rebuildhq · 6 years
Hello everyone!
It’s so hard for us to write this, but unfortunately, due to time constraints and the group growing to become a size we have difficulty managing, Rebuild is going to be closing down. We have absolutely loved writing with you all, but no longer feel we have the time and creativity to dedicate to this group which is extremely unfair to the people who have put forth so much effort and talent.
We truly have loved this experience and we’re sorry to have to do this. If any of you would like to continue threads, you’re free to do so and we would love to see them.
Thanks so much,
Rebuild Admins
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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The following roles/FCs are open for application. Please UNFOLLOW these accounts:
T’Challa Udaku (Black Panther) | Chadwick Boseman FC
Ororo Munroe (Storm) | Aja Naomi King FC
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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The following roles are close to being unfollowed. Please resume activity within 24 hours or contact the main!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Please follow Cassandra!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Due to no account being sent in, the following roles/FCs are open:
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) | Malese Jow FC
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Malese Jow || Cassandra Cain || Batgirl || Batfam || Identity: Secret || 22 || Female || Gotham || Student || Unregistered || Unlisted || PLAYED BY LUNA
Cassandra Cain was born to be a killer. Her father, David Cain, a member of the League of Assassins, sought out a woman to help him create the perfect bodyguard for Ra’s Al Ghul. He found her in Detroit martial artist Sandra Wu-San, and after reaching an agreement where David would be allowed to keep and train her, Cassandra was born.
Deprived of speech as an infant onward, physicality became her first language. She could intuitively read people’s movements and intentions, gaining the ability to predict their next movement. This skill allowed her to excel in martial arts, and when she was eight, her father put her skills to the test. Thinking it was a game, Cassandra complied in killing the man her father told her, but as she saw the life leave the man’s eyes, and felt it herself through her body language reading, she realized the horrible truth of what she’d done and ran.
Drifting for the next nine years of her life brought her to Gotham in the midst of chaos, and eventually to Oracle. Cassandra couldn’t speak, or read, or write, but she could fight, and wanted to do good no matter the cost. She acted as an agent, and gradually was adopted into the Batfamily. Cassandra Cain became the second Batgirl. She’s served the symbol and her adoptive family loyally over the years, and, through an encounter with a psychic, gained the ability to understand language. This cost her deeply, though, and she lost her intuitive body sense in exchange. As a result, her fighting skill suffered greatly. Distraught by the loss, Cass embarked on the arduous task of relearning to fight. Her sorrow made her reckless, and after a fight with a mysterious assassin, chose to follow them to learn why she had been spared.
The assassin was Lady Shiva, Sandra Wu-San remade, who spared her daughter upon finding she was no challenge in a fight. After learning why, she offered to retrain Cass on the condition that in a year, they fight to the death. Desperate for her skill back and valuing perfection over longevity, Cassandra agreed. The perilous training improved her fighting immensely, but in a year it proved to still not be enough. Lady Shiva killed her with a targeted strike to the heart. But- in exchange for a rematch, resurrected Cassandra back to life. Traveling with her family led her to New York, where she’s attempting to improve her language and computer skills with the slow trudge of college courses. Through the Accords and the Skrulls and Battleworld, Cassandra has never stopped being Batgirl, never stopped striving for perfection, never stopped protecting the innocent, and never wavered in her loyalty to the Bat.
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) | Malese Jow FC | played by Luna!
Please send in your account within 24 hours! Welcome to the RP!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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The following roles/FCs are open for application. Please UNFOLLOW these accounts:
Laura Kinney (Wolverine) | Zoe Kravitz FC
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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The following roles/FCs are reservered for the next 48 hours!
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) | Malese Jow FC | Luna
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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The following roles are close to being unfollowed. Please resume activity within 24 hours or contact the main!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Santiago Segura || Robbie Reyes || Ghost Rider || N/A || Identity: Not common knowledge || 23 || Male || Los Angeles, CA  || Mechanic || Unregistered || Unlisted || PLAYED BY KYLIE
Robbie Reyes had only ever had one option—survival. The streets of Los Angeles were unforgiving, and it was all too easy to fall in with the wrong people if you weren’t careful—or if you ran out of choices. Robbie was careful; he was a teenager fighting tooth and nail to keep custody of his developmentally challenged younger brother, to eventually get them somewhere safer. He was gifted with cars, and had a steady job at an auto shop–but when Gabe’s wheelchair was stolen it quickly became apparent that it still wasn’t enough. He needed money and he needed it fast, and there were fast ways to get it—ways that involved Robbie falling in with some of those wrong kinds of people.
