readersimagine · 7 years
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
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readersimagine · 7 years
Oh my gosh!!! I’m so excited I love your stuff lol. Ok, I’d like a Harry Potter ship please. I’m a 5’5” slytherin, bisexual girl. Ive got a few freckles, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. I love knitting, drawing, playing instruments, and basically everything creative. I consider myself to be pretty intelligent and the “Mom” friend haha. Thank you~
Hahaha omg thank you so much. First customer so far :)
It was funny how you spent most of your days in Hogwarts doing your muggle studies though you were a pure blood. You took band and art classes just for fun. It was a way to keep the creativity alive even though it’s always alive. Your parents didn’t find it weird and out of status quo, they actually find it delightful to see their little girl exploring her creativity. Your slytherin housemates were quite weary but nonetheless, they feel neutral about it. 
You co-founded a club called Knitting Club. It was one fall day in your third year were you’ve gotten to know Molly Prewett. She was your potions partner at that time. You were bored out of your minds trying to figure out your potions project when she started talking about knitting. From then on, you founded the “Knitting Club”. 
Most of the time, you knit absentmindedly as you study at the library. Good thing you use magic to flip through pages as you knit.
One day, Molly ran frantically in front of you. She paused for a minute, trying to catch her breath. She stood up straight, looked at you and said “I need a favor.” You asked her what it was. She said “My friend needs a jumper. He always wears his old one. I wanted to make him one but I don’t have the time to make it. Can you please help me make a jumper?” You agreed. You don’t really have a problem making someone a jumper. You asked her about the measurements and she gave you a piece of paper containing the information.
When you went to your dorm room to start looking for yarns and patterns, you open the parchment and read the measurements. You wondered who was Molly’s friend. He or she obviously needed a large jumper or maybe its just a preference. It made you wonder.
So all throughout the week, you knit your way but the question remained. You wonder if this person will like the pine green jumper you were making. You wonder if green brings out the color of their eyes. You wonder if they will ask who made it. You wonder if they will appreciate it.
It’s Friday by the time you finished the jumper. You were reading a chapter of your Herbology textbook when you did the final touches. It looked really nice. You put away your needles and your yarns before you placed your books back on your bag. You folded the jumper and wrapped a ribbon around it like a present. When you grabbed your things, ready to go, you saw the Marauders sitting by their usual spot in the library. They usually hung out there on specific days of the week such as today. You caught Remus eye, the guy you were always drawn to, and gave him a smile as you held the jumper on your hand. He smiled back but you werent able to see it because you’ve left the area by then.
You met up with Molly and handed her the jumper. She thanked you profusely and handed you a bag filled with new yarn and sweets as a thank you. You gladly accepted it and went on your way back to your dorm.
A week later, you went to Hogsmeade with some friends. Sitting down at your usual spot, waiting for your friends to come back with their last minute shopping at the stores. You went to Hogsmeade ahead to grabbed the spots before swarms of students come by. In a minute, the door swung open to reveal the marauders. You looked up to see Remus wearing the jumper you knitted. Merlin’s beard! You almost had a heart attack. It was weird to find out the you knitted him something. You had to calm your heart down. This was a weird position.
You looked around and see if your friends are coming soon but as you looked around, you caught his eye. He smiled and walk towards you. “Oh Merlin, help me.” you thought. It was something unexpected. He asked if the seat in front of you was occupied. You said no. He said hi. You replied hi as well.
“Thank you for the jumper.“ he said
“What?“ you dumbfoundly asked
“I knew you knitted it. I saw you working your way everyday.“ he said making you blush
“I did it as a favor to Molly.“ you try to tell him
“But still. I needed to thank you. I really like it. My favourite so far.“ he said which made you smile.
“Your welcome.“ you said
“Can I offer you a mug of butterbeer? I at least want to start off thanking you that way.“ he nervously asked with a shy smile.
“That would be lovely.“
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readersimagine · 7 years
I’ve got something to tell you...
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readersimagine · 7 years
Torn Between the Two (teaser)
It wasn’t suppose to happen this way.
It was suppose to be a stupid yet good-old-fashioned unrequited love.
I knew it wasn’t never gonna happen between us two- but Merlin! Fate has other plans.
I never expect this to happen, but it did. Now I’ve dug myself in a hole that I couldn’t get out off.
Bloody hell! I never wanted this. Torn between two people is the hardest thing... especially when they are best friends.
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readersimagine · 7 years
“Aww my middle finger likes you”
Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter (via harrypotterchatrooms)
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readersimagine · 7 years
Sirius walks in, obviously drunk: I-
Remus: Go home, you’re drunk.
