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“If I had any power it’d be the ability to throw lighting at fools.” 
❝ But if you could have any power, what would it be? ❞
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There, now you can see my serious face, smartass. 
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Do you see this face? This is my serious face, Dick. You do not want me to have my serious face on right now while I’m mad at you. 
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No, Tim. Yes I mean you, Dick! You ran off to chase someone during a fight and left me surrounded by enemies. Talk about a real... dick move. 
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Dick ‘dramatic’ Grayson
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jayroy shooting bazookas at evil rich men’s building
Young Justice S02E08 x Batman: Under the Red Hood
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These two never fail to make me happy.
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Hit on my muse
Are you an interior  decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
Did  you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.
Do  you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
If  I were a stop light, I’d turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could  stare at you a bit longer.
If you were a  vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.
There  are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently,  none of them have ever been in your arms.
Are  you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids.
Are  you my Appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me  feel like I should take you out.
I  was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I’m  going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
I’m  not staring at your boobs. I’m staring at your heart.
Can  I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?
Your  body is 65% water and I’m thirsty.
My  doctor says I’m lacking Vitamin U.
Can  I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
If  I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.
Smoking  is hazardous to your health… and baby, you’re killing me!
You  must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.
Do  you have a twin sister? Then you must be the most beautiful girl in the  world!
You  know I’d like to invite you over, but I’m afraid you’re so hot that you’ll  skyrocket my air-conditioning bill.
If  I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer  to this question?
Are  you a campfire? Cause you are hot and I want s'more.
I  bet you $20 you’re gonna turn me down.
I  like Legos, you like Legos, why don’t we build a relationship?
Would  you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
There’s  only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name.
Did  you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
Can  I borrow your cell phone? I need to call animal control, because I just saw a  fox!
I’m  no organ donor but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
Kiss  me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
Do  you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
You  see my friend over there? [Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I’M  cute.
Can  I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
Are  you my phone charger? Because without you, I’d die.
Are  you a cat? Cause you are purrrfect
You  know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Not in my  case.
My  lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?
I  have an “owie” on my lip. Will you kiss it and make it better?
Hey baby, I must be a  light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!
Do  I know you? Cause you look just like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.
Have  you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?
Was  your father a mechanic? Then how did you get such a finely tuned body?
Apart  from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Is  it hot in here or is it just you?
I  blame you for global warming… your hotness is too much for the planet to  handle!
You’re  single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not.
Stop,  drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire.
Baby,  you’re so hot, you make the equator look like the north pole.
I  hope there’s a fire truck nearby, cause you’re smokin’!
I  just got dumped, and I think that you could make me feel better.
If  you were a burger at McDonalds, you’d be McGorgeous.
Your  hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you.
You’re  so hot, I could bake cookies on you.
Is  your car battery dead? Because I’d like to jump you.
I’m  lost. Can you tell me which road leads to your heart?
It’s  a good thing I wore gloves today. Otherwise you’d be too hot to handle.
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Jaybird & Roy💋💋💋The hot guys
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I wanna get better, better, better. (x)
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Reblog if you're a dc roleplayer
And you will be added to the list.
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Top wanted man in the UN? Holy. Shit. Not the US, no, but the whole fucking UN. Jason technically heard James say that while the UN thought he’d bombed them but he didn’t he was still giving James a shocked look before he took a deep breath and a drink of coffee. Once he controlled his expression once more he could focus on the rest of the other male’s explanation. So the guy was most likely from a separate reality, that was... believable actually. The Justice League had looked into the possibility of other realities before, after all, and they found evidence that such things existed. 
“Well... so far I haven’t seen you do anything worthy of getting on the UN’s shit list, you actually saved my life by getting me to this safe house and patching my injuries. So as far as I’m concerned you’re a good guy until you do something that proves otherwise.” Jason finally decided before giving James a small, lopsided smile only for his expression to turn serious again. “As for the witch who sent you here and separated you from those closest to you, the only thing I can offer is empathy. I have no idea what that would even be like, so I won’t even try to say I can sympathize with you on it. I can get you in contact with the Justice League who might be able to help you get home, and you’re welcome to stay in this safe house with me should you need to. Hell, I can even show you around Gotham if you want, but I’m not an expert on magic and the shit gives me the creeps anyways.” He admitted with a half hearted shrug before he moved to get out of bed, standing with a slightly pained hiss before gathering up the clothes James had picked out for him. 
