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Picture Source: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/28922042/ Character: Amaterasu Artist: xnirox
The Goddess's Carrier
by Ben James
(A short story inspired by the drawing seen above, this story doesn’t accurately portray the character illustrated above and doesn’t actually represent the character in any way)
Chapter 1: Chosen By A Goddess
I was a human male, was anyway, until one day when I met a real goddess. I was visiting Japan, staying in Tokyo, to present a new type of drone at a technology show. I had recently just made a whole new propulsion system, one that could be revolutionary. I called them “anti-gravity coils”, they were quantum coils that would move in the opposite direction of gravity when powered. This allowed this new drone to take off without any noise, or emit anything that could harm life. Making it the stealthiest drone in the world, cause it didn’t have to land to be quiet... it could fly silently thru the air. I presented the drone, showing off my new propulsion system. I already had a few offers to buy my invention for large amounts of money, but I didn’t sell it. I knew that they could just claim they invented it if I did sell it to them. Plus, I wasn’t in this for the money... I made this invention to further the advancement of technology, not to get rich. There were at least some people that appreciate my invention instead of seeing nothing but money. Some were curious enough to ask how it worked, and I told them to call me about that latter for I didn’t want to explain it in front of others who would only try to replicate it and sell it.
I left a bit early, the constant attention becoming too much for me. I decided to walk back to the hotel I was staying at, for it was a beautiful time of year here in Japan. The trees were blooming, and so were many different flowers, making the whole landscape look alive. Though, it technically was... the plants were living creatures. I didn’t get very far from the building that I presented in before I was stopped by a grumpy old Japanese man.
1) Old Man: *in Japanese* “People like you are disturbing the balance of this land, get out!” 2) Me: *in Japanese* “What balance?” 3) Old Man: *in Japanese* “Nature’s balance, you’re ruining life... now get out!” 4) Me: *in Japanese* “I’m sorry, I’ll try to fix the-” 5) Old Man: *in Japanese* “No you’re not, get out before I have to kick you out!”
I could tell his mind was set, so there was no point in arguing with him. I quickened my pace, leaving like he was telling me to. I kinda understood what he was saying, the advancement of technology has taken its’ toll on the environment. I did care about nature, plants & animals, and I didn’t like seeing the damage we humans have done to nature. That’s why the drone I made, including the anti-gravity coils, were made of eco-friendly resources. But I couldn’t expect everyone who uses my anti-gravity coils to make the thing they mount it on out of eco-friendly materials. After I got a good distance away from the old man, he yelled something at me in the distance...
6) Old Man: *in Japanese* “Our gods shall punish you for your misdeeds!”
I quickened my pace further, intimidated by his words. I was a man of science and therefore found it hard to believe in gods & goddesses. However, I suppose they might have existed... I just wouldn’t believe they existed until I found evidence. Little did I know that on this day, evidence would find me.
I continued down the path, going thru the forest which was beautiful in the springtime. I checked behind me and was glad to find that the old man wasn’t following. He.. did say that I’d be punished by his gods. So, did he know his gods would punish me? Or... had he just told one about me? I suddenly felt a strange sensation come over me, it felt like I was being watched. I looked around as I continued walking forward, but I couldn’t see anyone watching me. It... couldn’t be a god... right? I wasn’t sure, maybe there really was a god coming for me. And if that was the case, what chance did I have against a god?! None, I couldn’t even fight the average human let alone a god! I came upon a temple, decorated with pretty oil paintings. The path led around it, so I rounded the corner and that’s when I saw... her.
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She... wasn’t exactly human, but she had the figure of a human. She had the head of a wolf, covered in white fur with intricate patterns of red lines in her fur. Her eyes were black, with yellow irises. She was wearing traditional Japanese clothing, so she was clearly intelligent. She spotted me looking at her, her vision sharp like a wolf, and she watched me as I walked by. I kept walking, having a hard time believing she was real. She kept looking at me until I rounded around another corner and our line of sight was broken. W-Was... that the god the old man said would punish me? I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and I turned around, but there was nobody there. Weird... I swear I heard someone walking. I sighed, and then I turned back around and was met face-to-face with her. I jumped back, startled by her sudden appearance. How did she get there? I didn’t hear anything, and she would have had to be moving fast to evade my vision. She swiftly stepped forward and grabbed my arm, making sure I didn’t get away from her. I stopped in my tracks, not resisting her for I was terrified of what she might do to me. She looked me over, her sharp eyes looking at every detail of me... it was like she was judging me for my worth.
She really seemed like a goddess, she was faster than physically possible... like she had some powers or magic or something like that. That’s when I noticed the floating green disk behind her back, levitating like her body was a magnet. I saw a burst of fire being emitted from the center of the disk and felt a surge of power blow past me. No, there was no doubt about it... she was magical, or at least had mystical powers. I looked into her eyes, her irises radiating with power. She was a goddess, she had to be! Then, she must be here to punish me. I swallowed, fearing for my life. Oh no, what was she gonna do to me? Maybe my punishment wouldn’t be as severe if I told her I really did care about nature. I parted my lip, preparing to talk to her, but she swiftly covered my mouth.
7) Her: *sarcastically* “I’m sorry, did I give you permission to speak?” 8) Her: *seriously* “No... no, I didn’t.” 9) Her: *stern tone* “You’re in the presence of a goddess, you shall treat me with the utmost respect.” 10) Her: *seriously* “Lucky for you, I’m feeling merciful... so I’ll give you a chance, but only if you serve me.” 11) Her: *demanding tone* “Forget whatever god you pray to, I’m your goddess now... you shall devote yourself to me, and obey me without question.” 12) Her: *demanding tone* “Now bow down before your goddess.”
She took her hand off my mouth and let go of my arm, and I immediately bowed down to her... going all the way down on my hands and knees. I didn’t believe in any gods or goddesses, but I did now. 
13) Her: *huffs* “Much better... remember your place mortal, beneath me.” 14) Her: “You are now my servant, and therefore you can do only what I tell you to do and let me do anything to you... got all that?”
I nodded, not sure if she just gave me permission to talk. I was in for it now, there was no hope of me getting away. I was now her servant, hers to command. My fate was in her hands, hers to weave. There was no point in resisting, so I gave up. She stuck her paw under my chin and lifted my head up to look me in the eyes... her claws ready to slit my throat. I didn’t resist, knowing full well she could take my life whenever she chose to. I was nothing but her servant, she could do whatever she wanted to me and I was powerless to stop her. Plus, it was considered a betrayal to resist your goddess... I would be punished severely. I just simply looked into her eyes, letting her have her way with me... for I was beneath her. 
She retracted her claws, setting my head down on the ground. She turned my head with her paw, pushing my cheek to the side. She then stood on my cheek with her paw, pressing my head into the ground... asserting her dominance over me. She was a goddess and I was just a mortal, powerless compared to her. She owned me, she controlled me... what I wanted didn’t matter anymore. She spread her toes and extended her claws, poking at my skin with them... testing me. I didn’t resist, letting her do what she wanted with me... giving myself to her, for I was her servant. Who I had been this morning was no more, my hopes & dreams crushed by her will. I was nobody now, just her human servant. 
15) Her: “That’s it, give in to your goddess... give yourself to me.”
She took her paw off me, swiftly bending down to make me her servant. I opened my eyes to see her looking me in the eyes, her eyes pulsing with power and her gaze sharper than ever. Her eyes focused this power like a laser, sending two powerful beams of magic energy into both my eyes. I felt the energy strike my eyes, making me close them out of instinct. I felt the energy get absorbed into my eyes, having an unknown effect. What did she do to me? I opened my eyes, curious to find out. I could see some strange symbols that moved with my eyes, as if imprinted on them. I looked up at her to find she had symbols in her eyes as well, symbols that seemed to complement the ones in mine. She reached for me, grabbing my lower jaw and gazing deep into my eyes. Her eyes were still pulsing with power, causing my eyes to pulse back... the power in her eyes reacting to the power she put in my eyes. I couldn’t look away, entranced by a mysterious power. The symbols slowly faded in both my eyes and hers until they disappeared. I regained control of my eyes, but kept looking into hers.
16) Her: “You have been marked by your goddess, your body & soul belong to me now... you are now my eternal servant and you will serve me without question.”
I nodded hesitantly, realizing I’d be her servant forever. She would keep me alive to serve her and I would do that for all eternity. Such a life would be almost not worth living. But what choice did I have? She wouldn’t let me die, wouldn’t allow me to kill myself. I’d do nothing but serve her, forever. 
17) Her: “What’s with the grim face?” 18) Her: *smiles* “I’m not heartless, I’ll still feed you and clean you and give you a nice place to sleep... I’ll treat you good if you serve me well.”
I relaxed, glad she was willing to treat me better than a slave. Besides, the word of a goddess is said to be absolute. She let go of my chin and I held my head in place, acting like a poseable doll. She kept smiling at me, wrapping her hands under my shoulders and lifting me up as she stood up. She held me delicately, smiling warmly at me. I gazed into her eyes, seeing kindness in her eyes. I was taken aback by her sudden kindness, considering she had been so fierce just a few moments ago. I hope she would be kind to me as I served her. She said she’d take care of me as her servant, said she’d treat me good if I did my job well. Maybe being her eternal servant wouldn’t be so bad. She lowered me back down, setting me gently on the ground, patting my head briefly like I was a child... I was 22, but I guess I was a child compared to her.
19) Her: “You know, you’re the first human who’s been able to see me in the past 100 years... you might be just what I been waiting for.” 20) Her: “And if you’re not, I could use a personal servant.” 21) Her: “It’s not safe to talk out here, others will hear us.” 22) Her: “So come with me, I’ll have to take you to where we can’t be found.”
