realanimefood · 3 years
How have you been? We haven't heard from you in a while. How was your holiday and how's the new year been going so far for you?
Im sorry I’ve been so quiet. I moved to a new apartment, I’ve been working on growing my business. Pre-Corona virus I’ve traveled a lot. Last year actually in September I was in Japan and Korea. This year I’ve been at home practicing new recipes. Watch anime, and korean dramas. and working from home. 
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realanimefood · 3 years
Hi I'm sorry but i don't have a submission but a question? Do you know what that cup thing Japanese mothers use to make miso soup? Its eveywhere in anime and manga and I've asked Japanese people, they don't know. Please help. Thank you.
Do you mean these https://www.google.com/search?q=miso+soup+bowls&sxsrf=ALeKk008Jr0ZjXUe4tq_cz-oUJGEMJ9o_A:1605925352119&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmiJiRypLtAhXjGVkFHT3DBWMQ_AUoAnoECA8QBA&biw=1486&bih=732&dpr=1.25#imgrc=lTZ8SV7j2HNu7M? Miso soup bowls? I believe you can find them on amazon. 
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realanimefood · 3 years
First I'd like to say I love all your recipes! I've only tried a couple but they always come out really good!! I was wondering though, where Kirito's super spicy sandwich recipe went. I made it for my brother last year and he loved the hot sauce and wanted some for Christmas this year but I forgot to write it down. Did you still have it?
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realanimefood · 3 years
For Asuna's Rabbit Ragout, did you use a fryer (young rabbit) or a roaster (mature rabbit)?
Its been a really really long time so I actually cant remember. The store I went to only had one type of rabbit in stock so I didn’t have any choices. 
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realanimefood · 3 years
I know I haven’t posted here in a long time like a few years. But I hope everyone has been safe during this pandemic. I have been staying at home. I know I dont update anymore but I still continue to cook. Here are a few things I’ve made this year. Please everyone be safe and be careful.
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realanimefood · 6 years
Christmas Chicken
Anime: Recovery of an MMO Junkie  Appearance: Episode 1 Time: about 40 minutes plus overnight Serving: about 2-3
Merry Christmas!! I’ve been very busy with some amazing things in my life. I did find some time to make this recipe and I hope you enjoy it! I LOVE this anime so much and I am so sad that the season is over. If you haven’t watched it yet you really should!! So apparently KFC is a big thing around Christmas in Japan so I tried to make this Christmas chicken as close as I could to KFC while also having some Japanese flavors as well.
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·        5-6 Chicken pieces (I used legs to get as close to the picture but you can break down a whole chicken)
·        ½ cups Flour
·        ½ cup potato starch
·        Oil for frying (use an oil with a high smoke point like peanut/canola/vegetable/olive/Avacado)
·        1 tbsp soy sauce
·        1-2 cups of buttermilk
·        Salt and pepper
·        1 tbsp ginger powder
·        Spices for flour mix:
2/3 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon thyme
1/2 tablespoon basil
1/3 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon dried mustard
4 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons garlic salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons white pepper
1.     Mix salt, pepper, ginger powder, buttermilk, soy sauce, and chicken in a plastic bag or container and store overnight in the fridge. Before you make the chicken take it out and let it sit on the counter until it comes to room temp.
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 2.     Mix the spices for the flour together and add to the flour.
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 3.     Heat up oil to 325-350 degrees F. Dredge the chicken into the flour mixture and put into the oil. I like to use my cast iron skillet I also don’t use a lot of oil but you can use a larger pot and deep fry the chicken. If you use the skillet cook on both sides about 10-12 minutes if you are using legs and if you are doing breast or thighs depending on how thick the chicken is. You want the internal temp to be 165 degrees.
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4.     Once the chicken is a nice golden brown take the chicken out and put it on a rack to cool for a little bit.
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5.     There you go! That is, it! I hope you enjoy it. I know I did, as did my friend who just happened to be visiting!
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realanimefood · 6 years
Kyo’s leek okayu/porridge
Anime: Fruit Basket  Appearance: Episode 19 Time: about 40 minutes  Serving: about 2
Someone requested this and this is perfect timing as this is the time of the year that people get sick a lot. I love fruit basket and it has been a long time since I watched it! I forgot how adorable Kyo is! 
