rebeldot · 8 years
Someone should talk to me about the episode >.<
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rebeldot · 8 years
I’m so happy with how the cluster ended up :) It warmed my heart
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rebeldot · 9 years
We’re sending Garnet. 
Be polite or she’ll leave you there.
callout post: me
that’s it I’m yelling.
get me off the ocean floor.
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rebeldot · 9 years
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“Well... I am very knowledgeable regarding the area called ‘Beach city’” she had a smug look on her face, the green gem adored praise.
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❝you don’t have to lie to yourself Peridot, its clear to say that you are understanding earth pretty well…❞
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rebeldot · 9 years
Picture this: The gems dancing to Motown
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rebeldot · 9 years
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“It’s something... I cant say that its Great or not... It’s interesting to say the least...” 
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just seeing Peridot this fascinated made the Rose let out a fit of giggles, it reminded a lot of herself when she first step foot on the plant. the pinkette did find this amusing more than a threat.
  ❝i see you have caught up being in the human world huh….it simply is great isn't it?❞
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rebeldot · 9 years
Peridot would nod "I'm still learning... But they are helping me understand... Pearl is trying to teach me to summon a weapon... But it doesn't make any sense to me... Everything here is backward... But... Its... Cool... That's what Steven would use to describe how I feel about Earth."
"I have been dwelling in the barn... Though when I first arrived I comendeered the bathroom..."
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this was very much like her gems she knew, the given information made her crack a smile to hear Peridot’s calculations about the others almost as if she actually cared about them. comrades and friends. this gem sure has consumed a lot of information about them and especially about the human activity as well.
❝my, my this is a handful…❞ she nervously chuckled
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rebeldot · 9 years
You can tell where anything is in that mass of rubbish? Future vision or not that seems like a feat...
I see… If I ever do indulge in sleep perhaps it would be wise to cover my gem with something. The inner depths of my mind are not something I think are ones that are particularly suitable for public viewing.
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rebeldot · 9 years
Join the crystal gems. With them you aren’t just another gem of your type. You are an individual, you have worth. 
I only learned you were stuck with Lapis after I  called Yellow Diamond… She didnt care about us. Only the cluster. 
If either of us want to survive we have to destroy it.
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rebeldot · 9 years
I see... If I ever do indulge in sleep perhaps it would be wise to cover my gem with something. The inner depths of my mind are not something I think are ones that are particularly suitable for public viewing.
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@rebeldot started following sapphireaglow
hello, Peridot
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rebeldot · 9 years
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Poly pearls are my favorite kind of pearls ♡
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rebeldot · 9 years
I only learned you were stuck with Lapis after I  called Yellow Diamond... She didnt care about us. Only the cluster. 
If either of us want to survive we have to destroy it.
I called Yellow Diamond a Clod and refused to follow orders. I’m a Crystal gem now.
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rebeldot · 9 years
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“I don’t really know how Steven works... but he has a big Pink lion and sings a lot. Not as much as Pearl though... But she sings while crying sometimes. Shes very interesting... Strong and intelligent.” she thought aloud 
“Amethyst emerged about 500 years too late and is much smaller than she should be but that doesn’t stop her from doing anything a normal Amethyst can... Her room is a mess and she calls me a ‘Nerd’ but wont explain what it is... Garnet is like Percy and Pierre from Camp pining hearts... We tried to fuse once but I got nervous and we stopped before it happened...” what was she to say? She was still learning.
“U-Uhm... Nobody on earth is safe right now... Theres a giant gem monster incubating in the earths core... We’re trying to build a drill to destroy it...” she felt bad about the cluster, and it was clear on her face.
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❝w-well, alright…please tell me everything you know about Steven and the Crystal Gems, i just want to know if they are safe.❞
trusting Peridot was rather strange but she knew what was going on in this world more than she has, it was worth a shot. the pinkette removed her hands from her gem and held them together for reassurance.
❝i’m putting my trust in you Peridot….❞
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rebeldot · 9 years
I called Yellow Diamond a Clod and refused to follow orders. I’m a Crystal gem now.
ok so tell me how you turned out to like the Steven.
Now I’m curious.
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rebeldot · 9 years
He has taught me several things and shown me... kindness that i have never experienced.  I have also befriended Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. They are all fine gems...
Also... I can no longer return to homeworld. 
ok so tell me how you turned out to like the Steven.
Now I’m curious.
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rebeldot · 9 years
“What is a stupid?”
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rebeldot · 9 years
I see... I should learn earth terms... 
Steven told me that pearl projects... “Dreams” while she sleeps... I wonder if I would have the same sort of result considering we are similar in that we have gems in the same place, both are intilectual gems, and both are able to create holograms...
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@rebeldot started following sapphireaglow
hello, Peridot
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