I did as she said, without question, walking over to her and standing beside her... ready to follow her. I couldn’t help but wonder why no other humans have been able to see her. Was I just much more observant than other humans? Not likely, 100 years is a long time for her not to be spotted. She was a goddess and was very magical, so maybe she was invisible to those who don’t believe in magic. No, that’s not it either... cause a lot of people here in Japan believed in magic. Then... why was I able to see her? I wasn’t anyone special... I’m just a nerdy scientist like many other scientists. I lost my train of thought, as she suddenly grabbed my arm and tugged me along as she started to walk. I walked with her, not wanting to be dragged on this stone path. She led me down the path for a little while, and then led me into the forest beside the path.
I did my best to divert my gaze from her, thinking she probably didn’t want me looking at her. However, my curiosity eventually got the best of me, and I turned my head to look at her. She was holding my wrist with a firm, but not painful grip. She walked with such elegance, her movements were very smooth & controlled and swift when needed. Her paws landed softly on the ground as she walked, not disturbing the ground she walked on, it was as if she weighed nothing... light as a feather. She kept her other arm at her side, keeping it from swaying as she walked. Her tail swayed back & forth as she walked, but not that much. The disk on her back floated inches from her back, moving side to side as her shoulders did like it was attached even though it clearly wasn’t. I wonder why she had that disk... I had seen it emit a burst of flame, so maybe that was her source of power. Although, her eyes radiated with power... so it probably wasn’t the source of her power, but it might be an amplifier or container of her magic energy.
23) Her: “You know it’s rude to stare, but I sense you’re just very curious, so I’ll just let it slide.” 24) Her: “But, I’m not always so forgiving... you’d do best to keep your emotions in check.”
I nodded, not sure if she could see me... but she had noticed me staring at her, so she likely saw me doing that. She said she sensed I was curious... but how? Was it just written on my face? Can she feel my emotions? Can she read my thoughts? I mean, she is a goddess... reading minds seems well within the capabilities of a goddess. Regardless, I’d have to do better at keeping my emotions in check. I was lucky she had spared me twice, and I couldn’t count on that happening again. She was nice but strict and I wanted to stay on her good side.
25) Her: *commanding* “Stop.” *I stopped quickly, and she had already stopped* 26) Her: “We should be far enough away now.” 27) Her: “Time to see if you’re the one I’ve been waiting for.” 28) Her: “Let’s have a look at your soul.”
She let go of my wrist and grabbed my shoulder with the same hand. Her other hand began to glow white like her fur and became slightly transparent. She reached for the center of my chest with her glowing hand, and I watched her hand with great interest. Her fingers touched my chest, burning a hole in my shirt around her hand, and it felt like her hand was made of fire. I winced, gritting my teeth to keep myself from screaming for I assumed the pain would only worsen. Her fingers plunged into my chest as if it was nothing but air, and I grunted as I endured the pain. Was she burning a hole in my chest? What was she doing?! The pain worsened as the palm of her hand sunk into my chest... I cried in pain, clamping my teeth together to keep myself from screaming, tears streaming from my eyes. It hurt, so much! Every instinct in my body was telling me to try and get away from this, and I focused all my will to fight these instincts. She was a goddess and I was but her servant, I mustn’t resist her. I saw her wrist sink into my chest, my vision blurred by my tears. I couldn’t help but think... is this how I die? Then I suddenly felt her hand grab something inside my chest, causing an avalanche of pain. The pain was too much for me this time, and I was overwhelmed by it. My mouth opened, my instincts taking over, and I screamed loudly in pain. My whole body tensed up, pain being felt throughout my body. She yanked whatever she was grabbing inside my chest out, and I almost blacked out as the pain I felt made my mind go blank. My vision slowly returned to me, having going white when she yanked it out of me, and I was met with a strange sight. She was still in front of me, holding me by the shoulder, only now... she was holding a white glowing orb of light, that had red flames shooting from the top and coming to a point. It had a strange symbol on it, a symbol that looked like one of the ones I saw in my eyes when she marked me. What... is that? Was that... inside me?
29) Her: “You’ve managed to remain conscious, that’s quite impressive for a mortal such as yourself.” 30) Her: “You’re probably wondering what I’m holding... it’s your soul, the very essence of your life-force.” 31) Her: “Without this soul, you’re dead... even if your body still walks.” 32) Her: *spins my soul around in her hands & looking closely at it* “Life is such a fragile thing, weak souls within weak bodies, it so easy to end life... yet it’s much harder to make life.” 33) Her: “Souls of humans have grown increasingly weaker over the past 100 years, but your soul has not... it is still pure.” 34) Her: “It is clear by holding your soul that you are the one I seek... your goddess has a purpose for you, a destiny for you to fulfill.” 35) Her: “You must have many questions, but you’ll have to wait for me to answer them... you must come with me, to my realm.” 36) Her: “Come with me chosen one, your destiny awaits.”
She sunk her hand back into my chest, returning my soul to my body. I gained control of my body and awaited for her command. She pulled out a fancy looking paintbrush, seemingly out of thin air, and drew a doorway in front of her. The doorway she drew became real, leading into a place that was clearly not of this world. I looked at her paintbrush, fascinated by its’ mystical power to make drawings come to life. She looked back at me, grinning. She turned to me and painted my clothes with her brush, turning them black with her ink. She snapped her fingers, causing the paint to transform my clothes into traditional Japanese clothing. I looked around at my new clothes, in awe of her magic paintbrush.
37) Her: “There, those clothes suit you better.” 38) Her: “Besides... my realm, my rules.” 39) Her: “Now take my hand, chosen one, your goddess beckons you to her side.”
Well... who am I to refuse the call of a goddess? Her paintbrush disappeared into thin air, and she offered me her hand. I cautiously took a step forward, not sure if she would allow that, and reached for her hand. She allowed me to get closer, and I gently placed my hand in hers. She closed her hand around me, holding my hand with a firm grip. I looked up at her, the awe of her mystical powers clearly visible on my face. She noticed this, smiling at me as she held my hand. I had no idea what destiny she had planned for me, had no idea what purpose she was giving me... but, it didn’t really matter. She was my goddess, and I was her servant, her chosen one. She was giving me a purpose, defining my destiny... it was my duty to fulfill the destiny she has set before me. She reached out and gently grabbed my lower jaw, closing my open mouth. I couldn’t help but blush as I looked into her eyes, she... was truly beautiful, elegant like the goddess she is.
40) Her: “I must admit, you’re quite cute... a trait that’s rare among other human males.” 41) Her: “Come with me chosen one, your destiny awaits.”
Her hand slid off my lower jaw, and she held her hand at her side. She turned around, pulling me to stand at her side. I stood beside her, our hands locked together. I glanced over at her and she started walking, and I turned to face ahead and walked beside her. We walked thru the doorway she had just drawn, into her realm. The doorway disappeared behind us as we walked thru, leaving me in her realm with her. I looked around, taking in the wondrous sight that was her realm. I looked back over at her, and she greeted me with a warm smile. I smiled back at her, wonder still visible on my face. I was just a scientist... but I met a goddess, became her chosen one, and was brought to her realm of existence. She had taken me from my world, and... I didn’t really mind. She was my goddess, and I was her chosen one... and this, this was my destiny.
<End Chapter>
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Cornered In The Shower
by Ben James
(A short story inspired by the drawing seen above, it’s likely not an accurate representation of the character above)
Part 1: An Awkward Introduction
I am a teenage human male living in a world where humans and furries lived peacefully. I am 18 years old and I had just graduated high school. Unlike most of my senior class, I actually had plans for what to do after graduation. I had done some research over my senior year and found the field I wanted to work in. I searched for colleges with degrees that would get me the type of job I was looking for and applied to the ones that had a degree I liked. I got accepted to most of the colleges I applied to, the only one I didn’t get accepted to was a very high-level school I was sure I wasn’t gonna get in anyway... it was a longshot. Anyway, I did more research on the colleges I got accepted to, to see which one I liked the best. I decided on a college called F&H College... the F and H in the name stood for human and furry. It was the first college that was for both humans and furries, but it wasn’t the only college of it’s kind. However, it was the first, so it had the friendliest community. It also had the degree I thought would be the best for me as well as the supports I would need. The campus wasn’t too big, but it was far from the smallest. It’d be hard to navigate at first, but I was positive I’d get used to it. F&H College was about a 3-hour drive away from my house, too far to be commuting every day, so I’d have to stay in a dorm. I was hesitant to do this because... I’d never actually slept in the same room with someone, let alone live in that room with them. It was something I wasn’t sure I was ready for, but I really didn’t have a choice. Unless I wanted to drive 3 hours every day to college, I’d have to stay in a dorm. Apparently, the only dorms they had were mixed-gender dorms. I applied to the one closest to the building I’d be taking most of my classes in and got accepted. I assumed that each floor of the dorm was reserved for either males or females... I mean, it was the standard. Well at least I won’t have to be roommates with a girl... that would be very awkward. I had very little experience with girls... only talked to them when necessary and I never went on a date. But knowing the girls would be on a different floor did ease my nerves. The college semester was closing in, so I’d leave tomorrow and settle into my dorm... a few weeks before school started. I wasn’t gonna leave today, for it was getting dark out. I packed the things I’d need in preparation for the trip tomorrow. I went to sleep soon after, though it did take me a while to fall asleep. I was excited to see what college would be like, but also very nervous. 