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1 cup rice short grain
1 cup water
2 ½ cups broth
1 small ginger piece
2 leeks 
Salt and pepper to taste
1. First you need to clean and prep your leeks. Cut the green tops off and then slice the white portion. As for cleaning the best way after you cut the leeks up is to then put them in a large bowl of water with a strainer. You’ll want to make sure you try to get in between each layer and get as much out. Then let them kind of float for a little like 5 or so minutes. This way all the dirt falls to the bottom of the bowl and lift the strainer and leeks out of the water. DON’T poor it out that will just mix the dirt back into the Leeks. If you dont have a strainer you can use a big bowl and a slotted spoon. 
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2. Rinse the rice so it isn’t too starchy when you cook.
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3. Next mix everything except the leek bottoms into the pot cover the lid and cook on med low to low for about 30 minutes.
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4. After 30 minutes take the leek tops out of the pot add the leek bottoms and if the porridge is too thick a little bit more water or stock. Cook for about 5 to 10 more minutes until the leeks are cooked through.
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5. Serve hot and enjoy! I was worried about how this would taste but its actually fairly good! I dont know if I could eat this when I’m sick as the smell of the leeks might put me off but its soft and easy to eat which is important when someone is sick! 
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realanimefood · 6 years
I am absolutely in love with you and your blog!!!!
Thank you!!! It always means a lot to me to hear how much people love this blog.
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realanimefood · 6 years
Hey I was wondering if u used unsalted or salted butter for the steamed bread which was in anohana.
I use unsalted butter with everything, this way I can control my salt intake. If you use salted butter just reduce the amount of salt you add in the recipe.
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realanimefood · 7 years
Apple Risotto
Anime: Food Wars Shokugeki no Soma Appearance: Episode 16 Time: 40 minutes  Serving: 4
I love risotto so much but it requires a lot of babysitting. I’ve wanted to try this recipe since I saw it on food wars and I finally had time (and lots of apples I had to use). I LOVED this recipe! It tasted so good and I’m so glad I made it! There was such a balance of sweet, and salty that I couldnt stop eating it! 
I do have to make a note about my recipe. In the anime they don’t discuss cheese and in the manga they talk about powder cheese. I know when I visited Japane forever ago they didnt have a lot of Italian cheese available. So that is probably why in the manga they suggest powder cheese. Personally I’m not a huge fan and I dont think it goes well with apples. I like Parmesan because it adds a good salt content without being to strong in flavor. You can use which ever you prefer. Another thing I left out the wine because my sister was eating this with me and the poor thing is allergic if you do add wine use a dry white wine use 2 tablespoons and add it before you add the stock and cook the rice and wine until all the alcohol evaporates. 
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3 small Apples 
1 Lemon
Thick Cut Bacon slices (2 per person eating)
Minced fresh Thyme or parsley
2 cups Arborio rice 
½ Onion diced 
2 cups Apple juice
2 cups stock
2  tablespoons butter 
Oil to cover bottom of pot
Black pepper (at end)
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (optional)
1. First you want to heat up the apple juice and stock in a pot until it boils and then lower the heat. 
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2. Peal, core, and dice the apples, and put them in a bowl with the lemon juice. Make sure to coat the apples completely. This will not only get the lemon freshness into the risotto but will also prevent the apples from browning while you make the rice. 
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3. Add oil to cover the bottom of a pot and on medium. Once the oil is hot add the diced onions and cook until translucent. 
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4. Add the Arborio rice to the pot and cook stirring frequently until the rice is toasted but not brown, about 3-5 minutes. Watch the heat keep it at medium. 
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5. You are going to add one or two laden fulls of the hot stock/apple juice into the rice and mix it until ALL the liquid is absorbed. The whole time you should be stirring the rice so that the liquid cooks the rice evenly. This is very important and you shouldn’t be doing anything else but focusing on stirring the rice until the liquid is absorbed and adding more hot liquid and repeating the stirring until all the hot liquid has been incorporated into the risotto. 
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6. You will see the rice thicken up as you go and it will take on a creamy consistency. 
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7. Once all the liquid has been incorporated into the risotto add the apples and stir to combine. Cook for about 5 or so minutes more.