Familiar Scent
“You see, you say it actually happened, but that sounds so damn ridiculous, you have no idea. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll go ahead and keep believing that I dreamed that you turned into a wolf just to keep what little sanity I have remaining in tact, thanks.” Jason huffed with a slight frown before accepting the coffee and food after setting aside his gun. While he ate he heard the guy, James, sniffing around the area before he looked up and saw him setting some of his clean clothes on the bed. He didn’t want to know how to guy found them, he had enough unnatural surprises to be honest. 
“I was planning to take a shower anyways, but to answer your unasked question, I’m more likely to try cutting your tongue out instead of letting you bathe me with it like I was some puppy.” Jason huffed before taking a drink of coffee and soon shut up so he could savor the bitter liquid. He blamed his addiction to coffee on Roy, but ever since he practically lived on coffee and energy bars alone. He seemed to think for a while about something before speaking up again. 
“So if you aren’t from Gotham, and not from any of the surrounding areas along with the fact you didn’t know what the Justice League was, where are you from, James?” Jason asked lightly while his cold blue eyes watched the other’s expression, searching for any clues that might tell him more about the weirdo who basically saved his life last night. 
“Fine, no licking…until you ask for it.”
He winked at Jason before taking a sip of his own coffee at the question of where he was from.  This was a hard one to answer, because all he really knew was ‘Not Here’.  But really, didn’t he know more than that.
“Earth.  New York City.  Different reality probably because the people and places I know don’t exist here.  I don’t exist here, and believe me; I should.  I’m the UN’s top wanted man in my world.  But that is because they thought I bombed the UN.  I didn’t.”
He sighs into his cup of coffee before continuing on.
“I ran afoul of a witch.  She told me I would never see the people I love again.  I was cast into some sort of portal and woke up in Gotham.”
He took a sip of his coffee, hoping that it would be the end of this conversation.  He really didn’t want to talk about what had happened right now.  He just wanted to…what?  Get a new start?  He could.  Here he could become one of those masked heroes again and no one would want him in prison for crimes he was forced to commit under mind control.
Oh how his past sucked.
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“You see, you say it actually happened, but that sounds so damn ridiculous, you have no idea. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll go ahead and keep believing that I dreamed that you turned into a wolf just to keep what little sanity I have remaining in tact, thanks.” Jason huffed with a slight frown before accepting the coffee and food after setting aside his gun. While he ate he heard the guy, James, sniffing around the area before he looked up and saw him setting some of his clean clothes on the bed. He didn’t want to know how to guy found them, he had enough unnatural surprises to be honest. 
“I was planning to take a shower anyways, but to answer your unasked question, I’m more likely to try cutting your tongue out instead of letting you bathe me with it like I was some puppy.” Jason huffed before taking a drink of coffee and soon shut up so he could savor the bitter liquid. He blamed his addiction to coffee on Roy, but ever since he practically lived on coffee and energy bars alone. He seemed to think for a while about something before speaking up again. 
“So if you aren’t from Gotham, and not from any of the surrounding areas along with the fact you didn’t know what the Justice League was, where are you from, James?” Jason asked lightly while his cold blue eyes watched the other’s expression, searching for any clues that might tell him more about the weirdo who basically saved his life last night. 
Familiar Scent
Jason had never been a peaceful sleeper for as long as he could personally remember, so he’d shift and mutter incoherently every time he subconsciously registered movement in his surroundings, even the slightest of movements. At one point he felt colder, as if something around him had changed and it got him to wake briefly, seeing in his half asleep state that he was alone. He was too tired to remember that he hadn’t been originally and he just rolled onto his stomach and fell asleep once more. The next time he woke up it was because he’d felt someone watching him. He kept his breathing steady and his heart beat stayed level but he moved his arms beneath his pillow. Near the top of the mattress, hidden by the pillow, he had a spare gun. Firestar 9mm handgun. Not the strongest he owned, or the best by far, but it was a spare anyways and one he hadn’t had to use as of yet. With no warning he sat up in bed and hissed when the sudden movement pulled at his injuries but he aimed the gun with his right hand and found himself aiming at James from last night. 
“You and your staring is going to get you shot one of these times, man.” Jason sighed before slowly lowering the gun and giving James a funny look. “I didn’t think you’d stick around, to be honest. I don’t remember a whole lot from last night, I probably hallucinated half of it, though.” He chuckled tiredly and moved to run his free hand through his hair only to grimace when he came across dried blood and got his fingers stuck. After working his hand free he moved to get out of bed, finding he still had his blood stained jeans and his boots on. At least his modesty was still in tact. 
