rebel-blake · 4 years
Campfires and Blue Eyes
JJ Maybank x Reader
request: yes. @ampanonyg : Write what going camping with JJ would be like
warnings: swearing, innuendos, kissing, fluff galoreeee
summary: You and JJ finally go on your first camping trip together, but something seems amiss

a/n: I hope you guys enjoy this! My very first JJ and OBX imagine!! It ended up longer than I had originally planned but the more JJ the better, right? Requests are open if you would like more, I also have some ideas as well!!
wc: 1,437
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gif by @rudypankows​
Your eyes scanned the contents of your trunk, trying to figure out why you had such a bad feeling. As your focus was taken from everything else, arms wrapping around your abdomen startled you, and you let out a loud gasp. 
“Fuck, JJ! Don’t scare me like that!” You laughed, lightly smacking the blonde’s muscular arms that still held you firmly. 
JJ smirked, resting his chin on your shoulder, the contact causing soft tingles to shoot through your body, “Y/N, how much longer do I have to wait before we can just go? I haven’t been camping in years, man! Don’t get me all excited to just waste the night away eye-banging your car.”
His crude way with words used to bother you, but the more time you spent with the blue-eyed hottie, the more you came to love his easy-going personality. 
“I just feel like we’re forgetting something, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is
” You rested your hands on top of JJ’s, leaning your head against his own. You tried to stay focused on anything, but the more you touched JJ, the more you couldn’t stop thinking about him, and nothing more. 
Unfortunately, JJ released and separated you two, causing a slight feeling of disappointment within, “Ehhh, we’ll be fine! We’ve both been camping; we know what we’re doing!” He grinned at you and your worries escaped you quickly. 
You reached your hand up to touch JJ’s cheek, pulling his face towards yours. Your lips met quickly, seeming to move in harmony. It was obviously not your first time kissing him, but every time had a new type of electricity with it, making it seem brand new.
JJ hummed against your lips, causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter, “Now, now
” he whispered, leaning his forehead against your own as the two of you caught your breaths, “we have to save something for later tonight.”
You shoved him off of you, your cheeks a bright crimson, “Keep it in your pants, Maybank. We still have a good drive ahead of us.” You hurried to your car, not wanting to amuse JJ anymore with your embarrassment. You knew he loved to make you blush.
“Gah! How much longer do we have?!” JJ complained from the passenger seat of your car. You couldn’t help but chuckle at how child-like he could be at times. You were quite grateful for him, you knew he was struggling to stay awake with you the entire drive, and just wanted to arrive at the destination. 
“You know, the more you ask, the slower I will go.” You gave him a side glance, smirking at his wide eyes. You weren’t going to mention you were merely 10 minutes from the campsite, you enjoyed watching him squirm as much as he did. 
JJ’s hands slapped his face quickly, attempting to keep himself as alert as he could, “Alrighty then, let’s play another game!” 
Holding back a groan, you ran a hand through your (y/h/t) hair, throwing it to the other side of your head. If you could remember correctly, you had played about four different car games since you started your little impromptu road trip. Again, you were very thankful and knew part of his ideas were just to make sure you stayed awake during the drive since he knew there was no convincing you to take turns. 
“Listen trouble,” he drawled, placing his hand softly on your bare thigh. It was like he was making claim with the nickname he loved to call you after all of your adventures together, as well as holding you to him physically. It never bothered you to be touched by JJ; however, the warmth that spread throughout you when you guys did make contact could be unbearable, especially when trapped driving, and not able to do anything about your longings to be held more. “If you could just get us to the campsite already, we wouldn’t have to play these lame games.” 
If there was one thing JJ was better at than making you go crazy, was understanding you and what you thought way too well. He could always tell when you were uncomfortable, tired, angry, happy
 being turned on was one he NEVER missed. 
You shot him a warm smile, but turned your eyes back to the road as he gave your thigh a slight squeeze, “Hold yourself together, (y/n)
” you whispered under your breath.
“What was that, babe?” JJ leaned closer to you, already fully knowing what you had said, and enjoying toying with you now. This was forever his favorite game. 
“I said, we made it!” You were successful in distracting him, his head shot forward and took in the sprawl of trees that surrounded them, and the large ‘Onondaga Campsite’ sign that lead you to a dirt road. 