I woke up the next day early, wanting to get to college early... giving me more time to settle into my new dorm. I took a quick shower and got dressed, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I then began loading the thing I prepared last night into my car, getting ready to head out. As I finished, my parents came out to talk to me one last time. I gave them hugs and told them goodbye and they said goodbye to me and wished me good luck. I got in the car and waved to them as I drove away, knowing I might never see them again. But I could always call them if I felt homesick, or if I just wanted to talk. I drove to F&H College, taking a little more than 3 hours... for I was a cautious driver. Most people on the road didn’t like that I drove safely, so they usually yelled at me. But I was used to the hate and ignored them the whole way. I parked in the parking lot closest to the dorm I’d be staying in and got out. I took everything out of the car and put it on a trolley I brought with me, so I could easily bring my stuff in... but mainly because I was too weak to carry my stuff. I locked my car and began walking to the dorm I was staying in, dragging the trolley behind me. I noticed that a lot of cars were already here and that it was very quiet, not a soul in sight... guess they moved into their dorms before I did. I walked the short distance to the dorm, pulling my stuff behind me. I went to the front entrance and walked up to the front counter, where I was given the key to my dorm room and told where it was. I was in room 318 on the third floor, which was also the top floor. 
I went thru the doors that led into the dorms and immediately heard many noises, most of which sounded like... moaning. I hesitated for a moment... was I really hearing all that moaning? Surely sex was prohibited, I must be hearing things. I ignored the noises and began to walk to the elevator. As I was walking, I noticed that almost all of the dorm-room doors were open. Students wouldn’t be having sex with open doors, so I probably was hearing things. But then, as I was walking by one of the open doors... I very clearly heard the moans and grunts of two going at it. I stopped in my tracks, almost certain that was what I was hearing. Curiosity got the better of me and I turned my head towards the noise, towards the wide-open door... and what I saw stunned me. I saw a furry wolf and a human girl... fucking, right there in front of me. They were so focused on fucking that they didn’t even notice me staring in at them. I was stunned, shocked at what I was witnessing and was unable to look away. I just stood there, watching them go at it. I almost couldn’t believe it, but I couldn’t deny what I was seeing... two students having sex, in a room they left wide-open. I watched them in stunned disbelief, watching the whole thing. The furry finished inside the girl, knotting her right in front of me. The girl clung to him as he pumped her full of cum... both of them looked like they enjoyed it. They held each other as they recovered, panting away. The furry wolf was the first to recover and he got up off her, pulling his knot out of her and standing up. That’s when he noticed me... standing there watching him in stunned silence. To my surprise, he didn’t seem at all bothered I had been watching him. He gave me a friendly smile, waving at me as if welcoming me to the dorm. I didn’t respond, still in shock at what I had just witnessed. 
1) Furry: “I’m not mad at you, dude... it’s cool.” 2) Furry: “There’s another girl in here if you’d like to join.”
After he said this, a female furry doe peered around the open door to see who the man was talking to. She smiled once she saw me as if she was waiting for someone else to join. Both the girl and the man were so calm about this like this was completely natural. I, on the other hand, was by no means calm. I nervously shook my head and backed away, refusing to join them. There was no way I could do it with someone I didn’t even know, especially with others in the room. 
3) Furry: “Well, if you change your mind, you can always stop by... room 037, the door is always open.”
I gave him a nervous smile and quickly got out of there, extremely embarrassed and wanting to get away from them. I walked quickly to the elevator, passing several other rooms that I heard others fucking. I didn’t stop to look and quickly made my way to the elevator. I pressed the call button and waited for the elevator, quickly getting inside once the doors open. I pressed the button to the third floor and the doors closed. I took a sigh of relief as the elevator went up, glad I got away from that situation. I wondered if having sex was even allowed in this dorm, surely not. But after witnessing what I just saw, I wasn’t so sure anymore. I’d have to do some research once I got settled into my dorm room. The elevator reached the third floor and the door opened and I was glad to find it was silent. I walked down the hallway, looking for room 318... trying to forget what I’d seen. But in the back of my mind, I knew I would never be able to forget what I had seen. 
I eventually made it to my dorm room and casually walked inside, shutting and locking the door behind me. I expected to be sharing it with a guy, so I wasn’t worried. I heard my roommate in the shower, so I quickly set all my stuff up... hoping to finish before they finished their shower, which I did. Then I did some research on my computer, and that’s when I found out about the “sex exploration” policy the college had. I was just about to read the section that talked about having each dorm room with mixed genders when I heard the sound of a female behind me...
4) Her: “So you’re my roommate.”
I jumped out of the chair, for I was surprised that there was a female in my new dorm room. I tripped on the legs of the chair and fell to the floor, the chair landing on top of me seconds after I hit the ground. I groaned in pain, both embarrassed and in pain. I kept my eyes closed, too embarrassed to look at her. She didn’t laugh at me, which was what I expected her to do... so maybe she would be nice. 
5) Her: *concerned* “Sorry... are you okay?” 6) Me: *embarrassed* “Yeah, just in pain.”
I felt her lift the chair off me and opened my eyes to see her offer me her hand. I nervously took it and she helped me to my feet. There was a moment of awkward silence between us, neither of us knowing what to say. It was... incredibly awkward, but it did give me time to recover from the initial shock and to get a good look at her. She was a female furry cheeta, much taller than I was, that had dark red hair. She had a towel wrapped around her and her fur was still wet, indicating she just came out of the shower. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing anything beneath that towel, which was stuck to her body like skin-tight clothing... revealing the shape of her body. She had long legs & arms and a proportional body. Her body was quite curved and extremely feminine, but her arms and legs were pretty muscular. She had a slightly below average boob size, but that didn’t take away from her feminine figure. She was, beautiful… and that would only make living with her more awkward. Not that it was already awkward, which it was. 
7) Her: “You’re my roommate, huh?” 8) Me: *nervously* “Y-Yeah.” 9) Her: *offers me her hand* “My name is Chestina, what’s your name?” 10) Me: *hesitantly takes hand & says nervously* “Ben.”
She held my hand firmly, shaking my hand effortlessly with her strong muscles. Though she looked thin, her arms & legs were rather muscular... giving her a strong and intimidating appearance. Although, she seemed nice. I quickly realized I was looking at her body and looked back into her eyes, blushing a little. She gave me a confused look and let go of my hand, looking like she was about to say something.
11) Chestina: *concerned* “Are you sure you’re okay?” 12) Chestina: *concerned* “You’re acting quite strangely.” 13) Me: *nervously* “Y-Yeah, I’m fine... I just don’t really have any experience with girls.” 14) Chestina: *squints suspiciously* “What do you mean?”
Oh boy, I’m gonna have to tell her... tell her about my non-existent social life. I really didn’t want Chestina to know about that, but I didn’t really have a choice. I didn’t want her to be suspicious of me, so I’d have to tell her. I swallowed hard, still hesitant about telling her. She noticed me swallow and gave me an even more suspicious look. 
15) Me: *turns head to side & looks away* “I... I was the kid in school nobody liked... the weird on, the nerdy one, the lonely one.” 16) Me: *nervously* “I rarely talked and actively avoided talking to girls, for I was just way too nervous to.” 17) Me: *nervously* “My mother and teachers were the only girls I talked to... so, you’re the first girl I’ve really talked to.” 18) Me: *nervously* “I don’t know how to interact with girls... and I’m acting strange because I’m just so nervous.”
I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, too embarrassed to look her face-to-face. She stared at me with a bewildered expression, stunned and confused. I could tell she wasn’t buying a word I said and I expected her to get angry at me. So I looked away and braced myself, expecting her to smack or punch me. I felt her place her arm on one of my shoulders and closed my eyes, almost certain she was about to hit me. But then, I felt her other hand touch my other shoulder and I began to question what she was doing. Curious of what she was doing, I opened my eyes to find her down on her knees, looking me straight in the eyes. She didn’t look mad and she didn’t grip my shoulders. She looked shocked and also... concerned. I started blushing while I looked into her eyes, knowing her hands were on my shoulders. 
19) Chestina: *shocked* “Wow, you really are inexperienced.” 20) Chestina: *apologetic* “Sorry, I really thought you were bluffing.”
She... she believed me! She didn’t hurt me like all the other girls I opened up to. She, she even looked concerned. I looked at her, amazed she believed me... amazed she cared. She smiled, trying to calm me down. 
21) Chestina: *smiling* “Well since you’re my roommate, I’ll help you with your nerves and show you how to deal with girls like me.” 22) Chestina: *reassuring* “You don’t have to worry... now that you’ve told me, I won’t get mad at you for not understanding.” 23) Me: *blushing nervously* “You... you’d do that for me?” 24) Chestina: *calmly* “Of course... why wouldn’t I?” 25) Me: *nervously* “W-Well, most people don’t wanna help me.” 26) Chestina: *reassuring* “Well I’m not like those people... I’ll help you and treat you like a friend, cause that’s what you need right now.”
I almost couldn’t believe it... she, she wanted to help me. Nobody had ever offered to help me... and yet, she did. I was hesitant to accept her help, but I knew she might be the only one willing to help me... so I gave in.
27) Me: *looks away, blushing* “Thanks... I appreciate it.” 28) Chestina: *concerned* “You still seem quite shaken, did something happen to you?” 29) Me: *looks back* “W-Well, not to me... but I did see something.” 30) Chestina: “What?” 31) Me: *blushing hard* “I, uh... saw some people fucking, which I really didn’t expect to see.” 32) Chestina: “Which room?” 33) Me: *still blushing* “037″ 34) Chestina: *annoyed* “Chad... that stud fucks girls all the time.” 35) Me: *nervously* “Isn’t that, like... against the rules?” 36) Chestina: “For most schools, but not here at F&H... it’s actually encouraged here.” 37) Me: *flustered* “What?!” 38) Chestina: “You’re new here, let me explain...” 39) Chestina: “Sex education is necessary here, but it isn’t required to actually have sex... but they do encourage it and have supports to ensure it is done safely.” 40) Chestina: “They even pair males & females in the same dorm room... it’s all part of the college’s sex exploration policy.”