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8. Take the risotto off the heat and stir in butter and cheese (see my note on this). Mix until everything is well combined and then let the risotto stand for about 3-5 minutes so that it thickens a bit. 
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9. While the risotto is resting make the bacon. I like to put mine in my cast iron skillet and cook on both sides about 4-5 minutes.
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10. place risotto into a bowl and sprinkle some fresh herbs (the photo in the anime showed green flakes that looked like either thyme or parsley, add bacon and if you like black pepper you are ready! This dish tasted a lot better than I expected it to! I was really happy with the results! There was such a balance of flavors that I was not expecting! I would highly recommend trying this! 
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realanimefood · 7 years
I think that for the wallflower burger, you were meant to go with daikon radish instead of regular red radish. I'm sure it's still delicious though.
There weren't any daikon radish available when I made the recipe. Sometimes I don't always have exactly what would be available to someone in Japan, although I wish I did! There are a lot of things I miss about grocery shopping in Japan!
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realanimefood · 7 years
I really like your recipe for the burgers from The Wallflower. I'm wondering though, if I can use ground turkey instead of ground beef? Would that be a problem for the recipe? My family and I are conscious about our weight. Mainly, my parents and older brother. LOL
You can substitute any type of meat for the patties. I just know the anime used beef but that doesn't mean it wont still be very taste with a turkey or even a veggie patty! Definitely give it a try.
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realanimefood · 7 years
Wallflower Hamburgers
Anime: The Wallflowers Appearance: Episode 8 Serving: 1 each burger
There are 4 hamburgers but I decided to make two of the 4. I already made a hamburger with a fried egg before and that recipe is here. I decided to try the ponzu sauce and graded radish, and the garlic butter with soy sauce. They both sounded interesting and fun. I dont usually put anything on my hamburgers. I like to eat my burgers just with maybe a tinny bit of ketchup but other than that nothing else not even cheese. But this was fun to make and try!
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Ponzu Sauce and Graded Radish Recipe: 
Ground beef how much depends on how big you want your patty
salt and pepper
2 tbsp soy sauce 
1 tbsp dashi stock
1 tbsp yuzu juice
1 tbsp rice vinegar 
2 tbsp mirin 
1 Radish 
Mix the soy sauce,  dashi stock, yuzu juice, rice vinegar, and mirin together to create your ponzu sauce. Or you can buy some if your supermarket sells it
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I like to season my meat with a little salt and pepper and just mix everything together quickly.
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Then you can form the patty with the ground beef. if you want to make sure the patty stays flat when you are finished cooking make a shallow indentation in the meat. cook the hamburger for to your desired doneness. I like my meat medium to medium rare so I like to do 3 minutes on each side. 
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Once the burger is done, let it rest for a few minutes. While it is resting grate some radishes! 
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Then all you have to do is plate, top the burger with the ponzu  sauce and radishes and you’re good to go! 
Garlic Butter with Soy Sauce Recipe 
4 cloves of garlic minced 
1 stick of butter at room temperature 
1 tbsp of soy sauce 
ground beef for patter 
salt and pepper 
Mix the garlic, and butter either by hand with a spoon or in a food processor until fully combined. Place the butter onto saran wrap and form into a disk. Keep in fridge until ready to use, if you have any left over from this recipe (which you will) you can keep it in the freezer and put it on basically everything. 
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Season the burger meat with a little salt and pepper and just mix everything together quickly.
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Form the patty with the ground beef. if you want to make sure the patty stays flat when you are finished cooking make a shallow indentation in the meat.cook the hamburger for to your desired doneness. I like my meat medium to medium rare so I like to do 3 minutes on each side.
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Once the burger is done, as it is resting put a slice of the butter on top of  the burger so it can melt. Add the soy sauce and you are ready to eat
here are the two burgers! 
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realanimefood · 7 years
Just a little aside about broths. I am a big BIG fan of making your own broths if you can.  I suggest if you want to make your own broth to save any food scraps that could be used in stock in the freezer. I will save them until I have two or three large bags which usually takes about one to two months which is about when I start to run out of my stock. So I know my ramen broth is pork based and there are people out there who cant have pork. So here are some substitutes. All these stocks I don’t add much salt or pepper because if you do you run the risk of over salting whatever meal you end up putting the stock in. You are better off saving the salt for when you’re cooking. Remember a broth is only a base that you use to make other things. 