After checking in with the workers, you quickly made your way to your little campsite, that you made sure was separated more from the others, it was off in a little corner, surrounded almost entirely by large trees whereas the other sites were mostly open. 
You pulled into the designated parking spot and grinned. You hadn’t been camping in years as well, but just being here brought back so many great memories, you were already dreading having to return. 
You and JJ simultaneously through your seatbelts off and clambered out of the car. Once your feet hit ground, the reality of the long drive hit your limbs quickly. Stretching your legs out to relieve some stiffness your eyes drifted to JJ. He had a wide smile on, his dimples shining on his face. He was stretching his arms above his head, lifting his navy-blue cut-off shirt to expose a part of his abdomen. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the small glance at his toned muscles underneath, even as JJ’s eyes found you as well. 
“Ma’am, while I do enjoy being oogled at by you, we have a lot of setting up to do before we can get to the clothes removal part of the night.” He smirked, tilting his head slightly to the side as your cheeks inflamed quickly. 
You recovered as fast as you could, letting out a small chuckle, “’Ogled’, is what you’re trying to say. And I don’t think the river will be warm enough for us to go swimming tonight, baby.” You held in a chuckle as he narrowed his eyes at your sly words. You both knew how to get under each other’s skin, and boy was it rewarding. 
You spent the next hour setting up your camp site, fighting the tent to set it up, realizing too late you forgot to put a tarp down first, losing it watching JJ entangle himself in the tent while you spread the tarp underneath it. Finally, once everything was together, the sun began to set. 
You lit the campfire and a couple of the citronella candles you had brought before it got too late. JJ lounged lazily in one of the folding chairs you had brought, and you settled right on top of his laugh, finally being able to be held by him and not have to worry about anything else. 
“Y’know,” JJ began, twirling his fingers in the ends of your hair, “As much as I love watching the sunsets, this is real nice too
” He finished what he was saying with a whisper, and began planting soft kisses along your neck. 
Instinctively leaning into the kisses, you nodded your head, closing your eyes and taking in all of the senses that were exploding within you. That’s when it hit you. 
“Oh my god!” You sat up quickly, eyes wide with regret. 
JJ furrowed his brows in confusion, watching you carefully, “What’s wrong?”
You turned to him, a slight blush creeping its way to your cheeks, “JJ, we didn’t bring the sleeping bags!” 
To your surprise, JJ shrugged, not caring about the missing items in the slightest.
“I’m fine with that, just means we will definitely have to keep each other warm with body heat.” 
Before you could react, JJ swooped you up into his arms, planting kisses on your neck, and jaw, and finally your lips. You held on tightly, your hands finding their way to the curls that rested at the back of his head. 
JJ carried you swiftly to the tent, not bothering about anything else in the world other than you in that moment. Your focus was fully on the gorgeous blonde hovering over you, who didn’t allow either of you to sleep very well that night. 
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rebel-blake · 4 years
Hello againnn
Hey guys, I know it has been a while, and I am incredibly sorry, but I appreciate everyones continued support! I’m quite a bit behind on the show and am wanting to try and catch back up before I start writing again. 
Because of this, my muze has shifted a bit, and because I finally watched Outer Banks and have created a new tumblr for the show and future imagines/fanfics!
Pls follow and continue supporting me if you would like to!! I am working on a few imagines as we speak!! Thank you again, love you guys so much!
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rebel-blake · 5 years
I’m desperate 😭😭 maybe I’ll write one đŸ€”
so um
 is there a market for runaways fics?
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rebel-blake · 5 years
Sequel to the lexa x nightblood reader that takes place in season 3 when Clarke gets brought to lexa she recognizes Reader... you choose how to end it
This is the second request for this one but it is the next one I will be working on!! 
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rebel-blake · 6 years
me writing dialogue: “what is man but a vessel through which a higher entity may see? what is his purpose? must he find a purpose? we are but stardust; the universe comprehending itself.”
me writing action: they ran real fast from the bad men aand legs hurty
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rebel-blake · 6 years
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rebel-blake · 6 years
reblogging just to make sure I havent missed anyone that wants to be tagged in my imagines!