Sirius: I am not fucking drunk.
Remus: Then go on and tell the time.
Sirius, turning to face the clock: I am not fucking drunk.
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readersimagine · 7 years
A fanfic or headcannons of the marauders fussing over a pregnant lily? Your writing is soooo good btw I love it!
Thank you!! This is such a cute request :)
Remus would be the one to make sure Lily’s getting all of the nutrition and food she needs
James would take this to mean she should just eat as much as possible so he brings home a bunch of Honeydukes sweets and chocolate and Remus sees it all and freaks out
“Look James! Right in the book! 2,000 Ways to Keep Your Soon to be Witch or Wizard Healthy!” He pauses to set his rectangular glasses on his nose and reads to them all, “The mother must consume the proper vitamins from all food groups.” He whips his glasses off (Sirius is having heart palpitations and trying desperately to hide them because damn does he love Remus with his glasses) “Right in the book! And that means vegetables, fruit, grains, starch, carbs-”
“Chocolate has carbs.” Peter pipes in.
“Yes, Peter, but when do you recall chocolate being referred to as a vegetable?”
Peter shrugs and steals one of the chocolate bars from the’ bag that James is now sulking on the couch with
Lily just laughs and goes and comforts James and accepts a bit of chocolate to make him smiles
Meanwhile Remus and Sirius is in the kitchen trying to figure out how to work a juicer because “It’s the quickest way to get her her daily vitamins”
Meanwhile there’s Sirius who’s main focus isn’t really Harry yet, it’s more Lily
Literally every time she moves or goes to walk to the kitchen for some more of that treacle tart she can’t stop craving, Sirius is right there: knees bent, arms outward, like a human safety net hovering, waiting to catch her if she were to fall
“Sirius, honestly. You look ridiculous, I’m just going to the kitch-”
“Yep. Yep. Just focus on walking Lils. You’re like a house and I’m pretty sure you can’t see over that bump- WATCH OUT STEP UP STEP UP-”
And then there’s Peter, who’s rather timid with the whole thing, pretty quiet.
He’s not sure if he likes kids or not because he’s ever really had to be around one but he likes Lily. And he likes James too so he must like Harry
He sits there quietly until someone recalls a fact wrong from one of the many baby books they’ve bot and suddenly he’s reciting entire passages
Because little do they know, Peter’s been staying up until the wee hours of the morning pouring over these books just incase he needs to know something
And then there’s James
James who is so excited to have a baby boy he wakes up grinning at the ceiling every morning
James who always will run out in the middle of the night and sneak into the Hogwarts kitchens because “No, James! Store bought Treacle Tart just isn’t the same.”
James who every night kisses not only Lily good night, but leans down, pushing Lily’s shirt back and presses soft kisses to her tummy too
James who sometimes freaks out in the middle of the night because fuck he’s going to be a dad and he can’t even control Sirius some times how is he going to take care of a little baby? His little baby?
So he’ll slowly scoot down the bed, trying not to wake Lily, until his face is level with the bump
He’ll push the shirt fabric away and just press both of his palms against the smooth skin, feeling calmer instantly
“Hi in there… I know we just talked last night but in case you don’t remember - can you remember things yet? Well, if you can’t, I’m your dada…” He’ll glance up at Lily to make sure she’s still asleep, “Anyway, so we left off yesterday at your first broomstick I think.” James smiles to himself, smoothing his thumbs over the belly, “You’re gonna love it, I know you will. I’ll teach you how to fly and play Quidditch and the rules of the game- I’ll teach you how to swerve and dive and spin all before you even get to Hogwarts - We’ll get to that part soon.” He sighs, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the lump, letting his lips linger there for a second, “Merlin, I’ll teach you everything. I’ll be there through everything, okay? Anything you need, I’ll be right there. Always, okay?” He places one more kiss to the bump, “Until tomorrow then, little guy.“
And Lily has to pretend to roll over in her sleep because she’s smiling so hard and she doesn’t want James to know she was awake the whole time - that she’s been awake every night for her boy’s little chats
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readersimagine · 7 years
Lily: Black, can we talk, one 10 to another?
Sirius: I'm an 11 but continue.
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readersimagine · 7 years
Dear Diary
Note: no one requested this. this is written in 1st POV, reader. this can apply to any HP character. IDK what to do with this. I’m just inspired writing this now because :) my heart is doing kinds of flips and real life events occurred. Therefore, making me inspired.
Modern AU where muggle devices work and is used occasionally by witches and wizards
Dear Diary,
Something happened today. Something unexplainable! I swear to Merlin- nay! I swear to Godric! I am not bloody making anything up. And pleeeasssee!!! Please don’t judge! Let me explain first. (It’s as if you can talk back to me.)
