red-rusalka · 2 years
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red-rusalka · 2 years
“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do.”
— Frida Kahlo
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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Mads Mikkelsen for the holiday issue of Alexa (x)
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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My cat watching the Care Bears cartoon
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red-rusalka · 2 years
“Just leave me alone. I’m not myself. I’m falling apart, and I don’t want you here.”
— Daniel Keyes
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red-rusalka · 2 years
“After your heart has calmed, from the raging pain it has known. After the thundertide of fiery hurt has hushed to a silent flow… Might kindness be there, waiting, to clear your mind like the first winter’s snow. And place back deep inside yourself - peace - letting all of the wickedness go.”
— tumblr  -  Helaena C Moon  /  instagram  -  helaena.c.moon (via hapless-hollow)
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red-rusalka · 2 years
…and we often had our most intimate conversations lying in the dark before we fell asleep. You could talk about things there you wouldn't dream of talking about any other place…
– Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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red-rusalka · 2 years
Hanging out with myself is such a vibe. Just me and my music
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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Mist in Rostrevor forest. Ireland (by Dazzygidds)
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red-rusalka · 2 years
i absolutely live for tight hugs i hate that feather-touch barely brushing side hug i want you to break my fucking spine or else u dont love me
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red-rusalka · 2 years
tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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Time Square in 70′s
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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red-rusalka · 2 years
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Morning fog on the river
Photographer: Mehmet Onelge  
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