reckless-nico · 6 years
She couldn’t hold back her derisive snort. “The law is still the law, regardless. I don’t think even you are above it. C’mon, let’s get some water in you, at least,” she stated, signaling the front desk for a water bottle for him. “Besides, it’s like I said. I’ve been through the whole new fiance thing and it’s just a pain.”
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Nico looked over at her with amusement and a little horror, realizing again she didn’t know the monster she was engaged to. “Lorena, if you think I give a damn about the law you don’t know the man you’re marrying.  Only reason I complied with all this was simply because I didn’t want to die.  Doesn’tmean I listen to other ruless.”  The dark warlock shook his head before chuckling a bit.  “Maybe so.  The envelope thing isn’t too terrible.  You are like, my fourth fiance at this point after all.”
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Artie: ...Touche.
Artie: I like a person who can admit their ideas are shit.
Artie: Pleasure to meet you...sort of? Does this count?
Artie: ...Would that be a weird thing to do?
Nico: 95% of my ideas are shit.
Nico: I guess? I don't know.
Nico: A little. Is that what you did?
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Artie: They are wild suggestions
Artie: I can't ignore them, they're too good
Artie: Or at least too interesting
Artie: I'm Artie, who are you?
Artie: This phone has a lot of numbers I don't recognise and I just hit them all up.
Nico: I'll give you interesting, but they are certainly not good.
Nico: Nico.
Nico: Did you just randomly grab a phone and go "eh, this is mine now?"
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Artie: What do people do around here for a little bit of fun?
Artie: The cheaper the better.
Artie: Also if food is involved, the best.
Nico: Street fighting. people watching.
Nico: You could pretend to be homeless and beg for food.
Nico: I've got no idea who this is so, feel free to ignore me.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Lorena couldn’t help her chuckle at his tactless words. “I’m here to make sure you don’t need to get into any. Trust me, that’s the last thing you need,” she commented. He was forlorn and it was all she could think to do to perk him up was to follow him. “Come on. Let’s sober you up a bit first. It’s against the law to serve overly intoxicated people.”
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“Nah, won’t get into anytrouble like this.  Not gonna be touchin my magic, and I don’t like barfights. Too messsy.”  Nico shrugged at her before sighing.  “Sober me up?  That’s no fun.  And I’m not super intoxicated.  Just a little drunk.  Not lots.”  He paused a moment, looking over at her.  “You’re nice though.  Too nice, bothering with me like this.”
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reckless-nico · 6 years
“I’m sure. But that doesn’t mean I’ll ever involve you in my trouble if I can help it. I cause it for myself.” Nico sighed, running a hand through his hair, looking over at her. “I likely wouldn’t have paid it if I didn’t have any alcohol in my system. I’m trying not to be too friendly.” He shrugged and turned towards the door, intending to at the very least leave the hotel tonight.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Lorena wasn’t one for people on a normal basis, but she also wasn’t about to let Nico get completely wasted without at least someone there to keep him out of trouble. She’d lost one pair already and wasn’t altogether thrilled with the pairing process to begin with. It was best for her to make sure he stayed safe. She stepped down the stairs in a pair of form-fitting white jeans and a backless black top, hazel eyes scanning until she spotted him.
“There you are. I was worried you weren’t going to show,” she commented.
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Nico turned around when he heard her voice, his eyebrows lifting just slightly when he looked at her.  It really did surprise him how beautiful she was each time they met, though he managed not to comment on it. “You look nice.  And no..I’m not really one to leave you hanging unless it’s for your safety.”
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reckless-nico · 6 years
[text: Beth]: Wait. What?
[text: Beth]: I’m. What???? Beth. This isn’t funny.
Nico:  Yeah, I’m not Beth.
Nico:  Photo
Nico:  Hope you find your vibrator though? 
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reckless-nico · 6 years
[text: Beth]: Yes of course a bar, I want to know which one.
[text: Beth]: Its Avigail, you demon, this joke is getting old! I wanted to talk to you. The council got me a bride, so, as much as we had fun together, we cant anymore. And Ill need my vibrator back. And the beads. You can keep that lube though, I didnt like the taste. Who the fuck likes mango lube????
[text: Beth]: That, and I also really need a drink. Join me? As friends, obviously. 
Nico: Wow.  There is a whole lot going on here..
Nico: For starters, We’ve never met, Name’s Nico.  And I don’t have your vibrator or beads, though I’ll agree Mango lube sounds absolutely disgusting.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Nico:  A bar?
Nico: I’m sorry, who is this?
[TEXT: lovewar:starter]: Where’s the best place a girl can find booze in this town?
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Nico didn’t particularly want to be out and about, more in the mood to stay curled up in his room under a blanket being miserable, but he had let Lorena coax him out. She was going to be trapped with his moody self after all, and it had been nearly a month of seclusion at this point. The witch had showered and made sure he looked mildly presentable, even though he was still thinner and less healthy looking than he should’ve been. He glanced around occasionally, waiting patiently for his pair and hoped she wouldn’t be entirely done with him after this.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Text → Lorena && Nico
Lorena: I'll be down soon.
Lorena: Now was that so hard?
Nico: It was a bit, yeah.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Text → Lorena && Nico
Lorena: Do you want to be a one-man country song alone?
Lorena: Despite your current views on yourself, I actually like you.
Nico: ...Alright.
Nico: I'm in the lobby.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Text → Lorena && Nico
Lorena: That's not a good idea.
Lorena: Look, let's meet up. If I can't make you not do this, I'm not gonna let you do it alone.
Nico: Why?
Nico: I'm sad and drinking. This is going to go even more downhill very quickly.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Text → Lorena && Nico
Lorena: That's not true. You're never better off without your family.
Lorena: She'll come to her senses.
Nico: Unless your family is dark and evil and a weight upon your life.
Nico: Going to a bar. I'm out of alcohol.
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reckless-nico · 6 years
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“WELL, SURE,”  SHE  began, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms.  “There’s a level of it all. There’s homicidal mayhem versus lethal mayhem, non lethal mayhem versus playful mayhem, and then there’s a whole ‘nother seven layers of chaos. I specialize in playful mayhem. No one gets too hurt, but I get a laugh.  Why?  Are you one of those ‘the only good mayhem is the mayhem that rains bodies’ types?  Boring. I’d get tired of the weeping. And the spirits get bitchy, ruins ouija sessions for weeks.”
“Not quite that extreme, but your mayhem is far too mild.  I’m a non-lethal mayhem type.  Make people see things no one else can, think they’re going crazy, or just actually go crazy for a few minutes.  That’s a fun game right there.   Spirits are kinda always bitchy.”
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reckless-nico · 6 years
Text → Lorena && Nico
Lorena: I recommend it.
Lorena: Hey, now, no. You're wrong on that.
Lorena: There's no way she'd be better off without you.
Nico: Maybe I'll go get another pizza and just walk there to get it this time. Possibly when I'm a bit more sober.
Nico: Oh, there's a solid guarantee she's better off without me.
Nico: You'll be better off without me eventually too.
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