#clarke imagine
ilguna · 4 months
last one!! so sorry for clogging ur inbox i hope its okay 😭 could i please request supply run with the second aisle prompts #4 #7 and #21, for clarke griffin!! preferably her helping injured reader :D (ofc doesnt have to be word for word) and! congratulations!!!!! 3k is so impressive and you totally deserve it!!! your writing is amazing! <3
☼ wanheda (Clarke Griffin) ☼
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warnings; swearing, death mention, torture mention, blood, ehh gore, kinda the beginnings of a panic attack?
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 4. "Can you walk? I'd be happy to carry you." AND 7. "You can hold my hand." AND 21. "Just look at me. Forget everything else."
notes; spoilers for end of season 2 and beginning of season 3.
“Hey, is Kane in there?” You ask Bellamy, motioning to the room at the end of the hall that he’s coming from. “I’ve been looking for him everywhere.”
“Yeah, he’s in there with Abby.” He nods, pace slowing. “Hey, a few of us are going into Sector Seven, do you want to come with?”
Your face twists, “No, I’ve got other plans. Who’re you going with?”
“Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper, and Miller.”
“You’ve got a full crew.” You wave your hand. “It’ll be crowded if I go. You guys be safe, though.”
“We’ll try. What are your plans?”
“Sneaking out.” You grin. “I’ll catch you later.”
You turn away, walking down the rest of the hallway. When you glance over your shoulder, you find that Bellamy is gone, moving much faster than you. You stop outside of the room, raising your fist to knock on the door to announce your presence, and then Abby speaks.
“I was dreaming we were on the Ark.” Abby pauses. “Before we sent the kids down.” She must get up, there’s a sound of feet shuffling against the floor. She sighs, “Maybe she’s in Sector Seven.”
You close your eyes, picturing the map that was drawn out to mark the territories of the different Grounders. A large portion of it belongs to Azgeda, with Sector Seven being on the bottom right, where Trikru is. It’s not entirely dangerous, but with how close it rides next to Azgeda, it’s not a place you want to be.
“We could send out another search party.” Kane suggests.
“They wouldn’t find her, not unless she’s ready to be found.” Abby says. “(Y/n)’s been trying for weeks, she’s made no progress.”
A man clearing his voice makes you jump out of your skin, head whipping to see where it’s coming from. Sergeant Miller is coming down the hallway, lips pressed together, head tilted disapprovingly.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to talk to Kane and Abby but I just answered my own question.” You tell him, which isn’t a complete lie. 
You were seeking them out to talk about Clarke, and they managed to answer your question without ever knowing it existed. You wanted to know if they were ready to send you—or anyone else—out again. The answer seems to be no. That doesn’t matter to you, you were planning on leaving either way. You just needed to figure out if you had to sneak through the fence or walk out the front gate.
With that, you flash Sergeant Miller a smile, walking away before he can respond. You navigate your way out of the building and out into the open. Arkadia is crawling with people, especially guards. They don’t seem to be on edge today, which might help you later when you come in through the front.
You walk to your tent, which is tucked snugly off to the side, right next to the fence for easy departure. You were told by Abby that you should be staying inside of the building, sharing a room with someone, whatever. You’re no stranger to a tent, when you landed on the ground, you opted for one, for the sole reason of the fact that you don’t want to share a room.
Besides, there won’t be anyone to tell on you.
You flip the flaps open, ducking in as you enter. It’s a fairly small space, holding the essentials. There’s a cot that takes up half of the room, with a pillow, a sleeping bag, and a blanket neatly folded on top. The other side has a table that you may or may not have stolen, a chair, and a lamp. That’s where your backpack sits.
It’s already packed with the necessities, all you have to do is throw it over your shoulder and pull out the knife stuck in the table’s wood. You leave the tent, no one bats an eye in your direction, making for a quicker escape. You pass your backpack through the fence, and then carefully move through it, yourself. 
It’s usually electrified, but recently they’ve been knocking it back to preserve the energy.
You take your sweet time escaping Arkadia, not caring whether or not someone sees you, because they know better than to send someone after you. They tried that once before, you managed to lose them in the forest in less than fifteen minutes. By the time you were done and coming back, you retrieved them and brought them home.
It was funny. Well, it was funny to you. Abby and Kane weren’t very happy. You got a lecture and then made a false promise that you wouldn’t do it again. And you haven’t had to, because now people know not to follow you outside of the fence.
The moment you’re hidden in the treeline, you relax some. You set your bag onto a rock, digging through it to pull out your knife. You tuck it into your belt to keep it in range to grab. After you zip your bag up, you start in the direction where you believe you’ve caught Clarke’s tracks the most.
She’s clever, and she’s usually very clean with her area, but sometimes the dirt is squishy enough to be considered mud, and you’ll find a boot print. She’ll leave scraps of food, twine, and broken objects behind. She makes an effort to hide them in the bushes and ferns, yet you’re still able to find it.
It might have something to do with the fact that you’re actively seeking it out, therefore making it easier to find. Of course, it could belong to anybody, but there aren’t really nomads around here. There’s the Grounders, who each have their colony to stay in, and then there’s the people of the sky—your people. And you all stay inside your camp and walls.
You know you’re coming close to Clarke, there’s been a few times where you could’ve sworn you were on top of her. She moves too fast, making it difficult for you to actually nail her down. Clarke doesn’t want to be found. As much as you respect that, it would be safer if she stayed in Arkadia, or with the Commander. Being out by herself is a recipe for disaster, especially since she’s not exactly loved by everybody.
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding Bellamy and Clarke. When they pulled the lever, they killed hundreds of people inside of Mount Weather, but ended up saving just as many by ending it there. However, Jasper’s girlfriend was included in the mix, since she couldn’t bear the radiation.
This would make him crucify Clarke. Bellamy didn’t get the same treatment. If he had, then Jasper wouldn’t be agreeing to go with Bellamy to Sector Seven. Then again, at this point in time, Jasper doesn’t care much about anything. He spends most of his time drunk, with Monty taking care of him. You’d bet your favorite hair tie that he was intoxicated this afternoon.
And also, Clarke and Bellamy have handled their guilt differently. Clarke ran, she couldn’t stand to see the faces of those she loved. She didn’t like being called a hero, when she had to kill so many people. She wanted to solve it in a better way. Bellamy stayed, obviously. He’s straightened out, as far as you can tell, just a little rough when it comes to the topic.
You try not to talk about it to anyone who isn’t willing to. You avoid it, pretending like it didn’t happen, even though you were one of the many teenagers that had been ‘saved’. One of your biggest regrets is not listening to Clarke when she told you that you needed to get out with her. 
If you had, you wouldn’t have been tortured by Cage. 
You’re still having nightmares about being strapped down on the table, being stood over by them, a needle in one hand, a saw in the other. The thought, even now, makes goosebumps rise over your arms. You watched the procedure happen to three people before it was your turn.
After walking for a couple hours, you decide you can break into your water. You swing the bag off one shoulder, halfway pulling it in front of you. You unzip the largest pocket, shaking the water out of the bag to keep any miscellaneous from falling out while you do so. When you’re done, you close the top halfway, before uncapping the lid.
You press the cool metal to your lips, tilting your head back as you take another step.
A loud snap fills the quiet air, followed by a blinding pain hitting just above your ankle, pulling you down to the Earth. A scream leaves your lips as you fall to your knees. The water canister is gone, thrown several feet away from you. You watch through tear-filled eyes as the water gushes out, soaking the soil and dry pine needles.
“Fuck!” You scream through gritted teeth. “Oh, fuck!”
A wave of nausea hits you before you look at what has your foot trapped. You twist, turning to sit on your butt, allowing you to see the bear trap. Its teeth have sunken into your skin, stinting the blood flow a little. It pools in the puncture wounds, carefully drawing lines down your skin.