I... was speechless. I had only just begun reading about the sex exploration policy when she startled me, so I didn’t get to read it. I guess that explains why she was my roommate and not another guy. No wonder nobody was stoping those two from fucking, it was perfectly okay in this college. Just thinking about those two fucking made me blush harder, for I now knew it happened all the time here. I then suddenly realized Chestina was just wearing a towel, touching me, talking to me about sex. Oh god, was she gonna do it with me?! Thinking about this only made me blush harder. She smiled at me, clearing seeing me blushing.
41) Chestina: *reassuring* “Don’t worry, I won’t fuck you without your permission... I don’t force people like Chad does.” 42) Chestina: *grins* “But if you ever wanna try it, I’d be more than happy to do it with you.” 43) Me: *flustered* “T-Thanks, but I’m really not ready for that.” 44) Chestina: *smiles* “Well if you ever decide you wanna try it, just let me know.” 45) Me: *blushing hard & says nervously* “Y-Yeah... sure.”
She took her hands off my shoulders and stood up. I turned my head to the side so I wouldn’t accidentally catch a glimpse of her privates. She turned around and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind herself... likely getting dressed for the night. I turned my head back, looking down at myself... deep in thought about the conversation we just had. I just don’t get it... how can she talk about sex so casually? Was it really a normal thing? I thought sex was a private thing that really only happened with someone you really liked... but after what I’d seen today, I wasn’t so sure anymore. I guess talking about sex was just so casual for her because she has done it so many times. An attractive girl like herself would be desirable, I'm sure many men want to fuck her. But if that were true, why would she even consider a loser like me? Surely she has standards... standards I likely didn’t meet. I guess it doesn’t really matter... even if she would do it with me, I’d never be comfortable enough to do it with her. I shook my head, clearing my head. I shouldn’t be thinking about that, it clearly wasn’t helping my nerves. She said she wouldn’t do it without my permission, so I really didn’t have to worry about it. Besides, just falling asleep tonight with her in the room was gonna be hard for me. I had to try and stay calm, so I should only be focusing on what was happening now and not what could happen... that would only get me worked up. 
I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, calming myself. I walked over to my bag and got out my jammies for the night, but I didn’t put them on yet. I wasn’t sure when she’d come out of the bathroom and I didn’t want her to see me changing, so I waited for her to finish so I could use the bathroom to change. I sat down on my bed while I waited, my jammies on the bed next to me. I stared blankly at her bed, which was across from mine... about 3 1/2 feet away, just barely enough room for us to pass by each other. Geez, I didn’t realize I’d be that close to her while we slept. I’d be able to see her perfectly well in bed, with her possibly looking back at me... I’m really gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight. I suddenly heard the bathroom door open and looked down to avoid seeing her. I wasn’t sure what she was wearing if she was even wearing anything at all. It was still summer and I imagine it’d get really hot under the covers if I had fur, so it’d make sense she wasn’t wearing much. I heard her opening and closing drawers as she put her clothes away, or possibly getting clothes to put on. I kept looking at the floor, in case she really wasn’t wearing anything. 
46) Chestina: *concerned* “You okay?” 47) Me: *nervously* “Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” 48) Chestina: “Then why are you looking down?” 49) Me: *blushing nervously* “W-Well, I didn’t know if you’d be... you know...” 50) Chestina: “I’m not naked if that’s what you’re getting at.” 51) Chestina: “I’m always covered, so you don’t have to worry about seeing me naked... men don’t like muscular girls anyway.” 52) Me: *nervously* “Oh...”
I looked up, trusting her word that she wasn’t naked. Sure enough, she was covered and sat across from me on her bed. She was wearing short jammie bottoms and a thin crop top shirt, revealing her tummy... and her six-pack. Wow, she really was muscular. Just seeing her muscles intimidated me, for I knew she was strong enough to do whatever she wanted to me... but I wasn’t afraid of her. Sure she was muscular, but she was nice... she meant well. She noticed me looking at her six-pack and grinned at me, flexing her arms... showing off her muscles. I gave her a nervous smile, intimidated by her display... but at the same time, I knew she wouldn’t hurt me. 
53) Me: *smiling weakly* “Y-You really are muscular.” 54) Chestina: “Got a problem with that?” 55) Me: *nervously* “No... though it does make you intimidating.” 56) Me: “But I’m not afraid of you, I trust you won’t hurt me.” 57) Me: *blushes* “And with all the pain bullies have inflicted on me, I’d like to have a guardian... a strong protector like you if you’re willing of course.” 58) Chestina: *suspicious* “How bad have you been hurt?”
I could tell by her tone of voice that she didn’t think I was really in danger. She probably assumed I was just insulted, but that wasn’t true... they hurt me way more. I turned to the side on my bed, tucking my arms inside my shirt. She watched me with curiosity, but I could sense she still doubted me. I guess I was really gonna have to show her. I slowly took off my shirt, laying it down beside me, revealing to her just how badly I had been hurt. There were claw marks all over my back and shoulder, scars from knife wounds, bruises from being punched hard, red marks from being smacked. Her eyes widened once she saw them, shocked at just how much I had been hurt. I turned my head to the side as tears began forming in my eyes from thinking of the abuse, I didn’t want her to see my tears... but I had a feeling she saw them anyway. I saw her stand up from her bed out of the corner of my eye, walking over to me and kneeling down beside me. She closely inspected my wounds, with a shocked and concerned look on her face. 
59) Chestina: *shocked & concerned* “Oh my god... you poor guy.” 60) Chestina: *shocked* “I’ve never seen bullies take it this far.”
Then, she did something I really didn’t expect. She reached around me, wrapping her arms around me and carefully hugging me to her chest. I was stunned by her sudden embrace, yet comforted at the same time. I normally avoided physical contact, but her hug felt so good... slowly melting away the pain. 
61) Chestina: “I’ll be your guardian, Ben.” 62) Chestina: “I’ll protect you, nobody will ever hurt you again.” 63) Me: *turns to her with tears in eyes* “You will?” 64) Chestina: *seriously* “I will, I promise.”
I smiled at her as tears filled my eyes, trying desperately to hold them back... trying to keep myself from crying, but I couldn’t. I burst into tears, unable to hold them back. I hugged her back, feeling a desperate need to hold her... desperately wanting her comfort. She held me a little tighter, rubbing my back softly... giving me the comfort I so desperately needed. I was overwhelmed with emotion, happy to finally have someone to protect me... crying away the pain I had endured. I cried for 4 minutes straight in her arms, though it felt like an eternity to me... she held me the whole time, gently rubbing my back. I loosened my grip on her when I finished crying, letting my arms slide off her. She stopped rubbing my back and loosened her grip as well, sensing I had finished. I looked up at her, my eyes a little red and my cheeks stained with my tears. 
65) Chestina: *calmly* “Better?” 66) Me: *wipes tears* “Yeah, much better.” 67) Me: *smiles* “Thank you, Chestina... I can’t describe just how grateful I am to be under your protection, I finally feel safe.” 68) Chestina: *smiles back* “Anything for you... now get some sleep, you’ll need it for tomorrow.”
She let go of me and stood up, watching me as I put my shirt back on... like a guardian. She then grabbed the covers that I had folded at the foot of my bed and began to pull them over me. I laid down, resting my head on the pillow... waiting for her to tuck me in. She pulled the covers up to my shoulders and laid them down on me, tucking me in like I thought she was gonna do. She smiled warmly at me as she looked at me under the covers. I smiled back, starting to feel sleepy. She walked over to her bed, turning the lights off as she did... then she likely got into her bed, but I couldn’t see her in the dark. By the time my eyes had adjusted to the dark, she was already under the covers... smiling at me. I smiled back at her and closed my eyes, relaxed and ready to fall asleep. I quickly drifted off to sleep, no longer nervous to sleep near a girl and wanted some rest. 
I spent the next 10 days in the dorm room with Chestina, slowly but surely getting used to living with her. At first, I was concerned that living with her would be a hassle, but she was actually really easy to live with. She always woke up before me and had showered and dressed before I woke up each morning, so I was never concerned about waiting for her to finish her shower or walking in on her naked. She was always wearing clothes, just like she said she would, so I was never afraid to look at her. But most importantly, she kept her promise and protected me. It didn��t take long before the bullies from my high-school found me and began to tease me, but Chestina was always there to save me before they hurt me. She was taller than some of the bullies and was stronger than all of them, never failing to protect me from harm. I’ve grown to trust Chestina very much and did my best to thank her for protecting me, but I had little to offer her in return. I just hope what I could offer her was good enough. 
{The segment below is NSFW, read it at your own risk... you have been warned}
Part 2: Cornered
One day she came in looking really down, like... dead inside. I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong, cause I wanted to help. I asked her what was wrong, but she just couldn’t bring herself to say what it was. Little did I know she was giving me the silent treatment. She was like that for the rest of the day, until she took a shower that night. I let her have the bathroom, cause I didn’t want to see her naked. She left the door open a crack, and proceed to turn the water on and hop in the shower. I wasn’t sure if she meant to leave that door open or not, cause she might be coming back for something... but she didn’t. She stayed in the shower for a long, long time... and I was starting to get worried, and also curious. What was she doing in there? And... was she okay? I eventually got too curious and I couldn’t take not knowing, so I knocked on the slightly open door, calling her name. No response, not even any movement. My curiosity got the better of me, and I walked into the steamy bathroom where she was taking a shower.