Tag List
Since someone has asked me to tag them in my Bellamy X Reader imagines, I decided I should ask if anyone else would want to be tagged in not only Bellamy imagines, but anyones that I write? If you would like to be tagged when I post an imagine either reblog this, reply to this on which ones you’d like to be tagged in, send me an ask, or just send me a message and I’ll create a list for you guys! Thanks again for reading my stuff!
EDIT: If you just reblog, I am assuming you want to be tagged in all of my imagines! if that is not the case please reply to the post, send an ask, or just message me!
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rebel-blake · 6 years
Hi If your still taking request can you make a roan x reader!sister imagine where she turns out to be really badass. Like The reader was supposed to get the throne after her mother being her brother was kicked out so instead of roan getting it his sister does. When people start questing her ability to lead she does a battle with her brother and wins
Yes of course! This sounds super interesting I actually can’t wait to start on it ❀❀
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rebel-blake · 6 years
Hey. May I request please?
Yeah definitely they’re still open!!
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rebel-blake · 6 years
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don’t @ me, I don’t take constructive criticism
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rebel-blake · 6 years
the fact that i just spent over $100 on wax sealing stuff speaks a lot about my character
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rebel-blake · 6 years
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                     Woman? Is that meant to insult me?
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rebel-blake · 6 years
i wanted to write... but here i am... watching game of thrones... why do i do this to myself
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rebel-blake · 6 years
dude lmao, I started to read your bellamy x reader but I'm really sleepy so instead of "He never takes this long," i read "He never takes his dogs out" and I was really confused ODKAPSDKAPKOSD
omg i could understand the confusion! thats so funny tho LOL take a nap or something then try again when youre re-fueled haha
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rebel-blake · 6 years
Tag List
Since someone has asked me to tag them in my Bellamy X Reader imagines, I decided I should ask if anyone else would want to be tagged in not only Bellamy imagines, but anyones that I write? If you would like to be tagged when I post an imagine either reblog this, reply to this on which ones you’d like to be tagged in, send me an ask, or just send me a message and I’ll create a list for you guys! Thanks again for reading my stuff!
EDIT: If you just reblog, I am assuming you want to be tagged in all of my imagines! if that is not the case please reply to the post, send an ask, or just message me!
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rebel-blake · 6 years
Bellamy X Reader
for @nightmoonslayer
This ended up taking a different turn than I had originally planned it to, but I really liked where it ended up! I hope you enjoyed it too! Please send in any requests you have for imagines. Also, I just changed up my blog and would love for your guys’ thoughts on it! Especially if something isn’t working or doesn’t make sense, just let me know! EDIT: I just realized I put that this was 5,000 words and it most def is not lol oops. I fixed it tho
Hello I was wondering if you could do a Bellamy Blake x reader when Bellamy went on a mission and return badly injured and the reader was worried so Clarke decided to let the reader patch up Bellamy and because Clarke is to busy helping someone else the reader has a enough a experience of healing.The reader and Bellamy are in love with each other but can not confess and bad things happen between them.Plus Bellamy is stubborn for the reader helping him.Thank you continue the great work❀❀❀
2,585 words.
Reader POV
“He never takes this long,” You comment, your eyes never leaving the gate. 
Clarke places her hand on your shoulder and sighs, “Sometimes he does, Y/N. You cannot get all worked up every time he is late.”
You turned towards her quickly and scoffed, “I do not get worked up every time.”
This time Clarke scoffed, “Both of you do! It’s like you can’t understand that maybe something came up or he just wanted to sit down for a second.” Clarkes features softened as you began to chew on your bottom lip, “Please stop worrying, and just come inside already. I need your help with Jo, she still isn’t getting any better.”
This pulls your attention from Bellamy for a second, your concern for your friend growing when you start to hear shouting from outside of the gate. 
“Is it grounders?” Clarke asks, her eyes wide and full of worry. 
Before your conscience could stop you, you sped off towards the gate, knowing somehow exactly who was on the other side. 
As you got closer, the guards began to pull it open, revealing the rover sitting on the other side. 
It pulled in quickly, stopping just a foot or two away from you. Monty jumps out of the passenger side, his eyes land on you for a second before turning his attention to the back door. 
“He needs help!” He yelled, more towards Clarke, but you were closest and were at his side in an instant. 
That’s when you saw him. Bellamy laid across the back of the rover, covered in wounds and blood, his eyes closed and barely moving. 
Clarke came up behind you quickly, and her hands went instantly to his neck to feel for a pulse. 
