realsmoothquill · 9 years
Friendly reminder that I’ve moved blogs. If you’d like to interact with Peter, he’s over here now. (Also, yes, I’m using Harrison Ford as his faceclaim because this is pre-Marvel NOW! Peter, who looked eerily similar to Harrison.)
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   if death ever comes your way and won’t let you pass…          make sure you scream right back in his face
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
So, I love this blog, and I adore Peter, but after tonight, I’ll be using this as an archive and switching to a new blog, one based on War of Kings/Thanos Imperative/pre-return from the Cancerverse Peter. He definitely differs from the modern run in ways I feel are worth exploring, and I just feel like he deserves more than just a fresh coat of paint slapped on him for a reboot, so, tl;dr:
I’ll be making a new Peter blog, and the link will follow as soon as I figure out a url/theme on his new blog.
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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                          “ I’m afraid not. Should it … ? “
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     “Nope, and it’s a load off that it doesn’t. You’re      Mar-Vell, right? The Mar-Vell?”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “Quick question: If I were to say ‘fthagn’ to you,      would it mean anything?”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “I might smack you even if you don’t ask for a hand.”
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     “Fine, no jokes. But since I’m here anyhow,      you need any help with that thing?”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “C’mon, it was kinda funny.”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “Like you’ve never seen someone carrying their own      arm before. —-Would it help if I turned off the fleshy      hologram?”
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     “That depends. Am I gonna get smacked if      I ask you to lend me a hand? Cause I can      almost guarantee that’ll happen with the holo      arm on.”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “If you could see my face right now, you’d      know just how weirded out I am.”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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A Gold Mine of Galaxy Nuggets
One telescope finds the treasure chest, and the other narrows in on the gold coins. Data from two European Space Telescope missions, Planck and Herschel, have together identified some of the oldest and rarest clusters of galaxies in the distant cosmos. Planck’s all-sky images revealed the clumps of bright galaxies, while Herschel data allowed researchers to inspect the galactic gems more closely and confirm the discovery. […] Stars and galaxies sprung to life in the early universe, only later assembling into large clusters. Once the clusters formed, massive amounts of matter collapsed under the influence of gravity, triggering the formation of new stars and galaxies. Dark matter — an enigmatic substance far outweighing “normal” matter in the universe — was intermingled with the stars and galaxies, and helped usher along the process of creating stars. But how these large clusters were ultimately assembled and grew is still a mystery.
The new findings offer astronomers a portal back to this early time, about 10 to 11 billion light-years ago. About 200 candidate objects were identified, many of which were magnified by other galaxies lying in front of them via a process called gravitational lensing.
Read more (via NASA) Images (via ESA)
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “How many guys do I have to punch to solve      this problem?”
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     “One, to start. But that’s the problem. See,      a few years ago, I hooked up with this guy,      and, well, long story short? He’s a prince on      some backwater planet that still has a thing      for me an apparently he’s sending his men      after me. So, probably lots of guys. Possibly      a platoon.”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
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     “I’ve got a little bit of a problem...      Maybe a lotta bit. Not quite sure      yet.”
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
Let's be cruel.
Send my character the meanest, most cutting insults and remarks you can think of.
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realsmoothquill · 9 years
Hi, I’m here and want to do things because this idjit’s awake as all hell. If anyone wants a thing, lemme know :3
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realsmoothquill · 10 years
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realsmoothquill · 10 years
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So does anyone want a starter with Ms. Petra Quill, aka Star-Lord (yes, I’m keeping that title for her)?
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realsmoothquill · 10 years
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The return of M67… by BudgetAstro on Flickr.
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realsmoothquill · 10 years
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: How they play them: The Mun:
Do I:
RP with them: Want to RP with them: 
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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