realityprofiler · 2 years
self-care & mindset with loa
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when it comes to manifesting and stepping into your dream life, the actual law of assumption part is super easy.
decide what you want
claim that you have it
you don't need anything else.
what can take a bit more effort and discipline is making sure that you feel calm and are not standing in your own way. ofc you can manifest things even while overthinking, stressing, panicking etc. literally nothing can ruin your manifestation if you say so. but i'm sure we all prefer to be feeling good so here are some of my personal tips.
do things you love that are not related to the law just for the sake of feeling good
spend some quality time on your own when you're feeling good (no phone or laptop allowed, just get to know yourself a bit)
take care of your body and space
create some routine that feels good to you
find what calms you down and do it (eg. breathwork, tapping, going on walks, yoga, meditation, journaling, singing...)
when you feel any negative emotion and you can't just move on from it, give yourself time to let it out (journaling, listening to angry music, talking to yourself...) and once you feel it's 'burned' then move on
generally, just learn to listen to yourself and do what feels good
the law will always be here for you. it won't go away. you're not ruining anything. life is long if it's lived intentionally. everything will turn out well always.
rowena tsai's channel helped me a lot with adjusting my mindset and living a better life way before i knew about the law. she is not loa based, so take what she says in some of the vids with a grain of salt. but she's incredibly self-aware, introspective and kind-hearted. here are some of my favourite videos of hers:
the one habit that is changing my life: set systems rather than goals
9 ways to un-potato your day ft. a casual sunday
create a morning routine you love waking up to
how to create your ideal "that girl" night routine
& her 7 mindset habits series
i also recommend this summary of the book atomic habits. it's more for building the discipline within yourself in general.
the law works on its own. the law is a natural part of our experience. by using it consciously nothing has changed, you only know that you can use it in your favour. just like the continent of america existed before it was discovered, the law worked for you before you knew about it as well. don't take too much responsibility for everything. it works naturally, you're just choosing the direction where you wanna be headed from now on.
i know there are a lot of suggestions and links in this post. but please don't let it overwhelm you even more. you don't have to do these things, i'm just sharing what helped me. the core of this post is to listen to yourself and do what feels good. that is the only thing i'm actually asking you to do.
take care loves 💗
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realityprofiler · 2 years
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𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟸, 𝟷𝟿𝟸𝟸 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚣 𝙺𝚊𝚏𝚔𝚊, 𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟺-𝟷𝟿𝟸𝟹
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realityprofiler · 2 years
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As you know manifestation is easy and even more when you manifest consciously. So stop overcomplicating everything and let me be clear. Manifestation = thinking. When you have a thought and you start believing it, thats manifesting. At this point, is not even manifesting , its deciding. Some people interpret "manifesting" as wanting something and doing a lot of things to have it (affirming, methods, visualization, meditation, learning about loa, reading neville, following blog, ect) BUT NO . manifesting is just deciding you have what you want. And to decide that, you use the law ( mostly unconsciously). And to decide, what do you do? You unconsciously do it 24/7 with just 3 steps ;
1. Choose an assumption/thought.
2. get in that state / mindset of thinking (= align your thoughts to that assumption)
3. Persist no matter what.
Thats all, pls don't underestimate your power, thx! XOXO
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Tea Spell of Acception
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What will be will be,   and I will accept what won’t,   if it can be changed,   I will choose the option that speaks to me most,   if I don’t know the answer,   I will learn to reach out to a friend,   and if I don’t know what’s next,   that’s fine, I will find out in the end
Teas that Work Well With This Spell
✩ Black: for blocking negativity and bringing in positive energy ✩ Chamomile: for healing ✩ Elderflower: for bringing in blessings and healing ✩ Fennel: for healing, protection, and purification ✩ Green: for cleansing, bringing in positive energy, and healing ✩ Lemon Balm: for self love and success ✩ Matcha: for detoxification of negative energy ✩ Nettle: for protection and repelling negative energy ✩ Peppermint: for clarity ✩ White: for anti-anxiety and purification
Prepare your tea according to the steep time of the tea you decide to use.