Your entire body was numb, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. You couldn’t believe for the first time Bellamy actually came back injured, and you couldn’t help but think it was your fault. 
“He’s still got a pulse! It’s faint, but it is there. We need to get him inside of the tent now!” She demanded. You and Monty shoved your arms beneath him and began to carry him towards the infirmary, 
As you entered, Abby rushed to you quickly, her eyes filled with worry. You quickly found a bed and lowered him onto it. 
Monty stood by closely, his hand running through his hair nervously, “I.. I don’t know what happened. We had stopped to get water... and he was close behind I swear... and I just heard screaming. A lot of screaming.” He explained, his eyes full of water. 
You were helping Clarke cut open his clothes to assess the full damage when Bellamy’s eyes shot open. His hand reached out and wrapped around your wrist pulling you towards him. 
“Bellamy! Bellamy, please calm down! Please!” You pleaded, his eyes trained on yours. The pain must have hit him at this point because he began to yell, squeezing even tighter on your wrist. 
You ignored the pain and ran your hand over his forehead softly, shushing him quietly. 
“Monty! Grab that syringe in the cabinet over there!” You yelled, using your other hand to point at the medicine cabinet in the corner. 
Monty nodded and dashed towards it, grabbing the syringe and sprinting back towards you. 
You grabbed it from him quickly and turned back towards Bellamy, “I’m really sorry about this!” You yelled, and slammed the needle into his chest, pumping him full of anesthesia. 
His grip on you slowly loosened until he was finally out, and you could continue working on him. 
Clarke had already gotten his shirt off of him and was assessing the damage. He had a large bite wound to his abdomen which was of most concern. All of the other wounds were small and seemed to have stopped bleeding already, so the attention was on his stomach. 
“Can you take care of him? I need to watch Jo, I cannot leave her alone.” Clarke pleaded with you. 
You lifted your eyes to hers, tears falling from your face. You sat for a second before nodding and taking a deep breath. This was up to you. Only you. And you had to save him... not only for him but for yourself as well. You couldn’t possibly let the man you loved die on your table. 
A few hours had passed since Bellamy came back to camp badly injured. You couldn’t get yourself to stop shaking from anticipation and nervousness. He was fine, and you knew it but the entire idea that you missed something wouldn’t leave your mind. 
Your eyes traveled across his heavily bandaged body, bare skin poking out every now and then. Blush crept into your cheeks as you began to realize you had basically seen him naked. During the process of cleaning, stitching, and wrapping his injuries the idea had never even crossed your mind. But, there you were, every image of his body you could remember replaying over and over in your head. 
Bellamy began to stir, bringing your attention back to earth. You stood quickly, wanting to be there when he finally woke up. Closing the distance between the wall and his cot, you bit your lip.
His eyes opened slowly, the light seeming to disorient him for a second. His eyes closed hard once more, before fluttering open, his pupils dilating normally. You sighed thankfully, knowing he didn’t have a concussion. 
Bellamy’s eyes landed on you following your unconsciously audible sigh, “Y/N?” he asked, his voice hoarse. He attempted to clear it but stopped quickly knowing it would throw him into a coughing fit. 
You smiled softly, tilting your head to the side slightly, “Hi... Just to let you know, you’re going to be okay... though I hope the other guy looks worse than you do.” 
Your attempt at a joke flowed smoothly over him, as he chuckled slightly, closing his eyes again. “How long have I been here?” He asked, his voice slowly returning to normal. 
You lifted your head and cleared your throat, “It’s been a couple hours Bellamy.”
His eyes widened for a second before he nodded. He took this chance to attempt to sit up, and your hands were instantly on him to assist. 
He stopped for a second, his eyes lingering on your hands before continuing into a sitting position. 
“Bellamy!” Octavia shouted from the doorway. She quickly made her way towards him, engulfing him in a large hug. You had to throw her out of the tent earlier because of her insistence that you were going to kill him, which definitely did not help you calm down in any way. 
You smiled and dropped your head slightly, stepping away from the siblings. Bellamy’s smile was large as he lifted his least injured arm to wrap around Octavia’s shoulders. 
You were heading towards the door but stopped when you heard Octavia mention your name, “You should really thank Y/N, she’s the one that did all of this for you...” She gestured towards his bandages covering his entire body. 
