Rebel smiled and looked down at the ducks, "That's actually really sweet of you." He turned and looked out at the pier, "But now I'm here and my first question for you is...do you happen to like funnel cake?" 
At The Pier With a Peer || Rebel & Belle
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It might, but it might not. You'll just have to find out. 
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  Cool name. Does your name match your personality?
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Rebel walked onto the pier and looked around. It was beautiful, but a little warmer that he expected it to be. He pushed the bit of hair that fell into his face back as he stepped forward. From a distance, he could see Belle sitting on the docks. He grinned as he approached her. "Hello, miss," he said softly as he held his hand out to help her up. 
At The Pier With a Peer || Rebel & Belle
Belle wandered up to the pier, she stared at it in awe. But then again, almost everything awed her. She stared out into the ocean that seemed infinite. A fish wiggled itself by in the water, Belle leaned over the wooden barrier to see it. As she looked over, she caught the sight of ducklings waddling along the shoreline, quacking happily at their mother. Belle giggled at the cute little things. She looked through her bag and took out the bag of bread bits she brought along and threw some at the ducklings. 
Watching the ducklings peck away at the bread, Belle wondered about Rebel. He seemed nice, very nice indeed. She appreciated his tenacity, and he was obviously a very easy person to talk to. Throwing some more pieces at the ducklings, she stood there, content with her surroundings and waiting anxiously for Rebel’s presence. 
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And I'm Rebel.
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Only time will tell. I’m Paige.
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Those are my favorite jokes! Like, why did the boy throw his clock out the window? Because he wants to see time fly. 
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  I’m good with happy. I like making jokes that aren’t funny, ever. So if you can deal with the jokes I can definitely deal with the happiness.
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Me, either. I'll make sure we have fun.
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  Can’t wait…
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Well, I hope your feeling generous. 
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  You’re weird but cute. Maybe I’ll like you, we’ll see how I’m feeling.
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All I'm saying is I'm a fun person...
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You think so huh?
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Maybe I'll let you, but I'm warning you. I'm always really, really happy. 
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  I don’t know, I’ll have to test your theory out.
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I'm doing great. And you?
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  Ahh, I see. Well that’s good — I think. How’re you anyway?
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I'm sure he's feeling super lucky.
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  Oh don’t worry, I’m already sharing the germs with Dakota. He’s loving every second of it.
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Meet you there in 15 to 20?
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  Sounds like a plan.
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That's the best payment ever. I care for a sick girl and she pays me in the same sickness.
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  Thank you, I will pay you in coughs.
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About 99.9%. 
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  Y’sure ‘bout that, love?
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I'm almost at the pier. Meet me there and I'm sure we can figure something out. 
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  My, my, you’re eager, aren’t you? Alright, where are we going?
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Easy enough. One can of Campbell's chicken noodle coming right up.
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  Eh, it hurts to swallow so no hard crackers only soup!
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That's what I'm here for. Always the happy one. Hopefully it's contagious. 
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  We could always use some of that around here.
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