rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
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//skrees into the sunset
[-loud skreeing noises and Prishe just looking confused-]
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//thinks we’re playing a game and skrees with you
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
Squall's rare smile is radiant on its own, but Rinoa admits to his pout being adorable, as well--which is a treat for her, given that he unknowingly does it ten out of ten times they see each other. He has closed himself off so often, missed out on so much, that she can't help but want to show him lots of things, break the wall he built around himself. It's selfish of her, but she soon finds out that he has the strength to do those things on his own.
Unlike him, her brown eyes haven't strayed from his. She's spent the last few minutes wondering if his eyes were some shade of gray that bordered on blue. He looks away often enough that it's hard to decide, but at the same time she's looked into those orb-like things long enough to think they're constantly changing, as if being hypnotized, pulled in.
Strange, isn't it?
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"It's supposed to be easy, silly. It only takes a few muscles to smile," says she, eyes crinkling as her own smile widens. "Why don't you try? For me?"
A girl can dream, can't she? 
         { ♞ }— He refuses to prove her right by allowing his brows to furrow any further, let alone any other body movement that might be used against him in a debate, however involuntary it might be. He does not like being so transparent; he does not like others being able to read him when he cannot even comprehend himself. Perhaps that is why he is so defiant, so insistent on donning the cool demeanor he has utilized so well in years past.
         "Good." The subject is dropped, along with his gaze. Was he really … ‘pouty’?
         So stuck on the subject of her declaration is the SeeD that he does not notice when she mimics his expression, effectively allowing for a radiant grin to grace her lips. A request that he cannot fulfill, brown locks swaying as he shakes his head.
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         "That’s not fair," says he, inquisitive hues taking a mental snapshot of her teeth bearing smile. "You make it look easy."
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
[-loud skreeing noises and Prishe just looking confused-]
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//thinks we're playing a game and skrees with you
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
The hand on her head felt extremely warm, like the touch of a mother she once sought. Rinoa didn't hold back when she smiled.
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"Stories? Oh, same old, same old. Doing what I can for Timber. It's hard, but it's going. Turning an old resistance faction into a relief organization is no joke, after all." Although with the company she kept, most people would think otherwise, much to her dismay. "I've been doing a little reflecting... and figured... there's no use worrying about stuff I can't control, y'know?"
Rinoa  stepped back to look at Lulu's face. "What about you? How's... Yuna, was it?"
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There was a brief moment when Rinoa threw herself at the Mage where mild surprise crossed her features. But that expression soon faded as she returned the embrace, her hand reaching for the younger woman’s head so that she may stroke it affectionately, much like she would do with Yuna.
"I’m fine, I have no complaints. Though I am almost certain you have more than a few tales to tell? Come, let us sit and drink tea so that you may tell me of it all."
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
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Rinoa couldn't fight off the temptation any longer--she had lunged forward, and squealed while pulling Lulu into a tight hug, as she was wont to do with her friends. She wanted to try playing it cool, but for her that was impossible.
"Forever! It's been forever! I'm happy to see a familiar face," she said, grinning. "How are you?"
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That was a voice she had not heard in the longest time, but she would never forget her dear friend. “I’m glad to see some things have not changed.”
The smile was returned. “It has been too long, Rinoa.”
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
Let's Talk About Seifer Almasy
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     One of the things that bothers me the most about Final Fantasy VIII is how the characters in the game treat and view Seifer at the beginning of the game.  I feel that they did him wrong and it really is criminal because, plain and simple, Seifer is not a bad kid.  This is shown throughout the interactions with and scenes about him.
     Seifer is flawed.  He’s flawed just like any other person, real and fictional.  This is also what makes him so realistic and just like others in that respect, too.  Seifer is rather simple in that he idolizes characters in films, has big dreams, loves and is loved by others and seeks approval from those that don’t.
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
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"Hope you don't mind coffee with an old friend. Well--you'll be drinking the coffee. I can't stand bitter things."
She grinned. "Hi."
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"I don’t often say this, but I am in dire need of some coffee."
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
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"A radio signal?"
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
"Riiiight, but the little wrinkle between your eyebrows says otherwise." Rinoa giggles almost immediately, louder than intended, for his earlier response was so predictable--so... like him. Squall might have changed, but old habits are still very hard to break, it seems. 
Even when he folds his arms and hardens his gaze, quite adamant in convincing her it was a lion (which she already knows, of course) Rinoa doesn't falter. "You made that clear. I won't forget."
"So stop looking like this," she knits her brows into an exaggerated frown. 
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"--and start looking like this, please?" Then the smile pushes her cheeks upwards, which adds a brilliant shine to her eyes.
         { ♞ }— Digits soon release the prized possession, hues watching with interest as it falls back against her skin. Such words leave him with what others would describe as a permanent frown etched across thin lips, head canting in response as hands are returned to his sides. He’s quite certain that he is anything but what she declares, but he disputes it anyway.
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         ”I’m not ‘pouty’.” He says, though something in the back of his mind tells him that he’s not helping his own argument. An internal sigh, and arms are now crossed over his torso, cerulean oculars cast at the Princess.
         ” — -Lion,” speaks he, quietly. “It’s a lion.”
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rebelliousxprincess · 10 years
{ ♞ }— He leans forward without much warning, gloved digits grasping at the treasured ring he'd left her in charge of. "I see you've been taking care of it."