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I found her standing in the shower, propping herself with her arm, and looking down at the corner of the shower. She was just standing in the shower, not flinching at all as the water from the showerhead hit her back & neck and dripped down her body. It was almost like she was a statue, cause she was so still you’d swear she was fake. But I knew it was her, her chest was rising & falling as she breathed... indicating that she was alive. I called her name again... nothing, not even a blink. I walked closer to her, my nerves overcome by my desire to help her, and I could see her face more clearly. Her face was completely devoid of emotion like her soul had been sucked out of her. Then I saw something that gave me a moment of panic, I saw scarring on her snout... the blood still red. I looked over her and found her arm was covered in cuts as well, from her hand to her biceps. Oh no, did she get beat up? Did the bullies target her since she was protecting me and tried to kill her?! Was... was this my fault? Chestina should be able to see me out of the corner of her eyes from where I was standing, but she didn’t react at all when she saw me looking closely at her body at all, not even a little. I went to the cupboard at the sink, getting some bandages for her wounds. I had to do something, I was now really concerned for her safety and therefore not afraid to approach her naked. I tapped on the glass as I came back to help her, pointing to the bandages I was holding in my hand... no reaction, not even her ears twitched. Man, she must have had a truly terrible time. I had to go in the shower with her and tend to her wounds, I cared for her... even though we weren’t romantic in any way, she was still a friend to me and I owed her for protecting me. I took off my clothes, stripping in front of her, which was something I would normally never do... but I was so concerned for her safety that I didn’t even think about the fact I just gave her a view of my body. I opened the shower door, walking in the shower with her, and closing the door behind me so water wouldn’t spill out. I turned to her and saw she hadn’t moved an inch... not reacting to me joining her in the shower at all. I walked up to her, placing a hand on her back since I couldn’t reach her shoulders. Her tail twitched as my hand made contact with her back, the first reaction I got out of her. 
69) Me: *concerned* “Chestina... are you alright?”
No reaction, not even her ears turned to hear me better. Man, what happened to her? I’ve never seen Chestina like this, so this was really concerning. She had been beaten up before, but she never came back acting like this. She was a tough gal, barely anything got to her. So for her to be so... down, meant something really big must have happened. I shook my head... now was not the time to think about that, I had to get her patched up. I decided to tell her I was gonna patch her up, to see if she’d react to that... but I doubted that now.
70) Me: “Well, I’m at least gonna tend to your wounds... you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want.”
I reached for her arm, being cautious so I didn’t grab any of her cuts. None of her cuts were too deep, thankfully, so they should heal rather quickly. But to be safe, I wrapped each cut in a bandage to make sure the cuts stayed clean. I started with her biceps, gently wiping the excess blood and wrapping the cuts in a bandage. She flinched a little as I touched her open wounds, so she was still conscious. I made my way down her arm, cleaning and wrapping each wound as I went. The last one on that arm was on her wrist, and I held her hand while tending to that wound. I was so focused on helping her that I didn’t even realize I had just held her hand, I would be way too nervous to do that otherwise. I then tended to the wounds on her other arm, having to pull it off the wall to do so. She maintained her balance but clearly wobbled a little as she adjusted. She was conscious all right, but deep in thought. Then I went to tend to the wound on her snout, having to walk in front of her to do so. Chestina stared blankly forward as if she didn’t even see me. I reached up and grabbed her chin, able to reach it because she was looking down. I pulled her chin down gently, and she followed my movements like a possible doll. I cared so much for her safety that I didn’t even realize I had touched her face, which I would have never done normally. I cleaned the cuts on her snout and saw her grit her teeth as she winced from the pain. I finished bandaging her wounds and stepped back to check her body to see if I missed anything. I scanned her body, not finding any other wounds. My eyes met with hers as I looked over her face, and I saw her blink.
71) Me: “Chestina?” 72) Chestina: “Thanks Ben, I can always trust you to tend to my wounds.” 73) Me: *concerned* “What happened to you?” 74) Chestina: “Those bullies of yours are more dangerous than I thought... they surrounded me, but I managed to escape.” 75) Chestina: “I got lucky and got away from them before they could do any real damage to me, but I doubt I’ll be lucky the next time.”  76) Me: *worried* “You need to be more careful Chestina, I still need you.”
She smiled at me, happy to hear I cared about her. I really did need her, I still needed her protection. It was clear those bullies wouldn’t give up, they’d attack again. She could save me, but now I’d have to do everything I can to save her. I couldn’t fight, but I’d do everything I could to heal her.
77) Me: “Why didn’t you tell me about your injuries sooner?” 78) Chestina: *slowly grins* “Cause I wanted you in here with me... naked.”
Wait... she wanted me to be in the shower with her? She wanted me near her... naked? My face went red, blushing hard now realizing I was in the shower with her... neither of us wearing clothes. I had never seen her naked, in fact, I’ve avoided seeing her naked. She had always been pretty to me, but now that she was naked... I found she was sexy. I started getting hard, blushing harder because of it. I crossed my legs, hiding my dick as it hardened... not wanting her to see it. I was trapped, cornered in the shower with her. I could tell from the way she looked at me that she wasn’t gonna let me get away from her. She wanted me to be in the shower with her naked, but why? Was she really gonna do “it” with me?
79) Me: *blushing nervously* “Y-You, wanted me in here?” 80) Chestina: *grinning* “Completely nude...”
I almost couldn’t believe this was real, but I knew I couldn’t dream this up... not even in my wildest dreams. I was really here... in the shower, naked. Chestina was really here... in the shower with me, nude. I blushed harder, my dick hardening further... aroused at the sight of her. I tried to ignore her sexy feminine figure... but I just couldn’t. She saw me looking her over and her eyes narrowed. She wanted me naked, she wanted me exposed, she wanted me aroused... she wanted me. Oh god, she really does want to fuck me! I took a step back, nervously backing away from her. She walked towards me, realizing I was trying to get away from her. I kept backing up until my back hit the shower wall and I had a moment of panic, realizing I was cornered. I had nowhere to go and she wouldn’t let me get around her... I was trapped. Her grin widened, realizing she had me. I stood there with my back against the wall, frozen. I watched helplessly as she approached, knowing she’d soon have me. She reached out, placing her hand on each side of my torso... trapping me between her arms. She had me now... there was nothing I could do. I turned my head slightly to the side, looking at her through the corner of my eyes.
81) Me: *blushing wildly* “Chestina, I... I’m not ready for this, you should know that better than anyone.” 82) Chestina: *calmly* “I know you’re not ready, Ben... but the truth is, you’re never gonna be ready for this.” 83) Chestina: *reassuring* “Everyone has nerves when they fuck for the first time, even I did.” 84) Chestina: “There’s not gonna be a perfect moment Ben, you just gotta do it... then you’ll be over your nerves.” 85) Chestina: “Trust me when I tell you that having sex with me will do you some good, I wouldn’t be doing this if it would harm you... you trust me, right?”  86) Me: *hesitantly* “I... I do.” 87) Chestina: “Then let it happen, let me fuck you.” 88) Me: *looks to the side* “Is that really okay?” 89) Chestina: *reassuring* “Of course it is, people have sex all the time here-” 90) Me: *looks back at her* “That’s not what I meant... are you okay with this, doing it with me?”
Her eyes widened, clearly taken aback by my question. She didn’t look confused, she knew what I was getting at... I asked her if she would settle for me. I knew she had sex with many other guys, guys that were much better than me... bigger dicks, stronger bodies. I was small & weak, inferior in almost every regard to most guys. It made sense to me that she wouldn’t want to do it with me, cause a guy like me couldn’t possibly satisfy her... she and I both knew that. Her eyes narrowed, her mind made up... and I was sure she'd say no. 
91) Chestina: *smiles* “Ben, out of all the guys I’ve done it with, you’re the first one I actually want to fuck.” 92) Me: *flustered* “What?!” 93) Chestina: *reassuring* “I don’t want a big strong man who takes control, I want a cute little man who lets me be in charge... in other words, you.” 94) Chestina: *blushes* “I want to fuck you, I want to make love to you... I want you.”
She... she wanted me?! I was stunned, blown away by the fact she’d rather have me than a big strong man. But the more I thought about how she’d been treating me, the more it started to make sense. The reason she was so quick to be my protector was that she wanted to be the strong & dominant one. That’s why she’s been protecting me so fiercely... she wanted me. I blushed even harder as I stared into her eyes, now realizing she wanted me. As nervous as I was to admit it, I did like being under her care. She wanted me, she had fought so hard to protect me... the least I could do was let her have me. Besides... I was starting to like her. 
95) Me: *blushing uncontrollably* “W-Well, if you want me...” *uncrosses legs* 96) Me: *blushing uncontrollably* “You can have me, Chestina.”
Her eyes lit up as I said this, excited to hear me say I’d let her have me. It was then I could see her desire to have me in her eyes, the passion she had for me I had never noticed before. I could see tears slowly forming in her eyes, tears of joy. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing just how happy I had made her. If she was this happy to have me, then I’m sure I’d be happy to be hers. I wasn’t worried to give myself to her, I was starting to like her anyway. I was willing to go all the way and become her lover... her mate as her kind called it. She was such a good protector and was so gentle with me, she really cared about me... I’m sure she’d be a passionate lover.
97) Chestina: *excited* “Really?” 98) Me: *nods* “You’ve fought so hard to protect me, even risking your life to save mine... I know you care about me and I care about you too.” 99) Me: “You can have me if you want me, Chestina... I was starting to like you anyway.” 100) Chestina: *blushing* “Oh, Ben...”
