet ahead, something to come in and grab at your ankles, pull you under.
everything had always felt distant. sound, touch, color, the world. maybe it was because she was built to live in it, something placed instead of learned.
she hears the bell at the door. of her spellbooks, the one who alarmed her of anyone stepping onto the threshold of her landing was one that didn't go off very often, but it still had her pulling the gloves over her hands, coaxing down her sleeves. every part of her was covered other than the porcelain curve of her throat only partially obscured by a velvet ribbon, the veil placed over her eyes. the bandage that she'd just wrapped spans the length of her arm, budged up underneath her clothing as she steps forward to place a hand against the door.
had she felt this presence before? sometimes, she could feel it, if something was familiar. it was like the glow of a candle once lit, a warmth similar to memory when you got close enough.
she lingers in the doorway, takes in the figure standing on her doorstep. "good evening. can i help you?"
the gem at her throat shimmers, safe.
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