This is when your hands begin to shake. Uncontrollably. You reach for your bag, being careful not to jostle your leg. You rip the zippers open, digging through what’s inside, and quickly come to the realization that you didn’t bring a walkie. A habit that you started because of the Azgeda troops that patrol around this area, and their disregard for the truce.
“Oh.” You breathe. You reach for the trap, but you stop when knives begin to get stabbed in your calf, moving up to your knee. “No, no, no.”
You dip your head, clenching your jaw as you wrap your fingers around the teeth. You count down from three in your head, and on one, you try to pry the teeth open. Except, they don’t budge, all they do is move inside your skin, and send streaks of white across your vision.
The lightheadedness is no joke.
One second you’re upright, the next you’re laying on the ground, grass blades tickling your face. You blink, trying to come back to life, but your eyes roll to the back of your head, taking you out. 
The feeling of needles in your muscles jolts you up, actually awake this time. There’s a girl leaning over your ankle, her long red hair slightly matted on her shoulders. She lets out a sigh, shakes her head, and reaches for your bag.
“Hey.” Your face twists. “Get out of that.”
She stops, fingers pausing over the pocket where you keep the emergency medical supplies. How does she know where to look? She slowly turns her head, familiar blue eyes landing on you, eyebrows raising. There’s a long moment that passes between you two, as you decide whether or not you’re hallucinating.
“Clarke?” You sputter. “What are you doing out here? Why’s your hair red?”
“Hunting.” She tells you gruffly, turning her back to you once more. “This is going to hurt.”
She doesn’t leave you any time to comprehend, much less prepare, for her popping the bear trap open. The pressure relief is immediate, but so is the aching pain that hits you like a truck. You groan, holding your breath, watching your vision coat with stars.
Clarke goes back to your bag, rummaging through to pull out what you have. 
“Where have you been?” You ask. “I’ve been looking everywhere.”
“I know.” She says, voice hard. “You shouldn’t be.”
“Why not?” You shake your head. “I care about you and your wellbeing. I want to make sure that you’re safe.”
“I am.” She tells you.
She pours a small handful of alcohol onto a clean rag. When you suck in a breath to ask her another question, her hand ‘slips’, dumping it into your open wounds. You choke, reaching to grab onto anything to hold yourself steady, but you just pull out a handful of grass, instead.
“You can hold my hand.” Clarke says, a look of remorse on her face. She holds out her palm, and you find it surprisingly clean. 
The same can’t be said for her face. She’s got black coal smeared into symbols on her face, which you can’t identify. From a distance, you’d say that she’s dirty and hasn’t bathed herself. There is no smell to accommodate that assumption.
You take her hand, squeezing her fingers. She takes her time dabbing around the several wounds. You watch as the blood doesn’t stop, the way your skin moves, allowing you to see inside of your body. Every time she presses too hard, the alcohol will find its way inside of one of the bite marks.
Before you know it, you’re breathing heavily, picturing the damage this is going to do to your leg. The way you’ll have to clean it, a task you’re not up to doing. You passed out due to pain, this won’t be any different.
“(Y/n), breathe.” Clarke pauses, face twisted. “Just look at me. Forget everything else.”
“That’s hard.” You say shakily. “Because you’re cleaning out my leg.”
“I know.” She looks off to the side. “How about you ask me a few questions?”
“Are you sure?”
“You came all this way.” She murmurs. “Go ahead.”
“Why’s your hair red?” You ask.
She hesitates, “It’s blood, from my hunts. I did it to hide myself.”
“You don’t wash it?”
“I don’t want to risk being caught.” She shrugs. “You can ask me anything, and you decided to start with my hair?”
You laugh, and then wince, “Fine, when are you coming back?”
Clarke doesn’t say anything for a while, and then it extends beyond a minute. You’re afraid that you’ve ruined the conversation, so you keep quiet. She sighs, “I don’t know.”
“Have you been thinking about it, at least?”
“Yes, but it’d be better if I didn’t right now. It’s not safe.”
“Why?” Your face twists.
“Just…” She shakes her head. “Reasons, I can’t explain them to you right now.”
“Clarke, you know you can trust me.” You tell her.
“It’s not the right time.” She says back. “I’m going to bandage this for you. We shouldn’t stay out here for long, it’s going to get dark.”
She leaves no room for argument, taking her time with the sterile white bandages, breaking it off and tucking it into itself. She pulls you up and onto your feet, where you lean against a tree for support. You can’t put any weight down on your ankle without a blistering pain going through your whole leg.
“I won’t be able to make it back on my own.” You tell her.
She zips up your bag, swinging it onto her free shoulder. “I know, I’ll bring you as close to the gate as I can. Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.”
“I’ve got it, I just need you for support.” 
Clarke closes the gap between you two. You put a hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly as you take each step. “Thank you, Clarke.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/n).”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!!
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acid-ixx · 1 month
a loving family, an unpalatable desire
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reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
a/n: would anyone hear me out if i ever wrote romantic yan! bruce (ft. platonic yan! batfam AND romantic yan clark kent alongside the superfam ofc) with a neglected spouse reader... because uhm, i've been thinking about it lately just yk... so anyways PLSPLSPLS send in asks about this, ive been thinking about it so much lately.
imagine wanting to raise a family so badly with a man who adopts problem children as a side hustle. you're not some invasive spouse, you've always been good, always been loving, so... so accepting, never questioned where or how he picked them up from the side of the streets, never once complaining about the hickeys on his neck or the once neat tussles of his hair now tangled accompanying lipstick stains on his white suit.
you love your children, you tell yourself all the time. you love them, you love bruce— even if he doesn't love you. you said it in your vows, despite it being scripted, despite your family finally sighing in relief in the sidelines at finally being able to sell you off to one of the wealthiest man in the world, rather than being wasting off under their care— your vows are real.
you wanted someone to love you, unconditionally, so viscerally eternal that it eats you up.
really, all you wanted was to play that fantasy life of trophy house spouses. all you wished for was a loving, healthy relationship. the american dream: the picture perfect family frames, your husband kissing you on the cheek as he leaves for work, your children bickering at the dining room, with the scent of homemade meals wafting about the vicinity. all you wanted was the warmth in your chest to flicker like candlelights. all you dreamed about was that domestic life, an escape from the abusive household you were raised in.
yet the manor is too cold, too unforgiving for a soul such as yours.
the longer you stay inside claustrophobic, yet oh-so large hallways, the quicker you drown in a neverending pool of self-hatred.
but you're not allowed to show them your sufferings. they've been through much worse, you tell yourself. they've suffered more, and as what good spouses do, as what you're taught, you stay silent, enabling them to turn you into their own emotional punching bag.
you only allow yourself to cry at the dead of the night, under the sheets of your too-cold blanket and your too-hot pillows. when the manor is filled with deathly silence and a looming sense of dread and ill fitting thoughts of ifs and when they'll come back in one piece, will you grant yourself temporary respite; worry for a family who never even called you their parent.
yet you've always been so considerate. despite the pang in your chest every time bruce flirts with anymore potential love interest at a gala, you chose to instead monitor your chaotic children, who have always never bat an eye on you despite you always gazing lovingly at them.
you know of their interests, they don't know yours, yet you still give them extravagant gifts on their birthdays, with tired, yet glinting eyes, and a silent excuse to return to your room; one separate from bruce.
you know of bruce's hardships, but you don't push too hard, don't force him to talk, only provide him your silence and an offer to serve him dinner; all the time he refuses without looking at you. you give him comfort only if he ever allows you, only if he allows his walls to crumble— but not even his spouse can amount to a warm, crackling fireplace. to him, you're probably only a matchstick under the deadbeat glaze of the snow in a winter night.
maybe that's why you're such a ghost in the manor, stalking through the hallways, looking out for any of your children in case they come across you with any injuries. maybe that's why eventually your resolve weakened.
and maybe the absence of familial love led you to find comfort in another man's arm.