As you were about to turn down any thanks, you noticed Bellamy’s body stiffened as he realized you had been the one who healed him. You swallowed hard, not understanding why he seemed to be reacting...negatively towards the idea of you helping him. 
Bellamy shot a quick glance at you then to where Clarke was towards the back of the tent, “Why didn’t Clarke help me? I mean hell, she’s not even fully trained to be a doctor.”
Both you and Octavia were silent, not expecting him to burst like that. Clarke’s head turned to them, a confused expression on her face, “What do you mean? She’s about as trained as I was when we first got here... I’ve been working with her nonstop.” 
Your heartbeat loudly, from the realization that Bellamy didn’t want you to help him at all and that the boy you were in love with couldn’t even face you after saving his life. 
Before anyone could say another word, you turned on your heels, making your way out of the infirmary tent as quickly as you good. It was foolish of you to be worried so much about him, to have loved him so much. It was insane is what it was. Believing that anything could develop between the two of you was so childish, just because you were on Earth now and everything else had changed didn’t mean his feelings towards you had. 
Continuing away from the tent, you turned abruptly towards the arc and entered into the doorway, knowing exactly where you needed to be. 
Bellamy’s POV
Running his hand through his hair, Bellamy sighed loudly, his body yelling in response to the heave. While he wasn’t in any serious danger now, his injuries were definitely going to be bothering him for a while. 
“What was that?” Clarke asked, irritated. She was changing a couple of bandages on his arm, not caring to be very gentle. 
Bellamy’s eyes drifted towards the door of the tent then back to Clarke, “I don’t understand why you’d let her heal me when she’s not a doctor.” He commented cooly, wanting that to be the end of the conversation. 
Octavia stood to the side, her arms crossed over her chest. Scoffing she stepped towards him slightly, “Clarke’s not even a doctor! What difference does that make?” 
Rolling his eyes, he ignored her comment, just wanting to leave the stuffy infirmary as soon as he could. 
Clarke stopped pressing him, knowing it wasn’t as simple as he made it out to be. “You’re good to go. Don’t head out of the camp for at least a week, you need to let yourself heal.” She said, stepping away from him and turning back towards Jo. 
Instantly, Bellamy was on his feet wanting nothing more than to see the sun again. Being on Earth had made Bellamy realize how much he took the sight of the sun for granted... the light that illuminated on it from Earth was something you could not explain and something you did not want to miss. 
As the flaps of the tent closed behind him, Bellamy’s eyes scanned the camp, looking for someone. Not just anyone though, he was looking for Y/N. 
As much as he would never admit it to the others there was only one reason he was so against the thought that she had healed him, and that was that he knew she had seen everything. 
“What are you looking at?” Octavia stood beside him, looking at him quizzically. 
He hadn’t realized he was zoning out, his eyes on the arc. 
“I’m gonna go check on Kane, see what he’s doing.” Bellamy gave a quick hug to his sister before slowly making his way to the entrance. 
He definitely was not heading to see Kane, but instead to a certain room he used to find himself in all the time when they were in space.  
Slipping through the hallways of the crashed ship, his memory of the layout was as fresh as the day they came to Earth. Taking a couple more turns he came to the exchange room, scanning the back wall until they landed on a panel painted with the scenery of Atlantis. 
Running his hand along the details, he hovered it over the corner gently pulling until it gave way exposing a hidden room full of different treasures, and one he hadn’t expected to see. 
“Y/N?” He asked, shocked at the sight of someone else sitting amongst the relics of the past. 
She had been facing away from him, her head resting on the wall until his voice rang out. Turning quickly towards him, the shocked and confused expression that crossed her features brought amusement to Bellamy, before he shoved it back down again. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked, blinking furiously. 
Bellamy narrowed his eyes, “What are you doing here? This was my hideaway.” 
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it as if she had just realized something, “Oh my god. You’re the one that used to move things around! I assumed it was the arc shifting that caused things to move, but it was you!” 
“Wait, you used to come here?” Bellamy racked his brain for anyone he could remember telling about this place, “I never told anyone about it!”
Y/N laughed, stirring something inside of Bellamy, “My father showed it to me, he used to work for the exchange. Anything he thought was too valuable to sell, he would keep in here.” She gestured to the tattered remains of what once was. 