He stole the car from the shop with ease, a slick 1969 Charger that was nearly guaranteed to win Robbie the street race—and it would have, had it not been for the drugs in the trunk, or mercenaries who wanted them. Robbie was gunned down and left for dead, until he wasn’t anymore. He was brought back to life by the spirit bound to the car he had stolen, which engulfed the car in flames and transformed Robbie into a being with a flaming skull. It later introduced itself as Eli Morrow, and made a deal to help Robbie clean up his neighborhood in exchange for Robbie avenging his death at the hands of gang members.
The Ghost Rider became a local hero, but Robbie later discovered that the spirit that had bound itself to him was that of his estranged uncle Eli—a satanic serial killer who was living in the same house that Robbie and Gabe were currently living in when he was shot dead by police. With the help of the first Ghost Rider, Robbie was able to stop Eli from using his body to take vengeance on the people that he believed had wronged him during life and they were able to come to an agreement. Robbie would satiate Eli’s thirst for blood, but they would only kill people who had evil souls.
When the Skrulls invaded, Robbie’s first thought was what it always had been—that he needed to keep Gabe safe. The world had enough heroes, and Robbie had never signed up to be one of them, so he kept his head down and focused on taking care of the more human aspects of the invasion, people who thought that they could take advantage of panic and fear to do terrible things. He eventually gathered enough money to move himself and Gabe to a better place in New York—a place away from the memory of Eli’s crimes and the hardships they had both been through, a place that belonged just to the two of them.
Things were better than they had been in a long time, it didn’t feel like things were as tooth and nail and Robbie felt like he was in better control of Eli—but the peace wasn’t meant to last. The pressure to sign the accords and list his powers for President Doom began to mount, but Robbie wasn’t about to disclose the secrets of his agreement with Eli to anyone—and then Doom revealed that New York City had been moved to a pocket dimension. This time it wasn’t going to be so easy for the Ghost Rider to lay low, and besides—there are plenty of evil souls in need of disposing, before he gets to the ones at the top.
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rebuildhq · 6 years
Hello everybody! 
We have a couple of very exciting announcements on this beautiful Monday. 
Firstly, we’re absolutely ecstatic to announce that Lola will be helping us with adminning going into the future! She’s already been an amazing addition to the team.
Following that up, we have created a poll in order to allow you guys to help us choose our season 4 main plot. We have some awesome suggestions, but they will affect your characters deeply and we want everyone to feel comfortable writing the plots out! We’ll be giving everyone until Thursday at 5 PM PST in order to get their responses in. That way, you have time to contemplate your preferred main plot.
Please like this so we know that you’ve read everything and please thank Lola for helping us make Rebuild the best it can be for you guys!
Thanks so much everyone.
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Please follow Robbie!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider) | Santiago Segura FC | played by Kylie!
Please send in your account within 24 hours! Welcome to the RP!
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Please follow:
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Tessa Thompson || Brunnhilde || Valkyrie || N/A || Identity: Not common knowledge || a ripe young 1500+! || Female || Wrlstead Arms, Aesheim || Underground cage fighter || Unregistered || Unlisted || PLAYED BY DANICA
In the beginning, Brunnhilde was a human princess of Wristead Arms in the very early days of Earth’s society. She was a fine warrior, and when Odin of Asgard invaded with the intention of destroying Earth, Brunnhilde stood up to him. When her lover was slain in the battle, Brunnhilde refused to leave his body’s side, intent on ensuring that his soul was able to cross on to Valhalla in peace. Not even Odin could tear her from him, and her determination to ensure that her people’s souls were taken care of convinced the Allfather to give Earth and humanity a second chance, and to give Brunnhilde something more.
Odin was so impressed with Brunnhilde that he made her the leader of his army of Valkyrior, granting her a new life as an Asgardian. She was bestowed with great powers and great responsibilities, all of which she took in stride. She grew to love her fellow Valkyrie, becoming a family of sorts with those under her and even falling in love with one woman and entering into a relationship with her. For a time, she was happy. Her primary job was choosing slain warriors worthy of Valhalla and escorting them there, and the action always left her feeling accomplished.
