isn’t the goal to build consensus through study and action? people, esp younger people, are going to arrive in the scene in various ways. i think it’s clear why crimethinc has been so popular, no matter what people think about it. no matter what i think about primitivism, for example. we’re still able to work together. it’s that they arrived that’s important, not who they are, what they look like, where they came from. we should be collaborating to educate one another.
there are enough vulgar libertarians posing as socialists and anarchists to pick on; plus we have all sorts of tankies and weird bob-avakian-wannabes to giggle about.
i doubt we need to be taking people down because of origin, authenticity, knowledge, experience, and locale.
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“Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences.”
Brian Eno (via lukewinter-inspirations)
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Been feeling an intense and ever-increasing need for wilderness lately. It's been a busy semester and I haven't had the chance for much in the way of outdoor adventures, camping, hiking, and just wandering the wilderness. I can't wait to be able to again. The wild has been calling. 
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iamthelepernobodywantstotouch replied to your post: I don’t really like the whole emphasis of the...
Agreed. However, this will take time, and that’s where the fat positive movement comes in. Baby steps.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to address then in the follow-up post, I wanted to make it clear that I do value and understand the need for those spaces and dialogues, I just also think we need to view and enact them critically and carefully
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like i get the need for a group marginalized by social standards to just spend time and have spaces devoted to helping people unsee what society has projected onto and into them. just ultimately that's also preserving the destructive system of valuing in order to include oneself in its standards, and I think that's something we have to be really wary of in seeking long term and substantive change
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I don't really like the whole emphasis of the mainstream body-posi movement being all about "fat is beautiful, and so is skinny, and all body types have beauty and are sexy etc etc."
i think what we really need to do is say "our value as human beings has nothing to do with our looks or our 'beauty' or our ability to be composed as sexual objects"
instead of broadening those included in a damaging system, we need to bring down that system
the conflation of attractivness and value doesn't need to be less exclusionary, it needs to not fuckin exist
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equality is
i have $0 and you have $1,000,000 someone gives us both $5. that’s equality.  i want justice.
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Theory is not a solo practice the way philosophy can be.
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Infographic: Where The World Lives, By Latitude & Longitude 
We live in a world divided by a coordinate grid, which means data visualizers can do cool things like plot population by distance from the equator. [Above] are two such maps, by Bill Rankin, that overlay population of the world with the latitude and longitude at which people live.
The results are not terribly surprising: Most people live in the northern hemisphere and eastern hemispheres, which puts the lion’s share of the world’s population… squarely in Asia. Some of this is the fault of geography — there’s simply more land north of the equator than south of it.
That’s not the whole story, of course. While there’s a slight spike for Northern Europe, the vast lands of Siberia imply more people should live there. Instead, other factors are at work, like the unusually warm waters of the gulf stream that make Western Europe more hospitable than their eastern counterparts. There are plenty more interesting spikes in population to be found and pondered.
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If owning a gun and knowing how to use it worked, the military would be the safest place for a woman. It’s not. If women covering up their bodies worked, Afghanistan would have a lower rate of sexual assault than Polynesia. It doesn’t. If not drinking alcohol worked, children would not be raped. They are. If your advice to a woman to avoid rape is to be the most modestly dressed, soberest and first to go home, you may as well add “so the rapist will choose someone else”. If your response to hearing a woman has been raped is “she didn’t have to go to that bar/nightclub/party” you are saying that you want bars, nightclubs and parties to have no women in them. Unless you want the women to show up, but wear kaftans and drink orange juice. Good luck selling either of those options to your friends. Or you could just be honest and say that you don’t want less rape, you want (even) less prosecution of rapists.
A Short Post on Rape Prevention (via brute-reason)
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listen here bud: i fuckin’ wish the world was run by a shadowy cabal of lizard people 
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and I guess the compression of all this is; I really honestly understand the wish to resist the pseudohistory of the USSR that paints communism as some implacable evil, I rly do, but the answer to that is not pseudohistory in response at the expense of marginalised people I mean I stg this should be common sense
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If you rape someone, it doesn’t matter that you’re only 16.
If you rape someone, it doesn’t matter that you cry like a child in court.
If you rape someone, it doesn’t matter that you had a promising future.
if you rape someone, it doesn’t matter that your life is destroyed.
If you rape someone, it should haunt you for the rest of your life. 
You raped someone. 
You deserve every ounce of justice we can place upon you in court of law. 
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Gender violence is one of the world’s most common human rights abuses. Women worldwide ages 15 through 44 are more likely to die or be maimed because of male violence than because of cancer, malaria, war, and traffic accidents combined.
Nicholas Kristof in The New York Times (via lesilencieux)
(via nadrastea)
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sure communism looks good on paper but human nature dictates that I’m gonna get distracted by a cool bug or something and forget to contribute to the revolution
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strong, overpowering urge to look at llamas
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