rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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☘️ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! ☘️
For the many years I spent as an Irish dancer, this was one of the best and busiest weeks of the year. Back to back performances all over the city and of course, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown! Today I’m listening to Irish trad music and remembering all the good times with my dance sisters. Maybe I’ll even pull out my hard shoes and try to remember a step or two 💚
🧵: Macy from JediOKC
📸: Stephen Folmar
Check out my Patreon for the full 49-picture photoshoot!
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rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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Today, we celebrate women all over the galaxy. We have faced so much, and we still have so far to go, but we are strong. We are powerful. We have important things to say. We are changing the world. They may put us in chains, take away our outward power, and do unspeakable things to us, but they will never take away our worth, our inner dignity, the power of who we are. We will keep fighting for the right to fully be, for agency, for freedom, for healing, for justice, for equality. We are Huttslayers, all of us. We have fire in our blood, sandstorms in our eyes. We are a force to be reckoned with. We will not stop until we stand in victory, our chains broken, truly and wholly free.
Happy International Women’s Day.
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rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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✨ “My parents. My friends. My world. These are the things the Empire can never take away.” ✨
- Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray
Did anyone else’s heart break into a thousand tiny pieces when reading those words? Mine sure did. I’ve been sharing a lot of @claudia_gray quotes with my photos lately, so I figured why not continue that theme with this shot based on the cover of Leia: Princess of Alderaan (swipe for the full Aldera skyline). L:POA and Bloodline are my favorite Star Wars books—I absolutely adore how Claudia Gray writes my favorite character! She gets Leia so well 😭💙
What are your favorite Star Wars books?
📸: Stephen Folmar
Edit by me
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rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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✨”...And friendship, and love.” Leia knew that Luke’s selflessness in coming for her on the Death Star, and Han’s unspoken devotion in saving her on Hoth, had not only kept her alive but also changed the entire course of the galaxy for the better. “Those things matter, too, maybe more than all the rest.” ✨
- Bloodline by Claudia Gray
It’s been way too long since my last Bespin edit so I finally made a new one for you all! I adore the above quote, and I think it fits really well with Leia’s ESB journey and this part of the movie in particular, when it’s her turn to go after the people she loves. 💜
📸: Stephen Folmar
Edit by me
Background from ESB
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rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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I have some more edits and photoshoot pics on the way, but for now here’s a throwback to the troop I did with JediOKC, the 501st and Rebel Legion for one of the local opening nights of Solo! Featuring our very own @okcr2 💙
📸: SquirrellyJedi Photography
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rebelhopecosplay · 4 years
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✨ “I finally quit apologizing for it.... For being something different. For being strong. Strength is a style. But this happens in acting a lot. If you pretend something over and over, sometimes it comes true.” ✨
- Carrie Fisher
Costume: Macy from JediOKC
📸: Stephen Folmar
Check out my Patreon for the full 49-picture photoshoot!
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨ “Alderaan had any number of traditions about braids, about who wore them, and when, and why. The customs varied from continent to continent, age to age. But always, one of the most profoundly intimate acts was to allow someone else to take the braids down.” ✨
- Leia: Princess of Alderaan, by Claudia Gray
Y’all, I adore this fanon-turned-canon about Alderaanian hair traditions. I imagine even aside from someone else taking your hair down, the simple act of wearing it down conveys a certain comfort, vulnerability, and happiness, being around people you love.
Anyway, it’s a poor excuse for a photoshoot, but I went ahead and edited one of my hair down selfies. You know Leia must have eventually worn her hair down on the Falcon 💙
P.S. I‘ll bet you 1000 credits I know who took it down 😉
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨”Thrilling, isn’t it? At large in the universe, living by our wits.” ✨
- Princess Leia comic
I’m sure Leia ran secret missions on other wooded planets besides Endor, right? 😉 I released this pic of my Comic Book Leia on my Patreon a couple of months ago, and now I’m excited to finally share it with all of you! This was originally taken at that awesome Endor set at Celebration Chicago. I photoshopped in a different background and learned a lot while doing it! It’s not perfect but I’m really happy with how it turned out 😊
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨ “Somehow, I’ve always known. ✨
🧵: Macy from JediOKC
📸: Stephen Folmar
Check out my Patreon for the full 49-picture photoshoot!