''til death do us part,' is such a tragic saying in your case, because you know it in your fragile heart that bruce's love for you was never alive in the first place. and yet you allow him to play you like a fiddle, allow him to slowly allow you to slip away from his nonexistent grasp.
and now, you're a stand-in parent for clark's son, jon, after the tragic loss of his wife. now, your world seems a lot less bleaker, as you play the fantasy of a loving house spouse, fully abandoning the life you left behind, a life you've never been gifted with until now. you want to feel guilty, you want to feel absolutely terrible but the heartache of neglect has become too much and all you do was allow clark to warm you up each night, kissing away your tears and spooning your deep-seated anxieties away.
you don't let the past eat you up, not when the present is too perfect, too freeing, too delusionally beautiful.
your son, jon provides you every joy a parent could have. parent's day gifts, heartfelt letters at every nook and cranny of your shared bedroom with clark— even reading him bedtime stories, allowing him to sleep in your lap after he slowly nods off, with clark knocking softly on polished wooden doors, greeting you with a loving kiss on the lips and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand—
it's everything a parent wants, needs even.
and you're everything clark, and especially jon wants, needs in their life.
so it's such a stupid mistake, really. a slip of the tongue, a too-enthusiastic smile, incredibly bright, shining eyes. it's not jon's fault, you still love him either way. but it's an error still— one a complicated matter at hand, so dreadful for you, that jon accidentally, all-too-suddenly, mentions you as his parent to damian.
a loving, wonderful parent, he says, with a picture of you in his wallet shoved right in front of his friend's face.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
Tim/Kon being a peak ship except every few days they realize they’re acting too much like Bruce and Clark and have to ditch the relationship until they can look at each other again without flinching.
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 8 months
Danny: *just chilling on the couch while being very still™️ at the Wayne Manor*
Clark: *comes to visit*
Clark: hey Bruce?
Bruce: yes?
Clark: why is there a dead child in your living room?
Bruce: what 0-0
Danny: oh shit
Danny: *starts up heartbeat* better?
Clark: *even more freaked out*
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batman-katflap · 27 days
10 year old Dick: "Okay, the cake's ready! Try some and lemme know how it is!"
Clark, taking a bite: "Wow! And here I thought Bruce was the best baker in the family. I have an idea, why don't you go grab Alfred so he can come have a little taste and see how good you're getting."
Dick, already running out the room: "Okay! Try not to eat it all before I get him, Clark!"
Clark: "I'll try, but it's gonna be hard!"
Bruce, the moment Dick's out of ear shot: "How inedible is it this time?"
Clark, already shovelling down mouthfuls of cake: "Oh, you'd all be dead for sure."
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Bruce: Robin, this is Superman
Clark: hello! it’s a pleasure to meet-
Robin!Dick: Can you throw me?
Clark: I’m sorry what?
Robin!Dick: I said can you throw me with all your strength into the sky!
Clark: No?!? Why?!? You would die!
Robin!Dick: I won’t die I’m built different!!!! Throw me!! I wanna taste the clouds and see how many flips I can do!!
Bruce: *long dad sigh*
Clark: clouds just taste like water!
Robin!Dick: Sounds like something someone might say if they wanted all the tasty clouds to themselves!
Clark: What?!?
Years Later
Dick: Uncle Clark?
Clark: No, I will not.
Dick: >:(
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ships-and-fandom · 3 months
I see your "batman has kryptonite handcuffs for sex with superman" and raise you "the situational bondage of Bruce using cheap plastic handcuffs so Clark has to put concerted effort into not moving a muscle, otherwise he'd break them"
Greatest detective in the world would think smarter not harder
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yandere-daydreams · 25 days
Title: Love and Care.
Pairing: Yandere!Clark Kent x Reader (DC).
Word Count: 4.0k.
Commissioned by the very lovely @distortedhumor.
TW: Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Prolonged Captivity + Kidnapping, Spanking, Psychological/Physical Abuse, Slight Infantilization, and Delusional Behavior.
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You were going to freeze to death.
That was – if you didn’t die of dehydration, first. You really weren’t sure which was supposed to work faster; thirst or exposure, the acidic dryness crawling up the back of your throat or the slow, numbing chill spreading up from your toes, your fingertips. You didn’t have to worry about hunger – even if you could feel something sharp and hollow gnawing at the pit of your stomach. You remembered reading somewhere that it took longer than a month for someone to starve to death, even if it was hard to believe that when it felt like you were on the verge of collapsing into yourself.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t been prepared. Admittedly, it’d been an impulsive thing to do, the half-baked result of a door left unlocked and the daunting awareness that you had at least twelve hours before you so much as heard from Clark again, if not the full twenty-four. You didn’t have shoes more durable than house-slippers and the delicate, lovingly polished, Mary Jane heels he liked to see you in, but you’d put on your thickest dress, stuffed a bottle of water and a few slices of homemade bread into knapsack, and started walking into the lifeless, rolling plains that surrounded the rustic farmhouse he kept you in. You didn’t run – he always seemed to know if your heart rate spiked– but you had all day to walk until you found a road, or a phone booth, or anything else that could at least remind you that other people existed. You figured you’d come across something eventually, even if you couldn’t find the help you were looking for.
Except, you’d underestimated just how cold the countryside could get in autumn, and you hadn’t thought to ration your meager supplies until after they’d already run out, and as far as you could tell, he’d found the most vacant, lifeless, desolate corner of the world to trap you within. The hem of your skirt was caked with mud and dust, your knapsack had been left behind entirely after you realized there was no point in carrying and empty bag, and one of your heels had broken off about two miles back – leaving you reduced to a slow, hobbling limp. Your body was exhausted beyond exhaustion, but you couldn’t imagine a world where you stopped walking. The only thing worse than knowing you were going to freeze to death in the middle of nowhere would be knowing that you’d just laid down and accepted it, and if you’d been willing to do that, you wouldn’t have run away at—
Your foot caught on a dense patch of undergrowth, and too tired to catch yourself, you crumpled – your knees hitting the earth with enough force to make you whimper. The last of your perseverance crashed and shattered as soon as you hit the ground, and before you could so much as try to stand up, you fell apart completely. You felt the tears before you realized you were crying – just one, at first, then another, then more than you could ever hope to count. You threw your head forward, sniffling miserably as you collapsed onto your side. You were going to die out here, but…
But, that was probably for the best, wasn’t it? It was either die out here, or die in that lonely farmhouse when Clark finally lost his temper or the roof collapsed or the ‘villains’ he was also so worried about finally did their job and put you out of your fucking misery. With a full-fledged sob, you curled into yourself and clenched your eyes shut, and—
And of course, less than a full second later, you felt a pair of muscle-bound arms your crumpled form, sweeping you off the ground and dragging you into a broad chest. You were too weak to meaningfully resist, but still, you tried to writhe and nudge yourself out of his iron-clad hold to little success. He was already talking, too. Great. On the ranked list of things you might’ve wanted to hear immediately after accepting your own mortality, your kidnapper’s nervous babbling didn’t crack the top hundred.
As if that had ever stopped him before.
