red-moon-witch · 8 months
The Doctor’s Motivation - a jar spell to help maintain motivation in pursuit of something
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Written for my 4th place winner @whichwitchami
Needed: - Carnelian, Turquoise and Quartz -Blue and Silver Candles - Bay Leaves, Hawthorn, Sage -Chrysanthemum flower - Cinnamon -Jar
Steps: - Set out your candles and light them. - Add a layer of Bay Leaves - Then add a layer of Cinnamon -Add some Sage for protection as an extra to keep you safe. -Add your hawthorn in - Grab a pen and paper and write down what it is that you are pursuing. - Fold the paper and tuck it inside. - Add your Carnelian for focus, Turquois for determination and Quartz for sustaining. -Add your Chrysanthemum flower on top. - Seal the jar and blow out your candles to close and activate the jar.
- Aesa <3 This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.  Do Not Advertise on this post. 
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of links too anti-anxiety/calming spells but whenever I click them nothing shows up, so I thought I’d share my spell
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Calming/anti-anxiety bottle
* Small glass bottle
* Bayleaf
* thyme
* sage
* mint
* lavender
* basil
* Rosemary
* paper and pen (optional)
* Burning dish (optional)
* Candle
* Put the bayleaf, thyme, sage, mint, lavender, basil, and rosemary in your bottle, set your intentions when putting each in
* Right your intentions on blank small piece of paper (optional)
* Burn the paper in a burning dish (optional)
* Put the ashes in the bottle (optional)
* Seal bottle with wax (I used a red candle but white works too)
* Carry it around to bring calming energy with you
I hope this helped some people :)
Blessed be
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Breaking Creative Block Spell
This spell can be used to break any kind of creative block, not just writing.
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You will need:
A yellow candle (or white if you don’t have one)
A pen or pencil
A pin, to carve the bindrune into the candle
Bindrune (provided below)
Keep reading
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Simple Protection Spell
-Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame, if using a candle). 
-Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light.
-The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you. If you wish, say the following or similar words:
“Craft the spell in the fire;
Craft it well; Weave it higher.
Weave it now of shining flame;
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall;
None shall pass No, none at all.”
-Repeat this simple yet effective ritual every day when in need.
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Sachet charm to get the job you want 🍀✨
I went ahead and experimented this on myself and I got an email back about my dream job position the same day! So, I would say it’s been moderately successful so far!
Carry this sachet charm with you when applying for jobs, looking for jobs or opportunities, internships, or trying to have some fiscal luck!!
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A sachet or small bag
A green adventurine crystal - for prosperity, wealth, and comfort
3 Cloves - for money, and more importantly, protection, banishing hostility, and can also cleanse your aura! (protection of your money!)
A whole cinnamon stick - attracts money and adds a whole lotta potency!
Something to signify your intent: for me, I made a oven-bake clay “coin” that I painted gold, and wrote my intent on it, in this case, “I will get the job I want”. You can also write it on a piece of paper or dollar bill, or, just use a nice shiny coin!
🌒🌕🌘 Work during a moon in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn
Or, you could simply work during a full moon for abundancy!
Now, ground yourself and really focus on your intent. Remember, there are two parts to any successful spell; the will, and the word. Focus on you walking out of the interview room proudly, after recieving the job you want. Focus on your bank account being abundant and full of money. Focus on yourself being successful.
Now, add each item to the sachet, either thinking or speaking out your intent: “I will get the job I want” and repeat it with stronger and stronger conviction until you are satisfied and visualize your words going into the sachet, or your intent filling the sachet.
Finally, close it if it has drawstrings and knot them three times, each time saying, “As I will it, so it will be” with each knot.
Carry it with you when going for an interview, job search, or when you just want to attract money and opportunities to you!
Happy Witching!
From @creepy-witchy-af on Tumblr
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
✨Intuition Charm Bag✨
A mix of herbs and crystals to help enhance your intuition for; divination, dreamwork, shadow work, meditation, etc. and to provide protection.