All Bellamy could think about was that the secret that had kept him sane throughout his time on the ship was not his alone. It had been shared between them and neither of them knew about it. 
“I’ll leave.” She said quietly, starting to stand. 
Bellamy snapped back to reality and reached out for her, resting his hand on her arm, “Don’t... please.” 
Y/N stood there motionless, her eyes flitting between his hand and his eyes. He wasn’t sure what it was about it that was so funny, but it brought a large smile to his face. 
“I thought... I thought you wouldn’t want to see me.” 
Taking in her comment, Bellamy shook his head, blush filling his cheeks, “That’s not... that’s not true. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all of that stuff back there. I just... you saw a lot of things I wasn’t expecting you to see yet.” He lifted his hand from her arm and rubbed at his eyes. 
Y/N’s eyes widened, the corner of her mouth lifting slightly, “...yet?” 
As the word left her mouth, Bellamy realized his mistake and lost all thoughts. Of course, he didn’t want her to see them yet, but why would he tell her? Why would he do that?
“Okay then... let’s make it even.” She said softly, her hands reaching for the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it off of her skin. 
Bellamy stared, his mouth hanging slightly open. He couldn't resist it, but he also couldn’t believe this was happening. After what he had said about her, why is she undressing in front of him?
She had removed her shirt and was pulling her pants down her legs, her face a light pink shade. 
Bellamy reached out and grabbed her arm once more as she began to unclasp her bra. She stood before him, with nothing on but her underwear, and every fiber in his body was urging him to let her continue, but he couldn’t. He would never forgive himself. 
“You do not have to do this, please.” His voice cracked slightly, making him swallow roughly. 
Y/N smiled, bursting forth more energy within Bellamy to let her continue, “I’m not doing it for you... I didn’t want you to see this either. At least, I didn’t think that would be the time for it.” 
Her words allowed you to drop her arm once more, a thought flitting into his head, “Fine. But you shouldn’t have to be the only one.” He smirked, lifting his shirt over his head, attempting to catch up to her. 
As she dropped her bra from her body, he had removed his pants. Finally, the two of them stood alone, completely bare in front of the other. 
The two of them breathed heavily, finally aware of the other’s intentions and allowed them to take control for the rest of that night. 
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rebel-blake · 6 years
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So I hit 3k a few days ago and????? This is actually crazy??? There are now three thousand of you little broody babes and I love it. I’ve met some pretty amazing people on this site and you have no idea how thankful I am for all of you. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for following my trash blog. Don’t know why you’d make that choice but I’m happy you’re here to witness the decline of my mental stability and join me on this magical ride :D
- mbf this mess of a blog - reblog this post (likes count as bookmarks) - 1 max edit per person, please, in addition to blograte/message - blacklist #kates3kparty if you don’t want to see my spam - reminder to send me an available character + quote if you’d like to join my fandom family page - this will go until I stop getting asks or I drop dead of exhaustion. which ever comes first. i am back in class so just be patient with me ❀
What I’m Doing
- send me a 💄 + character name for a character aesthetic
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♡ Give Some Of My Favourite People Some Love ♡
♡  @accio-covinsky ♡ @as-inevitable-as-morning ♡ @azgedanqueenecho ♡ @badassbellamy ♡ @bellameblake ♡ @bellamyblakebby ♡ @bellamyblakesass ♡ @bb-8 ♡  @bellblake ♡ @blueshirtbell ♡ @clarkesgrfin ♡ @cloakedaggers ♡ @discovering ♡ @dracosbellamy ♡ @flawlessbellamy ♡ @freckldbellamy ♡ @frecklessbellamy ♡ @great-wanheda ♡ @griffinsbellamy ♡ @griffinnblake ♡ @isabellelovelxce ♡ @johnmurphe ♡ @jordanngreen ♡ @judyrobinsson ♡ @madisgriffin ♡ @montygreen ♡ @niylah ♡ @octannibal-blake ♡ @prettyparkerr ♡ @pterparkcr ♡ @queenginnys ♡  @spidysenses-blog ♡ @starboybellamy ♡ @stydixa ♡ @tanclybowen ♡ @tenmonologues ♡ @tracylorde ♡ @traitorwhoyoulove ♡ @vintage-bellarke ♡ @zavens ♡ @zekeshaw ♡
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