“—and I thought you’d gotten hurt, and your pulse sounded so far away, and— and I don’t know what I would’ve done if it’d taken me any longer to find you.” You tuned in mid-rambling, trying to swallow your agitation. He was bent over you, his face buried in your hair, giving his voice an unsteady, muffled quality. For the world’s strongest man, he was quick to fall apart whenever he thought you so much as might be in danger. You couldn’t really judge him for that, though. You fell apart whenever he wasn’t around, too, and you didn’t care about him at all. “Are you alright? Are you hurt? There’s a hospital about fifty miles away, I can—”
“I’m fine,” you cut in, your hands shoving at his forearm where it was barred over your waist. With an airy sigh, he repositioned you – letting you fall into a proper bridal-carry rather a fully-body tackle. You noticed, for the first time, that his feet weren’t touching the ground. He was levitating, a nervous habit that that back into too often to keep track of. He must’ve genuinely thought you were in danger. More importantly, he must’ve known there was no one around to see him doing something so obviously superhuman. “Just a little cold. I‘m sorry for worrying you.”
Another sigh, this one more genuine than the last. For the first time, he drew back, and you were able to see him properly. He must’ve come straight from Metropolis; he was still wearing the suit you’d seen him in that morning, his hair slightly disheveled and his glasses shoved haphazardly into his shirt pocket. You tried to breathe, not to be thankful for how quickly his inhuman warmth was ebbing away the harsher edges of your hypothermia, and for the most part, you succeeded. You felt his lips brush against your cheek, then the corner of your jaw – Clark as affectionate as he was paranoid. “Poor thing,” he muttered, haphazardly shrugging off the jacket of his suit and draping it over your shoulders. “We’ll have to get you warmed up once we get home.”
Despite yourself, you stiffened. It was over - you knew that. He caught you, and even if he hadn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to go on much longer. You knew that.
And yet, you held yourself that much tighter as you asked, “…do we have to go home right away?”
Clark’s smile softened; his expression slackening is a patronizingly sympathetic sort of way. He didn’t need to answer, not really, but you still cringed when he inevitably did. “Of course, dear.” And then, with another kiss to your forehead. “How else can I keep you safe?”
You might’ve been nicer than him, after all. Rather than respond, you bowed your head and tucked yourself against his chest, shutting your eyes and blocking him out entirely. Clark only hummed in acknowledgement, flying that much higher and taking you home.
It took an embarrassingly short time to reach the farmhouse – less than a full minute, if that. It wasn’t what you deserved, but it was what you needed: a reminder that you were trying to run away from someone who didn’t have to run at all to keep up with you. Trying to escape on your own was pointless. You’d either have to find another way to get away from him or give up entirely.
Despite your constant squirming, Clark only put you down once you were inside (meaning, once the front door was locked and deadbolted with you securely trapped behind it), and you stumbled to your feet, still on the verge of collapsing. He let you struggle through all of two steps before taking you by the hand and, with that award-winning smile, guiding you through the farmhouse. “A warm bath should do the trick. Some tea, too – or coffee, to keep your blood flowing.” His eyes flickered down to the mud-caked hem of your dress, your ruined shoes. “It’s a pity. I know that’s one of your favorites.” He paused, squeezed your hand. “We’ll have to pick out another together. Maybe tomorrow, before I leave for work.”
You bit the side of your tongue, nodding along absently and letting him ramble. When you passed the staircase leading to the second floor, to your bedroom, you started to move towards it, but Clark only continued further into the house.
“Uh, Clark?” You dragged your feet as he pulled you into the kitchen. “I— Um, tea sounds nice, but I’d really like to change, first, and—”
“In a few minutes.” Another infuriating smile, another squeeze to your hand. “Do you remember what happens when you break one of our rules?”
You felt something in your throat tighten. You’d managed to forget, but it came back quickly enough. “I do, but— I was out there for a few hours, and I can’t really feel my—”
“We’ll take care of that in a few minutes, love.” He was already moving towards the kitchen table, your hand still trapped in his. “We should get this over with now.”
Trying to argue would’ve been useless. You did your best to grit your teeth, to brace yourself, but your vision still blurred as he finally released you, settling into one of the simple wooden chairs. You crossed your arms over your chest, but it did little to put a barrier between you and his prying gaze. “Do you want to undress yourself? Or, do you need my help?”
Shaking your head, you fumbled with the buttons lining the back of your dress. Usually, you could manage on your own, but your hands were still numb, and you were fighting back tears, and Clark only watched you struggle for a few seconds before motioning for you to come closer. Soon enough, cotton and lace pooled uselessly at your feet, leaving you all-but entirely exposed in front of him. You didn’t need to be told to take off your shoes, kicking them into the depressing pile of fabric that used to be your favorite dress, but when it came to your panties, you hesitated, glancing toward Clark with a pleading look. “All of it,” he confirmed, with a tone bordering on apologetic. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
As if that would make you feel any better.
You sucked in a deep breath, then eased your panties down to your ankles. You’d been wearing one of your nicer pairs – white and silken, with a lace trim around the edges and a ribbon bow that was just slightly too big to be entirely inconspicuous. They were one of Clark’s favorites, even if you doubted you’d ever hear him admit something crude out loud. You could only hope you’d never see them again.
You kept your eyes on the floor as he took you by the waist and with as much effort as it might’ve taken to move a doll from one shelf to another, lifted you up and laid you over his lap. His thighs bit into your stomach as a hand found its way to the small of your back, rubbing slow circles into the base of your spine. “We’re only going to do fifteen, alright?” It wasn’t really a question, so you didn’t bother pretending you were going to answer. Clark didn’t seem to need you to. “And you know I’m doing this because I love you, right?”
That, you couldn’t get out of so easily.
“I know,” you mumbled, because that was what would upset him the least. “That doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.”
He didn’t make a sound. You wondered if he’d heard you at all, at least until the flat of his palm came down on the plush of your ass and immediately, it was impossible to think about anything at all.
It was a small mercy that he didn’t make you count. It was something he’d tried early on, the first couple of times you‘d thrown a chair through a window or stolen his phone or hoarded weapons underneath the mattress of your shared bed, but you’d never really been able to hold yourself together long enough for anything like that. You broke down too quickly, too easily – fuck, you were breaking down right now and he’d only hit you once. You could already feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, a knot welling up in the back of your throat that only seemed to let little, pitiful whimpers and miserable sobs slip by. You tried to steel yourself, to bite back any signs of weakness, but that only meant you’d forgotten to brace yourself for the second strike – just as bad as the first, centered more towards the back of your thigh than your ass. He was trying to spread the pain, to make sure any marks he left wouldn’t be permanent. He was trying to be gentle.
It was scarier than it should’ve been – knowing that he really did care about you. You couldn’t call it ‘love’, not really, not if you still wanted to be able to live with yourself, but he had to care about you, at least enough to pay some amount of mind to your well-being, at least enough for you to be sure he didn’t hate you (although, some days, you could still be convinced otherwise). He didn’t love you, but he thought he did, and the fact that he could earnestly believe he loved you and still treat you like this made you very, very afraid of what could happen if he ever changed his mind.
By the third strike, you were crying unabashedly, and by the sixth, your hands were clamped around his thigh, your nails biting into his skin in less of an attempt to hurt him and more of a desperate scramble for any kind of stability he had to offer. It was all force, no friction – a bruising, throbbing type of pain quickly spreading outward from every part of your body unfortunate enough to be under his palm. You couldn’t seem to talk, but Clark didn’t have an issue, pausing after every blow to rub circles into your bruised skin and mutter to himself. You couldn’t imagine he still thought he was talking to you. “I just worry about how you’d manage things, out there, all on your own,” he explained, his tone cloyingly sweet. Like he was talking to a child, too naïve to know any better. Like he could still expect you to believe there was anything in the world more dangerous than him. “You know I’ll always keep you safe, but I can’t be everywhere at once. It’s easier for both of us if you just—” A pause, an airy chuckle. “—if you just stay out of trouble.”
You’d lived in the city for years and never gotten into trouble, not before meeting him. Saying that felt pointless, though, especially when he was already moving onto the seventh.
