Seeing everyone's reaction to Shadow getting wings in the latest trailer reaffirms to me that we haven't totally outgrown our middle school ideas of badass, and I'm here for it
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The #ChampionLanceWeek2024 prompt list is HERE!!
Spread the word!! We'll be starting from November 15th to the 21st just like every year! Come join us! 🌟🐲
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Cape Boiz.
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Hey, random question
Apologies for infiltrating the Lance tag, but I'm curious about something.
A few years back (two or three at the most), there was a prolific Lance artist who mostly specialized in memes/comics. They made an AU where Lance and Cynthia married and had a baby, as well as comics featuring Lance's parents and one where Lance had a stroke. I thought their username was Charmx or something like that, but when I try to find them, nothing comes up. I think I might have the name wrong, though.
Does anyone know what happened to them, or even who I'm talking about? They also liked Sesame Street (particularly The Count) if that's any help. I just remember them being quite active in the Lance fandom, and were often featured on the Lance Appreciation Twitter, so I'm just curious as to why it seems they disappeared.
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If you don't mind a stranger reblog (still kinda new to Tumblr in terms of sharing and posting, so I'm not sure what the etiquette is here), I'd like to tack on that for Deep Cut, being idols are SECONDARY to them. Frye says it herself: "Banditing is [their] REAL passion." It doesn't mean they don't like being idols or hosts of the Splatcast or what have you; we all have many things we like without being truly passionate about them! However, these tend to come second to our passions; we aren't as dedicated to improving on them. For a personal example, two of my hobbies are writing and baking, but I'm more passionate about writing. If I had to choose between producing a wicked batch of cupcakes vs. cooking up the equivalent of a five-star meal of a short story, I would pick the latter. This can even be seen in their amiibos and the reveal trailer for them; the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook are in their signature poses and their reveal trailer has spotlights on them, highlighting their roles as idols. Deep Cut, however, are posed as they are in their 2D art, holding their masks (which, furthermore, we only see them wear when they're doing their bandit or adjacent duties!), and the trailer doesn't use the spotlights.
Going off this, I'd assume that they would put more time into their banditing or other such activities than being idols. I'd also assume that during the hero mode, since it's likely daytime, they're just... up and leaving the studio to square off with a 14 year old trespassing on their territory (love that for them). Someone else (I forget who, unfortunately) also pointed out that, in some of their songs, they sound slightly winded or breathy. While they're definitely physically fit, it's much more difficult to SING and exercise, such as by dancing around, than it is to TALK and exercise (fun fact: if you're working out, a good way to tell if you're at a good pace is if you're able to talk, but not sing. If you can sing, you may want to up the pace. If you can't talk, tone it down!). I'd imagine it takes dedicated practice to get used to dancing and singing, something that Deep Cut may not have as much experience in compared to OTH or the Squid Sisters.
So, I agree --- they definitely aren't bad at what they do, and they just need more practice to get up to par with everyone else! I'm simply addressing that they may not be AS dedicated to improving on their idol work as they have other things that are more important to them. (This could be another reason why they start celebrity beef more often, albeit far more elaborately and entertainingly, than recently broken-up boy/girl bands).
I hope that ramble makes a lick of sense.
Yes, Pearl and Marina decimated Frye and Shiver in that rap battle—and yes, Marina recognized what was going on and knew what Shiver was doing and played accordingly. She is 23 years old and, as Pearl said, has a big mind—she knew she was in a rap battle, and Shiver getting increasingly irritated to the point of trying to end it with Marina giving the classic sassy "I can do this all night" proves it.
But I digress.
Yes, Off the Hook won that battle handily. But that doesn't mean that Shiver and Frye are bad at what they do.
It just shows their inexperience.
Compared to Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, Deep Cut is pretty much still an indie band. They're really only known within the Splatlands, and only reached the level of fame needed to take over Anarchy Splatcast a couple years before Splatoon 3. And that's fine, I'm not dissing them—but it means that they don't really know what it is to work within the broader music industry as a whole, or go up against musicians who have experience working on a world stage. Shiver and Frye feel threatened by Off the Hook performing in Splatsville because they feel as though Off the Hook could replace them, despite the fact that Off the Hook is famous enough to have done a world tour and this is a single drop in the bucket to them. Not to mention, Pearl has close to a decade of experience as a musician by now. Frye does not. So for Frye to step to her . . . no wonder she got stomped. This isn't Pearl's first rap battle and it won't be her last.
Of course, not all the members of Deep Cut show this inexperience. Big Man knows there is a lot to be learned from seniors in the music industry, as shown by his collab with Squid Sisters and how he was "awestruck" by Off the Hook and didn't participate in Shiver and Frye's confrontation.
But Shiver and Frye's inexperience IS showing here. They have so much skill and talent! But if they want to go beyond Splatsville, they need to grow up a bit and not pointlessly pick fights with those who could help them. Picking a fight with Off the Hook in particular is silly af, because they LOVE collabing with less known artists to give them a boost, as seen with their Damp Socks collab. This didn't have to happen at all, but Shiver and Frye picked a fight, Pearl and Marina finished it, and, well. They got served the dish they asked for.
(But in the end it was still a collab, so maybe it'll still help in a roundabout way.)
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Remember: Being anonymous does NOT give you a free pass to bully others! You may feel safer if no one knows who you are, but YOU know who you are.
When you're typing something out online, you have the luxury of saving it in your drafts, walking away, and coming back to it later and realizing you typed out some absolutely horrible stuff. You can't blurt something out online like you would in a conversation (though if you're blurting stuff like this out in a conversation, that's ALSO really bad!). Make use of that luxury.
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Alright everybody quick poll
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Frye Big Man girlypops do NOT put on any weird sunglasses!
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oomfies just chillin'
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In the tags, put a series everyone else loves but you hate.
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jn105 is a great episode but the portrayal of wallace was AWFUL. ASSCHEEKS.
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Don't forget to reblog once you vote <3
Peace and love <3
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splatoon fans rb this & put your splatoon confessions in the tags. mine is that when i first played the salmon run tutorial i died to the steel eel 3 times in a row ):
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PSA for splatoon fans
people who ship the squid sisters with each other are, unfortunately, a thing that exists and active within the fanbase especially with the release of splatoon 3.
shared for the purposes of blocking and filtering: the ship name/main tags for this ship are aohota and hotaao, from callie and marie's japanese names aori and hotaru. i've also seen squidcest being used as a tag, but im unsure how active it is anymore, those two are the main ones
block anyone you see using these tags, block the tags themselves, stay safe & stay fresh
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Can you believe it guys? 🦑SPLATOON 3🐙, just a week away. 🐙SPLATOON 3🦑 is in a week! Woohoo! I am so AAAAAAAaA about this information. 🐙🦑🐙SPLATOON 3! 🦑🦑🦑🦑Just a week away🦑, oh wow. Can you believe it? 🦑🦑SPLATOON🐙🐙🦑 3! Just in a week! It got🐙🦑🐙🐙 here so fucking slowly! 🐙🦑🐙🦑SPLATOON 3! Just a week away!🦑🦑🐙🐙🦑
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