Stir in honey to sweeten a situation and stir clockwise to bring in positive thoughts and acceptance. While stirring repeat the spell either out loud or even inside your head if you cannot say it out loud.
Enjoy your tea and accept the positive feelings you gain from it and the positive thoughts and experiences you will gain throughout the day.
This tea spell can also be done at the end of the day to accept what has occurred throughout the day. Simply spend the time while drinking it to consider what has occurred and think about what you appreciate has happened to you today. If even one thing has occurred that you appreciate and can accept then some good has come to you.
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Sneaky Witchcraft!
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Using songs as spells. (Singing it for extra charge)
Intention behind simple tasks (chapstick blessing to keep the lips soft and the words persuasive, lotion to keep the skin smooth and repel buggies etc)
Booping a child's nose and using that intention to dispel fear and/or bless the child in question. (Now a favorite past time for my itty bitty nephew.)
Blasting music to break up icky vibes throughout the house
Diffuser or incense certain scents work as offerings, cleansing, or just good way to bring luck into the home.
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Grimoire/Book of Shadows Entry Ideas That Aren't All Basic
Do keep in mind! The basics are important!
WARNING long post ahead
⚝ Your name
⚝ Your pronouns
⚝ How long you've been practicing
⚝ Your sun, moon and rising sign
⚝ Birth time (if applicable)
⚝ Your path (if you have a specific path)
⚝ Deities you worship/work with (if applicable)
⚝ Birth tarot card
⚝ Birth chart
How You Define Witchcraft/Magic(k)
Differences Between Wicca, Paganism, Witchcraft, Satanism, Luciferianism
The Elements
⚝ Their directions
⚝ Deities associated
⚝ Symbols
⚝ Genders associated
⚝ Seasons
⚝ Note: Include what culture Mudras originated from!
Casting Circles
Omens/Good Luck/Bad Luck/Superstitions
Summary of The Salem Witch Trials
Folklore in Your State/Country
Different Types of Divination
Types of Spells
⚝ Note: I don't mean different spells, I mean different TYPES of spells. Such as spell jars, word spells, etc.
Moon Cycles
⚝ Note: By this I mean the basics of astrology. Astrology is a lot deeper than a lotta people realize, so fitting it all in a grimoire/BOS would be almost impossible lmao
Color Correspondences
⚝ Note: I often like to refer to psychology and how colors affect the brain
List of Closed Practices
Symbols in Witchcraft
Herb Correspondences
Crystals + Crystal Grids
⚝ Examples: What crystals you can put into water, what damages crystals, where they are native to, their spiritual properties, etc.
Different Pantheons/Mythologies Across Different Cultures
Tarot/Oracle Spreads
Everyday Glamor Magic(k)
List of Books You Want/Authors You Like
Strange Dreams
⚝ Note: Include what cultures Chakras came from
What Each Day of the Week Represents
What Each Month Represents
What You Believe to Happen After Death
Types of Spiritual Entities
⚝ Examples: The Fae, Tulpa, Spirit Guides, etc.
⚝ You can also include Cryptids if you are interested in those!
Sacred Geometry
Flame Candle Reading
⚝ Note: Don't stare at candle flames for too long!
Thought of any more? Reblog with some ideas!! This is Tumblr brah!!
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realityprofiler · 2 years
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lilith in taurus moodboard
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realityprofiler · 2 years
pac,, what do you need to hear right now?
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pile one,,
it's okay to take self care moments. you don't always have to focus on what you have to do at the moment. just trust that you'll be able to rest without negative consequences. you should celebrate yourself and your achievements more. stop focusing so much on the bad parts of the past and tearing yourself down for it. if you're not doing that for the positive parts too, what's the point? keep looking for your passion.
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pile two,,
your hard work will pay off. don't give up or waste all of it. if you continue doing well, you will be rewarded. i'm getting the image of working on a garden. it is guaranteed to get better so there's no need to stress as much as you do. you've been working on your own without much help. you'll be able to help other people once you get your reward but make sure you save some enjoyment for yourself.