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Tektite- Lucid Dreams, Extraterrestrial Communication, Astral Travel
Kyanite- Opens Communication With Higher Dimensions, Enhance Telepathy and Intuition
Selenite- Cleanse Your Aura, Surrounds You In Divine Light, Protection
Smoky Quartz- Protection, Grounding Energy
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Mugwort- Prophetic Dreams, Astral Projection, Divination
Chamomile- Relaxation, Promote Sleep
Rosemary- Protection
Lemongrass- Remove or Get Through Obstacles In Life, Developing Psychic Powers, Protection
Wormwood- Divination, Protection
Angelica Root-  Protection, Healing
Star Anise- Spirit Aid, Protection, Divination, Psychic Development
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Gather all your ingredients and find a place you won’t be bothered. Cleanse the area, place a protection, and proceed to add the items into a drawstring bag. (Some drawstring bags have holes large enough for certain herbs to fall out. If this happens just place the herbs in a small sealed bag for example a plastic food bag, tape it shut, and place it in the drawstring.) When you are done, hold the bag to your third eye and say:
With these herbs and crystals,
My intuition is woken from its slumber.
Connections to the other side grows stronger.
And hidden secrets start to unravel.
So mote it be.
Have your charm bag near you whenever you need an extra boost of intuition during spiritual practices and place it under your pillow before falling asleep for dreamwork.
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Uravity- A Beginner/ Broom Closet friendly spell for happiness, uplifting energy, stress relief, and to lift weight off the shoulders
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*Disassociation Warning: if you are prone to disassociation, please perform a grounding before and after this spell!*
Best worked during the New Moon but performable anytime!
Needed: if possible father the following, if not possible, the spell can be performed without these things
- a white, pink, and black candle
- matches or a lighter
- moonstone, pink rose quartz, white quartz (If you don’t have these specific stones any white, pink or clear stones will work) - a private, safe space where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes
- turn out the lights if you have candles. If you don’t just dim them.
- turn on some music that makes you relax or happy or if possible both.
- light your candles from black to pink to white for banishing negativity, joy and love, relaxation and purity.
- hold what ever stones you have in your hands and let yourself fall into a clear state of mind. However you do this is fine.
- if possible, read the following aloud, if not possible, say it in your head. ( I promise it’s just as effective): “Gravity is strong, but I am stronger. I am light, I am free, my worries will leave me be.”
- let yourself feel light weight and focus on feeling light with happiness as your worries and stress leave you.
- sit like this as long as you need to feel relaxed.
- to end the spell, blow out the candles and stop the music. Turn the lights back on and set your stones to cleanse and charge however works best for you.
- I recommend grounding after this spell to prevent any unwanted side effects. This can be as simple as shaking it out or playing the 5 game.
With love, Aesa ♥️ (This is my original spell, please do not repost on other platforms without explicit permission from me. Feel free to use for yourself or for others with permission. )
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Home Spells
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Spell for your dream house
Spell to get a house
To clean your house
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Eevee’s Self Love - a charm spell to help you love yourself as you are.
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*Inspired by the Pokémon Eevee and how eevees loves themselves despite people always wanting to change them.* Find the other Eeveelution spells here!
Needed:  - Pink and Brown Candles - Rose Quartz - A regular stone from outside. - Sharpie or something else you can write on the stone with - Cinnamon - Sugar - Tissue paper in white, brown, and/or pink - Yarn or thread in pink, white brown or black. - Self Love Sigil
Steps:  - Light your candles. - Lay out your Tissue paper. - Use your Sharpie to draw a self love sigil on the stone. Decorate the rest of the stone with hearts or what ever represents self-love to you. - Set your stone in the center of your tissue paper. - Sprinkle your cinnamon and sugar over the stone. (careful not to spill everywhere).  - Add your Rose Quartz to the center. - Gather your tissue paper’s corners together to bundle all of your ingredients up.  - Use your Yarn or thread to bind the bundle together, so your ingredients dont spill out.  - Hold the bundle in your hands and focus on the things that you need to work hardest on to love. - Allow the bundle to sit in the sun if possible, and keep it until you feel you no longer need it.  - Aesa <3  This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.  Do not advertise on this post. 
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Begone - A little chant to cast someone from your thoughts.
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*you can also burn a name sigil, a photo or a representative to aid the chant.*
Be gone from my mind
Be gone from my thoughts
The image of you has made me cross
Be gone from my dreams 
Be gone from my heart
With these words you must depart. 