The Valkyrior also acted as the primary force of warriors for Asgard, often times the only thing standing between the throne and certain death. This, too, Brunnhilde excelled at. Her skills as a warrior in her human life had been unmatched, and adding to them the new strength and abilities that came with the Asgardian physiology she’d been granted made her nearly unstoppable.
But despite her newfound power, Brunnhilde was not infallible. She was often reckless, rarely considered the consequences of her missions. When Odin sent her and her fellow Valkyrie on an impossible mission, Brunnhilde went in with the same unshakeable confidence she always carried, certain that her victory was inevitable. She was wrong.
Horrified, Brunnhilde realized midway through the battle that it was never one the Valkyrior had been meant to win. Odin had sent them to their deaths, and there seemed to be no way to escape it. In a last desperate attempt at victory and with most of her forces depleted, Brunnhilde charged the enemy on her own. She would have charged straight into her death had it not been for her lover leaping between Brunnhilde and the enemy, taking the sword meant for her and dying on the battlefield. Just like that, the battle was over. Brunnhilde, now the last surviving Valkyrie, found herself once again sat at a dead lover’s side with only Odin to blame.
Unable to return to Asgard and serve a king she now held only contempt for, Brunnhilde abandoned her post. Shedding her name and going only by Valkyrie, she let her fellow Asgardians believe she had perished in battle with the rest of the Valkyrior. She found a faraway planet and gained a position finding and recruiting skilled fighters for gladiator-style battles, and for a time, she was content drinking and forgetting all she had suffered. It was only ever a temporary solution, however. Eventually, she found herself on the wrong side of one of the planet’s most powerful men and fled, landing on the same planet where she’d been born millenia ago.
Earth, she found, was different now, but it seemed as good a place as any to remain out of Asgard’s watchful eye. The crown prince was said to visit the realm often, but MIdgard was large and, other than Asgard, it was the only home she’d ever known. It was as good a place as any to continue drinking her life away, and because no one was strong enough to threaten her, there was no real fear of being chased off-planet as she had been before.
She found that Earth was an easy place to disappear, gaining employment in an underground fighting ring. She even befriended one of the waitresses at the club where the fights were held, growing close with the woman. The city of New York was often in turmoil, but Valkyrie avoided it all, unwilling to continue fighting after all she’d lost.
Unfortunately, it was far easier said than done. When the Skrulls launched their invasion, Valkyrie spent most of the ordeal keeping to herself, fighting and drinking and avoiding the conflict entirely until she discovered that her friend, the club’s waitress, had been among those targeted by the Skrulls. Furious, Valkyrie sought to take out as many of the creatures as possible to gain vengeance for her friend’s suffering and restore her to the life the Skrulls had stolen by replacing her. She donned her old armor and carried her old sword into battle, fighting viciously against the aliens in the final showdown.
Unlike the last battle she’d fought, this one ended in a victory. For the first time since the death of her fellow Valkyrie, she felt something other than a sinking hopelessness in her gut, and it was impossible to deny that it was a good feeling.
Then, of course, the world changed all over again. Valkyrie found herself trapped and confined to a singular city, unable to wield her freedom in the way that had always been important to her. She was furious at the turn of events, feeling the hope that had sprung in her gut after the Skrull battle dissipate with the cruel new twist. Angry and confused, she went back to her club and continued her fighting and drinking.
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rebuildhq · 6 years
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Stella Maeve || Jessica Drew || Spider-Woman || Avenger || Identity: Not common knowledge || 30 || Female || London, United Kingdom || Private investigator/Avenger || Unregistered || Unlisted || PLAYED BY ALICIA
Born to famed geneticists and HYDRA agents, Miriam and Jonathan Drew, Jessica was raised in a research lab surrounded by uranium. The lab was tucked away in the mountains, safely hidden from society so Jonathan could conduct controversial experiments without concern. Jessica, still a child, was unaware of the strange things that her parents worked on and merely continued playing, learning and exploring the mountainside. Unfortunately, the peace did not last long and Jessica was soon poisoned by the uranium surrounding their makeshift home. Jonathan, an expert in cell repair and arachnids, injected his daughter with an untested serum containing various rare spiders’ blood.