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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- Emperor Palpatine
AU in which Leia conquers and takes the throne! 💪
In all seriousness, do you think Leia was ever tempted towards the Dark Side? I certainly do, no matter what that one meme that’s been going around forever says. To me, true strength comes from not only facing down and overcoming the darkness outside you but also inside you, too. I think there’s plenty of evidence that Leia has her own darkness she struggles against. She’s certainly had to deal with more pain and loss than almost anyone could bear—how hard would it be to not give into anger and despair in such circumstances! Besides, this is “I would burn down the whole galaxy if I thought it was right” Leia, after all.
But in the end, she holds tight to the light despite everything she’s been through, and that speaks volumes more to me about her character than any perfect ideal could ever do. That’s part of why she’s such an embodiment of resistance and hope: not because she’s perfect, but because she struggles and overcomes.
But that’s just me; what do you think? 🧐
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨”Travel the stars with me, and together we will reclaim every last orphan of Alderaan.” ✨
- Princess Leia Comic
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! I’m super excited to announce that I got to be a guest on an episode of the awesome Star Wars Comics Daily podcast! Check out episode 52 on Princess Leia #1, released today! Join us for a great discussion of the first issue of the Princess Leia comic, an interview with me about my cosplay, plus a dive into such topics as Leia’s portrayal as an “ice princess,” what traits Leia and Luke inherited from Anakin and Padmé, and whether or not Leia is a hugger. Oh, and also some good-natured Luke-roasting (don’t be deceived; I wholeheartedly love him!) and Jan Dodonna-roasting (...he deserves it). 😆
Thanks so much to Star Wars Comics Daily for having me; it was such a great time!
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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Cosplay glow-up! ✨
On the left is my first Hoth costume from January 2017. I wore it to the downtown ice skating rink for their Star Wars day and it just happened to have snowed that day! While there, I connected with JediOKC, who were trooping at the event. I consider this the day that I truly got hooked into cosplay—I joined JediOKC and never looked back!
On the right, I’m wearing my new Hoth Leia costume that I’m working towards getting approved with the Rebel Legion! I’ve learned a lot since that day in 2017 and I’m really proud of how far I’ve come with my hair, makeup, and sewing skills. I can’t wait to see what the next three years bring!
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨”The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ✨
- John 1:5
Today is the first day of the New Year, and we are steadily approaching Epiphany, when certain Christian traditions celebrate the coming of the Magi.
This Christmas season has been a hard one for me. Personal grief, trauma, and health issues have hounded me, and sometimes the darkness feels overwhelming. I’ve been simultaneously scared to face the new year and what further darkness may lie ahead, and relieved, thankful that this past year is over and hopeful that there will be more light ahead.
This verse has been a sort of mantra for me lately. I have only to look at the story of Star Wars and Leia’s story in particular to remember that it’s true. No matter how dark things seemed, no matter how much suffering she went through personally, no matter what despair she may have felt at the moment, the darkness did not ultimately overcome her. Nor will it overcome me. I choose the light. Like Leia, I choose hope. And I will never stop fighting for it.
As the Magi followed the light of the star that led them to the source of truth, beauty, and joy, so do I seek out the light and the source, knowing that my hope is not in vain, for the Light is seeking me, too—and, in fact, is already with me, whether, like Rey, I hear its voice at the moment or not.
Sending my love and prayers to all those who are feeling the weight of darkness right now. You are seen and you are loved.
None of us faces the darkness alone. And in the end, the light will be victorious. 💙✨
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨”We are Alderaan. We answer rage with wisdom. We answer fear with imagination. We answer war with hope. We are, each of us, important. Alderaan survives.” ✨
- Marvel Princess Leia Comic
My sister-in-law and mother-in-law teamed up on my Christmas present and commissioned this amazing art of me in my Comic Book Leia! I can’t get over how incredible it looks!! 😱😭😍
Artist: BugDrawsStuff on Etsy
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, dear friends! May it be filled with joy and light ❤️✨
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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Went back on Saturday to troop with the Rebel and 501st Legions again for the evening! I wore my new Hoth Leia, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Snagged a ticket afterward to see TROS and it was every bit as amazing the second time around 💙
First and last photos thanks to Sam Pena, middle selfie thanks to Kenya K. Brown
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rebelhopecosplay · 5 years
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✨No spoilers ✨
Got to troop with the Rebel Legion and see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker for the first time last night. There are no words. It was everything I hoped it would be and so much more. It made me feel like a little kid again seeing Star Wars for the first time. I’ll be trooping and seeing it again tomorrow night and I can’t wait!!
FYI: I will keep this account spoiler free at least until the new year for the sake of those who aren’t able to see it yet!
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