Chestina took her right hand off the wall and reached for me, gently placing her hand on my left cheek. Despite her hand being soaked from the water, it still felt smooth against my cheek. I gave her a warm smile and leaned into her hand, showing her my affection. She smiled back and began gently rubbing my cheek with her thumb, showing me her affection. I could see her tears growing in her eyes, joy flowing down her cheeks. She took her other hand off the wall and slid her arm behind my back. She then took a step forward, pulling me in and embracing me.
101) Chestina: “I do want you, Ben.” 102) Me: “Then you can have me, Chestina... all of me.”
I really meant what I said... I would give her everything, both my body and my love. She had really grown on me, I was really starting to like her... more than I had the confidence to admit. She wanted me and I was more than happy to be hers. She held me in her arms for a while, slowly rubbing my back... showing me just how valuable she thought I was. I really meant something to her, I had value in her eyes... I was precious to her. 
103) Me: *blushing wildly* “I didn’t know I meant so much to you.” 104) Chestina: “You don’t know how long I’ve been searching for a guy like you...  a shy & submissive guy like you is so rare, I’m lucky to have found you.” 105) Chestina: *seriously* “I’ll protect you with my life, 'cause you’re precious to me.” 106) Me: “I know you will... you always have.”
I knew she would... she had always been a good protector, I was confident she’d take great care of me. She had fought so hard to keep me safe, risking her life to save mine... for her, I was worth saving. I relaxed, letting myself go limp in her arms. She held me tighter, keeping me from sliding, holding me closer to her body. Her grip was firm, yet gentle. Her wet fur felt smooth and her body was warm, enveloping me like a blanket. I could hear her heartbeat, my ear pressed against her chest. Hearing her heartbeat was all I needed to confirm we were both alive and that this was really happening. I felt content as I listened to her heartbeat... happy to be in her arm and calmed by her embrace. I started to feel an urge to hug her, to hold her like she was holding me... that urge only grew as time went on. I decided to act on it and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her gently... bringing us even closer together. I felt her whole body twitched as I hugged her, clearly not expecting me to hug her. I didn’t know if it was right for me to hug her... it just felt right. I heard her heart beating faster & faster, my hug had excited her. I felt her grip on me tighten, wanting to hold me closer. Her heart kept beating faster & faster, getting more & more excited as she held me. Eventually, her excitement got too high and she suddenly pushed me up against the wall, breaking free of my grip and holding me there with all her might. I was surprised, but unhurt... at a loss for why she just did that. But as I was looking at her, I figured it out... she was in heat. She was blushing bright red, breathing air so hot it turned to steam, her eyes filled with lust... she was clearly in heat.
107) Chestina: *with lust* “I’m sorry Ben, I can’t hold myself back for longer... I gotta do it or I’ll go crazy.” 108) Me: *calmly* “It’s okay Chestina, I understand... you’re in heat.” 109) Me: *blushing wildly* “You have my permission to fuck me, Chestina... I’m all yours.” 110) Chestina: *with lust* “Thank you.”
Chestina was in heat, feeling the need to breed, and chose me to cure her... my dick, my cum. That was why she was holding back, she must have been in heat for a while now... waiting for her chance to do it with me. This was her chance to fuck me, a chance she’d been waiting for and a chance I knew she wouldn’t waste. Her gaze sharpened, her determination to fuck me visible in her eyes... Chestina was gonna do it and nothing was gonna stop her. Not that I would try to stop her, cause I secretly wanted this too. She lowered me down onto the floor and let go of my shoulders, knowing I wouldn’t try and get away from her. Now that I was back on the ground, it became obvious just how much bigger she was than me. However, I wasn’t intimidated by her size... in fact, I felt safer around her big strong body. I knew she wouldn’t hurt me and I knew she’d fight to protect me, her size and strength made me feel safe. I looked into Chestina’s eyes, wondering why she put me down and what she was gonna do to me next. Her intentions became clear once I saw her open her mouth... she was gonna kiss me! I had never kissed before, I didn’t know what to do... and that made me nervous. I could see her sharp teeth in her mouth, the teeth of a predator. But I wasn’t afraid... I knew Chestina wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t move at all, letting her kiss me the way she wanted to. I just watched as her mouth came closer to mine, waiting for her to kiss me. She leaned her head forward and pressed her lips on mine, kissing me. My heart jolted in my chest, stimulated by her kiss. I never knew a simple kiss would get me this excited. I closed my eyes, savoring this new sensation. I felt her tongue slide in between my lips and I opened my mouth, allowing her to stick her tongue further into my mouth. Chestina’s tongue went further into my mouth, laying down on top of my tongue. My tongue twitched as if felt her tongue as if startled by it. Strangely, her tongue didn’t really have a taste... it was all texture, soft & wet. I wanted to feel more of her tongue, so I rubbed my tongue against hers. Her tongue was much longer than I thought it was, flatter than mine and was very smooth... beneath it at least. I spun my tongue around hers and touched the top of her tongue. The top of her tongue was rough, covered in small sharp hairs that felt like sandpaper... just like the tongue of a cat. I moved my tongue back under hers, liking the smooth bottom part of her tongue better than the rough top part. As I played with her tongue, Chestina played with me... using her hands to feel my body. She rubbed my body all over, feeling all my curves and edges. This seemed to excite her, for she began rubbing me and kissing me more passionately... sucking on my lips and rubbing her tongue against mine. I was getting excited as well, my cock twitching as she rubbed me. The way Chestina took control of me turned me on, the way she played with my body excited me... I loved it. After a while, she pulled her tongue out of my mouth and pulled her lips from mine. I opened my eyes to see her looking deep into mine, lust visible in her eyes. 
She really wanted to fuck me and I was happy to let her fuck me, to let her have me. I wanted to know how it felt to have sex, wanted it to be Chestina that did it to me, wanted to embrace her as she did it, wanted to feel her passion. It was becoming obvious to me that lust was affecting me, but I didn’t care... I wanted her to fuck me so badly. But lust wasn’t just affecting me, it was also affecting Chestina. She lusted for me too, wanted to fuck me as well... maybe even more than I wanted her to fuck me. All I knew for sure was that we both wanted to have sex and that she would soon be fucking me. 
Chestina’s eyes slowly looked down, scanning my body she had touched all over... looking in great detail at the body she was going to fuck, my body. Eventually, her eyes landed on my erect cock and her lust grew... so to did my nerves. I had always been embarrassed about my cock, for I thought it was small... but she didn’t seem to care, though that might just be because she was in heat. I hope I was big enough for her, hope my cock could satisfy her. She noticed me getting nervous out of the corner of her eyes and looked up at me... but this only made me more nervous, making me fear I wasn’t big enough.
111) Me: *embarrassed* “I’m not big enough, am I?” 112) Chestina: *reassuring* “It’s not too small and it’s not too big, it’s a good size and I love it... because it’s your cock and that’s all that really matters to me.”
Her words and tone of voice set me at ease, for I now knew she still liked my cock... simply because it was mine. The size of my cock wasn’t important to her, that wasn’t why she wanted me. Chestina liked me because I was smaller and because I was cute, not because of my cock. She liked me more than anyone else she’d fucked because she liked who I was. She smiled warmly at me, reaching up and placing her hand on my cheek... showing me that she wanted me. I smiled back, no longer worried about my below-average cock size. Chestina leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, showing me her affection. 
113) Chestina: “I love you, Ben.” 114) Chestina: “Don’t ever think you’re not good enough, ‘cause you’re more than good enough to me.”
Chestina took her hand off my cheek, letting it slide down my body... stopping at my hip. She placed her other hand on the other side of my hip and began to get down on her knees, looking me in the eyes as she descended. Once she got down on her knees, she switched her gaze to my erect cock as she descended further. Chestina licked her lips, her mouth was watering. I stayed still, letting her have her way with me. She held my hip steady as she brought her head closer to my cock, her eyes fixated on it. Chestina stuck her snout under my cock and tilted her head up, balancing my cock on her snout. She closed her eyes and sniffed hard, several times... taking in my scent. Though this was awkward, I knew she did it out of compassion. Chestina was getting familiar with my scent so she could follow my scent to find me anywhere, in case she lost me. She didn’t want to lose me and I didn’t want to lose her, so I let her sniff me. After a couple big sniffs, she stopped and opened her eyes as she pulled her head back... now familiar with my scent. She looked back up at me, looking as if she wanted to tell me something.
115) Chestina: “I know your scent now, I can find you anywhere you go... now I don’t have to worry about losing you.” 116) Me: *blushing hard* “Good... ‘cause I don’t wanna lose you either.”
She gave me a warm smile, pleased to hear I didn’t want to lose her. Chestina meant a lot to me... she was my guardian, my protector, my lover. I didn’t want to lose her, so knowing she could now track my scent set me at ease. I felt safer knowing she could always find me, knowing my protector would always be there for me. Chestina really did care about me, she wouldn’t have sniffed me if she didn’t. She began breathing heavily, blushing hard as her eyes filled with lust. Her primal instincts were kicking in, the natural instinct to breed. 
117) Chestina: *with lust* “I’m sorry Ben, I can’t hold myself back any longer... I have to do it, I need to.” 118) Me: *blushing uncontrollably* “Go ahead Chestina, I’m all yours.”
