(Starter for @chopperpirate. Thanks for the like.)
...Saying that Megalo the Reaper dragon was in a good mood would be a humongous lie. In fact, the winged villain was mighty frustrated. First, a small army of refugees uses a malfunctioning teleporter and ends up scattered over a considerable part of the Multiverse, then it turns out that one of them landed straight into a world with zero Reaper presence. Topping it off, the Empire's greatest diplomats, Ardor and Megalo's adviser Chaosmonger, turned out to be extremely preoccupied terminating some sort of a backward cult “without too much collateral damage,” leaving the emperor themself without a metaphorical stunt double for this particular rescue operation, and their habitually punctual and thorough assistant Bludsworth missed the island they were going to teleport into by an undetermined amount of distance, landing the conqueror straight in the middle of an ocean.
So, that why one, not really random, day, there was a cute, but very frustrated-looking dragon floating around over enormous stretches of water with no obvious rhyme or reason.
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The Reaper is coming...
“...Back after a huge break caused by a certain website malfunctioning the heck out of itself. Looks like things will not soon improve, so we returned anyways. The messages are semi-out, readable, but very hardly writable, but this stuff works, and so does the ask thingy.”
...Those were my lines, Mega.
“Oh, oops.”
So, folks, if you wanna play, drop a like/comment for a starter, or send an ask.
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The sewers were not a pretty sight, far beyond their usual. Walls were stained with blood, both human and animal, here and there, and the water running through was tainted a dark, murky purple.
“I hope few folks drink this stuff. Down a glass of it, and your body will turn into a ‘Fiend’ roughly after an hour.”
They kept walking ahead as they spoke, “When fighting those dorks, break masks. Do not simply puncture or bend them, break the things entirely into two or more pieces. Otherwise, the ‘Fiend’ will regenerate.”
A gargling roar followed by whispering, or hissing, came from somewhere east of the hunters. Megalo remained unfazed, simply readying their scythe. However, no Fiends emerged yet.
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“Late?” Megalo questioned Cat simply, before summoning a floating serpentine skull of a very vibrant shade of red, “Their assault will not start until nighttime, and that is when we attack them, as well. This is a simple practice mop up,” They checked a nearby manhole, “My Harvester will cover the kid while we hunt. Follow me.”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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The villain stopped to give Cat a cutesy death glare, “Not on this roof, silly, down there, between those…”
Another scream, much louder, echoed alarmingly from the narrow street below, before being interrupted by a very abrupt gargling sound.
“Darn it, ten seconds!” Megalo shouted before rushing towards the edge of the building, jumping over ten feet forward and readying their scythe which glowed a vibrant, yet menacing shade of red. The next second, they were gone from view, violent swing sounds and flashes of red light indicating their presence in the street that the screams came from.
Within seven seconds flat each Liquid Fiend was disposed of, and the mischievous emperor was standing in the middle of a huge puddle of disgusting purple liquid over a body of an unconscious eight year old girl.
“Great. She is down until five p.m., at least.”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“I understand that you are trying to be friendly, but, unless your silly soul magically changes color, no Reaper will accept you, regardless of size and fluffiness. Such is the way of the Reapers.”
Megalo spoke very calmly, without demonstrating any hostility.
The baby goat Frisk offers her pacifier up to the cute dragon warlord. “You can hab dis... jus for a lil while tho!”
Megalo shook their head, wincing slightly, “Keep that thing to yourself, anomaly. If I wanted it, I would have taken it from you already.”
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The baby goat Frisk offers her pacifier up to the cute dragon warlord. “You can hab dis... jus for a lil while tho!”
Megalo shook their head, wincing slightly, “Keep that thing to yourself, anomaly. If I wanted it, I would have taken it from you already.”
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Megalo moved gracefully and swiftly, going as far as running vertically up walls several steps occasionally. As they neared the bakery, a high-pitched scream reached their hearing.
“Those dorks captured a kid!” The villain informed Cat, stepping their pace up.