“If you think you imagined me turning into a giant wolf, you did not.  That actually happened.  So did me sleeping on you.  I wanted to keep you warm.  Besides, you smell like my best friend back home.  I uh…I felt the need to protect you because of it.”
He stands and sets coffee and food in front of Jason.
“And I’m not afraid of a bullet.  I’ve taken enough in my time and I’ll take many more.”
He mumbles something as he stands over Jason before sniffing his way around.  He finds some clean clothes and sets them on the bed.
“You should eat and then go shower.  Having so much blood on you can’t possibly be good.  And if you were so against me healing your wound with my spit I highly doubt you would want me to bathe you with my tongue.”
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Jason had never been a peaceful sleeper for as long as he could personally remember, so he’d shift and mutter incoherently every time he subconsciously registered movement in his surroundings, even the slightest of movements. At one point he felt colder, as if something around him had changed and it got him to wake briefly, seeing in his half asleep state that he was alone. He was too tired to remember that he hadn’t been originally and he just rolled onto his stomach and fell asleep once more. The next time he woke up it was because he’d felt someone watching him. He kept his breathing steady and his heart beat stayed level but he moved his arms beneath his pillow. Near the top of the mattress, hidden by the pillow, he had a spare gun. Firestar 9mm handgun. Not the strongest he owned, or the best by far, but it was a spare anyways and one he hadn’t had to use as of yet. With no warning he sat up in bed and hissed when the sudden movement pulled at his injuries but he aimed the gun with his right hand and found himself aiming at James from last night. 
“You and your staring is going to get you shot one of these times, man.” Jason sighed before slowly lowering the gun and giving James a funny look. “I didn’t think you’d stick around, to be honest. I don’t remember a whole lot from last night, I probably hallucinated half of it, though.” He chuckled tiredly and moved to run his free hand through his hair only to grimace when he came across dried blood and got his fingers stuck. After working his hand free he moved to get out of bed, finding he still had his blood stained jeans and his boots on. At least his modesty was still in tact. 
Familiar Scent
“Hell, even if you can’t get drunk I can, which means I’m more likely to actually be comfortable talking to you about myself.” Jason pointed out with a quiet chuckle that could’ve easily been missed by anyone else. His eyes fluttered closed while his head turned to the side. He tried to think about anything aside from the fact that James was about to start stiching him up when he felt something pressing against his ribs and all the sudden his mind got all fuzzy and the pain seemed to start fading away until it was suddenly gone. He made a soft noise in the back of his throat but didn’t complain because it was nice not to be in pain right now. He only opened his eyes again when the pain began to come back and James spoke up only for Jason to make a face at the other male when he was greeted with an eye full of naked stranger. 
“Dude, pants!” He whined childishly, moving one hand to cover his eyes before he was suddenly hearing the sound of fur brushing against fabric. He took a deep breath before uncovering his eyes just in time for a huge ass black wolf to hop onto the mattresses he called a bed and lay beside him, its huge head moving to rest on his stomach. Jason immediately tensed up only to hiss in pain when it caused his shoulder to hurt even more. He seemed to hesitate before one hand curled in the fur on the wolf’s neck and he finally started to relax again. If the wolf wasn’t going to eat him then he figured it was wiser not to try giving it a reason to change his mind. He was too tired and lost too much blood already to really register that the wolf had showed up at the exact moment that James vanished, and he’d probably think he hallucinated the entire night’s events come morning anyways. 
“I’m so not trained for naked dudes and giant wolves, ‘m gonna tell Bruce that next time he has an Arkham break out I”m stayin’ home.” Jason muttered to himself before he shifted and his hand in the wolf’s fur tightened ever so slightly as if to try and remind himself he wasn’t alone. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep soon after. 
He let out a huff at the words Jason spoke, and waited for him to fall asleep.  His own mind drifted, eyes closed.  Sleep overtook him shortly after Jason’s heartbeat and breathing evened out.
It was still dark when he woke up and returned to human form.  He covered Jason and dressed before leaving the safe house.  He was gone only for a short period of time as he went to get them both breakfast and coffee.  He returned and sat on a couch, sipping his coffee and eating a meat filled pastry as he waited for the young hero to wake up.
He still smelled like Steve, even though he looked nothing like him.  Part of it was comforting, just as Steve’s scent always had been.  Another part of it…bothered him deeply.
He watched the man sleep, grumbling from time to time about witches being bitches, and then laughing lightly at how it rhymed. 
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