She smiled, happy to hear me give her permission. She looked back down, her eyes once again fixed on my erect cock. The lust grew as she looked at it, her instincts telling her to breed. She didn’t ignore her instincts this time and decided to fuck me. Chestina opened her mouth slightly and stuck her tongue out. She then leaned forward and set the soft bottom of her tongue down on my cock. My cock twitched beneath her tongue as it made contact with it, excited by the feeling of her tongue. She was clearly still in control of herself, for she knew not to lick me with the top of her tongue which was rough. Chestina began licking my cock with the bottom of her tongue, coating it with her saliva. I moaned softly as she licked me, unable to keep quiet. Her tongue alone felt better than anything I could do with my hands. My cock was soon covered in her saliva, but she kept licking it. I didn’t know why she kept licking my cock, but I had a feeling I’d find out. After a few minutes, Chestina opened her mouth wider and her intentions became clear... she was gonna put it in her mouth. She let go of my hips with one of her hands and gently grasped my cock... holding it still. She pulled her tongue into her mouth and began to lean forward, carefully putting my cock in her mouth. Chestina let go of my cock, letting it fall down onto her tongue and closed her lips around it. It was very wet inside her mouth and the top of her tongue didn’t feel as rough as I thought it would be. She put her hand back on my hip, making sure I didn’t move. Chestina rubbed her tongue softly on my cock, looking up at me to see if she was hurting me. I started moaning louder as she licked it, for it felt better in her mouth. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt at all... the rough hairs on her tongue slid easily against my cock. It must be because it was covered in her saliva, lubricating it so it slid easily. Chestina looked back down, no longer concerned she was hurting me. She started moving her head back & forth, sliding my cock in & out. I closed my eyes and moaned even louder, feeling even more pleasure. Fuck... this feels really good, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold it in for long. Her lips sliding up & down my cock, her tongue rubbing against my cock... it felt so good. If she kept this up, I’d cum. She kept moving, showing no signs of stopping. Oh god, she’s gonna make me cum... and I don’t know if she was okay with that. I was worried she’d get mad at me for cumming in her mouth, so I was doing my best to hold it... but it was clear I wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer. I was about to reach my limit and I was in too much pleasure to warn her that I was about to cum. I hope she’s okay with me cumming in her mouth because I can’t hold it in any longer. Chestina thrust my cock in her mouth one last time, sending me past my limit. I leaned back against the wall and cried out in pleasure as I came in her mouth, filling her mouth with my cum. She quickly swallowed it while it was still warm, flowing past her tongue and down her throat. She licked my cock inside her mouth, making sure she swallowed all of it. She then pulled my cock out of my mouth and looked up at me panting wildly. Oh god... I just came... in her mouth... and she just swallowed it. I had tried so hard to keep it in... but in the end, I was unable to do so. After a while of panting, I eventually recovered. I opened my eyes and looked down to see her looking up at me... she had waited for me to recover. Now came the question, was Chestina mad at me?
119) Me: *apologetic* “I’m sorry Chestina, I couldn’t hold it.” 120) Chestina: *grins* “I didn’t want you to hold it, I wanted to taste your cum... and I must say, I love it.”
Wait, she didn’t want me to hold it? She... wanted to taste my cum?! She even said she liked it! I blushed harder at the thought that she enjoyed the taste of my cum, which only made her grin even more. Chestina loosened her grip on my hip and her hands rose up my body slowly, feeling me once again. She got back up on her knees to look me eye-to-eye, lust clearly visible within her eyes. 
121) Chestina: *gently rubs my cheek* “I love you, Ben... you’re so cute.” 122) Chestina: *with lust* “Open your mouth, let me kiss you again.”
I did as she said, opening my mouth... my mouth watering at the thought of kissing again. I enjoyed my first kiss with her and I knew I’d love her second kiss as well. She held my cheeks, looking deep into my eyes. Chestina opened her mouth and began to lean forward, coming in to kiss me. I just watched her as she approached, looking forward to her kiss. I closed my eyes once she got close and felt her lips press into mine soon after. Her tongue quickly entered my mouth, eager to embrace my tongue. Her tongue touched mine and quickly wrapped around it, rubbing my tongue with her affection. Chestina let go of my cheeks and one of her hands reached around the back of my head and pulled me in. Her other arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me, pulling me from the wall and embracing me as she kissed me. This kiss was much more passionate, she was being much more intimate. Chestina loved me, she really liked me... she wouldn’t be kissing me like this if she didn’t like me. It made me happy to know she loved me this much, cause I was starting to love her as well. She was being so passionate that I thought I should reciprocate... so I did. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her and bringing us closer together. Chestina started kissing me harder, putting more passion into her kiss... loving me back. I had never been so happy, never felt so much love and passion... I just couldn’t contain my happiness. I was so happy that she loved me this much and it seemed to me like I needed nothing more than her... she was all I needed. I wonder if this kiss was as exciting to her as much as it was exciting to me. Chestina let go of me and pulled her tongue out of my mouth and then pulled her head back, satisfied with our kiss. I opened my eyes to see her looking deep into mine, her eyes burning with lust. She was indeed excited by our kiss and wanted to make love to me. Kissing wasn’t enough to satisfy her, she wanted to fuck. 
123) Chestina: *demanding* “Hold my shoulders or my neck.” 124) Chestina: *with lust* “It’s time for me to make love to you, it’s time for us to fuck.”
I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was at the peak of her heat, she needed this now... she couldn’t wait. I didn’t waste any time and wrapped my arms around her neck, doing what she told me to do so she could start fucking me. She didn’t waste any time either and reached down to grab my thighs, grabbing them and then standing up... lifting me up as she stood up. Chestina spread my legs and leaned my body against the wall. I looked at her with surprise, for I knew this position. It was usually the girl in the position I was in and it was usually the guy in her position. In this position, she’d be thrusting into me and I’d be receiving it... as if she was the one with the cock. I began blushing hard and turned my head to the side, embarrassed to be in this position. I was okay with being fucked like this, but I really didn’t want other people to know I got fucked like this... I’d be laughed at and teased for the rest of my life! 
125) Me: *embarrassed* “I didn’t know you were gonna fuck me like this.” 126) Chestina: “Do you wanna try a different position?” 127) Me: *embarrassed* “No... it’s just a little embarrassing, I don’t want others to know I got fucked like this.” 128) Chestina: *reassuring* “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody.” 129) Me: *blushing wildly* “Thanks... and please be gentle with me, my body isn’t exactly durable.” 130) Chestina: *reassuring* “I’ll be gentle... I could never hurt you, cutie.”
I smiled warmly at her, amused and comforted by her words. Chestina smiled back at me, lust still burning in her eyes. I knew she wouldn’t hurt me, she cared too much about me. And even though this was embarrassing, I trusted that she wouldn’t tell anyone. I wasn’t at all embarrassed to be fucked like a girl by her, I just didn’t want anyone else to know. Now that I knew she wouldn’t tell anyone, I had nothing to be embarrassed about. I looked deep into her eyes and began to space out... becoming entranced by her beauty. I felt like I was dreaming for a moment, that I couldn’t possibly be getting it off with someone as beautiful as Chestina. I thought of myself as undesirable and was certain I would never get to do it with a girl... or find love. Yet here I was, holding onto my lover who was about to fuck me... about to take my virginity, that I thought I’d never get to lose.
131) Me: *blushing nervously* “This really is my first-time Chestina, so I guess I’ll be giving you my virginity.” 132) Chestina: *grins* “You say that like you don’t want me to take it.” 133) Me: *blushing hard* “I never thought I’d get to lose it, never thought I’d get to have sex... yet here I am, about to do it with you... the girl beyond my wildest dreams.” 134) Chestina: *blushing* “Oh Ben...”
She was touched by my words and looked happy... happy that she was the girl of my dreams, happy to be the one to fuck me, happy to love me. I smiled warmly at her, happy to be loved by her and happy to be fucked by her. Chestina leaned forward and rested her head against mine, rubbing my head with hers affectionately... like a cat. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against hers, showing her my affection. 
135) Chestina: *whispers* “I love you, Ben.” 136) Me: *whispers* “I love you too, Chestina.”
She pulled her head back, keeping a firm grip on my thighs to keep me from falling. I opened my eyes to see her looking at me, lust burning within her eyes. Chestina was done talking, done playing, done waiting... she wanted me inside her, she wanted to make love to me... I could tell by the look she was giving me. 
137) Chestina: “Ready?” 138) Me: *blushing uncontrollably* “Yeah... I’m ready.”
I wasn’t exactly ready for this, but I knew I would never be ready for this. Chestina was right, I just had to do it and then I’d be over my fears. Though, I wouldn’t have to do much... I just had to hold her and let her fuck me. I gave her a warm smile, further indicating that I was ready to be fucked. She noticed this and decided not to waste any more time. Chestina looked down at my cock and I did too. She shifted her hips, lining my cock up to her pussy... getting ready to put it in. I watched in anticipation as she did this, curious how it’d feel inside her and wanting to find out. Chestina stepped forward, spreading my legs around her... poking the tip of my dick in her pussy. I saw her look back up at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked back up at her, looking her straight in the eyes. Lust was written all over her face, burning brighter than ever in her eyes. Soon she would thrust my cock inside her... but exactly when she’d do it, was a mystery to me. I adjusted my grip on her, wrapping my arms around her torso... holding her body instead of her neck. She stayed perfectly still, allowing me to hold her the way I wanted. I looked back down at my cock, the tip of it already inside her pussy... wanting to see it go inside her. I was getting more anxious as I waited for it... the suspense getting to me. I was getting really anxious, for I wanted this so badly... and I’d beg for it if I had to. Then out of nowhere, Chestina thrust into me... thrusting my cock inside her. I cried out in pleasure, clinging to her with all my might, my whole body tensing up as my dick got swallowed by her pussy. She didn’t react as much as I did, only moaning as she thrust my cock inside her. It felt so good and it happened so fast, I’m surprised I didn’t cum. I loosened my grip on her as I recovered from the initial shock, leaning against her chest with my head on her shoulder. She waited patiently for me to recover, caring for me like she always had. Her love for me was stronger than her lust, she cared more about me than she did fucking my body. 