Fifteen was a terrible number. If there’d been twenty or more, you might’ve been able to go numb by the time he finished, and ten or less would’ve given you a chance to preserve at least some of your dignity. At fifteen, though, the pain was still intense enough to be blistering, and you couldn’t seem to choke down your own keening sobs as Clark brought down his hand for the final blow – using just a little more force than he really had to, making sure the lesson would stick for the next couple of days, if not the next couple of weeks. He was strict, like that, despite how tender-hearted he pretended to be. If he wasn’t, you would’ve acted out more often.
You had to believe you’d act out more often.
You were still limp and crying when his arm wrapped around your waist and with a raspy, adoring sound, he sat you up – letting you straddle one of his thighs. Whatever relief you might’ve felt at the end of your punishment was immediately overshadowed by the pale, reddish tint spread visibly across his face, the feeling of something too large and too stiff pressing into your leg where it fell between his. Clark didn’t acknowledge it, though, and you were happy to follow his lead, melting into his hands as he cupped your face, basking in his happily provided comfort. There was a shallow exhale as he tilted your head back, pressing another lingering kiss into your forehead, before dipping lower – falling immediately to your neck. You let his lips make contact with your throat before sniffling and shifting in his lap. “Hurts, Clark,” you murmured, doing your best to make your voice that of something small and in need. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but… can we go upstairs, first?”
That was enough to snap him out of it. “Right. Of course.” There was one last peck to your collarbone before he pulled you into his arms, any thought of letting you walk on your own prematurely dismissed. You tried to go blank as he trailed through the farmhouse, not to focus on anything but the pain and your exhaustion, but your gaze seemed to catch on everything you didn’t want to see – the bowl of dough still rising on the kitchen counter, the torn dress-shirt you’d planned on mending today, a dozen tiny things that all drove their own little needles into the pit of your stomach. In Clark’s defense, the housewife shtick hadn’t been his idea, but you couldn’t say he was entirely blameless, either. When you were left trapped and alone, given nothing to do and no way to occupy your time, there was only so long you could last before resorting to household chores. It was just a happy coincidence that the byproducts of your captivity were practically identical to the kind of sugar-sweet, domestic behavior that’d always seemed to melt his heart, back when your relationship wasn’t so insidious.
At least the bathroom was warm. Still too unsteady to be trusted to walk on your own, you sat on the vanity while Clark ran a bath, staring at your hands absentmindedly as the steam started to ebb at the chill. When the tub was nearly full, he helped you into it, more than happy to make it seem like you couldn’t so much as move without his help – which, in his defense, you really couldn’t. As you sunk into the scorching water, you made a mental note not to let him touch you at all tomorrow. You doubted it would be enough to fix the damage tonight had done, but it’d be better than letting him coddle you half-to-death.
Surprisingly, Clark didn’t hover over you for very long. “I think I promised you something to drink,” he explained as he moved to the doorway, his smile suddenly sheepish. Like he had any right to be shy about what he’d done to you. “I’ll be back in a second – unless you think you’ll need a hand?”
You hesitated, but shook your head. “’m fine. I just need some time to think.”
“Not too long.” He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes prying into you for a second, then another before he turned away. “I think we should be careful about what gets into your pretty little head, for the next few days.”
And just like that, you were left alone. For the first time since he’d brought you home, you let yourself relax. The hot water momentarily dulled the pain, but without the agony to distract you, humiliation quickly took its place. You shouldn’t have let Clark take you back so easily – that only gave him more leeway to treat you like some naïve, fragile object he’d been tasked with looking after. You shouldn’t have taken your punishment so quietly, even if you doubted clawing at his legs and thrashing would’ve actually accomplished anything beyond salvaging your pride. You shouldn’t have run away at all, not if it meant triggering Clark’s paranoia, not if it reminded Clark that you’d still take any chance you saw to get away from him. You’d have to be smarter about it, if you ever to escape tried again.
(You did your best to ignore that, a few months about, the same sentiment would’ve been followed by ‘when you inevitably tried again’. You weren’t superhuman. You didn’t always have the strength to be so delusionaly optimistic.)
When Clark did return, he was blissfully quiet and careful to keep his distance, sitting on the edge of the tub while you haphazardly washed the dust out of your hair and scrubbed the mud from your skin. Even after the water had gone cold and you’d managed to struggle to your feet, his touch remained fleeting, ginger as he bundled you in a towel and lifted you into his arms – his sudden distance no excuse to treat you like a living, breathing, capable person, apparently.
You didn’t have the energy to be frustrated. Exhausted and beaten down, you closed your eyes and rested your head against his chest, only stirring slightly when you felt Clark lower you onto a quilt-padded bed. You started to sit up, but the feeling of a hand laying over your hip was enough to stop you. When you opened your eyes, you found Clark, still standing, still staring down at you with that dazed, lovesick smile. “It’s really amazing, how someone like me could ever end up with someone like you.” He dipped lower, his lips finding the side of your throat. There was no pretense of innocent affection, this time, just his mouth on the side of your neck, his teeth ghosting over your skin. His voice was stifled by proximity, but mournfully audible. “I love you. I’m always going to love you. You know that, right?”
“I... I do.” You sounded hoarse, weak – more so than you would’ve liked. Clark nipped playfully at your collarbone, nearly breaking the skin. “I know you’ve been waiting, but—”
“Guess I’m just that impatient, when it comes to you.” There was an airy chuckle, a glint to his smile, but neither were very comforting. Again, you made an attempt to flee, and again, he found a way to keep you where you were – his hands curling around your thighs as he eased your legs apart. There was a hollow thud of body against floorboardas he fell to his knees, as he pressed yet another open-mouthed kiss into the inside of your thigh. “I just can’t help it. You make it hard for me to think straight.”
Not that he was trying to. You opened your mouth, trying to think of something that could distract him, that could convince him you just couldn’t do this, but he’d latch onto your cunt before you could spit anything out – the flat of his tongue running over your entrance while his nose ground into your clit. With your ass still blistered from your punishment and your nerves still on-edge from the cold, that was all it took for you to bolt upward – your hands automatically finding their way to his hair in a desperate attempt to pry him off of you. Of course, he didn’t budge, and of course, when he did glance up, he did it with that lovestruck expression that you’d never been able to stand. That you never wanted to see again.
That you just couldn’t seem to wipe off of his fucking face.
“Clark,” you whined, his name fractured and mangled on your tongue. “Please, I— It hurts, and I’m so tired, and I just—” You cut yourself off, swallowing harshly and trying to catch your breath. “Please, don’t.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Your heart skipped a beat, hope swelling in your chest. He melted into your palm, grinning like an idiot. “You can relax. I promise, I’ll be gentle.”
And just like that, you felt something deep in your chest crack open and shatter.
The next time he bowed his head, burying himself between your thighs, you didn’t bother trying to stop him.
You didn’t do anything at all.
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 10 months
Could I request a smut with Bellamy Blake? Like him and the reader are trying to get a quickie in before everyone comes back and he tries to make the reader cum one more time? :) if u can ofc!
close call | b. blake
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summary: season three — you and bellamy take advantage of a moment alone in the rover on a scouting expedition. time is against you when bellamy makes one final request before everyone returns.
pairing: bellamy blake x reader
warnings: smut, almost caught, penetration (p in v), oral (fem receiving), quickie, multiple orgasms, cowgirl, idk whether part of this is considered dub-con or not but I’ll still add it just in case
notes: the ending is sort of abrupt but anyways—
word count: 1.8k
The rover was bouncing so vigorously; it was a wonder the axles hadn’t broken under pressure.
“Oh my—fuck! Oh my god!”
It had started off innocent. Two people had to stay behind to guard the rover as a group scouted the forest terrain for new foraging and hunting grounds for Arkadia. Bellamy had offered to stay behind along with you. At first, you both obeyed the instructions to watch over the rover. But, damn, he looked so goodin his tan t-shirt and black cargo pants, you just couldn’t restrain yourself.