This is a picture of my Freezer right now, i have my broth’s freezing and a big bag of scraps for my next batch. 
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Chicken broth: 
Chicken broth can be cooked in about 4-6 hours and does not require the same 12 hour cooking time. The cooking instructions are simple. Everything goes in the pot and you cook it for the 4-6 hours. 
Ingredients can be flexible generally you want to make sure you add 
bay leaf
But you can also add: 
herbs: parsley is a great herb for stocks
Beef bone broth:
Beef bones cook for about 6-7 hours, the same ingredients and directions as chicken. Although I personally don’t like lemon with beef broth it doesn't taste as good or come through as nicely as it does with chicken. I like to add potato skins sometimes to my beef broths to help enhance some of the flavors of the beef broth. 
Vegetarian broth:
This cooks the fastest because you don’t have to cook any meat bones! I usually still like to give 3-4 hours to get all the delicious flavors into the stock. I add basically any and all veggies. the following are what I suggest you add but you can experiment with other vegetables. 
bay leaf
herbs: parsley and thyme are great 
potato skins
So like I have continued to make my own broth, but I want to let you all know that lately what I do is save everything. Any vegetables I use or have scraps for they go right into a ziplock in the freezer for when I make stock. Ive been adding other herbs and spices. I add mustard seed, sometimes all spice, cardamon, and whatever else happens to fit my mood. I also now mix meat/bones. I do about 2-5lbs of chicken backs 2-3 lbs of pork and if I happen to have beef bones. I dont add lemon as much anymore since im mixing the bones. I save the lemons for when Im making chicken soup specifically. I’ve been continuously making stock now for a few years and I have to say I think its one of the things I love making the most. I only spend money on bones once every 2 to 3 months and I feel really good using up all parts of the vegetables I buy and I love how warming the stock makes my home.
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realanimefood · 7 years
Pork Ramen
Anime: Naruto Appearance: through out the show  Time: 12 hours minimum.  
I happen to LOVE ramen so much so that I’ve figured out how to make it at home. The pork broth is also really great in a lot of different things. There are 4 parts to making ramen 1. the broth, 2. the tare, 3 the noodles, and  4. the toppings. This recipe is for the broth, one type of tare, and pork chasu which is one type of topping. Ramen noodles are irritating to make and require a specific salt. So with you making everything else I suggest you go to an asian grocery store and buy some ramen noodles. There are some great ones you can find and if you do not live near any asian stores you can buy the ramen packs (not cups those already have flavoring) and use those for your ramen. As for toppings you can make or buy anything that you like. 
I usually start making my broth at like 5am this way it is ready by the time I want to eat dinner. I like to make sure I am not doing anything else that day so I can baby the broth. 
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Ingredients: Ramen Broth
4-5 lbs of meaty pork bones
A few slices of bacon
2-4 lbs of chicken backs
1 large onion cut in half
12 garlic cloves
3-5 inch ginger
2 cups dry mushrooms
2 large carrots
2 whole leeks
A bunch of scallions white parts only
1  3 by 6 piece of konbu
Ingredients Pork Chasu 
¾ lb. pork belly block
1 tsp. salt
½ Tbsp. oil
2 inch ginger, sliced
1 Tokyo negi (or leaks/green onions)
4 garlic cloves
⅓ cup sake
⅓ cup soy sauce
1/3 cup of mirin
1/3 cup of water or stock
3 Tbsp. sugar       
Ramen Noodles
Other Ramen toppings like scallions, corn, bamboo, ect.
Direction Ramen Broth
1. Rinse the konbu under running water and then add it with the water in a huge stockpot. Mine is very large I forget how many quarts. But use your largest pot and fill it up with water leaving some space because the bones will take up a lot of space. Bring the pot of water with the konbu to a simmer turn the heat off and let it steep for 10 minutes. Try not to do it any longer as the konbu will break down and be hard to remove
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2. Remove the konbu add the dry mushrooms and bring to a boil. Bring it down to a simmer and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. You want the dry mushrooms to be plump and the water to have the flavor and color of the mushrooms.
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3. Pre heat the oven to 400°F and put all the pork bones on a tray and cook for about one hour turning them half way. 
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4. After the mushrooms are done remove them from the pot and add the chicken. Cook and make sure you skim away any gross stuff.