139) Me: *exhausted* “Oh my god... that felt so good.” 140) Chestina: *grins* “Oh, that’s just the beginning... it gets much better.” 141) Me: *with lust* “Show me, Chestina... show me how good it feels to breed.” 142) Chestina: *with lust* “I’ve waited for so long to do this with you, I won’t let this opportunity go to waste... I’ll fuck you, Ben, I’ll fuck you good.”
I smiled, even though I knew she couldn’t see my face on her shoulder... ‘cause I was happy to be fucked by her, the one I knew loved me. Chestina really liked me, she really cared about me and she really wanted to fuck me. This wasn’t just lust, this... was love. I held her a little tighter and wrapped my legs around her, preparing to be fucked by the girl I loved and the girl I knew loved me... and her name was Chestina. She tightened her grip on me, pushing my hip against the wall to keep it in place. She moved her hip back, slowly pulling my cock out of her. She stopped before it could come out and shifted her weight a little as she lifted & put down her paws... adjusting her position, getting ready to fuck me. She didn’t ask me if I was ready, she knew I was ready and she ready to fuck me. Chestina thrust back into me, pulling out just as quick as she thrust in... fucking me like she had the dick and I had the pussy. I moaned as she thrust into me, loving how it felt each time she thrust me inside her... holding her close as she fucked me. Even though she was going slow, it still felt so good... each thrust feeling just as good as the last. I loved how it felt and I was so happy it was Chestina that was doing this with me. I could feel her passion as she fucked me, felt the love behind each thrust. This was true passion, this was real love. Chestina began to pick up the pace, fucking me faster & faster. I moaned louder as she fucked me faster, the pleasure increasing with each thrust and each thrust leaving me wanting more. She wanted more too, wanted to feel more pleasure like I did. We both wanted to get to the climax and I knew she’d go all the way with me. My neck was starting to hurt, so I straightened it out and leaned back into the wall as she continued to fuck me... still holding her. I opened my eyes to see Chestina looking at me, lust burning bright in her eyes as she kept fucking me. It felt more intimate to be looking at each other as we fucked, both of us exhaling hot puffs of air the turned to steam between us and both of us having lust in our eyes... I could see how much she enjoyed fucking me and she could see how much I enjoyed being fucked by her. We looked at each other for what felt like a long time while we fucked, Chestina gradually thrusting faster as time went on. She opened her mouth a bit wider and began to lean her head towards me, coming in for a kiss. I opened my mouth wider, inviting her tongue inside my mouth. She leaned in quicker when she noticed me open wider, quickly pressing her lips to mine and sealing our lips together. Her tongue quickly came into my mouth, eager to touch mine. My tongue was eagerly awaiting her tongue, ready to embrace hers. Our tongues touched and quickly began swirling around each other. I could taste the passion on her tongue and I was sure she could taste my passion in my mouth. Chestina leaned in further, pressing her body against mine... sandwiching me between her body and the wall behind me, wanting to be as close to me as physically possible. I hugged her tighter, bringing us even closer together... wanting to be close to her as well. Chestina began thrusting into me much faster, faster than I thought was possible... the taste of my love exciting her greatly. She wanted to finish while we were still kissing, wanted me to cum while she could taste my love. I wrapped my legs more tightly around her, holding her as close as I could as she thrust into me as fast as she could. The pleasure I felt was far greater than anything I had felt before and I rapidly approached my limit... the pleasure making it impossible to hold it in. I broke past my limit in almost no time at all, cumming inside her as she kissed me passionately. Chestina stopped thrusting into me once she felt my cum inside her, or maybe she reached her limit too. She pushed my pelvis against the wall with her hips and pulled my legs around her, ensuring all my cum went inside her. Once she was sure I was done cumming, she pulled her lips from mine and began panting... clearly exhausted from fucking me so fast. I started panting rapidly, exhausted too... even though she did almost all the work. Chestina held me against the wall with her body, holding me still while we both recovered. I let go of her and leaned back against the wall. I recovered before her and waited for her to recover, smiling warmly at her while I waited. I really enjoyed being fucked by her and I was happy she was the one I did it with. Chestina recovered a few moments later and smiled back at me.
143) Chestina: “So... did you enjoy your first time?” 144) Me: *blushing* “I did, I really loved it... it felt so good.” 145) Chestina: *smiling* “I enjoyed it too... it was was very intimate and that made it so much better.” 146) Me: *smiles back* “I’m glad you enjoyed it, I was worried I wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you.” 147) Chestina: *reassuring* “You were more than enough, Ben... you actually made me cum and that’s a first for me.” 148) Me: *flustered* “Really, you liked it that much?” 149) Chestina: *smiles* “Yes, really... I enjoyed fucking you more than any guy that has mounted me, ‘cause you let me fuck you the way I wanted to... and because I actually like you.” 150) Me: *blushing uncontrollably* “W-Well, if you liked it that much, then you can fuck me any time you want... I’ll always be willing to do it with you, Chestina.” 151) Chestina: *grins* “Well then, I’ll definitely be fucking you again.” 152) Chestina: “But not now, it’s time for us to go to bed.” 153) Me: *blushing nervously* “Can we... cuddle, tonight?” 154) Chestina: *smiles warmly* “Of course, I’d love to cuddle with you... we can cuddle anytime you want, hug me anytime you desire.”
I smiled warmly back at her, happy to hear she was willing to comfort me whenever I wanted it. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she cared about me, I knew she did... and I knew she loved me too. Chestina moved her hip back, pulling my cock out of her. She held my waist to make sure I didn’t fall, for the wall & floor was wet & slippy. But furries like herself didn’t have to worry so much about slick surfaces, they had claws and their toes that spread out wide to keep balance... plus they had tails, which helped them balance. I trusted her to hold me, I knew she wouldn’t fall and I knew she was strong enough to hold me. She slowly lowered me down and set me down on my feet, standing up once she set me down. I looked up at her and smiled, her breasts just above my head. Man, I really was small in comparison to her. But I wasn’t intimidated by her height or her strong muscles, I felt safer knowing she could easily protect me. I looked back down and took a step forward, wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her... showing her my love. Chestina put her arms around my back and hugged me too, showing me she loved me as well.
155) Me: “I love you, Chestina.” 156) Chestina: “I love you too, Ben... let’s dry off and get ready for bed.”
She let go of me and I let go of her, both of us knowing we couldn’t stand there forever. As much as I wanted to stay in her arms, I knew she’d hold me again when we cuddled in bed. I took a step back, giving her room to move. She turned around and offered me her hand, which I took without a second thought. She led me out of the shower and we both got towels. I finished drying myself before her, for her fur was soaked with water. I helped her dry off, accidentally touching her breast as I did. I apologized immediately, embarrassed and sorry for doing so. Chestina told me it was okay and that I could touch them whenever I wanted, which I was tempted to do. Still, I should be careful not to touch them... I hear breasts are sensitive like balls are for us guys. We both got in our jammies, changing in the same room. Before today I would never be comfortable changing in the same room as Chestina... but now that we made love to each other, I wasn’t as nervous around her naked body and letting her see me naked. I still was nervous, but not as nervous as I had been. We both went out of the bathroom, putting our dirty clothes away and getting ready for bed. Chestina got in her bed before I did and she held up the covers for me to get in.
157) Chestina: *smiles seductively* “Come here Ben, I’ve always wanted a human body pillow.” 158) Me: *blushes & smiles* “Coming Chestina, I’ll be your body pillow.”
I crawled into bed with her, scooting myself up against her soft & fluffy body. She let the covers fall, covering my body in them... minus my head, which was on her pillow. She hugged me from behind, holding me close to her warm & fluffy body. Her fur wasn’t that thick, but she was still very warm and incredibly soft. I stretched out and yawned, then relaxed in her arms. I felt her legs curl around me, holding me even closer. It was really relaxing in her arms, she was so warm and so soft that I just couldn’t keep myself from getting sleepy. Though, I wasn’t worried about falling asleep so soon... I knew Chestina would take good care of me. Still, I wanted to tell her goodnight before I drifted off to sleep.
159) Me: *tired* “Goodnight, Chestina.” 160) Chestina: *whispers* “Goodnight Ben, I’ll get you up in the morning.”
I gave her a warm smile, knowing she would... I knew she couldn’t see my face, but I smiled anyway. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep... with the biggest smile on my face. A lot had happened tonight, things I thought I’d never get to do and things I was so happy to get to do. I was worried when Chestina came back tonight, she looked so down... it wasn’t until later that I found out she had been scratched all over. I fixed her up and she finally talked to me. What I thought would be an awkward conversation turned out to an intimate exchange. I found out she liked me and wanted to mate with me, wanted to love me. I was so happy she liked me, that she wanted me... ‘cause I liked her too. I happily let her fuck me, which was something I never thought I’d get to do. And now here I was, in bed with her, cuddling with her. I loved her and she loved me, we just had the time of our lives... fucked with real passion. I guess that makes us mates... maybe that’s why she had fought so hard to protect me, she wanted me to be her mate. Whether or not it was her intention, I would love to be her mate. I guess I’ll be proposing to her tomorrow... I can’t wait to see how happy that’d make her. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Chestina would say yes... and I was certain I would love spending the rest of my life with her.
<The End>
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Hard day - by Wildering
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