She jumps lightly at the sudden presence, a little flustered by who it was rather than the hand grasping the chains around her neck. Had it been another person, the act would be intruding—rude, even.
But this is Squall.
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—and Squall is special.
"How could I not? I don’t need you getting all pouty on me." One he so kindly lent to her when she selfishly wanted to hold on to something of his. A person who rarely shows any form of attachment towards anything lends her his favorite ring. "Besides, it’s your super important ring. Of course I’ll take care of it!"
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
Her gaze, laced with mischief, remains locked on his even as she treads along the marbled floor, heels bouncing noisily and silencing only when she's a foot away from the enigmatic male. It might do him good to smile a little; the night being quite young and nice--perfect for mingling dance steps together with someone, even if that someone is a complete stranger. Hey, it's a party, after all. And who would pass up the opportunity to dance with a handsome guy like him, anyway?
--With that in mind, the raven-haired girl leans forward with one hand cradling an elbow, the other resting on her chin, hoping to get a better look at the person who had witnessed the same falling star with her just a few moments ago. The words rolling off her tongue then voice out her thoughts with total honesty.
"You're the best-looking guy here," she says, unaware of how strong her abrupt greeting probably was, or it could be the complete opposite; she could be completely aware of it but is so thick-skinned to actually care. A straight-shooter. A  devastating hurricane, as Zone and Watts would describe her. They were most-likely accurate, despite her not wanting to accept it.
Rinoa pulls back and rests both hands on her waist, canting her head slightly with hopes that he'll succumb to her 'charms' right then and there without a second thought, but he seems like a challenge.
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"Dance with me?"
Waltz For The Moon || taciternxdisaster
{♞}—It’d been a long day.
Of course, it had been worth it in the end, the soldier leaning against a nearby wall in his formal attire, calloused digits grasping a tall glass taken from an azure vested waitress as he watched couples twirling around like marionettes pulled by a string. An indifferent expression remained etched onto his face as he brought the drink to his lips, taking a few sips here and there without much thought. The energetic male named Zell had approached him first, only to be given the almost automatic silent treatment by the brunette, and then by the same girl he had shown around the Garden not too long ago. Why he’d agreed to be on the Festival Committee was beyond him. Perhaps he’d just wanted to silence her.
A mental sigh is heaved as cerulean irises gaze towards the night sky, a large, full moon catching his attention at first. The gunblade specialist blinks then, pausing slightly as a star trails along, leaving him to stare in wonder for the briefest of moments. It wasn’t often that one had the chance to see such an occurrence, and considering how distracted everyone else was with this ‘party’, it was very likely that only Squall had witnessed it. Glancing back down, he finds that Fate seems intent on proving him wrong. A woman in a white dress, standing alone in the middle of the dance floor returns her own gaze back downwards, then to him as though she’d sensed his observation.
It’s then that a smile graces her lips, and she extends a slender index finger to indicate they’d shared the same view, and in return, he cants his head, remaining perched in his spot.
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Why did it matter anyway?
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
He seemed a bit annoyed. Then again, that alone never stopped her from being the way she was.
Oh, goody. He agreed to show her around the castle. It had been one of her girlish fantasies once, to step into a palace dressed in a beautiful gown and one day meet her prince charming. But fate had a different story for her. The castle she managed to visit was that of Edea's. Not a pretty sight, and no happy endings occurred in that place. Rinoa turned out to be a sorceress, and instead of prince charming she met her knight. Although everything worked out in the end.
She nodded and followed suit after he gave the signal, eyes wandering all over the place in awe, contemplating on where the foyer could be. All castles had foyers, right? Or maybe not. She honestly had no idea.
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"This place is hu--uge!" Her voice echoed from across the room. "Look at that chandelier! It's like something out of a fantasy book. How do you manage to not get lost in here?"
Noctis took notice of the girl making fun of his name in a least than pleasing way.
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“…It’s just a nickname. Never mind.” However, when the next question arrived, he wasn’t sure how to answer. Should he just say straight and clear he is the prince? No, maybe, if he did, she wouldn’t treat him the same way… He preferred to keep such information to himself.
“…Either way, yes, I can show you around. Follow me.” Noctis went inside signaling for the girl to follow.
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
Waltz For The Moon || taciternxdisaster
Finally, she made it.
Balamb Garden never ceases to amaze with how vast it is compared to their measly little base in Timber. Rinoa Heartilly knows just as much as anyone that facilities and manpower are great factors in an operation's success. Too bad her resistance faction doesn't have either. However, that is why she's here, donned in a somewhat tight-fitting creamy white dress, skirt several inches above the knee, in the middle of Balamb's dance floor and without a partner.
The raven-haired girl has lost count with how many times a random couple had almost bumped into her during her 'secret mission.' She's beginning to think of herself as a nuisance, to be honest. 
Don't lose faith.
Then she casts her gaze heavenwards, towards the night sky, barely catching a falling star as it faded deep into a beautiful ebony sea. The moment she looks away, she meets a pair of steel hues, which seem to have caught the same star that fell just a few moments ago. His hair has the most beautiful shade of auburn, the scar being no hindrance in showing off how aesthetically pleasing his facial features really are. When the smile reaches her lips, pushing cheeks up that deem her the happiest girl in the Garden, a slender finger pointing to the sky to further emphasize the brief connection felt towards this man, she comes to a sudden realization:
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I just found myself a dance partner.
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
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rebelliousxprincess · 12 years
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Final Fantasy VIII TV Tropes    »Rinoa Heartilly
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