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5. Add the pork when the pork is done.
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6. Then you cook for a good 4-5 hours adding water to make sure the bones are always covered with water. Keep the water a steady simmer. Stop adding water after about the 5th hour. Now I add the veggies to the pot and a very VERY little bit of salt and pepper.  You can also char the veggies in a cast iron before adding them to help with the flavor but you don’t have to. I don’t usually. I cook for another 4-5 hours
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7. During the whole cook time I make sure to go back here and there to stir it/remove guck on the top/ just make sure it is cooking properly. I like to cook it for a total of 10+ hours because it does make a difference. Cooking for only 6 will not get all of the pork bone goodness there is a great article on serious eats about how long to cook pork bones. Sometimes I will cook it for 12 hours.
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8. After 10-12 hours the broth is done. Remove all the bones, and vegetables. I don’t add a lot of salt and pepper so this way I can season the broth as I see fit when I serve it and so I can actually use the broth in other recipes as well. Plus you will want to season each individual bowl with tare
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9. If you are not using the broth right away or you have left overs, you can put in mason jars, the broth will last 3 days in the fridge and 3-5 months in the freezer.
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Directions Pork Chasu:
1. Cut negi into 2 inch lengths and separate the green parts and white parts. Keep the white for the pork Chasu and you can save the green parts for the final ramen later Peel and slice ginger.
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2. Sprinkle and rub the salt on the pork belly. If your pork belly block is big, you have two options. Cut into smaller pieces or roll it into a log with butcher’s twine, keeping the thick fat on the outside. Start tying from the center of the log toward left and right. Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet (or regular frying pan) over high heat and brown the fat side first, then flip over to brown the other side. It’ll take about 10 minutes.
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3. When the pork is done browning, put all the ingredients into a large pot and bring it to a boil.
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4. Place a drop lid, also called otoshibuta, on top of the meat. If you don’t have one, make one out of aluminum foil. Do not use a regular lid. Here is how to make one. Lower the heat to medium low and simmer, occasionally turning the pork, for about one hour or until there is ¼ inch liquid left in the pot. Be careful not to burn the pork
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5. Remove the top  and reduce the sauce until you can see the bottom of the pot when you scrape the sauce. Again watch the pork it’s very easy to burn at this stage.  Turn off the heat when you see the bottom of the pot when you slide the meat around. The sauce is now thickened and meat is shiny.
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6. Take out the meat and cut into thin slices.
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7. If you don’t use the chashu right away, pack the chashu and the sauce in an air-tight plastic bag to give it more flavor all around. You can store it in the refrigerator up to 5 days and 3 weeks in the freezer.
Directions Putting it all together: 
1. After the broth is done and the pork is done you can start to assemble. First I will start to make the noodles. You want to save this for the end because once the noodles are made you want to eat the ramen right away. 
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 2. Then I make my tare. There are so many different recipes for tare out there depending if you want soy sauce base or miso. I usually use the soy sauce mixture from my chasu pork, and mix it with some fish sauce and cook it just a little bit to help the flavors meld. 
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3. I then mix the seasoning (tare) with each bowl of ramen in the bowl. This way each person can make the broth to their liking. 
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4. When the noodles are done I put them right into the broth and tare mixture. 
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5. After that I add the chasu pork, and any other toppings I may be in the mood for. And that is it! home made ramen! 
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realanimefood · 7 years
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Update!! So I have a few recipes I'm going to try and post before I leave for Paris in May. Im going to be making 2 types of Ramen, and I had a request for 4 different hamburgers from wallflower. So hopefully I'll be able to get all of that done! Im aiming to do the hamburgers the 21st and the two Ramen on the 30th. I would have made Ramen this weekend but....I saw a YouTube video with three recipes for the McDonald Mulan Szechuan sauce and not going to lie but I absolutely love Rick and Morty and the new episode was hysterical. So Im kind of hyped to try his recipes out! It'll be the first time in I dont know how long since I've eaten chicken nuggets. Also a picture of one of my fur babies. Char loves to hang out in the kitchen when I cook. He is such a curious cat.
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realanimefood · 7 years
Had some issues with my internet and Tumblr and accidentally deleted my lemon pie post. So i re posted it! Sorry about that
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