First came the flirting, then the wandering hands, and then suddenly you were inside the rover, on the floor in the back, with Bellamy inside you.
Your breasts recoiled up and down, cleavage exposed from the low neckline of your tight tank top as you bounced on Bellamy’s lap, his cock sliding up into you with each drop of your hips. His face was buried between your breasts, sucking harsh kisses into your skin. Fuck, you should have told him to stop; people would see the marks.
But you couldn’t. Especially when he lowered to your sensitive peaked nipple and bit it softly through the material of your shirt.
“Ah, fuck!” you rasped, skin prickling with goosebumps.
Fingers tangled in his dark wavy locks, you guided him back up to your level, frantically catching his lips in a wanton kiss. Your tongues moved together with a hunger of their own, strings of saliva keeping you attached whenever you parted for a sliver of breath.
You sank down fully onto his pelvis and engulfed his entire pulsating length before grinding your hips back and forth at an almost Olympic-level speed, feeling his cock repeatedly curve into your throbbing walls. Something between a whine and a groan of the words “fucking christ” was mumbled against your lips by Bellamy.
His hands held you down by the hips as he began snapping his own hips upward, skin-on-skin sounding as his pelvis slapped against your ass. You grappled onto his broad shoulders as your head fell back with a filthy high-pitched moan which, thankfully, was confined to the rover’s interior.
“So fucking good, princess,” Bellamy breathlessly praised between mind-devastating thrusts. “So.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Good.”
His fingers dug harshly into your skin, blunt nails surely creating red crescent indentations in your soft skin. You would wear them like a trophy. He forced your hips down and trapped your body on his cock as his head fell back against the mesh panel wall, soft tip spurting thick white come deep inside your belly. His scrunched brows twitched with release; lips were parted as his shallow breaths gave way to deep sex-drunken moans.
The warm white liquid filled you up, leaking prettily down Bellamy’s thick penetrating length. You were so full of his seed and ever-hard cock that all your body could do in response was orgasm, the heat spreading from your belly and pervading your entire nervous system.
All control was lost. You trembled from head to toe, essentially vibrating on his cock which was still prodding against your cervix. Strangled gasps fell from your lips, your forehead falling against Bellamy’s who had finally managed to regain his composure and was hypnotically watching you work through your own high.
Finally, the both of you reached a state of tranquillity, holding each other closely, panting and inhaling one another’s intoxicating breaths. It was a good thing too—that you finished so quickly.
“The other’s will be back soon,” Bellamy whispered, finishing your thoughts.
You nodded. He pulled your hips forward again and you both made some quiet noise of pleasure, eyes glued on one another and simmering with atmospheric desire. For about ten seconds, you stayed like this—motionless, panting, staring.
And then Bellamy was flipping you over onto the car floor.
He hovered above you, brown eyes pooling with sin, dark strands of hair partially obscuring his vision. You simply looked up at him, wide-eyed and speechless, and obviously, he found your shock amusing, evident from the subtle smirk on his lips.
“Want you to come again before they get back.” He leaned down to leave a hot kiss on your neck, lips tickling your skin as he murmured, “Think you can do that for me?”
You blinked, dumbfounded. “What?”
And then he was lowering himself down to your hips and hooking his arms around your thighs. His question wasn’t really demanding an answer—this notion was crystal clear as he abruptly buried his face between your legs and began eating you out like there was no guarantee tomorrow would come.
“Bell!” you cried with a gasped squeak, your back arching off the floor and eyes squeezing shut from overstimulation. “Wait, please, it’s—it’s too mu—” You cut yourself off with a sharp moan and encased his head with your thighs as his lips suctioned around your clit. “Shit! Don’t stop!”
The plea in your voice was useless. Of course he wasn’t going to stop. Not until your thighs were nearly crushing his skull as your taste coated his tongue, dribbled down his chin, and dripped from your pussy in a pretty, perfect glistening mess.
You rose to your elbows, hand reaching down to delve your fingers between his soft wavy locks, alternating between pushing him deeper into your pussy and tugging his hair to coax a groan from his lips which vibrated against your already throbbing clit.
The sounds you made could barely be considered moans, but rather stuttering cries—cries for more, cries to encourage him to keep doing that heavenly thing he was doing with his tongue.
“Right there,” you gasped.
He nodded, humming in compliance. Anything for you; anything to get you to come undone from his manipulation. His biceps flexed as he dragged you closer, hands splayed across your tensed stomach, rubbing and massaging the soft skin.
Tongue wide and flat, he licked an agonisingly slow stripe from hole to clit, beginning to flick his tongue side-to-side once he reached your swollen sensitive nub. God, he had your heart pounding and it felt so exhilarating. The pulsing had dropped into your stomach, each rapid beat building the tension that was tightening your gut.
Your hips rolled mindlessly against his tongue, using him like your own personal sex toy. His eyes were closed, literally drinkingin the fact that he was lapping between your thighs. He enjoyed giving pleasure just as much as you did receiving which made the moment so much more hotter.
Over the sound of your whining and panting, you could hear the distant conversations of people returning. Returning to the rover that Bellamy was currently eating you out in. Fuck.
He just kept going. Part of you wanted to ignore the approaching group and continue letting him bring you to your peak, but the other part recognised the embarrassment of potentially being caught in such an… indecent position.
“Bellamy,”you gritted.
The authority in your tone managed to tear him away from your pussy (and made his cock twitch with a drop of come).
He looked up at you through messy strands of hair. “Come for me one more time, princess,” he urged, voice low and husky. “Then I’ll stop.”
His hand kneaded the side of your waist, gaze on yours as he awaited your response. His mouth and chin sheened with your slick—a pretty, perfect glistening mess. How could you deny him when he looked like that? When he was begging to worship your body and set your nerves alight?
The flames licking at your insides began to suffocate, orgasm receding slowly into non-existence. It was all you could do to nod your head. “Make me come.” Your voice was heavy with desperation. “Please.”
Within seconds, he obliged, large veiny hands curling around the base of your thighs and diving back in. If you thought he was quick before, you were in a whole other ballpark when his mouth returned to your clit. Your fluttering eyes rolled back as his head swiftly shook from side to side, the tip of his tongue pressing hard against your sensitive nub.
An orgasm was rocketing inside you, so fast approaching that you felt entirely unprepared for its arrival. The voices outside in the forest were getting closer and so were you. So close you felt like you could reach out and touch the powerful feeling inside your gut. Technically, you could.
Your hands fisted in Bellamy’s hair, fumbling for any sort of tether to the ground because you were certain if you let go, you would shoot off into oblivion. He repeatedly sucked on your clit, swirled tight circles, devoured you like this was his last meal on death row, and then repeated the process.
“Good girl,” Bellamy mumbled into your pussy. “Almost there.”
Eyes squeezed shut, you writhed beneath his hold, hips jerking against your mouth. Your nipples ached with hardness. Your eyes overflowed with hot tears, streaming down the sides of your face. Your whines had turned to borderline screams, begging him “Don’t stop!” and a mixture of senseless profanities.
Your quivering thighs—with the last of their strength—threatened to crush his head as you squeezed around him, finally feeling the white flames inside you burst into a devastating explosion.
Side-by-side, you and Bellamy stood outside the rover, fully dressed and watching as the scouting group returned from their minor expedition. Bellamy’s hand, which was resting on your hip, wandered to your ass and softly kneaded it in his palm, causing your body to tense in fear of being seen.
He leaned down far enough for you to catch his quiet words. “Don’t worry, princess,” he said. “I’m the only one who knows what you just did on the floor of that rover.”
Your jaw clenched, eyes remaining on the approaching group. “I’m the only one who knows you begged to make me come on the floor of that rover.”