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pile three,,
you have a choice to make. keep continuing on the way you are now and remain focused on the past or focus on yourself and work on self-improvement. you'll be pushed in the right direction. this could be through adding a new problem to your life to get you to realize something. like a tower moment. don't worry too much though, it'll work out.
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pile four,,
you could be moving on from someone right now. either a close ex friend or partner. you've been doing amazing. you realized how easy it is to move on now that you've actually tried. i'm currently playing sue me by sabrina carpenter too. you've been enjoying this new-found freedom. you realized you've been holding yourself back this entire time. you're learning and working on your emotions and mental health. stop fantasizing about how it would be to be close to them again cuz it's not happening.
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realityprofiler · 2 years
taking a look at your next lover...
hello! happy new year everybody! today, I am going to do a reading on your next lover/relationship. if anything is confusing please let me know and I can clear it up for you ✨️🫶🏻
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💗 Pile 1
Your next lover has the attention span of a fly, they tend to be very indecisive and often confused. They usually can be found making notes or lists for themselves late when they forget. (I felt that one 🥲) I'm getting that they are not worried free, they tend to worry about the slightest things before they do them. Then when they do, it wasn't that bad for them.
As for being in a relationship with them, they are the best at communicating with you and working together. If you end up living together, you'll both end up doing the chores instead of one. I feel like one of you have previously been in a pretty crappy relationship, and this relationship is a breath of fresh air. You two would be a very lovey-dovey couple, and they might even be into PDA. Sadly, they have a but of a hard time facing the consequences of their actions, even on the smallest things. They tend to hide smaller things to try and fix them on their own, maybe this is so you won't get angry at them. Whatever it is, stay calm and figure it out together.
✨️Pile 2
This person believes that everyone who does something wrong deserves some sort of karma. They are a very truthful and intelligent individual. They aren't this way because "that's just how they are" it's because of previous things that have happened to them. They have a large amount of anxiety and stress, but it's not shown when you first meet them. They have a wall set that isn't going to come down for just anyone.
In a relationship, they are a very very happy person! They literally live just to see you smile, and they love to tell you all about it. I feel like they don't casually date anyone because of the number of walls they have in place, so when you do start dating be very proud of yourself....and them of course. Your future lover does tend to live more of the intellectual side of life. They often think that most things can be solved logically than emotionally. This will lead to some disagreements between you two. Going back to the things they went through, they tend to go back and think about the past often. Since they tend to backtrack on their healing process, I feel like you would need to help them through it, it will all be worth it.
🌷 Pile 3
Just like in pile 2, your next lover goes with the more logical side of life. Everything has an explanation, and if not it's absolutely impossible. They are a very calculated person who know exactly what everyone else's next move is. I also feel like they have a lot of confidence in themselves, and they definitely hit the gym often. Nothing they do is to harm anyone, they just love the harmony they bring to the world.
Relationship-wise, I get the feeling that they love a more simple and spiritual relationship. I'm sensing that this isn't your thing in the beginning, but you most likely get used to it as it may not cause a problem for you. They tend to be/want to be the "dominant one" in the relationship. Going as far as to know where you're going at all times...definitely talk about that. Their slightly vindictive personality will cause some major bumps in the road of your guy's relationship. Otherwise, they love to make their relationship feel whole by giving you love and attention. They really just want to be happy, but their ego always gets in the way. Maybe they'll learn...
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realityprofiler · 2 years
TAROT PAC - what will 2023 bring for you?
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hii this is my first pac reading hope you enjoy!!
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look at all images and close your eyes. sit with them and pick which one you feel most drawn to.
ps… you can pick more than one if you feel drawn to them!