Be gone, Be gone, Be gone
As i speak it, leave me alone.
- Aesa <3
This is my original spell. Do not repost without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not. 
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Arthur’s Service - a spell to help you discern how to help a friend when they really need it.
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*inspired by Arthur, who always comes to Merlin’s rescue when he needs it* Needed: - The name of your friend written out on paper - A fireproof bowl or container - A lighter - A knife of some variety (preferably reflective and something you don’t eat off of) * A pot of dirt or a section of land were things are not being grown.
Steps: - Take all your supplies to a private place outdoors - Light the paper on fire and let it burn in the bowl. - While your paper is burning, run the flame quickly across the underside of your blade. - Look at your reflection in the blade if possible. - Speak/Think: “A friend of mine is in trouble, I have seen first hand their struggle, i offer here my blade, to show me the way to wade, through waters deep, and mountains steep, till i find the answer which i seek, and my friend and i may sleep.” - Rub ash down the length of your blade ( be sure that it is cool first!). - Plunge the blade tip down into soft dirt, so it stands on its own. (If you cannot do this outside, a jar or cup filled with dirt will work!) - If possible, leave the blade in the dirt until you find the answers you seek. If not take it with you, but set it aside and don’t use it until the spell has concluded.
- Aesa <3 This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not. Do not advertise on this post.
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Lady Luck and Dominoes - an envelope spell to invite luck into your life
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*Inspired by the Lucky Lady Herself - Domino; from Deadpool 2* Needed: - A Domino (Preferably a single or six dotted one) - A white or black envelope - White and Gold candles - Cinnamon - Allspice - Pine needles - Poppy Seeds (in sixes)
Steps: - Light your candles. - Take a second to focus your intent.  - Open your envelope. - Add your cinnamon. You dont need much.  - Add your Allspice next, create as much of a layer as you can. - Add your pine needles to fill out the majority of the space. - Add your poppy seeds in multiples of six. Six represents and invites fortune.  - Add your domino, and seal your envelope.  - If you wish to, add a wax seal with the wax from your candles. - When it is dry and sealed, hold it in your hands and fill it with your intent for inviting food luck into your life.  - Set it somewhere where it cannot be disturbed, and leave it there until you wish to undo the spell.  - When you wish to undo the spell, empty the envelope.  -Aesa <3 This is my original Spell. Please do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
Snorlax’s Rest - An incantation spell to help the Caster fall asleep and stay asleep.
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*Inspired by the move Rest in Snorlax’s Move set, which when used, puts the user to sleep.* 
Needed: - You, In your Sleeping space, ready to sleep!
Steps: - Lay down! Get comfy!  - Speak the following incantation! “ One At last the day is done, Two, It’s time to bit the sun adieu,  Three, For the night i will be worry Free,  Four, Easy sleep is all i ask for, Five, Just enough to give me a revive,  Six, Let my dreams be filled with no tricks, Seven, Laying in my bed will feel like heaven, Eight, I have not interest in staying up late,  Nine, Let this night be all mine,  - Repeat as needed until sleepy! - Sleep away!  
- Aesa <3 This is my original Spell. Please do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.
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red-moon-witch · 8 months
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red-moon-witch · 9 months
In which cases do you consider a curse to be a waste of time or just a bad idea?
This is sort of a complicated question. Lots of witches will argue that curses will energetically tie you to the target, so that could be a deterrent if that's something you believe in. Personally, i dont think a curse is worth it when a) the offense was slight, or b) Your heart/spirit/emotions aren't in it. Hope this helps - Aesa <3
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red-moon-witch · 9 months
Are you still working on the spells inspired by Susan and Lucy from Narnia?
Hi! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this! During Covid i was distanced from my Craft and it took a major backseat in my life. I'm trying to remedy that, and I do still have the drafts for these two spells somewhere.... Once i find them, I hope to finish them. - Aesa <3
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red-moon-witch · 9 months
Hey, just so you know - the links for the Honor To Us All and Snow White's Slumber spells lead back to the master list instead of the spell.
These should both be fixed shortly! - Aesa<3
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