His response was a quiet chuckle, his hand moving to your back to rub it affectionately. Just before the others reached hearing distance, he added, “And I’d gladly do it again.”
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, forming a timid smile on your lips.
Raven was the first person you made eye contact with. She subtly gestured to your pants, wearing a semi-proud grin as she nodded in approval. A horrid blush flooded your cheeks and you looked down to see your flier was completely undone. Well… shit.
“Anything happen while we were gone?” Monty asked, carrying a variety of flora samples.
You side-eyed Bellamy, witnessing the slightest smirk quirk on his lips.
He was quick to respond, sounding casual enough to avoid suspicion. “Nothing too interesting.”
You nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, his arm was discretely supporting your weight as your legs were still violently trembling.
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calicoheartz · 3 months
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꣑୧ — summary | just thinking about grinding on her thigh ! ᶻ 𐰁
— warnings | nsfw & suggestive content ahead. read @ ur own risk.
read more slutty thots here ♡
this lil blurb can be applied to anyone ! not specific :’)
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† just thinking about rubbing your puffy clit on her strong and muscular thigh has me soooo wet
i can just picture you being so needy and desperate for her , practically begging her to touch you in the places where you needed it most.
whether it was on the couch , in bed , best believe you were sitting your pretty self on your girlfriends heavenly lap, I mean at this point it has your name written all over it since you’re always sitting there :’)
but the moment you feel like it’s getting too much , you immediately begin to slowly grind yourself on top of her strong thigh ♡
you begin to slowly rock your hips back and forth , soft moans falling from your lips and she grabs your hips, softly pinching them in the process as she helps you leisurely get off on her
you practically turn into a puddle from how wet you were getting off this basic interaction , leaving a small wet spot on your girlfriends brand new pair of pants . . .
awh , is my girl really that desperate for me ?
how about i slip this pretty dress off , and take you to the bedroom , where i show you how to really get yourself off ♡
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sanguineterrain · 5 months
Hey! Can I request a Clark x reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know Clark is superman. And then superman interacts with them for whatever reason and is flirty bc that's his person!!! But reader is like ☝️ hey buddy back off. I'm HAPPILY taken
this is such a cute request!!!! Argh!!!!
clark kent/superman x gn!reader. fluff, brief danger but r is okay. superman flirting with you but he's dating you? he's just a goober. i lub him <3 PLEASE feel free to imagine maws!clark. I feel like this is very himcore 🥰
Being a florist in Metropolis is good work. Lots of people still buy flowers, which is great. Many actually buy bouquets for Superman and leave them on display as support. Poppies, yellow tulips, and cornflowers. They're one of your favorite arrangements.
The downside to being a florist in Metropolis, however, is that on occasion, your flower display ends up the target of a killer robot.
You're not sure why that is. Mostly, you wish people would stop building killer robots.
You've gone outside to see what the commotion is about when you're grabbed by a metal claw. It squeezes hard, almost cutting off your air. You squirm in terror as the robot stomps down Main Street, crushing cars and asphalt in its wake.
"Help!" you scream when you catch your breath, and the robot squeezes you harder.
A dizzying blur of red, yellow, and blue zips past you. You think of your flowers.
The blur cuts through the metal like nothing. The robot begins to collapse, twitching and groaning. Its metal creaks, grip loosening on your body.
You hardly fall before Superman is there, cradling you to his chest.
"I've got you," he says, tucking you close.
You look up at him, and he beams at you, like saving you from a killer robot has been the best part of his day.
Come to think of it, Superman came to your aid surprisingly fast, even for him.
And he holds you... intimately. Like you've known him for years. Your heart picks up.
"Uh," he says, cheeks flushed. "Are–are you okay?"
You smile politely, arms around his neck. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Superman."
He nods, flying down the street. "Good. I'll get you back to your shop and clean up the flowers."
You tilt your head. "How do you know I'm a florist?"
Superman looks at you, blue eyes wide.
"Oh! I... uh, I've seen your arrangements all over the city. They're beautiful. I'd never forget that they belong to an equally beautiful face."
Goodness. If Superman is this forward with everyone he rescues, it's no wonder your flower arrangements are in high demand.
"I'm flattered," you begin, and Superman once again aims that grin with the power of a thousand suns at you. "But, respectfully, I'm very happily taken, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep this rescue professional."
Superman raises an eyebrow. To your surprise, he smiles wider.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't realize you were taken. My sincerest apologies. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"No, it's alright. I'm honored, but you couldn't pull me away from my boyfriend even with your super strength."
Superman's cheeks turn pinker. He sets you down in front of your store with the utmost care, not letting go until you have your bearings. He takes a step back, rubbing his neck. The gesture makes your brain itch. You don't know why.
"Well, uh, he must've done something right if he's lucky enough to be with you."
"Luck has nothing to do with it," you say fiercely. You don't know why you're so indignant about defending Clark's reputation to Superman. It's not like Clark will ever hear about it.
"Not at all. He's an incredible person, kind and smart and loving, and if anyone's lucky, it's me."
Superman makes an aborted gesture to take your hand, then redirects and awkwardly pats your arm instead. You squint at him. He quickly moves away.
"Ah. Sorry. Well, I doubt that. I bet you're equally spectacular."
"Oh. Thank you."
You primly take his hand and give it a good shake. Superman bows his head and laughs.
He takes a step back, eyes bright like you've just made his day.
"Well, I wish you the best with your boyfriend. I'm sorry for being so forward. I've seen your Superman bouquets; your reputation precedes you. I make it a point to know reputed people in Metropolis."
"I can't imagine I'm very high on that list," you say.
"Ah, you'd be surprised. Besides, I never forget a face."
Superman darts behind you and moves at neckbreaking speed to clean up your partially maimed flowers. In three seconds, it's returned to its former glory.
"Well, uh, I'll be seeing you," Superman says, hands clasped behind his back. "I mean, I hope not in a circumstance like this! Th-then again, when else would we see each other? Scratch that, I hope there's no reason for us to cross paths because that would mean you're in danger. Uh, but I don't mean that in a bad way! I just—"
You snort and reach over to take a yellow tulip from your display. You give it to Superman, who takes it like you've just handed him a newborn baby.
"I'm still taken," you say. "But you're very sweet, Superman. Take care, alright?"
"Yeah," he says, tucking the tulip into the strap of his cape. "Yes, you too. Goodbye!"
He soars away, the tulip like a star on his cape.
Superman is handsome and kind, no doubt. But he's certainly no Clark Kent.
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lillyrob · 14 days
Actual footage of me patently waiting for my favorite author to upload😫😫😫
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ghosty-scribblings · 24 days
Okay I am just gonna throw something out because I got to thinking about and what is this blog for if not to yell into the void?
Danny gets hired as a janitor at the Daily Planet. It's just a job, something to make money and not clash schedules with his Metopolis Community College classes. But while working there he meets this reporter who is definitely also not fully human.
Does danny care? Nah. Not causing problems. None of his business. Not his circus not his monkeys.
But imagine the hijinks.
Clark? Initially confused but also glad at meeting someone so chill? One story about the ecto-weenies later and he has to know more. Let these two goobers bond over "what is my life" and "ya got a little not normal right there." This Danny guy is just a chill civilian friend he doesn't have to hide from.
And Danny? Staying-in-his-lane and sleep-deprived-college-studenting so hard he doesn't even realize his fellow not-baseline-human friend is Superman. Clark is just his friend who is also trying to be Normal.
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riceballoon · 1 year
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Industriousness embodied
she is my favorite statue too!
