realms-visual-novel · 30 days
Sample Background
So... I tried using my drawing tablet... and it was pathetic. Need way more practice to make anything worthwhile to look at.
So until I get more comfortable with it... just so I can make some visual progress on my first "Character Prologue" I'm trying some AI rendered backgrounds.
If I actually had money I would try and hire someone for illustrations...
Anyway... a sample background...
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I'm using the "perchance AI text-to-image"
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realms-visual-novel · 30 days
Sneak Peak...
An opening scene featuring Anna and one of her "Inquisitors"...
[She looked up and smiled. It was a twisted and unsettling look, made even worse by her dirty, grimy and disheveled appearance. She rose to her feet, as the cell door was opened, She moved forward, slowly, methodically. Swaying her hips in a seductive manner, which considering the filthy prisoner-shift she was draped in, making the image more... disgusting than alluring.]
Anna - So you're the one they sent? What did you do to be... punished so?
{Various dialogue dependent on the player chosen Inquisitor.}
Anna - So should I start from the VERY beginning? Or do you care? My guilt has already been... decided.
[She returns to the straw covered pallet that functioned as her bed.]
Anna - As if has been weeks since I've had any new faces visit... How should we pass... my last days?
[She leaned back on her pallet, a twisted and seductive grin upon her her grime caked features. Slowly she spread her legs, causing her shift to slid up her filthy legs... teasing and threatening to provide a much more obscene view.]
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realms-visual-novel · 30 days
Update #2...
So I know not much is happening on this blog... yet. But I'm still working out thinks in the Ren'py engine, and trying to organize thoughts.
I have 3 projects on the go in the engine. Two are sort of "Prologues" to the main story. Giving some back ground on a couple of characters that will feature in the main story.
Realms - Anna - an introduction to Anna and how she came to be.
Realms - Kelric - a character from Anna's original time, who will be a sort of a type of "Big Bad" in the main story.
Realms - Struggle WithIn - my main story, that I'm getting twisted around on, by getting lost in the engine and options for choices.
I have some issues in all three projects. Mainly implementing how I'm going to add mechanics to make them less "Kinetic Novels" and more interactive "Visual Novels".
I'm also at a loss as to how I want to illustrate. I could try to draw everything (not sure if I have the talent as I am quite rusty with drawing) -OR- use and AI engine... which to be honest would be even more difficult to generate the images I want/envision. - currently I'm using black & white AI generated backgrounds. - the few sprites I have are AI generated
Anyway that's everything. Following some advice on the forums and YouTube I'm trying to pull away from the Ren'py engine right now and just get the story done.
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realms-visual-novel · 1 month
Hunts-Man and the Masters of the RWBYverse
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realms-visual-novel · 1 month
So I've bit the bullet and dove deep into the world of Ren'py.
I've got a good start of Chapter One done. Maybe a third of all the text/dialogue/scenes done.
So I might release a "demo" of sorts. just so others can let me know if the premise holds any water and if they want to see more.
Confession Time - Some of you are not going to like this... but yes I am using AI generated backgrounds. I have a couple of sprites for Anna also done through AI, but those may vanish once I start drawing again (and find out how terrible I am at it.)
I know there is much more I need to add to what I have. Sprites for characters, more backgrounds and sounds.
So once I do drop a demo feel free to rip it apart and let me know what works, and what you would like to see.
Anyway... Peace <3
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realms-visual-novel · 1 month
Update-ish Post Thingy
So I have been scripting out the VN this blog is focused on. And for the most part I've been using COYA Factory on my Chromebook. It's a nice and neat little graphical interface program... which I am getting the hang of.
The problem is trying to compile so I can give access to the VN to others... so I went looking and EVERYONE says Ren'py is the program/engine to use.
So I picked up a decent Windows Laptop (need it for my business as well) and jumped right in after going through the tutorial "game"...
And WTF kind of Klingon-Voodoo is it? I am so so so confused. I get the scripting part for doing the actual story. I've figured that out, and a little bit on backgrounds... but everything else... menu screens, splash screens, etc...
So I don't know if ren'py is the best for me to push forward on... maybe I should continue with COYA Factory at least for a demo, and then do a rewrite in ren'py once I figure it out? My brain hurts...
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realms-visual-novel · 1 month
What's This All About?
So I love to write and I've recently discovered another avenue in which I can create stories in... Visual Novels (VNs). So I've decided to dip my toes in this facate of writing/programing. It's slow going as I'm having to find and learn a variety of new apps/programs (and discovering how limited my Chromebook is... 🤬 when it comes to comparability with apps and programs.)
But I've decided I'm going to do it. I'm going to create some original over using another fandoms characters.
So what am I doing? Well it won't be a "lewd" novel because I suck at that type of writing. What I have found I'm good at is disturbing/horror-ish styles.
So that's what I'm doing. A Horror VN using the premise I have used in my RWBY Fanfiction "Unnatural" with some tweaks.
So I've created yet another blog... this one just for the world I will be creating VN's in. Realms.
Here's a screen shot of the menu screen of my VN...
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"Realms - Struggle Within"
Inspiration / Concept - "Unnatural" a RWBY Fanfic that I am still writing volumes for.
Once I smarten up and either figure out how to compile the VN I'll post a link to a "Teaser/Demo build of Episode One".
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realms-visual-novel · 1 month
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