Diary, I met someone today. Today at Dungeon Alley, at 2:15 in the afternoon. He asked me if I wanted to hang out during lunch time when I saw him at the hallway. I said yes because I’ve got nothing better to do. He said he’ll catch up and meet me where I am. So I waited for him by the bridge. Its closer I guess.
So i was just standing there and I was just thinking to myself why the bloody hell he wanted to hang out. I mean ‘getting to know each other better as friends’ is sure a good reason for it. Also it might also because he fancies me. But I don’t know for certain which either was the answer to my question. 
I waited for him for about 20 minutes tops. He said he was running late. I didn’t really mind. I mean leaving me here with my thoughts was alright. I mean who am I kidding?! I am a wreck! Leaving me alone overthinking about things makes me anxious and nervous than ever. I swear to Godric, I would have bolted and ran as possibly away from this spot and never show my face ever again. I would have ghosted him in real life. Hide from him until I don’t exist in this world.
Well let me explain why I would have ‘ghosted’ him. First, ghosted is a muggle word that our generation is using as a terminology to represent the whole idea of one person leaving the other person waiting for a respond for days and never replying at all. Diary, I know you aren’t ‘trendy’. So i needed to expand your vocab. 
Second, I was nervous. And you know me well, nervousness makes me afraid at some point. Running away is an option I would take to avoid any sort of anxiety and the cause of it.
So, back to the story. I would have ran away but my best friend messaged me saying not to leave the stop and face my fears. It’s only a cup of coffee and hanging out. So I stayed.
I saw him walking down the street. When he saw me, he smiled and I was like ‘wow’. He has beautiful smile. ‘Was he happy to see me?’ I thought, even now. Was he? We started talking and we walked towards Hogsmeade. We laughed and joked on the way there. It was nice. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all! It felt like we were friend for a long time and we were just catching up. 
He has quite a sense of humor. Similar to mine. He even said ‘I’m glad you have a sense of humor.’ Something along those lines he said. I was happy that he gets me like that. So when we got to Hogsmeade, he offered and bought me a cup of butterbeer. I was going to pay for my drink but he insisted. So we just talked for hours and hours and on and on. It was nice.
I wanted to spend more time with him but we needed to head back for dinner. So we headed back. Before we went on our separate ways, he said that this was fun and we should hang out again sometime. I said sure. Now I am writing to you, Diary. Feeling a good mood in me. I’ll let you know more soon.
‘Til later,
Let me know which character should I go on with :)
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readersimagine · 7 years
Afterlife James: Okay. Point taken. First that stupid motorbike. Now this stupid hippogriff. You're awesome, you're cool. If Azkaban didn't ruined your punk rock, nothing else will. I hope you fall from this chicken and break your neck.
Afterlife Lily: You're envy.
Afterlife James: I can't understand how you are not? Look at him. That arse just broke out of Azkaban and his hair is still blowing in the wind. What is wrong with him?
Afterlife Lily: When will you stop fangirling over him?
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readersimagine · 7 years
Marlene: Babe... It's dark and I'm scared...
Sirius: Don't worry babe I got this
Sirius: *stomps and sketchers light up*
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readersimagine · 7 years
you: Lily an James loved each other since day 1!!!
me, an intellectual: "I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and giant squid."
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readersimagine · 7 years
James: How many?
Moody: Hundreds, certainly.
Lily: Armed?
Moody: The Death Eaters are always armed.
Sirius: Shoe size?
[Everyone looks at him]
Sirius: Sorry, there weren't any good questions left.
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readersimagine · 7 years
James, thinking: Wait, is she into me? Quick, make a bad joke and see if she laughs.
James: Did you hear the one about the skeleton who couldn't go to the party? He had NO BODY to go with!
Lily, laughing: That's really funny!
James, thinking: Well, that's not a fair test. That joke's hilarious.
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readersimagine · 7 years
James Potter: You live in Grimmauld Place, right?
Sirius Black: Okay, first of all, my parents live in Grimmauld Place.
Sirius Black: I live in the moment.
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readersimagine · 7 years
*James, Sirius and Remus lost Peter in the crowd*
Sirius: For Godrick sakes, where is Peter?!
Remus: I have no idea.
James: Don't worry, lads. I got this. *clears throat* Macaroni and cheese suck!!!
*Peter shows up in a flash*
Peter: What did you say, mate?!
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readersimagine · 7 years
After making sure Gryffindor wins the House Cup
Dumbledore: I'm so generous
Dumbledore: 10 points to Dumbledore
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