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drewsephrry · 6 months
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everybody moved on, help im still at the restaurant
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taurasiluvr · 3 months
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how you can help palestine
★ req. "jealous/protective cc smut 🤧 if ur open to it..... thank you...... absolutely love your fics ☹️"
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. smut with a little plot, edging, jealousy sex, oral (r. giving), fingering (r. receiving), a little rough but of course some aftercare in the end.
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"so what?" the words came out of your mouth before you could even process them ─ you were so pissed, you couldn't even think straight but you knew you fucked up once you'd seen caitlin's expression.
"so what?" she repeated, her face getting red with anger. "i told you i don't fuck with that guy and now you wanna hang out with him?"
you scoffed, looking back at your girlfriend with exasperation. "caitlin, we are hanging out in a group setting!"
"i don't give a flying fuck if there's a million people around, you are out of your mind if you think i'm letting you do that!" caitlin ran her hand through her hair, her frustration turning into anger really quickly.
"letting me? since when do you get to decide who i hang out with?" you shot back, your own anger flaring up.
caitlin's eyes narrowed, her jaw set in a hard line. "since you started choosing to hang out with someone who disrespects our relationship. do you even get how that makes me feel?"
you took a step closer, trying to keep your voice steady. "it's not like that, caitlin. he's just a part of the group, and avoiding him would be more awkward for everyone."
caitlin scoffed before she glared down at you, shaking her head. "if you wanna go to this party, i'm coming with you."
"fine," you huffed as you glared back up at her.
"fine." she spot back, looking at you expectantly. "go ahead," she gestured toward the door, grabbing her bag as you sighed dramatically.
now, if you knew what she had in mind when she'd suggested this, you weren't sure you would have left the house. after the guy had inevitably touched you the wrong way, caitlin had grabbed you and pulled you into the bathroom.
before you knew it, she had you bent over the sink as fucked into you harshly with her fingers. caitlin stood behind you, her hand over your mouth as she watched your every expression through the glass.
caitlin’s grip tightened as she fucked into you harder with her fingers, each thrust sending waves of pleasure and pain through your body. her breath was hot against your ear, her eyes locked on yours in the mirror.
“you think you can just let him touch you like that?” she growled, her voice low and dangerous. “you’re mine, in case you needed a reminder.”
you moaned against her hand, the sound muffled but filled with desperation. the intensity of her touch, the possessiveness in her voice, it all made you ache with a need you couldn’t control.
caitlin’s other hand gripped your hip, holding you steady as she continued to thrust her fingers deep inside you. “look at you,” she demanded, her eyes blazing. “look at how you’re falling apart for me, just my fucking fingers.”
you forced your eyes to focus on the mirror, the sight of your flushed face and caitlin’s determined expression sending a shiver down your spine. she added another finger, stretching you further, making you gasp against her palm.
“you feel that?” she whispered, her lips brushing your ear. “you think he could fuck you like this? fuck, no.”
you nodded frantically, your body trembling as she pushed you closer to the edge. the pressure building inside you was almost unbearable, and you knew you were close.
“caitlin, please,” you begged, your voice barely audible against her hand. “i needa—”
she cut you off with a rough thrust, her fingers curling inside you, hitting that perfect spot. “you’ll cum when i say you can come,” she hissed, her eyes dark with lust and anger.
you whimpered, your legs shaking as you tried to hold on, your body on the brink of release. caitlin watched you intently, her grip on your mouth loosening just enough for you to breathe.
“say it,” she ordered, her voice soft but commanding. “say you’re mine.”
“’m yours,” you gasped, your body arching against her fingers. “only yours.”
a satisfied smile spread across her face as she increased her pace, her fingers moving faster and harder. “good girl,” she murmured. however, before you knew it, her fingers slipped out of you as you gasped.
oh no, was she really gonna do what you think she is?
“pull your pants up. you think i'm gonna let you cum after acting the way you did, at home?” she ordered, her voice cold and commanding.
you stared at her in disbelief, your body still trembling with unfulfilled desire. “wait cait, please,” you pleaded, your voice shaky. “’m sorry.”
“sorry isn’t enough,” she replied sharply. “you thought i was being dramatic, that i had no right to suspect that fucking loser, of wanting you.”
you bit your lip, your mind racing as you pulled your shorts back up, the friction against your sensitive skin almost unbearable. caitlin watched you, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and lust, her stance firm.
she stepped closer, her hand gripping your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes. “you’re going to follow me home, and once we get there, you’re going to do exactly what i say. got it?”
you nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “yes, cait,” you whispered, feeling a mix of fear and excitement at her words.
without another word, she turned and headed out of the bathroom, leaving you to follow her. the drive home was tense, the silence in the car heavy with anticipation. when you finally arrived, caitlin wasted no time leading you inside, her grip on your wrist firm but not painful.
as soon as the door closed behind you, she pushed you against it, her lips crashing down on yours in a fierce, possessive kiss. you moaned into her mouth, your body responding eagerly despite the lingering frustration.
she pulled back, her eyes blazing with determination. “bedroom. now,” she commanded.
you hurried to obey, your legs shaking as you made your way to the bedroom. caitlin followed close behind, her presence a constant reminder of who was in control.
once inside, she motioned for you to sit on the edge of the bed. You did as you were told, watching her with wide eyes as she slowly removed her own clothes, her movements deliberate and teasing.
when she was finally naked, she walked over to you, her hands gently pushing you to lie back on the bed. she climbed on top of you, straddling your hips, her wet heat pressing against your still-clothed body.
“you wanna cum?” she asked, her voice soft but firm. “gonna to have to earn it if you want it so bad.”
you nodded frantically, your hands gripping the sheets beneath you. “please, cait. i’ll do anything.”
she smirked, her hands sliding under your shirt, pushing it up to expose your breasts. “anything, hm?” she murmured, her fingers pinching your nipples, making you gasp.
“y-yes,” you moaned, arching into her touch. “anything.”
“good,” she said, leaning down to capture one of your nipples in her mouth, her tongue flicking over the sensitive bud. you cried out, your body writhing beneath her, desperate for more.
after a few torturous moments, she pulled back, her hands moving to unbutton your pants. she slid them down your legs, leaving you bare and exposed beneath her. “now, you’re going to show me just how sorry you are,” she said, her eyes dark with promise.
she shifted, positioning herself so that her wetness was just inches from your mouth. “make me feel good,” she commanded, her voice low and throaty.
you didn’t hesitate, your hands gripping her thighs as you pulled her closer, your tongue darting out to taste her. she moaned softly, her hands tangling in your hair as you licked and sucked, eager to please her.
caitlin’s moans grew louder, her hips grinding against your mouth as she chased her own pleasure. you could feel the tension in her body, her muscles tightening as she neared her climax.
“don’t stop,” she panted, her voice breathless. “i’m so close.”
you redoubled your efforts, your tongue swirling and flicking over her clit, driving her closer and closer to the edge. with a final cry, she came hard, her body shuddering above you as she rode out her orgasm.
when she finally came down, she moved off of you, her breath coming in heavy pants. she looked down at you, her eyes softening as she took in your flushed, eager expression.
“did well for me, baby,” she murmured, her hand gently caressing your cheek. “gonna make you feel so good.”
she moved between your legs, her fingers slipping back inside you, her touch firm and relentless. “cum for me,” she whispered, her voice soothing and commanding all at once.
this time, you didn’t hold back. with a few more strokes, you were coming hard around her fingers, your cries filling the room as you finally found your release.
“oh fu-fuck,” you cried out as you gripped the sheets beneath you, tears of pleasure rolling down your cheeks.
caitlin held you close, her fingers slowing but not stopping until you had ridden out every wave of pleasure. she pulled you into her arms, her lips pressing gentle kisses to your forehead.
“i love you,” she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. “and i’m here to make sure you never forget that.”
you snuggled into her embrace, feeling safe and loved. “i love you too, cait,” you murmured, your heart full. “always.”
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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