reamoreen09-blog · 6 years
Drana said, "I need to go!"
"Why do you need to leave if you can stay with me?" Carlo said.
"I already have a decision," she said, "I will leave now, Goodbye!"
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reamoreen09-blog · 6 years
1. What social truths conveyed in ?
a. Upuan
b. Tatsulok
c. Unnatural
The social truths conveyed in B. Tatsulok, because it is really defines how the society is being rulling by our leaders.
2. where there literary used to strengthen the intended message for is audience? what are they? give sample lines to prove it.
Hyperbole - "Iligtas ang hininga ng kay raming tao"
Anaphora - "Totoy bilisan, bilisan mo ang pagtakbo"
Synecdoche-" Habang may tatulok ag sila ang nasa tuktok. Di matatapos itong gulo.
3. Do we need to celebrate this pieces of literature that point out to social realities and why?
Yes because in this song, it shows how our nation is being handle by the leader we've been decide to lead us. And also it shows that what is really happening towards the lower class of the economy. That's why it is really helpful to us for us to open our minds of what is really happening around us.
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reamoreen09-blog · 6 years
On the 25th May, 18 -- a place of full of blasting lights appears on skies And people dancing all along and laughing out loud this place is what they called a place for everyone, Park. On the park there is a young good looking girl walking alone, She is carrying a bouquet of Flowers and you can see to her the heaviness of what she is holding. On the other way a boy who lived there running so fast, then suddenly he hit the the young girl and just a second the flowers ar eon the floor. A moment stop between of them, and face one another. In the Momment the boy knew that he was terribly in love wiith angelic eyes of the girl. But the momment stop, when the girl run away. The boy lived there and work as a manager in his friend company, the boy named Mr. Dimaandal but they call him Daniel. He look for the girl he met last night at the park. But suprisingly the girl he met last night is one of the workers on his friend company. The girl named Moreen, she worked as secretary on the company. She couldnt believe that Daniel was enthusiastic to know her and spend time with her. She felt she was the luckiest girl in the world when daniel ask her for a dinner. They enjoy one another's company. After the day they met. They fall of one another, and decide to be one apart. Daniel and Moreen get married and build a happy family. Two years after they get married, Moreen give birth to their first daughter, they named her Anna and followed a baby boy name Ralph. Although the have a healthy family, still they get financially problem, so daniel decide that he and his family must migrate to U.S to build and to gain more money and to have a better worl and future to their children. But things change when the car they were driving is being uncontrolled by Daniel. The car starts to trouble, and they shout for help. But they loses their time, the car hit the big tree and Daniel and His family is being suffered to car accident. And all of the sudden in turns out to blackout. Moreen wakes up when she hear the voices crying so loud besides her. And things flashback to her, how they shout for help and how she see her family being trap to their car and how her childrens cry for the pain they feel. As she open her eyes, she see her two children crying out loud and saying their fathers name. Byt the momment she hear Daniel's name. She knew that Daniel died at the car accident. All she can do is burst her tears and to burst out all the pain. But Moreen realized that She must be bravefor the sake of her childrens. After the funeral, Moreen take all the responsibities left, She became mother and a father at the same time just for her children never feel that there is no father for them to tale and guide them. She is doing everything just for the sake of her childrens. She worked hard just to be her children can enrolled at good school and have diploma. Although sometimes, she's tired of doing all the stuff, Moreen still doing her best for her children. She worked in all different jobs just to fullfill all the needs of her childrens. Despite all the sadness and tiredness she feel, Moreen still figjt and go on for the sake of her children. Although sometimes she had a hardtime to find job. She still have the patiend to look. When she her children smile at her all the pain and hardness she feel is fading. Because for her, the smiles of her children is the success she have in world. After year past, her children already graduated at high honor, she felt the she was blessed after all the things happen, the strunggles and the pain she feel. Thay even if she lose someone, she stiñl have the hope to lived which is her childrens. And that's how they go through in all the strunggles from the first they met and when he left, the children. Still the mother's love strong enough of all the challanges.
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reamoreen09-blog · 6 years
1. How does the author define love?
The author said that when everyone is around, you seems enchanting especially that person whom you love is around. And also the author says that love is when you are comfortable to be with and when you feel so fit with each other's company.
2. Do you agree with the definition?
Definitely Yes, because as my own insight, I also feel that kind of love and it is majestic and enchanting that it really makes my day complete.
3. What is your own definition about love?
For my own insight, love is not something that can take or steal from you and love its not just gonna fade right away when you feel it. Love can also be a sacrifice sometimes because when you truly love somebody you can take all the pain just for him/her to be happy. Also love is not just about the sweetness, it is also about how you can take all the pain. And even if its hard to find one, that you almost hurt all the time, Still at the end it is worth it because you've learned to when you love. And just like other people thoughts that sometimes you will love someone that you really dont expect. And love it is not necessary for a boy and girl because love is a universal. And love is what makes people be a person.
4. What does the author always tell some people about love?
The author always saying that love is when everything arounds you stop and your heart became fast as ferrari, because love it just takes time to find.
5. Are the authors piece of advice on love acceptable or not?
It is acceptable, because just like what I've experience and the author's pount of view is the same as mine. Even if its catastrophic sometimes and made you upset sometimes, Still it would make you feel complete as an individual. Because love is a way to motivates you to stand on all the strunggles your facing most of the time.
6. Imagine a world without love, descrive it.
If happen that our world lose love or became a world without love. I think oyr world, might become unhappy, dark and boring at the sametime. Because love is a source of everyone to be happy as well as to be complete as an individual.
7. Identitfy the purpose and mood of the writer's in creating this essay?
I think the author reminisce the old times, that he/she encounter. Like the author was his/her very at the worst time because of he/she does not significant to his/her love. The author so been tryed and searched so many times but there's nothing she/he found but obviously the authors still look happy brcause at the end it is still worth it.
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reamoreen09-blog · 6 years
Senses Example
> Visual. The blinding lights adorning the Christmas tree made my. eyes twinkle in awe.
> Tactile. His soft hair glided through my finger.
> Gustatory. My mother's cake tasted so sweet as it cobers my tongue.
> Auditory. The shrille screams of the lady pierced through my sensitive hearing.
> Olfactory. I can smell the dweet scent of your gloomy hair.
> Kinesthetic. The fast shaking of the ground made me dizzy.
> Organic. I can feel the searing pain of the nail on my toe
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