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“A bakery? Nice! I am claiming half their stock after we bust that heart. I heard bread around here is super soft.”
Their eyes flashed vibrant red, “The harvest is starting,” They said, grabbing a scythe twice their size out of thin air.
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“What is a human? A silly walking pile of contradictions. Beings like us are beyond that through several ways... or am I being hasty including you into it? I suppose that will be clear quite soon.
I suggest we practice against those things as a team before assaulting a heart. So, which areas of this pompous polis are your favorites? If we exterminate the  'Fiend' scouts there, they will redirect their main forces elsewhere. Some kind of a dorky survival instinct.”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“A heart by itself, certainly. However, taking down a heart's shield would take no less than a ‘Cataclysm’. My scythe goes through that stuff no problem, but when is trusting a villain smart?” They winked.
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“If by ‘we’ you mean you and Plagg, then sure. I doubt regular fencing, however skilled, will destroy a ‘Fluid Heart', aside from such lacking a shield already. There are currently four hearts about, one right beneath Paris' sewers, the others south from the city, with two furthest ones half-dormant.”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“One, there will be no Paris if you leave those invaders be, two, they will not go beyond your scope here if you keep busting those hearts. You are lucky they picked France over something like Greenland. That place...” They shivered,” And if you think painting me a loon is a neat idea, feel free. Do not complain when ‘Fiends’ assimilate little miss Ladybug, though!~”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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“Of this city's inhabitants over your entire world, of your own pride, perhaps? The invasion will seize no sooner than this planet is fully assimilated unless each ‘Fluid Heart' is destroyed, and attacking a heart means the ‘Fiends’ will get free reign over Paris until it falls.”
They sighed, looking away with a smirk, “Also, being a ‘superhero’ is not a great occupation for a simpleton.”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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(That feeling when a fifth or more of Earth's population looks like they build their views of existence from a shoddily crafted piece of fiction.)
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“You almost ambushed me,” The villain responded teasingly, “Granted, that almost was almost ten seconds long, but most never go even half that close. Regardless, it was neither your questionable stealth nor your horrendous puns that brought me here.”
They turned to him, putting away their chocolate, their tone becoming serious, as they watched Cat, “This whole city is about to become a giant slaughterhouse. A species, commonly very unoriginally referred to as Fluid Fiends, will invade the first time tonight. They are numerous, but, temporarily, mostly frail and stupid, which usually leads to various ‘heroes’,” They smirked, “Underestimating them until they spiral far beyond said heroes control. Quite a few worlds fell right about when their main weakness was - finally - figured out.”
The conqueror made a purposeful dramatic pause, “That weakness would be their source, colossal hearts hidden deep underground and coated with a very sturdy substance. Destroy one such heart - each ‘Fiend’ it produced instantly dies. Destroy all of those things - the invasion is officially over.
That,” They shrugged, “Was the nice news. The nasty part is that any entity a ‘Liquid Fiend' engulfs also dies very quickly, and transfers its most dangerous trait to its killer, humans and the like included. And the most dangerous trait of a human is, unsurprisingly, sapience, leading to eventual development of a chain of command and stratagems. If that stuff happens, you lose. Simple as that.
But, fighting them is not the hard part. It is letting go. Hearts are most vulnerable during invasions, less guards by thousands, and going after a heart means leaving this city without a guardian,” They looked into Cat's eyes, “Do you possess the strength of letting go?”
During a particularly stormy night, a red flash occurred between lightning strickes. After the inordinate light faded, there was a note visible on Adrien's table that wasn't present previously. It read, "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel tower tomorrow before nighttime, Cat. Bring your floating friend with you or do not," And was mysteriously signed, "Villain".
Plagg hums a bit. “This seems a little fishy, why would this guy want me to go with you? Could this be a trap, could this be the work of Hawk Moth?” Plagg had so many questions.
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REBLOG if it’s ok for new followers to just send you an IC message to start roleplaying!
No reason to be shy!  We’re all here to have fun!!
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