Unfortunately, without an incubation period, the serum was useless. Miriam was opposed to the horrific experiment that her husband was testing on her daughter, but Jonathan was a stubborn and vicious man. Their arguments were intense regarding the matter, but Jessica, too young to understand, merely observed. Inevitably, HYDRA, invested in what one of their lead geneticist was working on, ‘removed’ her from the lab. Jonathan, free to do as he wished, sealed Jessica in a stasis pod that accelerated the serum. It worked slowly, but after several years, the serum took full effect and Jessica awoke a young adult woman.
Shocked and confused, Jessica expected her father to be nearby, but she was very, very wrong. The people she awoke to were high level agents of HYDRA, pleased to see that Jonathan’s Drew experiment was a success. Immediately, Jessica began her training in HYDRA, learning how to properly use her powers, learning several forms of martial arts and of course, espionage. HYDRA intended to mould Jessica into the perfect spy and assassin and naive, but Jessica rebelled naturally against HYDRA’s expectations. Rather than wear green as they instructed, she wore a red costume, though her small acts ultimately did little. Jessica was still an agent of HYDRA at the end of the day, going through with their assignments despite the revulsion.
Eventually, as Jessica learned more of the world, she realized that HYDRA were truly terrorists, forcing her on destructive missions and not the heroes that they had manipulated her into believing that they were. Knowing that she had been taken advantage of, Jessica dutifully accepted another mission from HYDRA, knowing that her escape would be easiest if away from the base. Luckily, the mission lead her into Amsterdam, a hit against a rival SHIELD agent, and Jessica, once safely away from the majority of HYDRA, attacked her handler. Ultimately, Jessica won the battle and boarded a train to London.
Free from the organization, Jessica began living her life as she saw fit, finally embracing freedom. She formed friendships, went on dates, found a somewhat steady job, but unfortunately, her luck quickly ran out when SHIELD approached her. Immediately, the agent made it abundantly clear that they were intimately aware of Jessica’s exploits with HYDRA and after some coaxing, explaining that she could do some good as an agent of SHIELD, Jessica agreed. Admittedly, a quiet life in London didn’t suit her and if she could right some of the wrongs she had done as an agent of HYDRA, Jessica was more than willing.
Espionage was familiar to Jessica and now that she had the opportunity to learn the ways of the world, SHIELD suited her well. She excelled in missions, quickly rising through the ranks, going on various undercover missions across the globe. However, SHIELD wasn’t quite enough for Jessica and she began donning the guise of Spider-Woman, albeit reclaimed version of it. Rather than harm people in the spandex, Jessica began helping them, combating everyday criminals and more serious threats.
In a twist of luck that truly suited Jessica’s life, however, it was revealed that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD and the organization that she had passionately been aiding crumbled. Infuriated, Jessica began hunting down rogue HYDRA cells across the globe, increasing Spider-Woman’s heroic profile. After countless cells were destroyed and various bad guys defeated at her hands, Jessica returned to New York City, and in the process, was offered a place among the Avengers. Unsurprised by the offer – Jessica had worked hard to establish Spider-Woman as a well respected, feared hero – she accepted and began (once again) rebuilding a life for herself in New York.
Without any spy organization to make a steady income from, Jessica ultimately opted to open her own private investigation firm called ‘Drew Investigations.’ Business was never booming, but it was an easy job for her, having had years of experience in espionage, and it allowed her to monitor the city in and out of her Spider-Woman guise. As Jessica split her time between Drew Investigations and the Avengers, the Accords formed, immediately, Jessica decided that she would never again support the government. After making that mistake once with SHIELD, she refused to repeat it. Alongside her fellow unregistered heroes, Jessica fought passionately against the Panel and later, the Syndicate.
Peace never last long in New York and when the Skrulls arrived on the scene, Jessica was wary. It was obvious that the enemy had the advantage right off the get go, able to disguise themselves in plain sight, and drawing on experience, Jessica intimately knew how difficult a threat like that was to face. That being said, the heroes were once again victorious, creating a pattern that Jessica was wary to rely on.
Now that they’re stuck in a pocket dimension and Doom has released his list, Jessica is still paranoid from SHIELD’s crumble and the original Panel. The government hasn’t proven to treat heroes well – or even decently – and Jessica is steadfast in her pessimism that the trend will continue. Thus far, the good guys have won, but Jessica knows intimately how easily luck can run out. For now, Spider-Woman is working with the Avengers, closely monitoring Doom, and taking easy cases as a PI.
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