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four of wands, the lovers, the sun
wow! 2023 is gonna be a great year for you pile 1. lots of love and romance this year. possibly a soulmate? wish i was making this up! (y’all are lucky hey!?) perhaps you’ll get invited to lots of parties this year or you’ll find your future romance at a party you go to this year. it’ll be super fun and you’ll be really satisfied with your partner. this year is gonna be your year. maybe there’s a celebration going on of some sorts? (birthday, graduation, etc) you’ll be really happy with family and friends gatherings. you might meet this future lover at a christmas party? (i’m getting that for some of you) others will be in the summer. if you’re working on a project this is a great year for completing and being satisfied in what you’re doing. lots of balance and happiness this year! go you pile 1 !!!
four of pentacles, five of cups rev, six of swords
this year you’ll complete a goal. this is something you’ve been working towards for a long time. when it comes you might be super possessive and insecure about it (perhaps it’s something material) spirit is saying to not be so greedy over material things. you’re gonna be financially stable if you aren’t already. it’s okay to be protective but don’t let it consume you. you’ll begin to mature and recover from your past. this could do something to do with past failures about your goal you’ll complete this year? have a proper acceptance of your past. it’s okay it didn’t work out before. everyday is a new start. no. a restart. remember these “failures” only made you more resilient. i’m also getting i should tell you that if something didn’t work out it’s because there’s something better coming! you’ll see!! once you get past this past hurt you’ll be able to accept the past and start moving forward!! the six of swords is all about leaving negative energy behind!! let go of whatever is holding you back, you’ve got this!
five of wands, ace of cups, the wheel of fortune.
inheritance im hearing IMMEDIATELY. it’s giving me knives out vibes?? perhaps that’s an important film for you pile 3. yeah conflict and disagreements within a group. (this could be a friend group as well) whoever y’all need to communicate what you want !!! communication is key. it’ll be hard since with the five of wands no one wants to listen to eachother. let everyone say what they want one by one… there’s lots of jealousy and greed here maybe you’re family is really unstable (aren’t they all?!?) i’m hearing, BE CIVIL. perhaps you’re going through a spiritual awakening this year and you’re learning to treat others the way you want to be treated. whatever emotional baggage you have you’ll be getting rid of it this year. it’ll give you a new perspective on this five of wands energy. turning over a new leaf? open up to love and communication. be optimistic and have faith in the universe!!!! some things we can’t control we can control how we react to things. find balance.
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realityprofiler · 2 years
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realityprofiler · 2 years
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Banishing Entities
Clean and cleanse your space. Open doors and windows while you cleanse. As you get to every door, cleanse in a counterclockwise direction and state "I banish all negative energies and entities. Anything that does not serve my highest good (and the good of my family) leave now! (You can add an angry "get the fuck out" here if you wish ;) !)" In a clockwise direction state "I welcome positivity, light, love, healing, cleansing, happiness, abundance, prosperity, (good things etc.) and the protection of Diana (or whomever, you can choose elements, a deity, the universe...)." You can call the corners /elements to assist you as you cleanse the home. Make the sign of a pentagram after you state your intentions to lock the protections in.
Clean and cleanse your mirrors and do the same, but move your cleanser in a clockwise direction to banish and counter clockwise to welcome protection. You can draw pentacles with water and black salt or charcoal powder on all your mirrors and windows.
Make a simmer pot with vinegar and protective herbs/spices (bay leaf, mustard seeds, salt, lemon, black pepper, fennel, rosemary, clove...whatever you have on hand really). If it won't damage your floors, you can strain this mixture and wash your floors with it (dilute with water & add a bit more vinegar). You can make a separate floor wash with just vinegar & water + essential oils as well. You can wipe down your door frames and window sills with this too. Remember to salt the outside areas of your home after cleansing.
Cut a lemon and put slices surrounded in salt on a plate in every room, especially under beds (don't salt the lemons, just let them sit atop the salt!). If the lemons rot, the entity is still in the home. If the lemons dry without molding, your home is cleansed.
Take a nice long shower or ritual bath after you cleanse your home to avoid any residual energies sticking onto you. You can even smoke cleanse yourself if you feel it will help.
You can repeat this process as many times as necessary. Attrition warfare works if entities refuse to leave. They get weaker with every act of cleansing and banishing until they disappear completely. Of course, if you feel that this is not up to snuff for your particular situation, please find outside help!
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Simple methods of passive protection:
For the home:
• obsidian, cinnamon sticks, or rosemary placed at each threshold
• a drawing of the homes layout in a jar with black pepper, soil, salt, a plain rock, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a small mirror.
• indoor plants such as ferns, aloe, and ivy
• an iron nail driven into the earth at the four corners of the property
• a bundle of lavender and rosemary hung at the door
• painting a protective sigil with clear nail polish on the walls of the home, interior or exterior.
For the body:
• Wearing protective crystals: obsidian, red jasper, hematite, jet, black tourmaline, and malachite
• a drop of rosemary oil on the shoes
• a sachet of lavender, black pepper, and frankincense worn on the body
• writing “I am safe” on your skin
• wearing black articles of clothing
• Adding protective oils to your lotion such as: frankincense, lavender, myrhh, and sandalwood. (Make sure these oils are safe for your skin first)
• carrying rocks (literally any rock)
• Using a warding oil such as the one in the link below!
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Protection Magic & Baneful Protections⚡️
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What are Baneful Protections?
Baneful protections can be considered both a form of baneful magic and a form of protection magic. When beginning baneful work, this is usually what I recommend starting with. Baneful protections are protection spells that produce some sort of consequence when energy hits it. This can be done without the use of physical taglocks (like names or dates of birth) because energy is able to act like a taglock. For example, some of the baneful protections I have set up will reflect any energy that hits it back to its source while others trap that energy instead (so it can used later on).
It is very important that even though you are protecting yourself, you aren't accidentally tethering the energy to you. In my first baneful protection, I used my saliva to tether the protection to me but instead I tethered all the negative energy the spell had trapped to me and had a horrible case of bad luck for weeks before I realized what I had done. As a rule of thumb i personally don’t include any personal taglocks in baneful protections and always make sure to include a petition that details my exact intent for the spell.
When to use Baneful Protections:
Baneful protections can be used instead of or in conjunction with other forms of protection (see my blog posts for more information on alternative forms of protection magic). I personally didn't have any baneful protections before I was hexed (for the first time) and now I have some just as a precautionary measure. Baneful protections are most beneficial (in my opinion) if you are surrounded by a lot of negative energy or work in an environment that is mentally draining. These protections can help combat the toll that it takes and prevent much of that energy from staying with you for an extended period of time.
It is really up to you whether or not you choose to incorporate baneful protections into your practice. It is worth it to note that this spell work is considered baneful magic, so those who believe in "doing no harm" may choose to forgo this and stick to regular protections instead. Whatever you choose, be sure to do your own research before attempting any new forms of spell work.
Return-to-Sender Spells:
Mirrors- mirrors have the ability to reflect an image so they are also able to reflect energy. Putting up a mirror on your altar or incorporating a piece of a mirror into a spell is very effective at returning energy to its source.
Burning the bottom of a candle- this is a common one and it is also my preferred method at returning energy. The way I do it is by burning the top of the candle like normal and visualizing the energy that you wish to return. Once the candle is flat, I will flip it upside down and light the other end of the wick, symbolizing the return of that energy to its source. This can be done many different ways so check out what other practitioners do to come up with your own method.
Petitions- petitioning is a really great tool that I utilize in most of my spell work because it is an effective way at manifesting a specific intent. It helps if you know the name of the person who sent you the energy for this method but it is not necessary. As long as you have a clear intention and some return-to-sender oil you can make an effective spell.
Running water or rivers- running water has been viewed as being able to carry energy from place to place so it is possible to use it to return energy to its source. In the shower, you can imagine the energy running off of you, down the drain and back to the person who sent it. Another method is throwing your petition into a river and having the river carry it back to its source. (This method also works with a toilet if you are feeling especially feisty!)
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Different ways to cleanse your space
sage - now, don't use white sage unless you are indigenous to native america, but if you do use this to cleanse your space, remember this is like bleach.. it gets rid of all the energies, negative AND positive
salt - put a bowl near the front door to stop negative energy entering your home, or put a pinch in each corner of your room
essential oils - put in a humidifier and set it with your intention and leave it to cleanse your space AND smell amazing
Incense - pick a incense that resonates with what you are trying to achieve, and light the end of it letting the flame burn for 10 seconds or so before blowing it out, making sure the end is still hot... volia!
Letting fresh air into your space - open up your windows and doors!
Plants - having living plants in your room is a great way to purify the air as well as the energy in your room.
lemon - place wedges of fresh lemon, or lemon essential oils around the space to cleanse it of negative energy
Selenite - walk around with a piece of selenite or leave it in a room to cleanse the space
just tidy up your room!
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realityprofiler · 2 years
Do you have a ways of worshipping for Hecate? Just found you blog and I love it!! 💜
Ways of Worshipping Hecate
(Thank you for your request <3)
- do rituals and spell work on the new moon!
- animal statues, she's particularly fond of 3 headed animal statues if you can find them
- offerings/objects in lots of 3 or 13
- do your shadow work
- begin learning to find a level of comfort in discomfort, you have to accept all facets of yourself, Hecate can help with this
- leave offerings at a crossroads or outside your door
- food offerings such as:
- raisins and currants
- raisin and currant muffins and breads
crescent shaped cakes and cookies
- eggs/eggshells
- pomegranate
- (dark) chocolate
- meat
- cheese
- nuts (specifically almonds)
- bread
- grapes
- honey or honey cakes
- apples
- black coffee, jasmine tea, milk and honey, red wine and mead
- decorative masks
- her associated plants/herbs: cinnamon, garlic, lavender, cardamom, yarrow, rose, mugwort, aconite, ebony, oak, mandrake, nightshades, willow, dark yew, blackthorn, saffron, dandelion, pumpkins/squash, night blooming flowers such as, moonflower, datura, brugmansia, night lilies and more
- Snake, dog, deer, alligator, horse, sheep, bat, owl, weasel, ferret and boar imagery
- Snake shed (ethically sourced)
- dog fur or teeth (ethically sourced)
- horse shoes (ethically sourced)
- owl feathers (ethically sourced)
- bones/skulls (ethically sourced)
- her associated scents for candles or incense: cinnamon, honey, myrrh, dragons blood, benzoin, mugwort, lime, lemon and verbena
- her associated metals and gems: sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, bloodstone, black onyx, hematite, smokey quartz and other black Gemstones
- enchant your jewellery with protection magic and wear it in honour of her
- learn baneful protections (or regular protection)
- practice witchcraft and ask Hecate to participate and assist
- learn the magical properties of herbs
- Hecate can be associated with birth, so take care of pregnant people or animals
- foster/adopt puppies
- honour the dead and/or your ancestors
- spend time in graveyards
- clean them up while you're there if you can
- go to mystery spots
- do crosswords, word unscrambles and riddles
- knock before entering a room
- babysit/take care of/foster children
- pray to her at night
- keys
- coins
- a cauldron
- a broom (good for sweeping out unwanted energies)
- candles! Especially black, silver, red or purple
- wear a (dark) veil! (This is a form of protection magic, and dark colours are associated with Hecate)
- hold a feast in her honour! Set a place for her at your table or leave the food offerings on her altar
- donate to animal shelters
- cut out the toxic people in your life
- celebrate samhain!
- nurture your inner child
- little toys and trinkets
- devote your education to her, study something new, this could be hymns, or schooling or just a topic you're personally interested in
- self care as an offering
- be kind to people
- donate money or food, blankets, etc to homeless shelters
- torches/torch art/imagery
- the wheel of fortune tarot card
- share your story, you deserve to be heard and they deserve to be outed for what they did.
- support other survivors
- dog treats and dog bones!
- knives/athame
- rope or cord (to symbolise birth and rebirth)
- devote a form of divination to her
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